How to be English

Robert, William English would be fine so long as he sounded just the ticket. Does he? laugh

Evening here now, but you enjoy yours thumbs up

How to be English

Molly, I can! In fact I sometimes flirt with the idea of changing my name to Featherstonehaugh

Then I think how often I would have to spell 'Fanshaw' out and it stops being so funny.

How to be English

As someone tabbed as foreign the moment I open my mouth to speak, I did like this joke.

I took a very brief video of daughter sharing sofa with dog (who isn't very good at sharing) with me talking, quite alarming how gruff and deep my voice is. Eek (she says in a high-pitched ladylike way)

I'd post it but I have no idea how! I know Ken19 has managed it. help

How to be English

Hey Cal, funny, to many of us living in Switzerland would be the dream! I'm always impressed by people who are totally bilingual, are you also musical? Apparently there is often a link

How to be English

Hey Blue cheers it's probably the easiest laugh

RE: A small rope holds the whole world....

Most of us.

And sometimes, when we do break free, we are captured and chained more heavily.

So we think it is better to stay, knowing we probably could break free, than try to escape and fail.

Mad Hatter's Tea Party

LJ blushing off to see if there is any mischief I can get up to on other blogs.

Mad Hatter's Tea Party

Red, coach trips can be quite tightly timed but if you have a free afternoon or evening do let me know, it is only about an hour and a half drive (and only that long because of the loop around Glasgow) and I do like meeting CS bloggers. Doesn't happen often enough, didn't achieve it at all in Spain, but in theory I do. laugh

Mad Hatter's Tea Party

Redex, not full of spirits, full of wine scold rolling on the floor laughing

Largs is on the other side of the country, however since we are talking Scotland the other side of the country is only 60 something miles away, let me know, would love to meet up if possible

Mad Hatter's Tea Party

Thanks LJ. She's lovely, and I can say that without false pride as she takes after her father laugh

Mad Hatter's Tea Party

Map, colour me gobsmacked and welcome aboard, sunshine handshake

I'm, er, a little embarrassed about this, not many leftovers rolling on the floor laughing but we haven't started on the pancakes yet, should be plenty left of those.

Did Alice meet Dorothy on the yellow brick road? laugh

Mad Hatter's Tea Party

Redex, yes, treasuring, she drove 8 hours through the sort of weather you've been telling us about to be here and is an absolute star, love her to bits.

Embedded image from another site


You didn't complete the quote. Behind every successful man there is a woman who needs a new wardrobe.

Mad Hatter's Tea Party

DC, I ask myself exactly the same question, I do.

Scones and cupcakes missing in real life, too, doh but I do have Christmas cake if you'd care to join us?

I am having a VERY odd Festering Season, celebrated Christmas a week or two before the day and about to celebrate it again today rolling on the floor laughing

Mad Hatter's Tea Party

One or two people will listen to everything you say – and get it wrong
One or two will listen to everything you say – and remember it
Most won’t even listen to the end of the sentence.

I was at a low point recently and did a misery blog, there were lots of friendly comments but one, just one, person, has asked how all the miseries resolved themselves. Cyber friends are lovely, but just soap bubbles.

Real world it is from now on. head banger

RE: Luck

Not immediately, he's a great practical joker, which didn't help! rolling on the floor laughing

RE: When/How Does $ Affect/Influence Your Relationship

I'm with Molly on this. My stepmother was known in South african terms as a good housekeeper - she kept the house every time she got divorced. At least part of her charm for my father was that she could splurge as much as she wanted on designer clothes without hurting his Yorkshire-born pocket grin

RE: Luck

A guy who had been treated as a friend for a while had the 'lucky' good luck thought of joining her dating website with a fake profile to approach the woman he liked in a way that would make her see him differently. Does that count as luck?


RE: When/How Does $ Affect/Influence Your Relationship

He who pays the piper calls the tune. I was married to a rich man who didn't want me to work so I can identify with your situation, I hated always having to ask and being financial independent has been important to me ever since.

I'm careful with my money and won't go into debt, but I do like to splurge occasionally, so I like a guy with the same mindset. Permanently cheap, yuk. Permanently wanting to splurge, eek.

Fussy? Moi? Oh yes. rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Afraid Of Commitment?

Try looking at anyone but molly. I know it's difficult but try scold

Over and out x

RE: Afraid Of Commitment?

Lovely Molly, when they look at you here they rub their eyes and wonder why their vision suddenly blurred rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Afraid Of Commitment?

Haha, CH, I also said 'more' picky.

I don't think you can speak for anyone other than yourself, or for your own age group. I don't blame you - at your age I wouldn't have dreamed I'd be enjoying myself as much as I do now. Much more than I did at yours, where I had many of your fears.

Get old if you want, pet. You don't have to. hug

RE: Afraid Of Commitment?

Well, slightly less picky. I no longer demand that he look like a Greek god, for example. But also much more picky, because I know do-in-a-pinch pinches quite badly all too quickly laugh

RE: Afraid Of Commitment?

Pea24chy those guys make a sideline out of selling email addresses on to marketing companies. Don't do it unless you want a LOT of spam in your mailbox.

A blogger I haven't seen in a while - where is BC? - used to give each spammer the last spammer's email address. Inspired. handshake

RE: Afraid Of Commitment?

Agreed, some people on here are here for the quick fix, the brief affair, the notched bedpost, and their affairs run into double figures because they ARE prepared to meet. Ooh!

Some aren't even looking, just enjoying the social side, or would rather not meet and spoil the cyber-flirtation, thanks anyway.

I think commit is a scary word, and really it is more about compromise, fine tuning a promising start until it either falters and grinds to a halt, or settles into an enduring pattern, and the little engine that could is prepared to take on some hills and blind corners and see just how long this road is cool


Wen, with respect when a young woman is writing to an older man she isn't about to make him feel he is being targeted as a mealticket. The average guy likes the idea of a younger woman, not so keen on the idea of raising another man's kids.

She may want to get him hooked first, then guess what, darling, my kids are back!

RE: How well did you know?

Johnny, modern publishers don't want to take you on unless you have at least 100 000 followers on Twitter and are prepared to get scandalous whenever there are reporters around. scold

Working on it laugh

And just noticed the time. Night all. hug

RE: Love Is Not A Mystery

Falling in love ... so true. Then you pick yourself up, look round, and sometimes think yikes and bolt. Sometimes hang around. laugh

True enough though about work, and I guess that is why fewer and fewer relationships do go the distance. We're no longer a make-do-and-mend society.

RE: How well did you know?

But I will say he was and is a workaholic and super-bright and finds actual human beings a little limited sigh

RE: How well did you know?


You'll have to buy my memoirs. I just have a few more exciting adventures to work in first, the book should be on the best-seller lists in, hmmm, 2020?


This is a list of blog comments created by Elegsabiff.

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