Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America! (732)

Sep 28, 2010 3:10 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Dude has been political advise to Alan Greyson. Greyson just came out with a Taliban Attack on his REP opponent, Dan Webster. Greyson take a Webster comment about women submitting them self to their husbands and praying and compares it to the Taliban supressing Islamic women.

The Orlando Sentinel,, all have denounced the Greyson ad.

Cannot we do better than Greyson in Washington? I am sure we will not take much.
Sep 28, 2010 3:15 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: Here is a recent article on the Teachers in America....that asks the question are they good enough.

It comes from a documentary....Waiting on Superman by Davis Guggenhiem.
Placing students into a class room for 4 extra week with a sub standard teacher is not the answer. Placing students in a class room with quality teachers is the answer. Then you can adjust the length of the school year to be what ever is needed.

But making a teacher a babysitter for 4 extra weeks is not the answer.
Teachers have to regain control of their class room. Specially at the high school level.

President Obama gives us white wash answer to the problem of quality of student educations. He covers the teacher unions that largely support him...saying given them the students for more time. But poor quality educations will just get extended into the extra time.

The article is expired TT... dunno
Sep 28, 2010 3:42 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Sep 28, 2010 3:44 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
I am on the other hand and regardign ur question really confident that democrats will get them selves to gether and only bringing more real stories a bout poisitve effects of Obama administration for americans will send most of this horrible lying machine of republicans far a way and here by positive stories a bout Obama care will be the most important. Almost the whole debate regarding these reforms are told by republicans and so on and that is not right what so ever because being in Opposition to democrats of course they never ever say any thing positive a bout Obama administration! there is a lack of ballance between sides in America and those millions of americnas on Obama,s side are too quiet now on days and this can be abused by right winged as it sure happens all over the planet when left winged waking up too late and right winged war monger anti human right and anti civil right liers taking over again!

Tell me that after Nov. 2nd, Dude. Then we will have real numbers to look at. Because right now....DEMs are running away from Obama and the Party. The DEM primary turn out was millions short of the REP and Tea Party numbers. Themany of races that REP and Tea party canidates have leads is significant. And even in solid DEM states, you have neck and neck races.

But still a month to go. So to early to put it into the record books.

DEM have left themselves only one political advertising tactic. Like Greyson, you have to do negative ad campainging. The people know that will never sustain a economic recovery or bring this great country back on the road to political harmony, prosperity and success.

So American are rejecting the childish negative campaigning of DEMs and liberal ideologues, Dude. The reason Obama has been marginalized, is the people see him as a liberal ideologue. He did it to himself by speaking some 240 times on Health care. Was not our fault, he exercised his right of freedom of speech.

They want answers and have submitting them to those American solutions and REP pledge with America websites. They have been compiled and the platform shows the one that were most submitted and voted on.

You needed to come up with new, invigorating and the embracing all positions. Instead pointing the finger to the past and at GWB. The country moved on, and DEMs did not walk with it. They became arrogant and self centered elitists. The Tea Party resonated with IND votes and the REP had a lock on the conservative votes.

Gate leaves at the beginning of the year. Unless Obama has secret liberal with vast amounts of DoD administration expereince, even more DoD will be dropped on his desk. Remember what Woodward said....most of his time is being used for DoD and the wars. Gates gave him solid advise on many DoD areas.

But Gate leaving will place all of the Afghan withdrawal on Obama's shoulders. Petreaus did his best with operation Anaconda to win the conflict. If we lose it is because Obama pulled out. If we win, it is because Petreaus had the right tactics for the win. Either way, Obama has a issue coming with Afhganistan. But that is all coming for 2012.
Even you cannot embrace Petreuas....because he is a REP. But you better hope he wins. Else Obama gets tagged with being a POTUS that lost a war.

And Rush Limbaugh is a happy camper, man. Listened to him the other night....he is doing the happy dance.
Sep 28, 2010 4:34 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Interesting article a bout dobble standarded Bushney heads of America:

Sep 28, 2010 4:42 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_Dude: Interesting article a bout dobble standarded Bushney heads of America:

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Sep 28, 2010 4:53 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Interesting article a bout dobble standarded Bushney heads of America:

Ever think that you talk more GWB and the Busney than Tea Party and REP canidates, Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, OReilly and all the rest of FOX combined?grin

PS am going over HR 4782 (0bamacare) CBO budget estimates....I found
$1,130b that we can scratch from 2010-2019 FED budget with a Age Determinant Health Care legislation.

Not only that....under this plan....the Insurance carriers are reguired to make escrowing investment to market to such large national groups. I think we got about $300b in Muni bond investment and T-Bill certificates.

That is $150b in stimulus fund to local and state governments. And $150b to the Federal Government's general budget via the T-Bills.

Under HR 4782 they did not have one bit of insurance carrier financial requirements. State were still going to regulate them. And they had $526b in revenues that went into the Federal government general fund. This is the same general fund that get used for earmarks and porking. That is why DEMs liked it.

They saw they could use the dollar twice. Once for health care and once for the general fund. But as a good accountant will tell you, that is a impossibility. You cannot use the same dollar twice.

This is what I mean about a business learning experience for DEMs.
Sep 28, 2010 5:57 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
theduke1980theduke1980Brighton, East Sussex, England UK51 Threads 2 Polls 590 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: you are not arrogant at all duke and I understand ur question but still... since America is populated by people from all over the entire planet Earth and since I got a lot friends and family members in America then I do Care a bout what is happening in America and will keep doing just that. What ever happens in America politically have a huge influence on the entire population of the planet Earth... I can not just think "Oak... I am here to hell with ohters living in other countries" and specially America I may say...

America is all of us and that will be the case when ever talking a bout immigrant countries duke.

Dude, im not in agreement with you pal.

America is simply America, England is simply England. Yes, it is a country of immegrants, but because there great grandaddy was an Englishman is no concern of mine, if i have second or third cousins etc in the States it is no concern of mine. Not in a negative way, but roots are something of last century!!! Ummmm, i could go on a bit here....
Sep 28, 2010 7:21 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
President Obama just used the word 'fight' more time than McCain did in his 2008 acceptance speech. In a get out the vote rally at the University of Wisconsin......President Obama used the word 'fight' so many times that the Badgers thought it was a new chant for the football team.

Some quotes...."We cannot let this country fall backwards because the rest of did not FIGHT. But if people want to take their ball and go home,
that tells me people were not serious in the first place.We need to FIGHT"

With 17,000 in attendance, one thought President Obama was rallying the troops to defend to Washington against the British in 1796. But hey if it
is generational war wanted here, most adults are yawning.

If we could only get President Obama to show more desire to fight
the countries enemies that lay off shore in remote area with rugged mountains. Than 60% of the people of the country that now stand against his policies and positions.

peace <-----------We surrender. Will negotiate the terms after Nov 2nd. midterms and will withdraw force on January 20, 2013, after the 2012 Presidential election.
Sep 28, 2010 8:34 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
When the Obama Administration made the trade of Russian Spies for American Spies....a 10 for 4 deal. Left in Russian prisons were 8 others that Russia had for imprisoned for spying.

I think we all knew the math was bad in this spy deal. Now we are learning how bad it was.

Igor Sutyagin was one of the Russian spies now in England. He says that left were 8 other that were in the prison with him.

New math or just a hurry to get them out of the country? Not sure here.
The speed that the they were traded, tells me.....the Washington did not want the investigation to go deeper into their activities. So Moscow was in the driver seat to the trade terms.

Will not say in the old was one for one...and only after everything that spy knew and did had been disclosed to and investigated by the FBI.

Me thinks that there are some very lucky Washington politicians, that bite the bullet that the investigation did not go longer.
Sep 28, 2010 9:01 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
FreddyFudpuckerFreddyFudpuckerObamaville, Indiana USA10,179 Posts
85 Minnesota jobs experts bounced from jobs
Money to pay 85 Minnesota job counselors will run out on Thursday, so out they go.

By DEE DePASS, Star Tribune

¦Feds: Cal/OSHA needs speedier complaint process
Alan Hill taught, coached and cheered more than 3,000 laid-off job seekers during the last year at the Bloomington Workforce Center. Next week, he will be unemployed himself.
The 2009 federal stimulus money that paid Hill and 84 other job counselors to teach at the state's 46 workforce centers ends Friday. Without funding, those workers must move on.

"The economic downturn is over, didn't you hear," Hill joked with a sad grin. The terminations come as the economy continues to sputter and unemployment remains stubbornly high.

Hope and Change...

Even job coaches are losing their jobs under Obummer~ yay
Sep 29, 2010 6:55 AM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Looks like a slow news day here.

Tiger Woods picked up the Rory McIIroy challenge with a two words response.."me too". For a mano a mano round in the Ryder Cup. Tiger has not been playing well, post his divorce. Also that one of the other ladies, is asking to marry him. See it is a distraction to your game, Gentlemen, I have always said so.

Former President Jimmy Carter is in the in the Hospital. A quick recovery Jimmy.

Nancy Pelosi ethnic pledge falters. Her promise that the DEM would lead the "most honest, the most open, the most ethical Congress in the history of the country"....has been done in by the Rangel and Waters investigations and the delay to Congressional hearings. Just the way politic is played in DC around midterms.

In a civilian trial of a bin Laden aide, Ahmed Khalfen Ghailanim the prosecutor are going to use bin Laden's own video as evidence. Seem they want to discuss bin Laden use of Sharia Law and the fatwa, he issued from it for 911, in the court. I wonder why?

They had a terrorist plot uncovered in Europe. Another planned attack on the Eiffel Tower, it seems. A American that was cleared from the massive structure was heard to say....'no bomb could bring this down'. Guess he has not seen the size of the Airbus AXXX.

NATO air strikes again into Pakistan. A senior Taliban leader this time and 70 more. Our drones are flying across the Afghan/Pakistan border so much these days, that the drone pilots are calling Pakistan a 'target rich environment'. 21 times in this last month. Now if the pilots could
only sing..."You have lost that Loving Feeling" they are
USAF Jocks and not USNAVY Jocks so are clueless to rythem.

In Washington, the debate on expert celebrity giving testimony to Congressional hearing is the main topics of the day. Sparked off by
Stephen Colbert in character testimony on immigrant field work. My question is....since a most often know for their roles in movies.... how can they have a honest character anyways? The old saying that there are more mentally messed up people in Hollywood per capita, than any other place in the country has great merit.

And the last one. Seem they are still waiting for that US funding in Haiti from the earthquake. Hillary Clinton promised $1.5b usd, yes I know....the b word. To aid them following the earthquake. Todate not a penny has been sent.

That is a way to go, Washington. We are cheering your effort to be fiscally responsible here, if they were also morally responsible actions. Get them the frigin money so they can buy food. And quit playing political games with it. I wonder what genius in the Obama administration thought this up? Haiti is going thru some political cycles that Washington is concerned with. So the game of with holding aid is in fashion.
Sep 29, 2010 2:58 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
longcoolwoman61longcoolwoman61Kansas City, Missouri USA4 Posts
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s trip to New York City reportedly expanded beyond meeting with foreign dignitaries at the United Nations. According to the New York Post, the Iranian president’s six-night stay also included a “secret sit-down” with militant Nation of Islam minister Louis Farrakhan and members of the New Black Panther Party: The president shared a hush-hush meal with Farrakhan and members of the New Black Panther Party Tuesday at the Warwick Hotel on West 54th Street.

The meeting of the podium smackers took place in a banquet room, where the fiery leaders presumably exchanged theories on what’s wrong with the world.

Farrakhan has a history of meeting with controversial foreign leaders and has been criticized for being anti-Semitic. In 1984, Farrakhan traveled with Rev. Jeremiah Wright to meet with Libya’s de facto leader Muammar Khadafi.

Upon his arrival back in the United States, Farrakhan delivered a sermon condemning the state of Israel:

Now that nation called Israel never has had any peace in 40 years and she will never have any peace because there can be no peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the name of God to shield your gutter religion under His holy and righteous name.

The Post characterized Ahmadinejad’s New York visit as “paranoia on parade,” noting that the foreign leaders’ traveling entourage took up about 90 hotel rooms with more than 20 for security alone.

He never set foot in the lobby. Bulletproof glass was installed over room windows. When he left for meetings at the Iranian Mission, on Third Avenue, or the United Nations, he departed by an employee entrance, the path covered in a white tent — a veritable tunnel to his vehicle. His head was covered with a white cloth. No one saw him on the street.

Sep 29, 2010 3:01 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
longcoolwoman61longcoolwoman61Kansas City, Missouri USA4 Posts
39 Dems Break Rank in Adjournment Vote, Pelosi Casts Tiebreaker

In an almost-surprising turn of events, House Democrats on Wednesday barely won a 210-209 vote to adjourn the House without extending the Bush tax cuts. 39 Democrats broke rank and voted against adjournment, while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had to cast the tiebreaking vote.

In a rousing speech on the House floor before the vote, Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) called on his colleagues to stay in session long enough to vote on tax cuts: “Vote no on this adjournment resolution. Give Congress a chance to vote on extending tax rates.” After the vote was finalized, he accused those voting for adjournment of “putting their election above the needs of your constituents.”

Ironically, Democrats voting not to adjourn might have made that decision based on politics, too.

“Virtually every politically vulnerable Democrat, ranging from Bobby Bright of Alabama to Stephanie Herseth Sandlin of South Dakota to Frank Kratovil of Maryland, voted against adjourning the House,” Politico reports, “believing they should stick around to extend the tax cuts.”

Many Democrats have been breaking with their party’s agenda as Americans increasingly grow disgruntled with the party’s track record in Congress. Breaking rank, then, may be a last-ditch effort to show that the candidates are more loyal to their constituencies than their party.

The vote to adjourn does not mean an immediate departure for the Representatives. As The Hill reports, the House still has to vote on several issues, including a measure to keep the federal government operating through Dec. 3, before it adjourns.

Sep 29, 2010 3:08 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
longcoolwoman61: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s trip to New York City reportedly expanded beyond meeting with foreign dignitaries at the United Nations. According to the New York Post, the Iranian president’s six-night stay also included a “secret sit-down” with militant Nation of Islam minister Louis Farrakhan and members of the New Black Panther Party: The president shared a hush-hush meal with Farrakhan and members of the New Black Panther Party Tuesday at the Warwick Hotel on West 54th Street.

The meeting of the podium smackers took place in a banquet room, where the fiery leaders presumably exchanged theories on what’s wrong with the world.

Farrakhan has a history of meeting with controversial foreign leaders and has been criticized for being anti-Semitic. In 1984, Farrakhan traveled with Rev. Jeremiah Wright to meet with Libya’s de facto leader Muammar Khadafi.

Upon his arrival back in the United States, Farrakhan delivered a sermon condemning the state of Israel:

Now that nation called Israel never has had any peace in 40 years and she will never have any peace because there can be no peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the name of God to shield your gutter religion under His holy and righteous name.

The Post characterized Ahmadinejad’s New York visit as “paranoia on parade,” noting that the foreign leaders’ traveling entourage took up about 90 hotel rooms with more than 20 for security alone.

He never set foot in the lobby. Bulletproof glass was installed over room windows. When he left for meetings at the Iranian Mission, on Third Avenue, or the United Nations, he departed by an employee entrance, the path covered in a white tent — a veritable tunnel to his vehicle. His head was covered with a white cloth. No one saw him on the street.

Can't understand why this SOB is even allowed to enter the USofA.
Sep 29, 2010 3:11 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
longcoolwoman61longcoolwoman61Kansas City, Missouri USA4 Posts
Government Could Seek Foreign Investors for GM

DETROIT (AP) — Investment bankers handling the upcoming General Motors Co. stock sale are expected to court foreign investors as well as those in North America, according to a U.S. Treasury Department statement.

GM and the Treasury Department would not comment Sunday on reports that the automaker is in talks with its current partner in China, SAIC, about buying a stake in the Detroit company. SAIC is owned by the Chinese government.

The Treasury Department, in a statement issued late Friday, said investors in GM would be sought across “multiple geographies,” with a focus on North America.

The U.S. Treasury loaned GM about $50 billion to help it through bankruptcy protection last year. GM has repaid $6.7 billion. The rest of the bailout money was converted to a 61 percent government stake in the company.

The government hopes to get the remaining $43 billion back with stock sales that could start in November.

Foreign investment in U.S. automakers and other companies is common. Before the stock sale, GM will put on a two-week “road show” of presentations for investors, and several stops are expected to be in cities outside the U.S.

The Treasury statement also said banks underwriting the GM stock sale will be expected to balance getting the maximum price per share and return for taxpayers with having a stable base of shareholders and keeping up interest in several sales that will occur after the initial public offering.

Individual investors will get “ample opportunity” to buy GM shares, but institutional investors such as mutual funds, hedge funds and pension funds will be sought out, the statement said.

“We expect that a large and diverse group of institutional investors will be offered an opportunity to participate, with no single investor or group of investors receiving a disproportionate share or unusual treatment,” the statement said.

The government will make ensure general guidelines are followed in the sale “but will not involve itself in decisions regarding allocation of shares to specific buyers,” the statement said.

Sep 29, 2010 3:22 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
longcoolwoman61longcoolwoman61Kansas City, Missouri USA4 Posts
more comments continued...

If we had let GM fail to begin with it might already be competing fairly in the free market. As it is, I guess we are lucky to have Ford as the lone real American Car Company. Keep it up blue oval!
Report Post » bartanton
Posted on September 21, 2010 at 12:28pm

@ 79USMC83 – You are right, but miss one important point. Our corrupt socialist government will protect foreign investors. It a means of redistribution. Just like they are to to the US oil inducstry; shut down our wells and use tax dollars to fund foreign oil companies.
Report Post » Spirit-of-76
Posted on September 20, 2010 at 1:56am

If I ever even think about buying a new car the only company I will look at is ford. Like the car I’m driving now
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Posted on September 20, 2010 at 4:06am

I will never buy a GM car again. I am tired of subsidizing them with my tax dollars and I won’t subsidize them by buying an inferior vehicle. I know, I know, but what about the workers. Well, no one deserves $30 an hour to run a screw in a door panel all day. A monkey could do that. They don’t create enough value for what they are paid. The unions are like whining children demanding more all the time. Sorry GM, but I’m done now.
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Compete or Lose
Posted on September 20, 2010 at 11:04am

I used to only buy GM and Ford products under the theory that I was supporting american jobs, but I feel my loyalty was betrayed by the UAW. Now I have no preference for any car company (except maybe a little for cars made in the US by non-UAW workers)–I will buy the best deal for me and if it is an import or a car made by a foreign company in a US plant, then I am all for that.

I guess after they screwed the American investors out of what was rightfully their’s by law no one in this hemisphere will invest in GM,
I believe in buying American made goods when ever possible but not one run by our government. With On star it just gives them another tool to control us with. And yes I may be a little paranoid but times are calling for being paranoid.

I couldn’t agree more. It as a crime what happened to the bond holders and all in the name of payingback political favors to the unions. It doesn’t surprise me they look to foreign investors instead of individual American investors. Look at how they get treated! So now we‘re looking t a gov’t run auto maker possibly supported financially by a communist China? Wow,I’ll bet the sheep never saw that kind of “Change” coming.

Despite what the President believes, Ford didn’t take any Government money.. They restructured on their own, and seem to be doing pretty well for it..
Report Post » TomBurpee
Sep 29, 2010 3:50 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
FreddyFudpuckerFreddyFudpuckerObamaville, Indiana USA10,179 Posts
Other than that, do you have any problems w/Obama?
longcoolwoman61: more comments continued...
If we had let GM fail to begin with it might already be competing fairly in the free market. As it is, I guess we are lucky to have Ford as the lone real American Car Company. Keep it up blue oval!
Report Post » bartanton
Posted on September 21, 2010 at 12:28pm

@ 79USMC83 – You are right, but miss one important point. Our corrupt socialist government will protect foreign investors. It a means of redistribution. Just like they are to to the US oil inducstry; shut down our wells and use tax dollars to fund foreign oil companies.
Report Post » Spirit-of-76
Posted on September 20, 2010 at 1:56am

If I ever even think about buying a new car the only company I will look at is ford. Like the car I’m driving now
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Posted on September 20, 2010 at 4:06am

I will never buy a GM car again. I am tired of subsidizing them with my tax dollars and I won’t subsidize them by buying an inferior vehicle. I know, I know, but what about the workers. Well, no one deserves $30 an hour to run a screw in a door panel all day. A monkey could do that. They don’t create enough value for what they are paid. The unions are like whining children demanding more all the time. Sorry GM, but I’m done now.
Report Post »
Compete or Lose
Posted on September 20, 2010 at 11:04am

I used to only buy GM and Ford products under the theory that I was supporting american jobs, but I feel my loyalty was betrayed by the UAW. Now I have no preference for any car company (except maybe a little for cars made in the US by non-UAW workers)–I will buy the best deal for me and if it is an import or a car made by a foreign company in a US plant, then I am all for that.

I guess after they screwed the American investors out of what was rightfully their’s by law no one in this hemisphere will invest in GM,
I believe in buying American made goods when ever possible but not one run by our government. With On star it just gives them another tool to control us with. And yes I may be a little paranoid but times are calling for being paranoid.

I couldn’t agree more. It as a crime what happened to the bond holders and all in the name of payingback political favors to the unions. It doesn’t surprise me they look to foreign investors instead of individual American investors. Look at how they get treated! So now we‘re looking t a gov’t run auto maker possibly supported financially by a communist China? Wow,I’ll bet the sheep never saw that kind of “Change” coming.

Despite what the President believes, Ford didn’t take any Government money.. They restructured on their own, and seem to be doing pretty well for it..
Report Post » TomBurpee
Sep 29, 2010 3:52 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
theduke1980: Dude, im not in agreement with you pal.

America is simply America, England is simply England. Yes, it is a country of immegrants, but because there great grandaddy was an Englishman is no concern of mine, if i have second or third cousins etc in the States it is no concern of mine. Not in a negative way, but roots are something of last century!!! Ummmm, i could go on a bit here....
Then you and I are absoloutely disagree regarding this issue duke... cheers
Sep 29, 2010 6:07 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
FreddyFudpuckerFreddyFudpuckerObamaville, Indiana USA10,179 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: How much will they save then, if becoming seriously ill some day Freddy? The problem with guys like you is you beleive you are going to live for ever or being healthy for ever... big mistake and out of touch with reality

This 14 procent you are talking a bout is not a raise because after other tax cuts for the same business and for the same health inurence you are talking a bout will make them better off in the end. Repube heads have never been good at math what so ever and that is why they Screw America each and every time they take over

Maybe you should call them and explain it to them. They'll be in love with it, I'm sure. However, it may not do much good if they have to close their business. dunno
Sep 29, 2010 6:38 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
You tell me the logic of this.

In Afghan they learned of a Mumbia India attack to various cities in Europe...UK, France, Germany and maybe Denmark. The attackers are enroute to the various unknown targets as I type.

After learning about the attack, Obama increases drone strikes in Paksistan NW to 'disrupt' the attacks. Here in is the logic failure.

Even if we had gotten bin Laden the week prior to the 911 attack, 911 would have still occurred. The same here. Even if we get the two associated leaders of the groups that are doing the attacks, the foot soldier are enroute to targets.

Sure everyone is on watch. And it makes it harder to do. But with unknown targets it hard to stop them.

Sorry this is not the best way to combat this. If you know the leaders of the attack, you attempt to penetrate their operations with spies to gain info on the attacks. Your spies can deliver them to your drone strike, whenever...

Running spies in the Pakistani NW, is a very dangerous thing. They only can be locals. But this is the best way toget intel on them. That Pakistan does not share their spies with very disturbing. Specially during these threatened Mumbia attacks in Europe.
Sep 29, 2010 7:10 PM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
I have very good news for Al Gore. His concerns for global warming and planet earth flooded from the poles melting has been solved. No need to worry Al if in 100 years....or 1000 years...the planet is going to be one big ocean. That Kevin Cosner is on his converted super tanker.

Seems the astrophysicists have a found a prefect substitute planet for Planet earth. One that is not to cold, not to hot.....just like the three bear's porridge..... this planet has the just the right temperature!

And! It is 3 times the size of Earth. CSers, we are moving up! New digs for everyone!! Everyone lots size just got 3 times if we could shrink the mortgages.

There is the slight problem....that it is 20 light years from Earth. Which I know is a long ways. But in space distance this is a near jump across the Atlantic. But with a functioning 100 years or 1000 year problem solved.

We can just hyper jump to planet Gliese 581g. Plant our flags. Put some lines on the sands....maybe on the woodland and grass lands...and do it all again. Practice makes perfect.

I am voting plant the EU flag here. He can go in the first hyper jump ship to planet Gliese 581g. If he runs into a double mouthed alien, with sharp teeth....please call President Obama for nation building troops from Afghanistan to aid in the conquest of Gliese 581g
for the world. And you thought 10b a month for Iraq was bad......

Sep 30, 2010 6:20 AM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: You tell me the logic of this.

In Afghan they learned of a Mumbia India attack to various cities in Europe...UK, France, Germany and maybe Denmark. The attackers are enroute to the various unknown targets as I type.

After learning about the attack, Obama increases drone strikes in Paksistan NW to 'disrupt' the attacks. Here in is the logic failure.

Even if we had gotten bin Laden the week prior to the 911 attack, 911 would have still occurred. The same here. Even if we get the two associated leaders of the groups that are doing the attacks, the foot soldier are enroute to targets.

Sure everyone is on watch. And it makes it harder to do. But with unknown targets it hard to stop them.

Sorry this is not the best way to combat this. If you know the leaders of the attack, you attempt to penetrate their operations with spies to gain info on the attacks. Your spies can deliver them to your drone strike, whenever...

Running spies in the Pakistani NW, is a very dangerous thing. They only can be locals. But this is the best way toget intel on them. That Pakistan does not share their spies with very disturbing. Specially during these threatened Mumbia attacks in Europe.

Yeah TT... anotehr "friend" of repube heads of America and another guaranti for repube heads taking over a gain is sent to hell because of presidnet Obama on charge and because he do not accept terror and is serious a bout taking care of his job and defending America and the free world from terror! Sheikh Fatah is sent to hell and other monsters as him are hiding in rat holes and are really scared now on days and since Obama took over and know they are not enjoying safe heavens no more, as they sure did for too many years because some Bushney heads in America wanted them keep attacking America so they could keep winning elections!

yay tongue
Sep 30, 2010 7:19 AM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Eat "thissss" Bushney heads:

And this one as well tongue

Restore Santiy....

Fabulous to know that America is not just going to sit and look while forces of darkness and hatered are doing what ever they can to take over once a gain, and creating certain a never ending night mare for the most of the entire population of planet Earth!

No ladies and gents... America is definately NOT all republican and will never EVER be yay
Sep 30, 2010 9:33 AM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
Hot_Single_Dude: A business not willing to support employers with health care insurence is not worse staying open any way Freddy. A crook and selfish person hails Bushney,s because they did not care much to the well being of employers and just supported owners, should better shutting the damn thing down and getting a dish washer job at McDonald or some thing
The Business IS the Employers!rolling on the floor laughing
Sep 30, 2010 9:43 AM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
peacock33peacock33Sherman Oaks, California USA11 Threads 6 Polls 47 Posts
You are an idiot. And you are in Denmark. What do you care???
Sep 30, 2010 10:44 AM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
FreddyFudpuckerFreddyFudpuckerObamaville, Indiana USA10,179 Posts
Sep 30, 2010 10:45 AM CST Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!
FreddyFudpuckerFreddyFudpuckerObamaville, Indiana USA10,179 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: A business not willing to support employers with health care insurence is not worse staying open any way Freddy. A crook and selfish person hails Bushney,s because they did not care much to the well being of employers and just supported owners, should better shutting the damn thing down and getting a dish washer job at McDonald or some thing

Over here, we call it self reliance. I know that's not in the Danish dictionary. professor

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