RE: Hypothetical situation.

In hypothetical cases, you will only get hypothetical verdicts. In real cases, it is the one with the most money that usually wins. If you think this is not true just look at the O J Simpson murder trial.

RE: lol

Perhaps he was the bait. . . laugh

RE: So you think you can judge

WOW! String I didn't know you had it in you. I think you just posted the truest thing I ever heard on here Keep up the good work, I personally think that there is hope for you yet.

PS: Even if you and I disagree on many things, you at least do not call others derogatory names or belittle those that do not follow your beliefs. I personally think that is an admirable trait.

RE: Drain the swamp ? Trump has polluted the swamp with toxic waste

Bearwoman, I only post that because I think you wanted to know what the phrase meant. I'm from the Washington area and that is the unofficial history of the saying.

PS: I like bananas, Pam grows then on her farm. . . .banana

RE: The swamp that Trump is draining

I can tell you all this because it will probably go in one ear and just fly out the other. When I want to find out what really is going on I never listen to what someone says, instead, I watch what they do. One of the most classical things that guilty people do, especially when they know that they are caught, is to loudly point the finger of guilt towards others especially there accusers. This was the main defence at the Nuremberg trials and it seems to be the main one for this coming attraction.

Human nature can be complex at times but it can also be very predictable. All this Hillary did this, and Obama or Comey did that is so classic a textbook example of guilt transference it is unmistakable. I do not know if Trump will be impeached as the proceedings have not been formally presented. If and when they are, then it will become a fact. I just think after reading all of this, you people have almost convinced me that you somehow believe it also.

RE: McCain the Maverick is no more...

Looks like we lost another great one! Too bad we can't replace him with someone with his honour and integrity, not to mention his unfailing desire to serve his country to the best of his ability even if it was to his detriment. So long John, I will miss you.

PS: Thanks for the service.

RE: Guilty, guilty, 8 times over. Jailbirds of a feather, might be imprisoned together.

Amazing, simply amazing. I do remember some administrations that had crooks in them and were subsequently caught and even prosecuted, but never the amount this one does. It seems like every month some new name or scandal makes it's way to the headlines. No wonder Trump hates the legitimate press. They always seem to track down his bad guys. Now through all this, he keeps denying any and all acknowledgement or involvement. Should we believe him?

RE: Well, here's something you don't see every day.

I have eaten rattlesnake before, and those are pit vipers, not constrictors. I also have had alligator and iguana, all rather good to eat ( and no they do not taste like chicken ). I was wondering if the pythons are any good to eat. Fifteen or twenty footers could have a lot of meat on it. That would be a fish fry I would like to try. Florida needs to open season on the pythons and promote the dietary advantages. Get local or even famous chefs to show how to prepare it. That would reduce the population significantly.

RE: Bernie Sanders Generously Gives Homeless Man Money Out Of Wallet He Just Stole

This suspiciously sounds like Robin Hood. I have heard that in times past ( when things were great ) he was considered a hero to the populace. Too bad that this kind of helping people is considered criminal by the new Republican standards of today. Perhaps we should get back to making America white again or is that making America selfish again. I can't remember what it was they want to do?

RE: Florida 'stand your ground' parking lot murderer finally charged with manslaughter

From what I have read about the case is that the suspect is not fully competent mentally. I have also read that this is not the first time he has threatened someone. If any of this is true then being mentally deficient, how did he legally obtain a firearm? if he has threatened others before, then how did he get a licence to legally carry a firearm and how did he keep it with the allegations of the past actions. Now if he is not legally able to have a firearm, where and how was it not confiscated previously. Doesn't Florida have gun laws? How can you look at this and still try to stop even the most basic if firearms laws? The liberals that the Republicans hate and lie about really do not want to come and take everyone's guns away. They just want to keep them out of the hands of people like this. Don't you agree that this is, in reality, a wise decision?

RE: America

I don't know that much about " Blazing Patriots " but I really did enjoy " Blazing Saddles ".

RE: Cringe Worthy

The saucer of milk was seemingly ok, but the cream was a much better Idea. You could put it in a bowl and add a little cream of tartar then whip ( and I do mean whip ) out the mixer and have whipped cream. With just a little sugar you could have a better toping on your slice of pumpkin pie. Now that's a great way to start your day with a cup of coffee.

RE: Quickest Divorce In History

He was just making sure that she still had the ring in her pocket. . . . rolling on the floor laughing . . . rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Trump FINALLY admits collusion !

When your guy does it, it is just conjecture, but when the opponent does it then it becomes the heinous crime of the century. Proof that we are getting closer to the midterms.

PS: Jim have you ever heard of the Dunning Kruger effect? You might want to look this one up.

RE: Unprecedented Hate For President Trump

Well, you can tell that it is getting closer to the midterms. It also seems very obvious that the Republicans are afraid of losing their majority.

RE: The end of another MANGO SEASON...

Chatillion, Here in Puerto Rico they grow wild everywhere. There are several varieties ranging from the small ( tangerine sized ) to the large ( cantaloupe sized ) ones. You also can freeze them for smoothies later in the year. Just slice them and put them in the small freezer bags and seal them up . When you want to use them just take them out of the freezer for about a half hour, then cut or break the chunk you want to use. Put the rest back in the freezer for later and dump them in the blender with whatever else you want to use in it . They are great for breakfast with milk and banana. A little touch of rum also makes a tall afternoon smoothie treat. . . waiter buddies

RE: Ok, Now I've Heard it All

I can not say if this is true or just a bunch of hogwash, but if you are thinking of doing this, please check to make sure that there are no wasps still in the nest. A thing like that could ruin your whole day. !.!.!

RE: Confucius didn't say this... or did he?

Grouchy- Fucius, Woman who expect nothing, seldom disappointed.

RE: IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

miclee, I do know that it was a source of pride to write letters and even public correspondence in an elegant and scholarly style as possible. Without recording devices or computers and all such manner of modern devices, the spoken and written word was a measure of public precedence and competence in daily affairs. So much better than today's 15 seconds " sound bites ". I suspect that you gain something ( modern technology ) and you also lose something ( personal elegance in correspondence ).

PS Don't you wish you could write as well as those guys did?

RE: IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

miclee, A note on reading the Declaration of Independence. It is, of course, one of the truly great documents in human history, but have you ever looked at the literary side and not just the political one. The words and sentence structure is near perfect and the sheer poetry of Mr Jeffersons writing style is brilliant. It could on its own be an important piece of literature if not for its intended message. I do think that W. H. Shakespear could not do a better job of sheer literary brilliance as this document. What a shame we do not have that kind of elegance today.

RE: IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

An odd fact about the Declaration and its authors. John Addams and also Tomas Jefferson presented the document for ratification on the second of July. It actually was not signed until the fourth, but he thought that the second of July would be our " Independence Day " not the fourth! It also was not completely signed until much later. Not every signature was done on the Fourth.

RE: The Americans - From A Canadian's viewpoint

I remember when this record was on the top 40 radio stations. It was about forty years ago and it was quite the talk at the time. I know that it was sensationalized somewhat but for the most part it was true. It also depicted a time when our humanity was guiding a lot of our decisions. It's just too bad that we let the current powers that be so erode our national standing.

PS Happy birthday America ( and " Semper Fidelis " from my old unit )

RE: Fox News

Too bad that they haven't perfected human cloning yet. If it were possible, then we could resurrect Edward R. Murrow. Even Walter Cronkite stood in awe of Mr Murrow.

RE: 10 Awesome things that money can't buy!

I know this is true because our mega-rich President has none of the above Qualities. I did notice that our less than overly rich previous one did have them.

RE: Unlike some on here, a man with a conscience.

I do know that both the conservative and the liberal sides constantly dig their heels in and but heads on political events, however, some things just transcend politics. The separation of families, especially in cultures that are more dependent on them is just not acceptable to us or anyone. The whole thing just touches something deep inside of us that can't be lied away.

The blogs here are a very good mirror for who and what you are as a person. You may not realize it but your soul is being exposed when you come here. Most members are appaled at this action while others think this is perfectly acceptable behaviour. Many give lame excuses for their lack of caring. They claim that the crying children are paid actors or perhaps they are somehow better off in cages. Some even blame the parents for our lack of compassion. Whatever your position on the subject, just remember that the real you is coming through. You might not like what others see.

RE: Wear your burqa, I'm your victim

We all secretly hate what we fear and we fear what we do not understand.

RE: Congratulations to Trump Voters - You've done it !!

That's the spirit! Just blame everything on Hillary, yes I know that she didn't have anything to do with all the accusations, but that doesn't matter. If you don't like someone then just be a loyal follower and blame all the problems on them.

RE: Excellent take on the Mexican Parent-Child separation issue

I do have to inform you that Puerto Rico is part of the United States and its citizens are citizens of the United States of America. Canada and Mexico are separate and sovran countries. Please learn at least some basic geography before you add us into your political ramblings.


Dar Pirategirl, If your mother is from the Dominican Republic, then I'm your next-door neighbor in Puerto Rico. So . . . . . .' Howdy Neighbor ". . . . wave

RE: 11 past Presidents failed to do what President Trump have achieved in 15 months.

I will freely admit that I am not a Trump fan, nor do I think he is doing a good job for the country. Having said that I was truly hoping for a great outcome from the meeting. I actually did not expect us to have gained much or gotten any early concessions and unfortunately, I think I'm right. I would even be willing to grit my teeth and curl my toes to keep quiet while he takes credit for all the others hard work. I am glad, however, that at least the talks have begun and hope that they become fruitful in the coming months and years. I do think that the planet needs a break now and then. Too bad that we didn't get more.

This is a list of blog comments created by Grouchyoldfart.

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