Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America! (732)

Sep 18, 2010 4:59 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
I have Dude figured out, I think.

He associates Obama with America. What Obama does, America should blindly follow. Americans should just smile and go along. He says that Obama is the top man in the country, the country placed him by election...there for...what Obama sayeth, America doeth.

It is like there should be this immediate reaction to Obama when has a press conference. America is a super power right? Obama wants to increase taxes, open your pocket America. Obama wants Obamacare, take the needle America. Obama needs employment, hire workers America.

Obama walks on the waters....on the clouds....and on the beaches (how dare they have tar balls on them). Some little person with a Bible gets in Obama way, God forbid Obama will write the a scripture for him.

If the Constitution gets in Obama way. Pity the poor Constitution that rest in Philadelphia in Constitution Hall, that baby is coming down now.
But if Obama needs to use the Constitution, wrap him in the document and make it his new blanket. Because in the Mosque debate he did so.

This is all about Obama. Not the country. Not the people. Not the values and principles of the country. Not the military or battles that the country face. But Obama. Make him a hero. Give him a legacy.

Dude is going to discount the results of the recent primaries and the mid term. They were mid guided Americans lead astray by the evil Tea Party of Palin and Grinrich. Surrogates of the evil REP party. Not following Obama to the promise grounds of Obamaland.

That is why....when Dude read....highest unemploymnet in years, it does not matter. More in proverty today than in 69 does not matter. Another military death in does not matter.
Iran getting the does not matter. NKorea sinking a Skorea does not matter.

It is all good long as Obama gets the glory and the credit. Well this is were Beck and his return America to Honor rally comes into play.
Was not about Obama on the Washington Mall that when 300,000 gathered.
The message is peaceful and non violent civil disobedience now. Is not about Obama now. It is about Americans regaining their individual intregrity, honor and glory.
Sep 18, 2010 10:56 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
American citizens are now being asked to dramatically change there lives because the American Government has not been able to get a handle on the new alQeada threads in the world.

The example here is Molly Norris...a professional cartoonist...who made the mistake in using her right of freedom of speech and do a "All Draw Mohammad Day" cartoon.

Molly was quickly moved to the alQeada hit list of alWalkie. The same alWalkie that the State Department could not get information or extradicion orders to Yemen for his arrest in the Forth Hood shootings.
So Molly is now the hunted of alWAlkie.

The FBI....says to Molly....go Ghost. Change your name, phone and other contact info, residence, family and friends, habits, work location...kind of leaving her security to her own efforts. It might work well for future CIA agents. But not for normal and every day Americans.

Because in all honesty the FBI cannot do much for Molly. Now a target of alQeada. They cannot place a agent on a 24 hour watch of her residence, drive her to work and pick her children up at school. Because alQeada has a very long memory on these kinds of things.

Well Molly should have expected that the Federal Government was not going to place her case at a high level. It has other more important tasks to do presently. Like making 7.76 jobs for $70m or keeping Charlie Wrangle from Congressional hearings. Politics do play a role here.

But with President Obama outreach to the Muslim world....his support of the Ground Zero Mosque/Civic Center....having Rhamadam diners.....he has been busy here.....but he fails to get alWalkie even on the Yemen arrest list and to approve Petreaus earlier request for covert operations in the middle east.

Again Americans....just using their God given right of freedom of speech get shafted by the American government. What is new about that?
Well this time, the government had so many dropped balls and intercepted shows not a shafting but a incompetency.
Sep 19, 2010 7:22 AM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
What do you think Dude?

Jimmy Carter just said that his failed attempt to get the embassy hostages out of Iran would have worked. Am coughing here.....because this was not a solid military had no air cover for the American helo when they got to Tehran. One Iranian fighter flying would have bagged the American helos either prior to the rescue or after.

But did Jimmy inspire Obama to make a hostage rescue attempt of the two male hikers still in Iran? The reason I ask....Iran is unofficially saying it detained 7 US military forces that crossed into Iran.

I bet this gets more Iranian legal work in those Sharia law courts than the when the UK marine and nave small boat units were detained earlier.
I double the bet by saying these American military are soon facing spying charges. The two hikers are. Spying in Iran is a possible death sentence.

Well Pres. A is in the UN to could be all Iranian give him a hot topic to tirade on in the UN.
No US verification of the 7 men or thier mission.

Maybe Charlie Sheen was one of them? And it was his movie NAVY SEAL Team that they caught. If so.....instead of accusing Obama and Washington. Iran should be accusing Hollywood and MG about the incident. We better check what movies Charlie is doing presently.

If he is doing Navy Seals X, then some high priced Hollywood attroneys just got busier.
Sep 19, 2010 7:50 AM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
FallingmanFallingmanDublin, Ireland29 Threads 12 Polls 11,436 Posts
ttom500: You do the balance sheet Dude. $30b to small business (the private sector job maker) while banking got many times that.

That is why most here have classified Obama as elitist. He kept his big banking buddies a float, while the rest of the country suffered. Big banks hire from places like HARvard, COLumiba, is all part of the elite club. The Warren Buffet and George Zoros club.

You don't see elitest in the Tea Party movement Dude. They carry flags and signs....dress in revolutionary war uniforms....and have fun as they change America back to being a country of the people.

Assuming you and millions of others believe this tripe....I'm now officially just as concerned about the US having the bomb as I am about Iran getting it! doh
Sep 19, 2010 8:00 AM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Bill C jumped out to give President Obama some advice.

Say he should sell his program to the American people by stumping for it.
Bill, Bill, Bill.....all Obama has done is to stump his story. Backyard BBQs. The Electronic town hall. The evening TV addresses to the American people.

The American people want a President that will stump for them, not one that will stump down to them. Every time he goes public...the HARvard education rings out...that I am smarter and more educated than you bible and gun folk. Or all you folks in general out there,

The American people of tired of the Obama books, the Obama tapes, the Obama DvDs, the Obama videos, the Obama t-Shirts, the Obama elitism, the Obama story in general. They have heard it. It just means he has been over commercialized by his handlers.

They put him out there time and time again. To speak not on the major issues. But on the minority 40% issues. Reid and Pelosi failed to cover him with sold arguements in the House ans Senate.

So now Bill C is saying stump more and harder President Obama, the REP are a catching you. We were never chasing Obama. We were chasing a better America.
Sep 19, 2010 8:10 AM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Fallingman: Assuming you and millions of others believe this tripe....I'm now officially just as concerned about the US having the bomb as I am about Iran getting it!

Not sure how it is Ireland, Fallignman. But good old USA the will of the people still does matter.

Obama took the 40% minority position on every major issue for the last 20 months. Not once did he stand with the American people and the majority. Now the American people get to make a referendum with their mid term vote to how they disapprove of that.

It is going to be a wave.

When OConnel can beat a long time establish Rhino REP in a DEM blue state of Deleware by 7 points. A major change in the grass roots politic is a foot here.

You all love Obam in Europe. The polling shows that. The polling also show that he has fallen here in the from 70% approval to a 45% approval. Why the difference?

Americans are center righters. Europeans are center lefters. Obama is a center Lefter. So when he takes consistent position for the minority, the majority will realign....that is all that happened here. But it is a will of the people.
Sep 19, 2010 1:38 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
hotburninluv: Okay, I know your mind is are an Obama Lover...ALL TH WAY! You drank the koolaid and are Forever a Follower of His! If he ask you to jump off a will blindly follow his advice and jump off the bridge and fall to your death! I get it! It's Crystal Clear! Do matter what he does, or whatewver policies he Please, First, understand one or two things...Obama, our President's Popularity has been taking a nosedive...WHY?
Because most of His programs and policies goes against the will of the majority of People living in the U.S. (of course, this does not include you!)

You never know which way is up these days, when it comes to interpreting and dealing with, enforcing, and upholding the democratic laws passed in this country! You have President Barack "the nutty professor" Obama and his attorney general Holder shreading the U.S. Constitution like tissue paper and molding it and placing their "liberal" spins and opinions on how they see the way the law should be!

But, when you have 70% of AZ support the immigration bill recently passed in AZ. And 60% of the Country supports the bill. And 90% of the Obama Administration is against the bill. 95% of (Government-controlled and sponsored Media is against the bill.) 100% of South American drug cartels are against the bill. 99% of south of the border hispanics (illegal aliens)are against the bill.
92% of Europeans are against the bill. There is no Majority here...YET, when does majority rule??? When the Populace of voices cannot be heard...this is NOt Democracy...but a kind of Dictatorship! And what he does is ignore their voices and have his Attorney General sue the State of AZ

Another example, when he clearly did not listen to the person on the street when many many others that were screaming at the top of their lungs FOR THIS MONSROSITY OF OBAMA HEALTHCARE REFORM LAW NOT TO BE PASSED! People want Healthcare Reform, but NOT THIS MONSTROSITY! His ways just don't sit well with the majority of people living here, unless your a "liberal" Democrat or writing a story for the government-conrolled Media!

Well... AZ law and the mosque issue in New york are the main concenrn of americans you beleive ... and health care reforms are not endorsed by americans generally.

As you probabely know after Obama took over the numbers of arrested and deported illegal aliens have rised and Bush numbers looks rediculous regarding this matter comapiring to Obama,s.

Bush took over and then september 11 happened and then there was an understandably need for better control of ameircan borders but what did Bush do? Eight years on power, all that BS a bout republican patriotism is going to take care of american borders and then a democrat takes over and making a much better job than Bushney,s did actually after a rather short time on power... how can U explain this fact and what is with these republican guys having the whole thing in their mouths and not doing much real any way? Obama took over and real sanctions agaisnt NK and Iran became reality and what did republicans do in all those years... just calling them axes of evil and then doing not much any way?

Health care system in America is excellent if you think a bout the quality which is offered if u got the money or the good insurence of course and some of the absoloutly best docs living and working in America but what a bout the fact of 18000 americans are dying each year because of a lack of possibility to afford a health care insurence? *what a bout the unbeleivably over price health companies have taken for years ? Waht a bout an America using more money for each citizen than any other nations and still millions with no helath insurence what so ever and waiting for the mercy of emergency services? what a bout all those ameircan employers who are not providing health insurence for their employees?

Sep 19, 2010 1:40 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot Dude talking through his Hat again!
When does it enter your Thick Skull,that the US is NOT Europe,and doesn't wannabe!rolling on the floor laughing
Sep 19, 2010 2:48 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: Palin gun down Lincoln? Nah......and yes common sense and honest Abe did a heck of a job in running America. Actually in reuniting America. And that is the big scarry for DEMs and REPs about Palin and the Tea Party canidates.

Tea Parties sit in the middle politically. I now Dude, to you they sit out in the far right corner of the country. But Beck got 300,000 of them together....that means there is alot of far righties if so. There is not that many far righties in the country. More likely is that they are mid road rights. Hence in the middle.

IND have always been in the middle here. That is why Obama got their vote in 2008. Now IND have their own loose political party.

Since they sit in the middle, they can unite the country. Not divide it.
Beck is starting a serise of shows on non violent political change. Moses, Ghandi, MLK....all based on Love. Beck is the pied piper here. So far the Tea Party is following his ideology. Now he turns it to a non violent movement of change and love.

Palin and Grinrich are the figure head Presidential candiates of the Tea Party. Palin just went to Iowa to test out a Presidential run in 2012.
They sucked up Obama's IND vote up in new political movement. Left him with the minority liberal political left voting blocks. Pretty neat political thinking and planning in my opinion.

Very very disgusting that you name Beck to gether with Chandi and MLK and Moses even... gosh! I am not wonder at all why your kind of president claimed God contacted him and supported his stupid decisions or Palin talked a bout the stupid war in Iraq was the decision of God! Your guys are pretty good in fooling some gropus in America for sure TT... naming god and the country and so on then people forget all a bout thinking more deep going a bout ther real actions and thoughts... soon Beck will wear preacher clothes as well and "God" of Saudi Arabia will buy more shares in Fox news doh

Grinnich ...Palin... yeah right... of course these are their candidates... good for them comfort
Sep 19, 2010 2:51 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: FYI....initial report here....that the men arrested in England for the attack plot on the Pope were from Morocco and Algeria.

Maybe a shift in alQeada targeting is occurring? Going for religious leaders? Might have something to do with the REV Jones and Iman Ruaf controversy, yes?
Alqueda is doing what ever possible to attack western countries and wetern ideas TT... Tell ur guys making a call to their friend OBL and making him stop this right a way... OBL have forgot that GWB is not on power no more and he needs a phone call from your guys... Fox can also contact their Saudi investors and making them contacting OBL? grin idea
Sep 19, 2010 2:56 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
texasgirl8585: Dude, I have to agree with you on this one -- he does deserve recognition -- as the worst a**hole we've ever had for a president.

What have he done being an AH Texas? Are you possibly afraid of paying more of the money you got because of the stupid Bush taxation cuts for the rich, back to the country or some thing since you are so mad ? If that is the case then Hey... PAY !
It suits you very well paying more in the benefit of the country you claim you love tongue

Of course Texas sends a George W Bush to the White House... Gosh! doh
Sep 19, 2010 2:57 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
agman: Obama is one of the greatest presidents this country has ever had.
Good to see you Agman! Long time no see! Welcome to this thread cheers
Sep 19, 2010 3:01 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_Dude: I can not get this link TT... repost?
Your Computer broken again!
That's the Problem if you buy Socialist!
Sep 19, 2010 3:03 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
jvaski: Don't count yer chickens just yet Ttom.....the truth is comin out about the Tea idiots and the Rebubs as we speak....
Sep 19, 2010 3:11 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
BellaTheRebel48BellaTheRebel48Minneapolis, Minnesota USA7 Threads 2 Polls 242 Posts
Fallingman: Assuming you and millions of others believe this tripe....I'm now officially just as concerned about the US having the bomb as I am about Iran getting it!

...and I'm ready to seek asylum in another country!!!help
Sep 19, 2010 3:12 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Conrad73: Your Computer broken again!
That's the Problem if you buy Socialist!
rolling on the floor laughing

HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Los Angeles spent $70 million in stimulus funds to create 7.76 jobs
News - Financial News

A new piece of evidence has emerged in the debate over the effectiveness of President Obama's 2009 stimulus package, and it's not good for Democrats.

According to two newly released audits performed by the Los Angeles controller, L.A. spent enormous portions of the $594 million in stimulus funds it received on projects that created or saved just a handful of jobs. All told, the audits — available here and here — examined $111 million in stimulus spending by the city's Department of Transportation and Department of Public Works, and found that the money went to projects that created or retained just 54 jobs. That works out to roughly $2 million per job.

The $71 million that went to the Department of Public Works, which funded 15 road-surfacing and similar projects, was projected to save or create 238 jobs. But according to the audit, the money created just 7.76 jobs — or slightly more than $10 million per new job — and saved 37.7 (the fractions are a result of calculating the number of jobs by hours worked). The Department of Transportation's $40 million created or retained just nine jobs, the audit found.

In a press release accompanying the audits , L.A. Controller Wendy Greuel said the job numbers were underwhelming. "I'm disappointed that we've only created or retained 55 jobs after receiving $111 million in funds," Greuel said. "With our local unemployment rate over 12 percent, we need to do a better job cutting the red tape and putting Angelenos back to work."

The audit didn't find any misspent funds or waste. But the breakdown of how some of the money was spent seems to indicate efficiency was not exactly the order of the day for project managers. The Department of Transportation, for instance, spent $9 million to install new LED lightbulbs in traffic lights at 1,800 intersections. Less the $228,000 in labor costs associated with the project, that's nearly $5,000 per location to change lightbulbs. Another project spent $4 million to install 65 new left-turn arrows, averaging more than $61,500 per arrow.

The Guy is screwing up BIG TIME!
He is a real Leftwinged Demorat!rolling on the floor laughing
Sep 19, 2010 3:15 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
englishelegance: And here endeth the lesson on this guy!. We can go round in circles but whatever happens will happen..........Amen
Welcome to this thread wine

What did he promise and what have he kept until now? Obama have definately kept most of his promisses and those he have not kept is because republicans are not cooporating what so ever or because it is not possible here and now to make those reality. What ever happens will happen of course but at least debating the issues feels great and standing firm on one,s points of views feels even better.
Sep 19, 2010 3:15 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Alqueda is doing what ever possible to attack western countries and wetern ideas TT... Tell ur guys making a call to their friend OBL and making him stop this right a way... OBL have forgot that GWB is not on power no more and he needs a phone call from your guys... Fox can also contact their Saudi investors and making them contacting OBL?

Am sure my guys have a direct line to OBL. LOL.......if they did all Obama's CIA would have to do is trace a call and they could bag OBL.
But since OBL is still someplace on the NW Pakistan/Afghan borderbarf
and cannot be any other place in the big old middle east.

Oh well......Obama is just leaving OBL till the next President comes on board in 2012. If he did it, it messes up the Muslim outreach programs that he has.
Sep 19, 2010 3:18 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Los Angeles spent $70 million in stimulus funds to create 7.76 jobs
News - Financial News

A new piece of evidence has emerged in the debate over the effectiveness of President Obama's 2009 stimulus package, and it's not good for Democrats.

According to two newly released audits performed by the Los Angeles controller, L.A. spent enormous portions of the $594 million in stimulus funds it received on projects that created or saved just a handful of jobs. All told, the audits — available here and here — examined $111 million in stimulus spending by the city's Department of Transportation and Department of Public Works, and found that the money went to projects that created or retained just 54 jobs. That works out to roughly $2 million per job.

The $71 million that went to the Department of Public Works, which funded 15 road-surfacing and similar projects, was projected to save or create 238 jobs. But according to the audit, the money created just 7.76 jobs — or slightly more than $10 million per new job — and saved 37.7 (the fractions are a result of calculating the number of jobs by hours worked). The Department of Transportation's $40 million created or retained just nine jobs, the audit found.

In a press release accompanying the audits , L.A. Controller Wendy Greuel said the job numbers were underwhelming. "I'm disappointed that we've only created or retained 55 jobs after receiving $111 million in funds," Greuel said. "With our local unemployment rate over 12 percent, we need to do a better job cutting the red tape and putting Angelenos back to work."

The audit didn't find any misspent funds or waste. But the breakdown of how some of the money was spent seems to indicate efficiency was not exactly the order of the day for project managers. The Department of Transportation, for instance, spent $9 million to install new LED lightbulbs in traffic lights at 1,800 intersections. Less the $228,000 in labor costs associated with the project, that's nearly $5,000 per location to change lightbulbs. Another project spent $4 million to install 65 new left-turn arrows, averaging more than $61,500 per arrow.

The Guy is screwing up BIG TIME!
He is a real Leftwinged Demorat!

LOL...remember what I posted earlier...'will be the most corrupt American Administration in history'. We got 2.5 trillion of that stuff coming.
Sep 19, 2010 3:23 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
BellaTheRebel48BellaTheRebel48Minneapolis, Minnesota USA7 Threads 2 Polls 242 Posts
ttom500: Not sure how it is Ireland, Fallignman. But good old USA the will of the people still does matter.

Obama took the 40% minority position on every major issue for the last 20 months. Not once did he stand with the American people and the majority. Now the American people get to make a referendum with their mid term vote to how they disapprove of that.

It is going to be a wave.

When OConnel can beat a long time establish Rhino REP in a DEM blue state of Deleware by 7 points. A major change in the grass roots politic is a foot here.

You all love Obam in Europe. The polling shows that. The polling also show that he has fallen here in the from 70% approval to a 45% approval. Why the difference?

Americans are center righters. Europeans are center lefters. Obama is a center Lefter. So when he takes consistent position for the minority, the majority will realign....that is all that happened here. But it is a will of the people.

In ALL seriousness ttom...what do you think is going to happen for the better if the republicans take the majority in November? Or if the tea partyiers take over? What is going to be any different than what is going on now?

We simply exchange one set of crooks for another set. The republicans have had the majority and America has still been in the red, same with the democrats.

Regardless of whether or not the dems control the House and Senate or the reps or tea partiers control the House and Senate, it's still going to be the same ole same ole.

The republicans are hoping that if they get the majority come November, that they intend to repeal Obamacare and the question is "replace Obamacare with what?"

This country has been needing healthcare reform for decades and republicans have been in control within those decades and they've come up with nothing and from what I can gather, they still have nothing.

The healthcare system in America needed an what was proposed and passed doesn't please everyone, who expected that it would since you can't please everyone and in America, the saying should be, "you can't please Americans ALL of the time!"roll eyes sigh
Sep 19, 2010 3:26 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
$1.6 Trillion Obamacare.

30 million recipients.


$530,000 per person, per year, for insurance coverage.

Maybe not exactly like that,but you all going to find out what Trojan Horse the Dem Leadership has voted for!
Sep 19, 2010 4:20 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts

Obama have to increase taxes paid by rich americans becasue America is in recession and these around five procents of americans bettwer paying more back to the country they claim they love because where else the money shall come from?

What constitution are you talking a bout TT? Republican,s constitution or republicans tranlation of the american constitution so it is good for most of their wealthy supporters and for oil and war and health industry?

Principals of the Country? Who on Earth gave ur guys the right of beleiving they are the "country" for gud sake? Not all americans are on ur side and they will never EVER be!

From where jobs can be created this fast TT? Obama administration have till now made sure around four million jobs are saved or created and that result is fabulous concidering the amount of disaster your guys broguth upon America !

Obama says jobs are needed and employers shall hire workers...well concidering the sad fact a bout republican employers are doing what ever they can NOT TO hire people just for the sake og November elections is a disturbing challenge not easy to solve by Obama right here and right now and beside the same republican party fillibustering unemployment benefits of americans to keep them more desperate and hoping for them becoming more angry... shows that terrorists surely are on the same side as terrorists dunno

Americans do not need the hatfull republican party of America to regain integrity, honor and glory because americans got both integrity and honor and glory as well and republicans should better backing off this kind of talking and stop talking as if there is nothing than republicans, America can count on and as if republicans have been a hell of party running America in the years of 2001-2008 doh
Sep 19, 2010 4:28 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_Dude: TT...

Obama have to increase taxes paid by rich americans becasue America is in recession and these around five procents of americans bettwer paying more back to the country they claim they love because where else the money shall come from?

What constitution are you talking a bout TT? Republican,s constitution or republicans tranlation of the american constitution so it is good for most of their wealthy supporters and for oil and war and health industry?

Principals of the Country? Who on Earth gave ur guys the right of beleiving they are the "country" for gud sake? Not all americans are on ur side and they will never EVER be!

From where jobs can be created this fast TT? Obama administration have till now made sure around four million jobs are saved or created and that result is fabulous concidering the amount of disaster your guys broguth upon America !

Obama says jobs are needed and employers shall hire workers...well concidering the sad fact a bout republican employers are doing what ever they can NOT TO hire people just for the sake og November elections is a disturbing challenge not easy to solve by Obama right here and right now and beside the same republican party fillibustering unemployment benefits of americans to keep them more desperate and hoping for them becoming more angry... shows that terrorists surely are on the same side as terrorists

Americans do not need the hatfull republican party of America to regain integrity, honor and glory because americans got both integrity and honor and glory as well and republicans should better backing off this kind of talking and stop talking as if there is nothing than republicans, America can count on and as if republicans have been a hell of party running America in the years of 2001-2008

Achmed dood it!professor

Sep 19, 2010 4:44 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
BellaTheRebel48: In ALL seriousness ttom...what do you think is going to happen for the better if the republicans take the majority in November? Or if the tea partyiers take over? What is going to be any different than what is going on now?

We simply exchange one set of crooks for another set. The republicans have had the majority and America has still been in the red, same with the democrats.

Regardless of whether or not the dems control the House and Senate or the reps or tea partiers control the House and Senate, it's still going to be the same ole same ole.

The republicans are hoping that if they get the majority come November, that they intend to repeal Obamacare and the question is "replace Obamacare with what?"

This country has been needing healthcare reform for decades and republicans have been in control within those decades and they've come up with nothing and from what I can gather, they still have nothing.

The healthcare system in America needed an what was proposed and passed doesn't please everyone, who expected that it would since you can't please everyone and in America, the saying should be, "you can't please Americans ALL of the time!"

Good question and one that President Obama has been hammering at REP for months now.

Let me give you a few resources to check out. Because many of the new REP ideas are in them.

1) The coauthored book by three REP Representatives (Ryan, Cantor,McCarthy) called "The Young Guns". Also their website

2) Newt Grinrich's American Solutions program. Newt hosted a serise of American solution conferences online and open houses over the summer time. Just to get new ideas for the country. Likely by now they have compiled the ideas to see which are practical and which are not. If not compiled now, expect it soon.

3) Various Tea Party Canidates Position Statements. Specially Rubio. He is a solid Conservative idea man. Top notch from what a former REP FL Senator says.

It is fair for Obama to attack the REP and say...where are the new ideas? That is American politics. Kill the other guys message from the Bully Pulpit. We understand that.

But if REP did not have solid ideas...why invite them to the White House so many time? Just ignore them. DEMs had control of both houses and the White House. President Obama tasks Senator McCain saying 'the election was over with'.....basically saying 'it was my way now or the high way'. So the REP WH invites were partly for Politic show. But President Obama knew that he needed REP votes to get his legislation passed. The DEMs were also split on it.

How well has his way worked? American voted in Obama when the economy collapsed in GWB final year in office. McCain was saddled with Bush's economy to lose the election. Well now we have had Obama economics for
20 months, what has it gotten us? 940,000 houses foreclosed last month alone. Unemployment over 9%. 1 in 7 under the poverty line. More Americans taking out of their 401 accounts than ever before. Losing their retirements.

So I agree it is time for new ideas. But be open to them from all sources. Because a good idea can come from either side of the aisle or any place in the country. And best to get them from the horse's mouth...that is why I site the sources to you. And I have not gone thru them. So would be unfair for me to site here now. Was on another project this last month or so. I will get to them prior to the Nov 4 mid term vote.

One last thing on this. These new ideas that can come from anyone and anyplace.....need to be 'rock solid'. By that I mean they need so practical and functional that a large country like the US can easily incorporate them. A lot of common sense in other words. We don't have the money or the time for 'pie in sky' hoping that they will work.
Sep 19, 2010 4:50 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: What do you think Dude?

Jimmy Carter just said that his failed attempt to get the embassy hostages out of Iran would have worked. Am coughing here.....because this was not a solid military had no air cover for the American helo when they got to Tehran. One Iranian fighter flying would have bagged the American helos either prior to the rescue or after.

But did Jimmy inspire Obama to make a hostage rescue attempt of the two male hikers still in Iran? The reason I ask....Iran is unofficially saying it detained 7 US military forces that crossed into Iran.

I bet this gets more Iranian legal work in those Sharia law courts than the when the UK marine and nave small boat units were detained earlier.
I double the bet by saying these American military are soon facing spying charges. The two hikers are. Spying in Iran is a possible death sentence.

Well Pres. A is in the UN to could be all Iranian give him a hot topic to tirade on in the UN.
No US verification of the 7 men or thier mission.

Maybe Charlie Sheen was one of them? And it was his movie NAVY SEAL Team that they caught. If so.....instead of accusing Obama and Washington. Iran should be accusing Hollywood and MG about the incident. We better check what movies Charlie is doing presently.

If he is doing Navy Seals X, then some high priced Hollywood attroneys just got busier.

What I have heard a bout Jimmy Carter,s attempt to free american hostiges tells me that the attempt was too weak and there was a need for a better organised mission and bigger numbers of vehicles invovled and beside there was a need for hitting power centers in Iran to make the new regim back then to understand: "you are not EVER going to make "fun" with a super power as America becasue cosequences will be worse for your self". Carter should not make that attempt or making it much more powerful and not possible to "loose".

Are there really 7 american military men in Iran prisons? I have not seen an article regarding that or have heard a bout it in news... will you please provide a link ?Still two hikers and one other gentlemen who Iran claimed was an FBI agent and have parished in Iran... but 7 US military men in Iran??? ...I dont know!

Mentioning those british militray guys arrested by Iran... It was so funny looking at president A giving them suits and gifts from Iran and shaking their hands and fare welled them on TV ... Gosh such a Buzo... he was sooooooooooooooo scared and looked like soon pissing in pants in front of cameras laugh

Regim in Iran is so weak and so easy to bring down and they are so scared of America and I sure look forward to the day when this paper regim is going to fall a part and during Obama,s turms in the white House. Democrats do certainly not need enemies behind each stone to be able to hold on power, and that is why regim in Iran is going to be history very soon.
Sep 19, 2010 4:51 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
csharpe101csharpe101Aurora, Colorado USA1 Threads 131 Posts
Conrad73: Your Messiah really done it now!
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Sep 19, 2010 4:51 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Fallingman: Assuming you and millions of others believe this tripe....I'm now officially just as concerned about the US having the bomb as I am about Iran getting it!
I am hearing you Fallingman uh oh
Sep 19, 2010 5:05 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Conrad73: Your Computer broken again!
That's the Problem if you buy Socialist!
rolling on the floor laughing tongue
Sep 19, 2010 5:09 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
BellaTheRebel48: ...and I'm ready to seek asylum in another country!!!
Hi Bella... Do not worry! America is not going to allow Forces of darkness reagain their bloody power once a again! America contains some gas in stomack and it will surely pass laugh
Sep 19, 2010 5:12 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Los Angeles spent $70 million in stimulus funds to create 7.76 jobs
News - Financial News

A new piece of evidence has emerged in the debate over the effectiveness of President Obama's 2009 stimulus package, and it's not good for Democrats.

According to two newly released audits performed by the Los Angeles controller, L.A. spent enormous portions of the $594 million in stimulus funds it received on projects that created or saved just a handful of jobs. All told, the audits — available here and here — examined $111 million in stimulus spending by the city's Department of Transportation and Department of Public Works, and found that the money went to projects that created or retained just 54 jobs. That works out to roughly $2 million per job.

The $71 million that went to the Department of Public Works, which funded 15 road-surfacing and similar projects, was projected to save or create 238 jobs. But according to the audit, the money created just 7.76 jobs — or slightly more than $10 million per new job — and saved 37.7 (the fractions are a result of calculating the number of jobs by hours worked). The Department of Transportation's $40 million created or retained just nine jobs, the audit found.

In a press release accompanying the audits , L.A. Controller Wendy Greuel said the job numbers were underwhelming. "I'm disappointed that we've only created or retained 55 jobs after receiving $111 million in funds," Greuel said. "With our local unemployment rate over 12 percent, we need to do a better job cutting the red tape and putting Angelenos back to work."

The audit didn't find any misspent funds or waste. But the breakdown of how some of the money was spent seems to indicate efficiency was not exactly the order of the day for project managers. The Department of Transportation, for instance, spent $9 million to install new LED lightbulbs in traffic lights at 1,800 intersections. Less the $228,000 in labor costs associated with the project, that's nearly $5,000 per location to change lightbulbs. Another project spent $4 million to install 65 new left-turn arrows, averaging more than $61,500 per arrow.

The Guy is screwing up BIG TIME!
He is a real Leftwinged Demorat!

Thank you for the article Conrad cheers

Los Angeles is runned by Republicans of course... Send them a way and elect a democrat as governer for gud sake then! doh

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