Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans? (823)

Sep 1, 2012 4:30 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
gleneaglegleneagleNew York City, New York USA36 Threads 3 Polls 1,147 Posts
When is the American people going to realise that both the Republicans and the Democrats are "blowing smoke" and the polarization and intransigence is not in your interests. The are both beholden to special interests and lobbies and both party's have caused the deficit to skyrocket. This system is a threat to your way of life and your Children's future. The checks and balances that the Constitution envisaged have been circumvented. Thomas Jefferson was correct when he said "Sometimes the tree of liberty has to be replenished with the blood of Patriots".
Sep 1, 2012 4:34 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
Conrad73: a wordy one your Obama!
and the Fact remains that Romney went and Obama didn't!laugh
Sep 1, 2012 4:36 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
gleneagle: When is the American people going to realise that both the Republicans and the Democrats are "blowing smoke" and the polarization and intransigence is not in your interests. The are both beholden to special interests and lobbies and both party's have caused the deficit to skyrocket. This system is a threat to your way of life and your Children's future. The checks and balances that the Constitution envisaged have been circumvented. Thomas Jefferson was correct when he said "Sometimes the tree of liberty has to be replenished with the blood of Patriots".
and that is the case only in the US?laugh
Sep 1, 2012 4:40 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
gleneaglegleneagleNew York City, New York USA36 Threads 3 Polls 1,147 Posts
Conrad73: and that is the case only in the US?
This thread is about a US issue. So lets not deviate if that's ok with you
Sep 1, 2012 6:38 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
IamTab: ttom 500

TARP II stimulus went to the big banks, auto firms and insurance firms. Main street America and small business was not in the equation. This was to be single biggest trickle down investment in the country history. Money is like honey. It don't trickle.

How many times & by how many Democrats have railed about how trickle down never works?

Today Obama's FED is talking more stimulus. That is the were. That is the work of the Obama administration. Investing in firms to big to fail. Wall Street goes giddy over the idea of a massive government stimulus. The broker can sell the speculation of which firm is getting a government bailout to stockholders and ring up a stock trade. But money is honey. But no trickle remember?

Yahoo reported enough stimulus to have paid for all the houses foreclosed on by the banks after the 2nd round. The banks continued to foreclose and crushed the greatest housing market ever in history. Yet the Fed's Burnacake (LOL) said giivng "US the people that money would not work.
"WE" would have the houses paid off, thus the banks got the money anyway. "WE" would have paid off our credit cards, again the banks got the money. As to the car companies, "WE" would have gone and bought new cars, the car companies got the money just the same.
PLEASE EXPLAIN how this doesn't work to me!!!!!

I think that you got it. The 2009 bailout was the biggest hope of a trickle down stimulation of the economy that we have had.

Here a link to the 928 bailout firms and their recent paybacks of the bailout loans.

Only about 50% of these loans have been repaid. If these firms begin to default on the a sluggish economy > than 2% growth is a sluggish economy.....what happens?

Again the firm faces a devaluation of their credit ratings. Bond holders around the world get nervous and the financial monitoring firms Moodys, S and P....will again look to devalue first the borrowing frims. Then the lending organization that made the bad investment....the good old USA.

With that devaluation your next car will carry a higher interest rate.
The foreign commerce that country does will carry a higher interest rate. You next house or student loan....higher interest rates.

Until those 928 firms pay off the last dime of the bailout, the taxpayer is on the hook. Already CBO is saying they see 60b that is not going to be repaid. Note they are not saying from whom. But you want to bailout a firm twice in four years time? Not me. Let it sink. M and A it. Merger and Acquisition it. Merge some of the division and sell others. My instincts are saying that is what the this nest stimulus is about. Covering the failing firms of the 928.

This is what I meant earlier about playing a hand of cards with the bailout. Obama put the 800b on the table. Having a weak economy and weak global economy. If he had held, checked and got new cards.....with new innovation (like my fuel cell) and DoD contracts.....we might be in a better place. We will never know.

But to be fair and not just doing political giggles on this. We bought a car during the 2009 bailout. Got a good deal on it from a dealer that was closing. I just sold it 6 months ago and because of the good buy, made some money on it. Some people were kept a afloat and homes with the housing refinancing but not all. So some benefit in main street did occur. But you had to be in a financial shape to take advantage of it. Most were not.

Just call me frugal and a conservative. When I push 800b into the pot, my forehead sweats.....)) and my hand shakes a little. Obama did this way to easy with a all DEM government in 2009.
Sep 1, 2012 6:41 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
montemontemontemonteunknown, New Jersey USA114 Threads 4 Polls 5,631 Posts
Tom....take a look at the last picture in the Picture Thread that Ken posted...
Sep 1, 2012 9:03 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hillary Clinton is not...I say again NOT going to replace Joe Biden on the DEM ticket. Nor is she going to campaign for the Obama/Biden ticket.

This is coming from Klein the author of "Amateur". Klein on Huckabee tonight said his Clinton sources said that Hillary was querried by Jarrel in the White House about taking the VP slot. Hillary told her no. Not in such a direct manner. But according Klien, it is a lose lose for Hillary. If she runs and wins with Obama and wants to run for President in 2016, she had to defend his presidency. If she runs with him and loses, then she have been painted as a loser for the 2016.

Hillary is not even going to be at the DNC. She is going to .......get this..... Valdavostock Russia...a remote penn in western Russia for
some State Department business. The last I heard the Russian were talking about a tunnel under the Bearing Sea to Alaska. So President Obama getting the no from his Sect of State sends her packin for tunnel talks with Russia, maybe. Else its harbor seals and a migatory bird talks. Nor is she campaigning for the Obama/Biden ticket this year.

All the time, again according to Klien. Bill is long hand writing his DNC address. It seem, he is not going to placed it on the teleprompter! He is getting near hourly phone calls from the White House to find out its content is. Bill ain't saying. With Klien's expose of Clinton comments of Obama in his book, and Hillary thinking a 2016 run, the White House is going ......frazzled. They know that Bill could sink the good ship Obama. Such would give Hillary run at the Romney/Ryan record. And not have to defend the Obama record as she leaves next year.

So will Bill sink the good ship Obama?

I think that this comes down to money. Obama promise Hillary to pick up her extended campaign costs of the 2008 DEM primary after he won. If he has paid the debt. Bill will play it straight. If not, Bill is a loose cannon on the DNC stage. If those hourly phone calls are being made. You count your pocket change and be sure, Obama reneiged.

It is this campaign debt promise of Obama, I think got Bill calling Obama the names that Klien picked up on for his book.

On the bigger picture for the 2012. This means that the die hard Hillary supporters.....have a choice. She has unlocked them to vote Romney and Ryan. Say what you might, Hillary still has a die hard voter block in the country of several million. They are just waiting for her 2016 announcement. But till then, they get the Obama/Biden or Romney/Ryan choice. If they think that Obama mistreated Hillary by reneiging on the campaign debt or sending her into the wilds of Russia or refusing to allow her to speak at the DNC....sade bar the door.

Romney's got their vote on a platter. For free!

I also see trouble on the DNC floor over this. Obama and Biden are not going to make any appearance on the DNC floor. They are only going to be at the stadium. Again this from Klien. This way if the floor does melt into a fight, they have stayed out of the fray.

You got know that Hillary and Bill can make a very good floor fight if they choose. It will be some technical little thingee in the platform or rules.....remember how Obama used the DEM rules to oust Hillary in the 2008. But they can get 500+ delegates doing a rhant on the party platform/rules easy enough.

So Obama is forced to stay with Biden. And with Ryan having a 10 point approval rating over Biden, it just might be the factor that swings this to Romney. Again the Clinton's, a shrewd American political team as any made in modern American history. Obama came and played in what they thought was 'their inherited 2008 DEM nomination'. And now, they are in a position to play in his 2012 repeat campaign.
Sep 1, 2012 9:24 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
IamTabIamTabCookeville, Tennessee USA77 Threads 341 Posts

When you have conservative Republican stalwarts like Jim DeMint(R-SC) and Ron Paul(R-TX) as well as self identified Democratic socialists like Bernie Sanders all fighting against the Federal Reserve, you know that it is no longer an issue of Right versus Left. When you have every single member of the Republican Party in Congress and progressive Congressmen like Dennis Kucinich sponsoring a bill to audit the Federal Reserve, you realize that the Federal Reserve is an entity onto itself, which has no oversight and no accountability.

Americans should be swelled with anger and outrage at the abysmal state of affairs when an unelected group of bankers can create money out of thin air and give it out to megabanks and supercorporations like Halloween candy. If the Federal Reserve and the bankers who control it believe that they can continue to devalue the savings of Americans and continue to destroy the US economy, they will have to face the realization that their trillion dollar printing presses will eventually plunder the world economy.

The list of institutions that received the most money from the Federal Reserve can be found on page 131of the GAO Audit and are as follows..

Citigroup: $2.5 trillion ($2,500,000,000,000)
Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion ($2,040,000,000,000)
Merrill Lynch: $1.949 trillion ($1,949,000,000,000)
Bank of America: $1.344 trillion ($1,344,000,000,000)

Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $868 billion ($868,000,000,000)
Bear Sterns: $853 billion ($853,000,000,000)
Goldman Sachs: $814 billion ($814,000,000,000)
Royal Bank of Scotland (UK): $541 billion ($541,000,000,000)
JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion ($391,000,000,000)
Deutsche Bank (Germany): $354 billion ($354,000,000,000)
UBS (Switzerland): $287 billion ($287,000,000,000)
Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262 billion ($262,000,000,000)
Lehman Brothers: $183 billion ($183,000,000,000)
Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $181 billion ($181,000,000,000)
BNP Paribas (France): $175 billion ($175,000,000,000)
and many many more including banks in Belgium of all places
Sep 1, 2012 9:34 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
ttom500: Hillary Clinton is not...I say again NOT going to replace Joe Biden on the DEM ticket. Nor is she going to campaign for the Obama/Biden ticket.

This is coming from Klein the author of "Amateur". Klein on Huckabee tonight said his Clinton sources said that Hillary was querried by Jarrel in the White House about taking the VP slot. Hillary told her no. Not in such a direct manner. But according Klien, it is a lose lose for Hillary. If she runs and wins with Obama and wants to run for President in 2016, she had to defend his presidency. If she runs with him and loses, then she have been painted as a loser for the 2016.

Hillary is not even going to be at the DNC. She is going to .......get this..... Valdavostock Russia...a remote penn in western Russia for
some State Department business. The last I heard the Russian were talking about a tunnel under the Bearing Sea to Alaska. So President Obama getting the no from his Sect of State sends her packin for tunnel talks with Russia, maybe. Else its harbor seals and a migatory bird talks. Nor is she campaigning for the Obama/Biden ticket this year.

All the time, again according to Klien. Bill is long hand writing his DNC address. It seem, he is not going to placed it on the teleprompter! He is getting near hourly phone calls from the White House to find out its content is. Bill ain't saying. With Klien's expose of Clinton comments of Obama in his book, and Hillary thinking a 2016 run, the White House is going ......frazzled. They know that Bill could sink the good ship Obama. Such would give Hillary run at the Romney/Ryan record. And not have to defend the Obama record as she leaves next year.

So will Bill sink the good ship Obama?

I think that this comes down to money. Obama promise Hillary to pick up her extended campaign costs of the 2008 DEM primary after he won. If he has paid the debt. Bill will play it straight. If not, Bill is a loose cannon on the DNC stage. If those hourly phone calls are being made. You count your pocket change and be sure, Obama reneiged.

It is this campaign debt promise of Obama, I think got Bill calling Obama the names that Klien picked up on for his book.

On the bigger picture for the 2012. This means that the die hard Hillary supporters.....have a choice. She has unlocked them to vote Romney and Ryan. Say what you might, Hillary still has a die hard voter block in the country of several million. They are just waiting for her 2016 announcement. But till then, they get the Obama/Biden or Romney/Ryan choice. If they think that Obama mistreated Hillary by reneiging on the campaign debt or sending her into the wilds of Russia or refusing to allow her to speak at the DNC....sade bar the door.

Romney's got their vote on a platter. For free!

I also see trouble on the DNC floor over this. Obama and Biden are not going to make any appearance on the DNC floor. They are only going to be at the stadium. Again this from Klien. This way if the floor does melt into a fight, they have stayed out of the fray.

You got know that Hillary and Bill can make a very good floor fight if they choose. It will be some technical little thingee in the platform or rules.....remember how Obama used the DEM rules to oust Hillary in the 2008. But they can get 500+ delegates doing a rhant on the party platform/rules easy enough.

So Obama is forced to stay with Biden. And with Ryan having a 10 point approval rating over Biden, it just might be the factor that swings this to Romney. Again the Clinton's, a shrewd American political team as any made in modern American history. Obama came and played in what they thought was 'their inherited 2008 DEM nomination'. And now, they are in a position to play in his 2012 repeat campaign.

Sep 1, 2012 9:42 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
montemontemontemonteunknown, New Jersey USA114 Threads 4 Polls 5,631 Posts

So Tom, this is quite a coincidence that you are talking about Hillary. I was just in the shower and wondering if there has ever been a Secretary of State who wasn't the same party as the president and of course I was going to send you an email asking same. But I don't have to do that since you are talking about the lady.

Quite awhile ago Hillary said that she doesn't want to stay in politics .... that she wants to do other things.

However, IMO, she has done a good job as Sec. of State and I wondered if Romney would ask her to stay on the job. It would ruin her chance to run for the pressie job assuming Romney gets in for 8 years. I read that she's not going to stay with Obummer if he gets re-elected. I personally think as Sec. of State she was able to do a better job then if she was V.P.

So, do you think Romney would, or could, ask her to stay on the job she has now?
Sep 1, 2012 9:52 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
IamTabIamTabCookeville, Tennessee USA77 Threads 341 Posts
I am talking the 800b TARP II stimulus, not the nation 16t debt here.
You cannot give Obama a hard time over the entire 16t. Other president before him contributed to it as well. But that 800b TARP II stimulus packages is all his and the DEMs

So the 1st round of handouts don't count? The handouts since then don't count?

"In late 2008, the TARP Bailout bill was passed and loans of $800 billion were given to failing banks and companies. That was a blatant lie considering the fact that Goldman Sachs alone received 814 billion dollars. As is turns out, the Federal Reserve donated $2.5 trillion to Citigroup, while Morgan Stanley received $2.04 trillion. The Royal Bank of Scotland and Deutsche Bank, a German bank, split about a trillion and numerous other banks received hefty chunks of the $16 trillion."
Sep 1, 2012 9:59 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
President Obama just got a.....tongue kind of welcome at Suix City airport today. A Banner read "Obama ...SUX .....We Did Build This"

SUX the FAA 3 letter code for the airport. This airport has a history. In the 1989, a DC 10 made a crash landing at the SUX airport. It has been done in movies. The DC 10 lost control and the pilot steered the aircraft in a right turn with throttles only for hours prior to the landing attempt.

But on getting near the runway, they lost control and the aircraft impacted hard in a cornfield on the airport. Breaking apart and exploding. The airport fire department and airport staff saved 100s of passenger and crew that day.

Am not saying what they did is right, here. Am saying that this is one of those airports that has proud and long history. Seem like President Obama just flew into the wrong one at the wrong time.
Sep 1, 2012 10:13 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
IamTab: I am talking the 800b TARP II stimulus, not the nation 16t debt here.
You cannot give Obama a hard time over the entire 16t. Other president before him contributed to it as well. But that 800b TARP II stimulus packages is all his and the DEMs

So the 1st round of handouts don't count? The handouts since then don't count?

"In late 2008, the TARP Bailout bill was passed and loans of $800 billion were given to failing banks and companies. That was a blatant lie considering the fact that Goldman Sachs alone received 814 billion dollars. As is turns out, the Federal Reserve donated $2.5 trillion to Citigroup, while Morgan Stanley received $2.04 trillion. The Royal Bank of Scotland and Deutsche Bank, a German bank, split about a trillion and numerous other banks received hefty chunks of the $16 trillion."

The first TARP one were part of the Bush debt that went to the 10.2t debt that Obama inherited. Most economist felt the economy needed the stimulation in the fall of 2008.

But on the second TARP, economist were really divided on it. And Obama broke his first campaign promise of reducing the debt by 1/2 with it.

For your trillion dollar bailouts spending to Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and others, please show us some sites to were they got the trillions. I am sure you can, yes?

I sited mine in the TARP II site. So take it up the referenced site. They been tracking the bailout and its repayment since 2009. I am sure they will add your trillions in bailouts to be added, if accurate.
Sep 1, 2012 10:33 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
LifeissuperLifeissuperPSL, Florida USA2 Posts
Under Obama’s reign of terror:

26 million are underemployed

47 million Americans are living in poverty—that’s 1 in 7

Federal debt and deficit are the highest since World War II

Long-term unemployment is the highest since the 1930s

Home ownership is the lowest since 1965

Government dependency is at the highest level EVER in American history

$716 BILLION was STOLEN out of Medicare to pay for ObamaCare
He has managed to:

Shove ObamaCare—the plan NO ONE wanted, down our throats

Slap Americans with the biggest tax in the history of our country

Applaud the advances of the Muslim Brotherhood

Demand government-paid abortions and blowing away religious freedom

Forbid domestic oil production

Approve drones to fly over America

Defund NASA

Wage war on Libya without a cause

Demand the U.N. take out guns

Take on the second amendment, threatening again, our right to bear arms

Run up the largest deficit in the history of America

Refuse to visit Israel, throwing the Jews under the bus

Give illegals a free ride on the backs of hardworking Americans

Appoint 45 “czars” into office (hello, this is America B.O., not a communist country!!!)

Put the enforcement of ObamaCare in the hands of…the IRS

Suck at the trough, taking 19 vacations in 3 years on our tax dollars

Spend tens of billions in taxpayer dollars and break legally binding contracts to give his union buddies a big, fat payoff

Stimulate NOTHING with his stimulus plans except the wallets of big wigs on Wall Street—and his own narcissistic ego

$4 billion in new debt EVERY DAY

Spending, spending, spending while lying and telling Americans we need to cut spending. Need I say more?

America's Credit rating triple is GONE!

Bernanke Calls Unemployment Level a "Grave Concern"

Anyone is better then Obama!! If you like Obama so much I'll send him to your country. LOL
Sep 1, 2012 10:45 PM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
This is my last for the night. But it is a good one.

Check out the Iranian General flashing a salute to the Iranian and North Korean leaders in the photo. He has a beard, sun glasses, and looks like a door man at a hotel in New York City.


Sep 2, 2012 7:23 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Alan Greyson is back. Running for one of the two new Congressional districts in Florida. Greyson has a Social Security add out....were.....his opponent REP Long is going to 'privatize' social security.

This of course to many DEM is a hot button that triggers a immediate reflex reaction.....and Greyson's add has them saying to REP Long.....

"REP Long, Keep your hands off my Social SECURITY".

Greyson's add is likely the model for the Obama/Biden attacks adds that are going to come on Romney/Ryan regarding Social Security. So it is worth a moment to first clarify and explain REP privatization ideas of SSI.

If I was to tell you, there was a government program for a retirement funding, that you paid into during your working year, that the FEDERAL gov't invested in bank bonds collecting a interest, and then later when you hit the retirement years, began to repay might call it a "privatize program" because of the bank bond purchase. Well that is what SSI was when first developed by FDR to be in the 1930s. These bonds were called "Trusts".

But over time, the original concept of SSI was legislately altered. SSI payment went first to the Government's General fund, were they (Congress) could shift them from the purchase of trusted bank bonds.
Both pasties have tapped it in the past. But this is one of the reason that SSI today is going broke.

What also has happened is as the countries birth rate changed post WWII, it means that a flood of baby boomers coming into the repay side. Drawing the invested funds down to approaching insolvency levels.

The REP want to further privatize the payout part of SSI. Running a private firm to write checks and mail them cheaper than paying the host of Government unionized worker bees to do it. But as for changing the main concept of SSI....government collection of SSI payments and investing them in interest bearing bank bonds, the 'Trust' part. No. That stay the same. This is the REP goal of most that REP. You may have a few that want other changes as well. I know Ron Paul has some ideas on SSI.

Other countries are privatising their SSI. To reduce management cost.

The later is a 35 page report from AARP in privatized SSI around the world. So privatization of SS is not a radical concept. They been doing it since the 1990s. It has to be done with fiscal responsibility. You want a private company that can process the millions of SSI checks that are mailed out monthly. One that has solid banking relationship with some major accounts.

It is not radical a concept as the DEM are saying. Poland, Chile and Nicagua have been doing it for over 20 years.
Sep 2, 2012 7:59 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Lifeissuper: Under Obama’s reign of terror:

26 million are underemployed

47 million Americans are living in poverty—that’s 1 in 7

Federal debt and deficit are the highest since World War II

Long-term unemployment is the highest since the 1930s

Home ownership is the lowest since 1965

Government dependency is at the highest level EVER in American history

$716 BILLION was STOLEN out of Medicare to pay for ObamaCare
He has managed to:

Shove ObamaCare—the plan NO ONE wanted, down our throats

Slap Americans with the biggest tax in the history of our country

Applaud the advances of the Muslim Brotherhood

Demand government-paid abortions and blowing away religious freedom

Forbid domestic oil production

Approve drones to fly over America

Defund NASA

Wage war on Libya without a cause

Demand the U.N. take out guns

Take on the second amendment, threatening again, our right to bear arms

Run up the largest deficit in the history of America

Refuse to visit Israel, throwing the Jews under the bus

Give illegals a free ride on the backs of hardworking Americans

Appoint 45 “czars” into office (hello, this is America B.O., not a communist country!!!)

Put the enforcement of ObamaCare in the hands of…the IRS

Suck at the trough, taking 19 vacations in 3 years on our tax dollars

Spend tens of billions in taxpayer dollars and break legally binding contracts to give his union buddies a big, fat payoff

Stimulate NOTHING with his stimulus plans except the wallets of big wigs on Wall Street—and his own narcissistic ego

$4 billion in new debt EVERY DAY

Spending, spending, spending while lying and telling Americans we need to cut spending. Need I say more?

America's Credit rating triple is GONE!

Bernanke Calls Unemployment Level a "Grave Concern"

Anyone is better then Obama!! If you like Obama so much I'll send him to your country. LOL

I think someone has been counting!! Something that was not done much in the Obama administration.))
Sep 2, 2012 8:44 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Biden has does it again!

He just said that the Romney/Ryan would kick 16 million kids and seniors off medicare.

First kids are not eligible for medicare

Second under Ryan's plan, no one over 55 will lose medicare.

Joe is having a rough month. Maybe this is why he not doing a DNC stage address in Charlotte. Time is getting to old Joe. Obama is stuck with him, since Hillary is not going to step in.

So place him in the middle of a football stadium and the cameras are farther away....the croud noise covers his gaffs.....Obama will be on the stage with he can direct him on the stage some.....and you can whisk him away with a seeing him walk a distance does not cringe the audience.

Been thinking about how Obama and Biden are going to enter the Charlotte stadium. First impressions are everything. So a standard entry by a no,no. Doing a Queen Elizabeth helo/para jump into the stadium has already been done in London. Starting to think that using catapult for Biden might be the best way.

One of the ancient ones, maybe a Truechent or Ballista, with a range of a 1000 yards. It can fling him above the stadium walls to a big airbag in the middle of the field. No need to pull the para chute chord. Old Joe might have trouble there. The Truechent would drag along on the ground for 15 yards before going airborne......and that might mess his suit up some.

But President Obama can dust him off. Straighten him up. Put his dentures back in.

Of course for President Obama I got this figured out. Remember the DEM NASCAR for the Charlotte raceway? Oh yeah. President Obama is coming in driving the DEM NASCAR ZOOM ZOOM ......if runs out of gas on the stadium track.....some REP line man likely filled the tank for him. You got to know he does not do self service.

After taking the checkered flag and doing a doughnut in the middle of stadium grass. He is going to slide out that NASCAR with a blue racing helmet on. Blue and light blue kevlar racing suit (made in America) on. With a DEM logo on the back with a donation website to contact!
Send your money now, please!

At the far end of the stadium is a ramp. When Biden and Obama get done with their addresses....they remount the NASCAR.....for around the track run at the ramp. Hitting it at 100mph they will leave the stadium airborne. If they hit one mile per hour less than 100mph it is splat on the stadium walls.

It is kind of like their economic policies. If they get re-elected in 2012.....if they miss them again like they did in is splat on the wall for America. rolling on the floor laughing
Sep 2, 2012 9:06 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
montemontemontemonteunknown, New Jersey USA114 Threads 4 Polls 5,631 Posts
ttom500: Biden has does it again!

He just said that the Romney/Ryan would kick 16 million kids and seniors off medicare.

First kids are not eligible for medicare

Second under Ryan's plan, no one over 55 will lose medicare.

Joe is having a rough month. Maybe this is why he not doing a DNC stage address in Charlotte. Time is getting to old Joe. Obama is stuck with him, since Hillary is not going to step in.

So place him in the middle of a football stadium and the cameras are farther away....the croud noise covers his gaffs.....Obama will be on the stage with he can direct him on the stage some.....and you can whisk him away with a seeing him walk a distance does not cringe the audience.

Been thinking about how Obama and Biden are going to enter the Charlotte stadium. First impressions are everything. So a standard entry by a no,no. Doing a Queen Elizabeth helo/para jump into the stadium has already been done in London. Starting to think that using catapult for Biden might be the best way.

One of the ancient ones, maybe a Truechent or Ballista, with a range of a 1000 yards. It can fling him above the stadium walls to a big airbag in the middle of the field. No need to pull the para chute chord. Old Joe might have trouble there. The Truechent would drag along on the ground for 15 yards before going airborne......and that might mess his suit up some.

But President Obama can dust him off. Straighten him up. Put his dentures back in.

Of course for President Obama I got this figured out. Remember the DEM NASCAR for the Charlotte raceway? Oh yeah. President Obama is coming in driving the DEM NASCAR ZOOM ZOOM ......if runs out of gas on the stadium track.....some REP line man likely filled the tank for him. You got to know he does not do self service.

After taking the checkered flag and doing a doughnut in the middle of stadium grass. He is going to slide out that NASCAR with a blue racing helmet on. Blue and light blue kevlar racing suit (made in America) on. With a DEM logo on the back with a donation website to contact!
Send your money now, please!

At the far end of the stadium is a ramp. When Biden and Obama get done with their addresses....they remount the NASCAR.....for around the track run at the ramp. Hitting it at 100mph they will leave the stadium airborne. If they hit one mile per hour less than 100mph it is splat on the stadium walls.

It is kind of like their economic policies. If they get re-elected in 2012.....if they miss them again like they did in is splat on the wall for America.

Why doesn't Obama get rid of Biden? The slogan during WWI when FDR was going to run again was "Don't Change Horses In The Middle Of The Stream".....see, I remember something from high school history class laugh

I guess it would imply that Obama is capable of making wrong decisions by asking Biden to the VP position. If he asks him to leave it would imply that Biden's not doing him any good. What did Biden have to offer for that position? I thought he was supposed to be good on international affairs. Thank goodness he didn't get involved in that with his gutter mouth.
Sep 2, 2012 9:28 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
WhatUwish4: I think it has always been this way Dude and nothing new. In the presidential primaries, you cannot vote outside your party. A registered Democrat, for example, can only vote for a democratic nominee. But in the general election people can vote either way.

yes I know wish4... I beleive that primary model is rather old fashioned and need some adjustments in order of not giving a kind of false picture of what is going on amoung voters of America.

I do not understand why it is necessary to register as a Dem or as a Rep or as Ind before being able of voting in primaries? This model takes a way anonymity of a free eelctions I beleive, and it is also making things complicated and many people do not even bother to participate because of that.

Free elections is a a bout being anonym and no body should know what people vote before elections are over, votes are counted and then results of the vote is aviable... only my point of view ... but this is the way it is done over here and in most of Europe as well.

Beside... direct voting on the candidate is also some thing which is a good way of voting generally. The american model well... remember back in year 2000?

A real catastrophy concidering the out come... I know you loved the out come since you are a Republican, but if thinking Fair game ... AlGore should win having absolutely majority of votes and not GWB because of electoral voting thing, which is only used in America and the whole thing was settled by mostry Republican judges at last... Really that would NEVER happen here or Ever accepted over here.

But of course... America is a young democracy and still kind of not willing to look at places in the constitution and evaluating some old fashiond style and modernising it. Most other free nations have looked at their constitutions and have adjusted it several places so it is more usable in the century... College electrical part of american styled elections... I do not beleive it is fair or any thing to admire I may admit.

And beside,.... this very model with some positive parts of course... is also why american elections are this unbeleivably to expensive to run ... and there is huge risk of Money flow can change the real will of people and candidates winning the out come majorities do not evne want to run the country.

A lot of money involved and wow... a nighe mare model in my eyes and I cerainly hope Europe never copies that model since Money alone should Never shift the out come of elections in a democray, and money modelbetter kept behind fences in middle eastern and african kinds of dictatorships and so on dunno

sorry this... not bashing or any thing... but our election model in here is Way more Free when thinking a fair out come and when thinking money can not change much, but votes of citizens of this country.
Sep 2, 2012 9:33 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
galrads: Dude... I have to respect you for your tenacity regarding obama...... but, realistically, obama is history.

I respect you and all others participating in here because of keep fighting for what you whole heartedly beleive in, and participation in the feauter of your beloved country and I know no matter how we all think... it is because of love because we all Care cheers handshake

I do not think Graland... Republicans chosed an Ultra right winger and an Ultra Ultra right winger as their guys and tha choice will mean a certain defeat for Republicans.

I do not understand wh a more way moderate and gatheres candidate with really not that many skeletons in the closet as Huntsmann did not win Rep candidacy and a real lobbyist kind of candidate as Romney and with a shameful history of being a corporate raider got it... it is like Republicans do not even want to win it any way? confused
Sep 2, 2012 10:03 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
WhatUwish4WhatUwish4St. Augustine, Florida USA2 Threads 7,986 Posts
I agree about the primary model. I don't see the value of any of us registering as one party or another except that it helps the politicians. I think they should rise and fall on their own performance, and not because of party affiliation.

But I don't consider GWB's presidency a catastrophy. Sorry Dude. He could have done a few things better, but all in all, we were better under him than now. Obama's presidency is a catastrophy, IMHO.
Sep 2, 2012 10:07 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
montemontemontemonteunknown, New Jersey USA114 Threads 4 Polls 5,631 Posts
Boo Hoo Hoo....crying ...Nobody wants to answer my question. I feel left out....I want my mommy....sigh
Sep 2, 2012 10:12 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: Nope. Been that way for years Dude. Remember that little thing called the Constitution? It let the state set up their laws for elections.
Once the primary were done and nomination process was done.

The data from the local counties election changes, relocations, felons (that cannot vote) are sent to the State Election office. Then more culling of the record is done. The State of Florida wanted to compare the State's general registry to the Federal government illegal alien data base. To keep illegal aliens from voting.

It went to court. The FED government saw a losing case....and relented.
This General Election for the first time in Florida, all illegal alien will be deleted from the Florida registry.

Do you have a problem with that?
the problem is TT... too many of your vip guys should be injailed and then being concidered as "felons" and not evne havng the possibility of Vote and are as a matte rof scarey fact folks other can Vote on!

Beside... I do not understand why "felons" are less human than others and not even able of participating in electios in America, and giving their one single vote supporting their candidates! Felons are human beings too, and a person who pays back with being in jail is a human being and got a family and got interests he or she should be able to give one single vote for ... if that is a part of the constitution then the constitution needs adjustments so it is modernised and more useful in the century my man!

I mean... when u ask a dang stoopido Talibani a bout why on Earth being so short sitet and not willing of any changes... then he says direct words of "gud" forbidden him ever allowing this and then he refers to the same kind of absolutely out dated parts of the oly book which is actually the exact same in Bible and Tora as well... but still in modern countries those parts are not done no more and in some islamic runned places the same stuff is still going on and they do Exactly as the holy book is written! I know your Hero candidate of OZ is telling the same a bout his tax info and talking a bout his Relegion forbids him doing that but gosh! That single Fact regarding Romney is one of THE perfect reasons why GOP is called the american Taliban!

Constitution is no words of Gud or some thing and Gud never took a pen and wrote some thing down my man, or told a no body back in Mormon time to write a new kind of Bible or stuff like that... all is written by men and women many years a go and things can be adjusted to better matching the needs and the reality of the century. dunno
Sep 2, 2012 10:12 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
WhatUwish4WhatUwish4St. Augustine, Florida USA2 Threads 7,986 Posts
Because nobody knows? confused laugh confused

Why he hangs on to Joe Biden is about as much of a mystery as why somebody hadn't fired Debbie Wasserman-Shultz.
laugh laugh
Sep 2, 2012 10:13 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
WhatUwish4WhatUwish4St. Augustine, Florida USA2 Threads 7,986 Posts
Sorry! That was for you, Monte.
Sep 2, 2012 10:14 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
montemontemontemonteunknown, New Jersey USA114 Threads 4 Polls 5,631 Posts
WhatUwish4: Because nobody knows?

Why he hangs on to Joe Biden is about as much of a mystery as why somebody hadn't fired Debbie Wasserman-Shultz.

Thanks. Now stop scratching your head....wave
Sep 2, 2012 10:19 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
WhatUwish4WhatUwish4St. Augustine, Florida USA2 Threads 7,986 Posts
wave Hello up there! wave

I just saw this in the news a minute ago...

"After a week of withering attacks on President Obama's fiscal record, top Democrats on Sunday defended the president's plans for shaving down the deficit -- but said balancing the budget now would actually be a bad idea.

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

I swear. There is just no limit to their deceit. doh They would think nothing of standing at the podium holding a picture of an elephant and do everything possible to convince you it was a zebra.

laugh doh laugh
Sep 2, 2012 10:30 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
Embedded image from another site
Sep 2, 2012 10:56 AM CST Romney and Ryan really better than Obama and Biden benefiting most Americans?
montemontemontemonteunknown, New Jersey USA114 Threads 4 Polls 5,631 Posts
WhatUwish4: Hello up there!

I just saw this in the news a minute ago...

"After a week of withering attacks on President Obama's fiscal record, top Democrats on Sunday defended the president's plans for shaving down the deficit -- but said balancing the budget now would actually be a bad idea.

I swear. There is just no limit to their deceit. They would think nothing of standing at the podium holding a picture of an elephant and do everything possible to convince you it was a zebra.

So it looks like he has a plan how to spend more money...doh doh I bet he just realized he shouldn't have spent the trillions on banks so now he has to find money to cover up his mistake.

I tell ya.....I tell ya.....I tell ya.....YOU are grounded President the corner you go... boxing
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