Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans? (823)

Sep 4, 2012 7:49 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
IamTabIamTabCookeville, Tennessee USA77 Threads 341 Posts
ttom500: Dang Dude, she said it 5 more times at the end of her address. God Bless America at the end, even.

DNC Video: "The Government Is The Only Thing We All Belong To"

The Dims are clearly delusional, they think "WE" belong to the Gov!!
Sep 4, 2012 7:54 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Sep 4, 2012 7:58 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: Dude, since the DEM have removed all reference to God from the DNC of the speakers at the convention...just said.....
"Thank God"

Who was she speaking about?

Mentioning God does not mena being God feared good folks with a careful heart and with a decent agedna a bout humanity what so ever.

All those who keep mentioning God got a lot to hide and keep mentioning God so people people do not Dare to ask, and GOP specially is THE number one keep telling God and insulting the almighty major time that way! ...uh oh
Sep 4, 2012 8:10 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Let us talk Biden bumper sticker.....Osama bin Laden is dead and GM is Alive.

With contradicting versions of bin Laden death emerging. What is the true story of the events that night? Can we see the death photos to confirm even Biden's bumper sticker bin Laden death claim? This transperenct administration, seems to be hiding allot!

and what GM and the auto industry?

Do we want a auto industry, a private sector that is so tied to the
Presidency that when the President speak.....their stocks rise or fall?
Does that not make room for government corruption and influencing the the stock markets? Kind of like insider trading, yes?

Don't we have laws for insider trading?

Sep 4, 2012 8:27 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Mentioning God does not mena being God feared good folks with a careful heart and with a decent agedna a bout humanity what so ever.

All those who keep mentioning God got a lot to hide and keep mentioning God so people people do not Dare to ask, and GOP specially is THE number one keep telling God and insulting the almighty major time that way! ...

When you combine the LGBT agenda into the mix it does. The DEM took the reference from God from the DEM platform to satisfy the 465 LGBT delegates that are at the convention. The most LGBT delegates ever to a political convention.

The LGBT agenda has come to dominate the DEM party. It got Barack Obama to evolve his position on Gay marriage. It got the military to change ask don't tell.

But are LGBT representative of more of the 308m Americans? With such a strong influence in the admiistration.....does the DEM party still represent the married and middle class. The DEM have been harping o n bring the part of the middle class. But are they really?

With 4,315 votes.....and having 469 LGBT delegate....that average out to 10.9% of the delegates are LGBT. But in the country of 308m, the studies show that LGBT community is only 2.2% of the country.

DEM have out weighted the LGBT by five times in their party! Than the national average!! Kind of explains a lot of what happened this last four years, yes?
Sep 4, 2012 8:52 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
With a weakened Navy, that did not respond to Hurricane Isaac. Iran today announced it would soon have Iranian Navy ships off the coast of the United States.

With in the next few years, Iranian ships will be plying near or in US waters. By that time, Iran.....may very well have a nuclear weapons for those ships to carry.

With a direct threat to main land America, the Iranians proceed to hinder the military relationship between Israel and the United States. With a President that might be in secret discussions with the Iranians, is he approving of these Iranian Naval excerise in waters near the US?

This of course would work to the benefit of Iran, to know that the US was not going to consider the Iran vessels threatening. The Iranian would feel safe to send the vessels then.

Can we not even defend the coasts of the United States under this President? They did in WWII. In WWI. In the Cuban missile crisis.
In the Spanish American war.

But a leaking administration that has little regard to the National Security of the United States.....seems to be more worried about the donations coming into the DNC for President Obama's campaign.
Sep 5, 2012 5:18 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
WhatUwish4WhatUwish4St. Augustine, Florida USA2 Threads 7,986 Posts
SEVEN months since Obama last met with jobs council.

1,224 days since democrats adopted a budget resolution

ONE HUNDRED Obama fundraisers during the same time.

Good to see their priorities are in order...
Sep 5, 2012 6:12 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hilly Clinton sent another losing diplomatic effort to China, trying to get China to change position on Syria. But though China will not reverse its position on Syria, currency, trade imbalance, the south China sea issues.....Hillary and her counter part parted 'vowing to work together'.

Wow have they worked together the last four years as China bought 1.16t of US debt. But the Administration cannot get the Chinese to change on even one major issue? Such success in the privates sector gets you fired.

But there is more.

Down in Hong Kong.....the former British colony.....the Chinese government begins to 'brainwash the citizens and students' with patriotic classes. Ah yes, just like North Vet Nam in the 1970s with reeducation classes for the South.

What can the Chinese do that will offend the Obama administration? Threaten to use WMDs on the Tibetians? On the Ghullies? On the Chinese people? That seems to be the only time Obama gets offended. Then we have lines in the sand. Not very straight lines but lines someplace in Syria.

Because he will not tell anyone what he will do. Surprise Surprise. Just every other deployment area of American forces will he tell what the plans are!

The administration silence on the Chinese human rights violations is so deafening quiet it scares the woodland wildlife. Little bambi out there, knows that there are 3m Chinese political prisoners digging up rare earth metal for iPods. But Obama cannot even turn Hillary lose on them, with that 1.16t ownership of T-Bills.

The Chinese have effectively silenced the world strongest voice for human rights, when it bought those American T-Bills. Barack Obama had one less thing to do in his first term. Protecting the oppressed in a foreign land, was no longer on the to do list.

Nor is protecting the under ground Church of China on his list. Or the hidden Church of Iran. Or the Egyptian Coptic Christians. Or the Christian girl in Pakistan falsely arrested. But Dude and President Obama wants that American Christian vote. You know that Christian vote often led by the Rev. Billy Graham family, that was excluded from the Pentagon prayer breakfast.

As Christians, our choice this year.....has never been so clear. Christianity is a faith of encompassing, uniting and compassion. Not a faith of division and baseless angered rheotric.
Sep 5, 2012 6:19 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Lst night Michelle Obama told us that Barack had a old rusted out car when he was dating her?

Do you think he turned it in the cash for clunkers program?grin
Sep 5, 2012 6:25 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
WhatUwish4WhatUwish4St. Augustine, Florida USA2 Threads 7,986 Posts
Hare's something you never saw in the mainstream media... Obama's motorcade being greeted in Virginia.

The media want you to think everything is hunkey dorey with Obama, but clearly that's not the real story.
Sep 5, 2012 6:29 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500: Lst night Michelle Obama told us that Barack had a old rusted out car when he was dating her?

Do you think he turned it in the cash for clunkers program?
rolling on the floor laughing
Sep 5, 2012 7:40 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
purr4mancepurr4manceCleveland, Ohio USA4,825 Posts
Sep 5, 2012 7:41 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
purr4mancepurr4manceCleveland, Ohio USA4,825 Posts
Sep 5, 2012 7:47 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
IamTabIamTabCookeville, Tennessee USA77 Threads 341 Posts
(CNN) -- Anyone watching the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday night heard the number 4.5 million several times.

"Despite incredible odds and united Republican opposition, our president took action, and now we've seen 4.5 million new jobs," San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, the party's keynote speaker, said.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who served as President Barack Obama's chief of staff, and Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, who followed Obama's November rival Mitt Romney as governor of Massachusetts, both cited the same number.

It's a big-sounding number, given the still-sputtering job market. So we're giving it a close eyeballing.

The facts:

The number Castro cites is an accurate description of the growth of private-sector jobs since January 2010, when the long, steep slide in employment finally hit bottom. But while a total of 4.5 million jobs sounds great, it's not the whole picture.
Watch full speech of Julian Castro
Photos: Best of the DNC Photos: Best of the DNC

Nonfarm private payrolls hit a post-recession low of 106.8 million that month, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The figure currently stands at 111.3 million as of July.

While that is indeed a gain of 4.5 million, it's only a net gain of 300,000 over the course of the Obama administration to date ( 75,000 a year @ $1 Tril a year is $66,666,666,666.66 per job) ( that's horrible!). The private jobs figure stood at 111 million in January 2009, the month Obama took office.

And total nonfarm payrolls, including government workers, are down from 133.6 million workers at the beginning of 2009 to 133.2 million in July 2012. There's been a net loss of nearly 1 million public-sector jobs since Obama took office, despite a surge in temporary hiring for the 2010 census.

Meanwhile, the jobs that have come back aren't the same ones that were lost.

According to a study released last week by the liberal-leaning National Employment Law Project, low-wage fields such as retail sales and food service are adding jobs nearly three times as fast as higher-paid occupations.


The figure of 4.5 million jobs is accurate if you look at the most favorable period and category for the administration. But overall, there are still fewer people working now than when Obama took office at the height of the recession.
Sep 5, 2012 9:09 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
As President Obama fets on Kobe's steak while 46m American are on food stamps. As he entertains Muslims in White House post Rhamadam feast.
As he sits down to $35,000 per plate fund raisers hosted by Hollywood and New York celebrity. He only had 60 of these, this last year.

How did FDR eat during days as a American President with 22m unemployed. As the country existed the Great Depression.

In 1939, FDR entertained the King and Queen of England at Hyde Park.

The fare:

Virgina Ham
Hotdogs (if the weather permitted)
Smoked Turkey
Cranberry Jellie
Green Salad
Strawberry Shortcake
Soda, Beer, Sofa drinks

You need to understand. FDR was one of the most wealthy in the country. He grew up in wealth. He was a 1%er. He could have served the King and Queen the best food in the country. Instead they are getting hotdogs and baked ham.


Because still 1939, America was still in a recession and men and women were in soup lines. FDR did not want to send the message, he was anything better than they. He knew that in open Hyde Park the press would be there and photos would be taken of the event. Hungry Americans would be offended to see a table of royalty and wealth.

But our President, while telling us.... "I am one you".....when a food stamp receiptant gets $133 for month's worth of sitting down to a table of Kobe steak that one entry alone, buy a month's food allotment.


The DNC just cancelled the stadium event. The Obama acceptance speech will be done inside at the Charlotte Convention Center. 1000s of Obama supporter will not be able to attend the event now.

Rumored reasons for the cancellation

unable to fill the 75,000

The chance for rain....was 30% for Thursday.
Sep 5, 2012 9:19 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Lol TT!

THE dang GOP wants a christian War against China now? Who will wear the shiny armor being the general elected by "God" then? Mitt Romney the true leader of all real god fearing real "christians"? Hagee? Murdoch or Limbaugh? Wolfowitz perhaps??? rolling on the floor laughing

China is a hard place and them undermining the most basic human rigths and have done so like for ever is a true head ache for us all... but really concidering all other AH regims in the world , still a lot more urgunt to take care of and China is actually way more "decent" than your number one GOP contributer foregin country of Saudi and sh* for example you see? A lot to do before China ever becomes a democracy but there have been good steps in the right direction over there and there is no need wearing the shiny armor of battle, Specially when GOP beleives being the voive of Decency doh rolling on the floor laughing

My suggestion regarding a real solution IS making sure american jobs are back home, making sure MADE IN USA again becoming a real enforcing matter in America, and making sure Romney and his look a liked specially being disabled from selling America,s know how to China, and out sourcing american jobs to China and else where because of profits of the very few on top.

America is no corporation or a business but a Country... making sure this fact is made understood will make sure the economy back on track and China and India and Vrazil and esle where stop being able of finding a Mitt Romney and giving him offers he can not refuse and then keep undermining America,s economy and keep out sourcing american jobs to foregin soil.
Sep 5, 2012 9:22 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
IamTabIamTabCookeville, Tennessee USA77 Threads 341 Posts
Money is unfortunatly an important part of this campain and all other politcal campaines of America and as long as the sytem keeps staying this old fashioned and this complicated, then all presidents need to think a bout fundraisning events until elections are over.

O has pissed away $5 trillion + $1.3 Trillion for this yrs budget and climbing fast.

I mean damn ain't that enough??
Sep 5, 2012 9:23 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
As they came into the DNC, Obama approval numbers has began to slip...
with women and with blacks

Capturing 56% of the women vote in 2008. President Obama has dropped to a 49% approval rating with women. And only holds a 4% lead over Romney 49 to 45.

After having 90% of the black vote in 2008. He had slipped to 83%
5 months ago and more recent poll has him dropping to 58% approval with blacks!

Sep 5, 2012 9:23 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
WhatUwish4: Hare's something you never saw in the mainstream media... Obama's motorcade being greeted in Virginia.

The media want you to think everything is hunkey dorey with Obama, but clearly that's not the real story.

aham Wish4... Belevie in America but do NOT EVER beleive in a monster corporate raider and his bloody bribed guys giving a damn a bout majority of americans or a bout american jobs or a bout making sure american know how shall stay in America and not sold to foreign nations for the sake of a few on top benefits!

Beleiving in America, means NOT beleiving in what ever GOP claims being Real american values! grin
Sep 5, 2012 9:29 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Study this and Learn some thing Wish4:


Sep 5, 2012 9:29 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Lol TT!

THE dang GOP wants a christian War against China now? Who will wear the shiny armor being the general elected by "God" then? Mitt Romney the true leader of all real god fearing real "christians"? Hagee? Murdoch or Limbaugh? Wolfowitz perhaps???

China is a hard place and them undermining the most basic human rigths and have done so like for ever is a true head ache for us all... but really concidering all other AH regims in the world , still a lot more urgunt to take care of and China is actually way more "decent" than your number one GOP contributer foregin country of Saudi and sh* for example you see? A lot to do before China ever becomes a democracy but there have been good steps in the right direction over there and there is no need wearing the shiny armor of battle, Specially when GOP beleives being the voive of Decency

My suggestion regarding a real solution IS making sure american jobs are back home, making sure MADE IN USA again becoming a real enforcing matter in America, and making sure Romney and his look a liked specially being disabled from selling America,s know how to China, and out sourcing american jobs to China and else where because of profits of the very few on top.

America is no corporation or a business but a Country... making sure this fact is made understood will make sure the economy back on track and China and India and Vrazil and esle where stop being able of finding a Mitt Romney and giving him offers he can not refuse and then keep undermining America,s economy and keep out sourcing american jobs to foregin soil.

Another twist Dude? I said Obama's China policies have not worked to get China to change it UN veto on Syria. That he has failed to support the Christian churches in China, Egypt, Iran and elsewhere that face persecution.

But Mitt Romney will lead from the front......
Sep 5, 2012 9:37 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
WhatUwish4: Hare's something you never saw in the mainstream media... Obama's motorcade being greeted in Virginia.

The media want you to think everything is hunkey dorey with Obama, but clearly that's not the real story.

LOL...I don't know who the Tea Party leader in that Virgina City is....but he just road side ambushed the President of the United States......and had fun doing it!
Sep 5, 2012 9:47 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
DoD is warming up to file charges on the Mark Owen, the penn author of
No Easy Day.....

Like everything that comes from Washington, filing these charges is not done without a press build up.

My suggest. All Tea Party and REP cut a small check for the legal defense of Mark Owen in the future. He is going to need the money and the legal defense.

He did the country a real service in writing and in publishing this book.
Sep 5, 2012 12:48 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
President Obama's military has been training 100s of Afghans for military duties that have ties to Taliban and alQeada. The Karzia government is detaining and discharging 100s.....a unknown 100s at the point. Of the 195,000 man Afghan army, some would be acceptable and understandable. But 100s?

This has to be reason for insider attacks that began 6 months ago.
The Karzia government then began a broad investigation into those with
contacts to the insurrectionist.

This has to set back President Obama 2014 plan to withdraw from Afghanistan. The withdrawal term has always been by 'the conditions set on the ground.' Now with 100s of Afghan military being release from duty and being detained, the on the ground condition can only be worse.

Mitt Romney asked the magic question of the President during the RNC. Why not bring them home tomorrow? Save the country billions in nation state building cost and many insider deaths.

But the young Commander in Chief, our next Alexander the Great.....will press on with the Afghan mission. Alexander the Great was the last foreign occupier to successfully invade and occupy Afghanistan. What he had to do to accomplish that, is now outlawed by today's Geneva Conventions.

Well with this little bit of news, I do hope that the DEMs at the DNC talk for hours on Afghanistan and Obama's war. They can begin to explain why Americans are dieing in insider attacks and in the SEAL TEAM 6 shot down. Both would be enlightening.

They may point a finger at Mitt Romney for not openly engaging in the Afghan war debate from the RNC. But seeing it goes so well. Come the televised debate......I suspect Mr. Romney armed with this and other information of the Afghan war.....will come out firing.

Sep 5, 2012 2:12 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: DoD is warming up to file charges on the Mark Owen, the penn author of
No Easy Day.....

Like everything that comes from Washington, filing these charges is not done without a press build up.

My suggest. All Tea Party and REP cut a small check for the legal defense of Mark Owen in the future. He is going to need the money and the legal defense.

He did the country a real service in writing and in publishing this book.

Of course! For the dang American Taliban Owen is a "Hero" since the american Taliban loves it when honorable servie men and service women of America who are risking their lives and well being for us all.. facing more trouble and more threats in those troubled areas of the world they are.

I told you before guys ... PLEASE????? NEVER Trust The DANG GOP Any Important Detailes which have to do with the SECURITY of the United States of America!

GOP HATES to gots of America because of the way America really is, and that is why GOP embracaes and of course have CAUSED a Stupid Traitor like Owen releasing secrets of America and endangering honorale children of America in troubled areas of the world furter more.

And dont worry a bout those cheques TT... Koch and shi* have already paid your favorit Traitor ... so send the same cheuqes to campain of THAT corporate raider of urs instead, since his Stupid campain will not cause him victory what so ever, and he is going to be forced paying back America,s Stolen money after these elections are overdevil

Nice of Owen given Enemies of America secrets of America and of course GOP got to support the dang AH with money ... GOP is on THE same side as Taliban and Alqueda and shi* since all three sister organisations of OZ, are there in order of making a tiney group of AH,s filty Rich while the majority keep stuggling, and while Conrad enjoying to live in a filty Rich country getting rich of Talibanis of the entire world and other nations Stolen money doh
Sep 5, 2012 2:57 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: President Obama's military has been training 100s of Afghans for military duties that have ties to Taliban and alQeada. The Karzia government is detaining and discharging 100s.....a unknown 100s at the point. Of the 195,000 man Afghan army, some would be acceptable and understandable. But 100s?

This has to be reason for insider attacks that began 6 months ago.
The Karzia government then began a broad investigation into those with
contacts to the insurrectionist.

This has to set back President Obama 2014 plan to withdraw from Afghanistan. The withdrawal term has always been by 'the conditions set on the ground.' Now with 100s of Afghan military being release from duty and being detained, the on the ground condition can only be worse.

Mitt Romney asked the magic question of the President during the RNC. Why not bring them home tomorrow? Save the country billions in nation state building cost and many insider deaths.

But the young Commander in Chief, our next Alexander the Great.....will press on with the Afghan mission. Alexander the Great was the last foreign occupier to successfully invade and occupy Afghanistan. What he had to do to accomplish that, is now outlawed by today's Geneva Conventions.

Well with this little bit of news, I do hope that the DEMs at the DNC talk for hours on Afghanistan and Obama's war. They can begin to explain why Americans are dieing in insider attacks and in the SEAL TEAM 6 shot down. Both would be enlightening.

They may point a finger at Mitt Romney for not openly engaging in the Afghan war debate from the RNC. But seeing it goes so well. Come the televised debate......I suspect Mr. Romney armed with this and other information of the Afghan war.....will come out firing.

Oh ! all righty then! Clint Eastwood is Mitt Romney? Weared a Mask or some thing? blah
Sep 5, 2012 3:04 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Remeber to enjoy this honrable gatheirng of Democrats in Charlote.. This eve presidnet Clinton is going to tell it as it is and showing more of the true face of Mitt Romney:

Sep 5, 2012 3:33 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Mitt Romney has DEMs fleeing the DNC convention! They are on the run and leave the building. Jumping the ship! Gesh and they are not even being tossed under the bus by the Obama administration. Rather.......

ABC just wanted to do a interview with him. Who is the him? Steve Spinner. Steve was the DoE official who is the center of the Solydrna
scandle. Steve has been in hiding for a time. It goes like this. Steve's wive is a attroney for a firm that represented Solyndra. He signed a waiver saying he would not get involved in the loan process to Solyndra. Guess who breached the waiver? Stevie seems and he aid Solydrna to get the loan.

In a moment I will come back to the Navy Seal Chief that signed NDAs on his book No Easy Day. But this is too good. So let us continue with Stevie for a moment.

Stevie was down on the DNC floor.....when he ran into a ABC news crew that was looking for a shocking story. If Solydrna is not shocking and electrifying, what is? It has the nation enraptured for months now.
How a firm can go bankrupt in two years of business has caught the nation's attention.

Seeing the ABC New Crew approaching with that very big microphone and the that even bigger live camera....Stevie bolted for the door. And a short chase commenced. Till floor security told the ABC news crew, no chasing or running in the building. Oh Rats. Just like High School. Giving Stevie time to make his escape.


The ABC news crew needs to drop some weight to catch Stevie. With the Romney and Ryan team in office, it will be lean and mean days. Stevie will not get away.

But how does this connect to the Navy Chief? Stevie signed a waiver that he broke. And the Obama administration is not chasing him down for criminal prosecution. Someone at the DNC gave passes to get into the convention. Stevie is still a welcomed figure. The Navy Chief signed a NDA, which is very close to a waiver. Yet the Navy Chiefs seem to be facing some charges.

You say Military and Civilian. I say good point. You say National security and government service. I say good point. You say he broke the code. I say they both broke the code of ethical behavior. One to explain a ending event that has the world in turmoil for 11 years.
The other give green energy advantage in the Obama administration.

Sep 5, 2012 3:39 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
IamTabIamTabCookeville, Tennessee USA77 Threads 341 Posts
It's 12 energy companies

The foundation compiled the list of 12, calling it the “Green Graveyard,” or companies that received taxpayer money for green initiatives yet have filed for bankruptcy.

They are:

1. Abound Solar (Loveland, Colorado), manufacturer of thin film photovoltaic modules.
2. Beacon Power (Tyngsborough, Massachusetts), designed and developed advanced products and services to support stable, reliable, and efficient electricity grid operation.
3. Ener1 (Indianapolis, Indiana), built compact lithium-ion-powered battery solutions for hybrid and electric cars.
4. Energy Conversion Devices (Rochester Hills, Michigan/Auburn Hills, Michigan), manufacturer of flexible thin film photovoltaic (PV) technology and a producer of batteries and other renewable energy-related products.
5. Evergreen Solar, Inc. (Marlborough, Massachusetts), manufactured and installed solar panels.
6. Mountain Plaza, Inc. (Dandridge, Tennessee), designed and implemented “truck-stop electrification” technology.
7. Olsen’s Crop Service and Olsens Mills Acquisition Co. (Berlin, Wisconsin), a private company producing ethanol.
8. Range Fuels (Soperton, Georgia), tried to develop a technology that converted biomass into ethanol without the use of enzymes.
9. Raser Technologies (Provo, Utah), geothermal power plants and technology licensing.
10. Solyndra (Fremont, California), manufacturer of cylindrical panels of thin-film solar cells.
11. Spectrawatt (Hopewell, New York), solar cell manufacturer.
12. Thompson River Power LLC (Wayzata, Minnesota), designed and developed advanced products and services to support stable, reliable and efficient electricity grid operation.

Read more on Not Easy Being 'Green:' Heritage Foundation Reveals More ‘Solyndras’
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

In a moment I will come back to the Navy Seal Chief that signed NDAs on his book No Easy Day. But this is too good. So let us continue with Stevie for a moment.

Stevie was down on the DNC floor.....when he ran into a ABC news crew that was looking for a shocking story. If Solydrna is not shocking and electrifying, what is? It has the nation enraptured for months now.
How a firm can go bankrupt in two years of business has caught the nation's attention.

Seeing the ABC New Crew approaching with that very big microphone and the that even bigger live camera....Stevie bolted for the door. And a short chase commenced. Till floor security told the ABC news crew, no chasing or running in the building. Oh Rats. Just like High School. Giving Stevie time to make his escape.

The ABC news crew needs to drop some weight to catch Stevie. With the Romney and Ryan team in office, it will be lean and mean days. Stevie will not get away.

But how does this connect to the Navy Chief? Stevie signed a waiver that he broke. And the Obama administration is not chasing him down for criminal prosecution. Someone at the DNC gave passes to get into the convention. Stevie is still a welcomed figure. The Navy Chief signed a NDA, which is very close to a waiver. Yet the Navy Chiefs seem to be facing some charges.

You say Military and Civilian. I say good point. You say National security and government service. I say good point. You say he broke the code. I say they both broke the code of ethical behavior. One to explain a ending event that has the world in turmoil for 11 years.
The other give green energy advantage in the Obama administration.

Sep 5, 2012 3:59 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: Mitt Romney has DEMs fleeing the DNC convention! They are on the run and leave the building. Jumping the ship! Gesh and they are not even being tossed under the bus by the Obama administration. Rather.......

ABC just wanted to do a interview with him. Who is the him? Steve Spinner. Steve was the DoE official who is the center of the Solydrna
scandle. Steve has been in hiding for a time. It goes like this. Steve's wive is a attroney for a firm that represented Solyndra. He signed a waiver saying he would not get involved in the loan process to Solyndra. Guess who breached the waiver? Stevie seems and he aid Solydrna to get the loan.

In a moment I will come back to the Navy Seal Chief that signed NDAs on his book No Easy Day. But this is too good. So let us continue with Stevie for a moment.

Stevie was down on the DNC floor.....when he ran into a ABC news crew that was looking for a shocking story. If Solydrna is not shocking and electrifying, what is? It has the nation enraptured for months now.
How a firm can go bankrupt in two years of business has caught the nation's attention.

Seeing the ABC New Crew approaching with that very big microphone and the that even bigger live camera....Stevie bolted for the door. And a short chase commenced. Till floor security told the ABC news crew, no chasing or running in the building. Oh Rats. Just like High School. Giving Stevie time to make his escape.

The ABC news crew needs to drop some weight to catch Stevie. With the Romney and Ryan team in office, it will be lean and mean days. Stevie will not get away.

But how does this connect to the Navy Chief? Stevie signed a waiver that he broke. And the Obama administration is not chasing him down for criminal prosecution. Someone at the DNC gave passes to get into the convention. Stevie is still a welcomed figure. The Navy Chief signed a NDA, which is very close to a waiver. Yet the Navy Chiefs seem to be facing some charges.

You say Military and Civilian. I say good point. You say National security and government service. I say good point. You say he broke the code. I say they both broke the code of ethical behavior. One to explain a ending event that has the world in turmoil for 11 years.
The other give green energy advantage in the Obama administration.

Says the man who is supporting a secterian movement whose former "president" do not even Dare to show him self in some states of his own country, and can not even travel to Canada or many places in Europe because he will be arrested! rolling on the floor laughing
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