RE: Just a thought, . .

Maybe she did a background check on you. I think it only costs $50.00. But knowing personal stories, why did you just not ask her "how did you know that"? Maybe she was psycic or a medium, but I would have confronted her. Do so now, if you still want to know, just ask her. Maybe it's someone just playing a prank on you, like one of your friends or an ex- girlfriend. Some people are very vindictive. Good Luck, Hollyhandshake wave

RE: A Right Royal Waste of Time

I have no idea how people could judge anyone in that spot. Just the lights are blinding them amd William , does take after his Mother. Shy to a point as she was at first, but has mastered many charitable and giving qualities. I never could understand the Royal Family's existance. Do remember, though, we do not get to pick our parents.
He is a fine young man who did not ask to be born into Royalty but still has that presence about him as Lady Diana learned, then taught her sons.

RE: Sales Pitches You Can't Resist

If you are on a budget and are strict about you money, it should be known that stores are out there to make money and in return the economy keeps afloat. But do not take it out on the salesperson, she or he are there for a job and are , sometimes trained. I do know if you wait 'till the last minute ,prices go do fast. "macy" and "kohls" are great stores to buy with dicounts and more dicounts, They will even add a 20% off if you use your credit card. Do use this if you are relibele in paying your payments on time . There really are people with money out there and they could care less as they get what they want and get it right now. Have a budget and not needing or wanting everything you see is an asset.Most sales are in electronics so compare prices , next are toys. I find elderly people appreciate Money in a card. Happy Holiday Shopping. wave

RE: found this hilarious!

Yuse on first base who's on second?

RE: Dumbest question asked about a National Holiday

Why is Labor Day called that? Should'nt we working on Labor Day??

From a young girl I worked with and didn't know we had off that day. She was going to show up at work, until someone mentioned we had off, "Monday". She was still trying to figure it out when
we left work that day.
wave Holly

RE: Why are there so many profiles without pictures???

I do not have a picture posted. I have sent pictures by other means. The truth is I have my own business and or should I say I have added a partner and I would not think it would be for her or myself professional.I really don't trust the internet as putting it out there.I have pictues of myself and granchildren,but who wants to see the little ones. People always think you're hiding something , but I'm not. I lost my soul mate from cancer and and also my Father. Tried to get on a site to get aquanted with others and trying not to dwell on my loss. Not really lookiing, but one never knows. handshake wave

RE: I Want to Move to Ireland

I'm not real sure, but here you have to know a personal US citizen, or family. Don't know about Europe. I would like to move to England,but that is mindblowing. How much would that cost and to bring your stuff there seems so impossible and expensive. I would start writing to all the departments of education there and ask questions. I can't see leaving everything behind. Then how expensive is it to live there? Try writing letters and a lot of them. Best wishes and Good Luck, Seems like a lot of research to be done. Hollyhandshake wave

RE: do i look fanciable or boyfriend material?

Can't see much of your picture, but then I didn't even post one. You can Email me ,but I'm across the pond.handshake wave wave Holly

RE: a taste of the novel I'm attempting to write.

I am always reading. In novels or fiction I hate it when the author goes way to much in decribing any thing, the sky, or a person, orhe place. Just get to the point, first off and grab the readers attenton right off.Otherwiseyou lose the reader right there. The girl really starts the tale. That's just my opinion Good luck, Hollydunno handshake

RE: sanctuary..

Don't listn to anyone who has not been your shoes. I lost my soulmate through death and my bestfriend, my dad. Be sad, cry or do nothing or whatever it takes. One Day you will wake up and decide that that's enough and start getting started again. It's true. Good luck and God blesscomfort Holly

RE: .....Sorry. It's another sad song :(

Great song Musicman99: after losing friends my age and my closest aunt and my parents, People tell you, you should be over that already. Every one takes their own time to grieve. Someone told me "the longer you grieve for someone's death, the deeper your love for that person was". Thanks for sharing: sad_flower: handshake Holly


Many times I will write a message and move the mouse too fast over the area and it deletes the whole message or any other pages I pass over. I have never have had messages to me deleted only on my personal website: incoming mail,ads,etc.

I would like to know why, when someone answers your profile they ask for you to write them through their personal website and in return you are giving them yours. If you do not write to them at Yahoo or gmail etc., they never respond again.They claim it's easier for them to get to get to their email address,CS. Can someone answer this for me?? Thanks, Holly wave

RE: Can anyone see past what a person looks like?

I first met this man to babysit his son during the summer months.My son and his son were the same age, and I had taken the summer off. We went to his apt. we talked and talked for hours. the kids played along with my daughter. He was a little heavy and not my type. Next day, I got the job but the kids were not working out. Months later he called and we started dating and he became the love of my life.

My son always dated a shorter girl, a little not so overweight. I really liked his girlfriend,but he married a 6' girl and He is 6 'one". Still can't see it. She's not his type so I thought, but they are still married after 7 years.

I knew a girl that was in a wedding and her partner was overweight ,big time and doing drugs. He was in looooove with her and asked her out. She said,lose weight and get off drugs. He did and they were narried two years later and still are.
Don't give up and you'll meet someone when you least expect it . Good luck. Holly

RE: Dust In The Wind

Meatloaf, bat outa hell . Every song on it, 2 outa three ain't bad"
Sara Mccklaugen, I will remember you, will you remember me.
Simon an Garfunkle , bridge over toubled waters
Mariah Carrie, You'll always be my baby

RE: Tell me The Story of Your First Kiss :)

Second grade, Billy Powers, He asked to go to the restroom after I did and followed me down the steps, stole a kiss. I pretended to hating it and wiped it off in front of him and he ran away and I never told anyone.blushing kiss blushing blushing

RE: My Favorite Television Series.......My First Blog

Never watched that, but I am a war buff. Especially the Cival War and WWII. Just unbelievable, some of the history and battles of them. Favotite movies: "Glory" and "'When trumpets flare". Oh! and of course "Gettysburg". I met a local reinactor from here that played in that movie next to Ted Turner,it was his movie but with stipulations, like him being in it. Never ever seen :combat" series reruns here. Hollywave

RE: A part of me

My birthday ias on Christmas. My Dad thought it was great and there was a party every Christmas night. My mother thought nothing of it , One more thing to do for christmas day she had a boy and a girl and another baby so soon after, she was not that excited about. She and I were never close. My Dad filled that gap and I was always his shadow. I had two little ones who he adored 'till the day he died and they,him. He had his first heart attack. We in the family never said I love you,much. After his heart attack I was so scared I would lose him, that when I left the hospital and he was stabilized I kissed him on the forhead and said I love you, Dad, You can't leave me and he said Where do you think I'm going jokingly. Anytime after that, when I left him for the next 6 years I kissed his forhead and said I love you. It took him about two times of that and he would always reply I love you too. I suggest you do that with your Father. He just might surprise you as mine did me and secretly appreciate it. He died six years later and I didn't get to see him before that. I was supposed to be there,but the day just got away from me and I thought I'd go over to their house in the evening, I was too late. So try that. There is no warning or directions on how to lose a parent. Bless you. Hollywave comfort

RE: All Knotted up

Maybe it's a premonition. Something that is going to happen , you just don't know what. Maybe it's something you have been thinking about or someone. I get them all the time. One morning I woke up with seeing the face of my cousin 1,000. miles away. I wondered what that was all about, later on when I thought about it I thought oh! my Aunt[her mother]. Next day I get a call that she had passed away. It happens a lot but I don't think on it too much. Sometime at work I would think of my son at college 45 min. away. Later that day he would walk in my workplace with my grandaughter. He didn't have class that day and surprised me. Something like if you are thinking about someone and the phone rings and it's that person.About two weeks ago someone asked me out for dinner, I was tired had a rough day and even though I said yes I really did'nt want to go. I just couldn't turn him down because he was an elderly man and just wanted company. When we were coming home a lady stepped out right in front of us and he swerved but still hit her. She had been drinking and just walked into the car. He was not sited,but she was hurt badly and it was such a wierd feeling that we hit a person and it could have been worse and I should have stayed home.They are just premonitions. Maybe, Whispers from God,as I was told by someone and should pay attention to them. Best wishes angeleyes, Holly wave handshake wave

RE: what is it

So, So true, and if no one understands what you're trying to share and descibe, than they have never experienced that very same thing you speak of. It's that simple and those are of a simplemind who try to express a humorous reply. Holly wave comfort


Johntheraven1: There is no such word as spelt, it is spelled. spell, spelled, spelled. But I will exuse you; for trying to teach him. You are a brave one, but don't teach him our slang. We do a good job oursevles messing it up so badly. Americanised is not a word, Like an American, spoke as an American, Amerian like. Good luck. You're nice to try and on a cold case.


cheering wine

RE: what's that??

Sorry, Alfibarios, I spelled your name wrongdoh

Ben999: If you think childbirth is magic your are dead wrong.
If you have never given child birth and are a male you are not allowed to describe it. wow conversing Not all women can just becomes pregnant , baby comes & "Gee can't wait to have another". I, on the otherhand was in tha Hospital two weeks and didn't see no magic there. Another two week stay in the hospital three weeks later, no magic. My baby is in his thirtys ,still don't remember any magic that day.

RE: what's that??

If you have to ask than you are not in love. If you find that someone you will know.

Alfbaris: you better quit reading his threads or your going to have heart attack. May be it's become an addition and you can't stopcomfort wave

RE: Weather Alert for New York City

we had a massive tornado in notheast OH into Pa 25 years ago. very fightening and enormas destruction and some deaths. Houses into toothpicks, Plowed through the city cemetary,a newly built nursing home completely gone. was on the ground for about 20 miles or more, lifted just once and went over a church and came back down. there were no sirens then or warnings. Soon after sirens were atop certain tall buildings. When they went off it sounded as if it was in your house. Every one was warned of what to do, after the fact. Kids were taught in schools. So when the the new sirens did go off everyone would go out on their porches and look around possibly to see one, not abiding the precautions to take. It became a town joke that when the sirens
should go off everyone came out of their houses to see what??!!
People would decide that it was nothing and go about chatting with neighbors,sirens still blaring! 1985,May 30th.


I won't go into too much depth. I was raised christain and the bible states the the end of the world will begin with a Holy War. Now this war has been going on for over 50 years and it will go on further and further until that time of the end is determined. What I really want to say is that Isarel is the holy land and we were told in the bible to take care of Isarel and her people. The chosen ones. It' really history in the making and a sign for things to come. Sometimes you just don't know what we are to believe, but all these natural disasters and loss of life, sickness and evilness and the earth being neglected, oil spills and fires and everyday you hear of unspeakable tadgedies around the world, it all means something. That's proof enough that all the countries and the countries people are all doing something terribly wrong. We see it happening and no one takes it seriously. It 's all just what you believe in and we will learn of the truths in many many years to come, maybe not even here on earth and maybe not at all, in this time.

This is a list of blog comments created by hollyberries.

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