There are just no easy answers on any of this...but we both agree stoning isn't right and reacting in self-defense to a threat is justified.

I just look at the high profile death row cases like John Wayne Gacey, Ted Bundy, Timothy McVeigh, Jeffrey Dahmer (on death row and beaten to death while in prison) and others who now escape my mind..and I think that justice was least for the victims there is some type of closure and retribution for the violence perpetuated against their family member.

The world is clearly and obviously an imperfect place..and it's just something we all must live with.

Hope you and family are doing well.teddybear

RE: Does true love still exist on earth?

Wow, nice take on reality there dude....would hate to live in the same mindset as you do.

People are all entitled to believe and hope, and nobody should step on someone's dreams or attempt to dissuade someone otherwise, that's wrong and plus it's just mean.

That may be your reality, but dang, I'm sure glad not everything thinks this way or I'd be off in the closet crying crying , to scared to stick my toe out to live life.


RE: What 2 little luxuries do you treat yourself to every day?

Thank you...I basically forced myself to do it...and I'm hoping these cravings will go away quickly! : ) But, still sticking with it!peace

RE: Why do we...

Sometimes we unknowingly do something unintentional that can be hurtful to a person we's a fact of life and it happens.

The key is to never deliberately do or say something out of anger or for revenge (perceived or otherwise)..because these things can drive a wedge between loved ones and cause pain as well and you're right we shouldn't hurt the ones we love, if we can avoid it.

RE: What 2 little luxuries do you treat yourself to every day?

I have a beauty college which trains massage therapists so it's not nearly as expensive as going to a private masseur. It's $40.00 in total w/ tip, and so worth it and now that I quit smoking the other day, I can maybe go more often. banana banana banana

If you have a massage therapy school near you, check it out, they have to give students the experience of working on actual live bodies i.e. clients...and take advantage it's wonderful! thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up

RE: hygienic

All the ladies I know bathe daily, if not two times a day when the weather is hot. Daily hygiene is very important, nobody wants to be next to someone who's Right Guard took a left turn..just gross.

I wouldn't say men or women, at least the ones I Know, are any less hygienic than the other gender.

Please see this clip for further information:

If you know someone that has that problem, that album will take care of the problem real quick!rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: What 2 little luxuries do you treat yourself to every day?

I drink a couple cups of coffee in the morning and another luxury is four times a year, I go get a full body's my GP and I look forward to it immensely. I come back feeling like a whole new gal! teddybear

RE: a man with a true heart.

Hi TH, you've been through a great deal of loss in the past 6 months and you are definitely still in the grieving process. I lost my grandmother last year in Feb. she died in her sleep and I carry a big ball of grief with me as the anniversary of her passing approaches.

She died on Tuesday, Feb. 2nd, 2010..for 8 months afterward, there was not a Tuesday that didn't pass that I didn't break down in sobs thinking of her and missing her.

With time, things will get easier to bear, though missing them is never easy, our heart will begin to remember the good and let go of the will pass like the season and you must not avoid your grief.

What you are feeling is compounded by being alone, which is completely normal. Maybe join a bereavement group in order to talk about how you're feeling, this will also open up the chances you might meet a new special person.

When you feel like isolating yourself and clamming up, this is the time you should be around your friends or go out for a walk and clear your mind.

I believe there is someone for everyone, and you will find a lady to appreciate and care for you...just don't be in such a hurry to give up because you might miss out on a chance when it happens.

I wish you much peace and hope you find a way to get through this, my heart goes out to you and I hope you stick around and if for nothing else, talking to some of your friends in the forum can help pass the time and take your mind off your loneliness.


RE: Do you miss your ex? Want him/her back?

I have good friendships with two ex's in particular...sucked at the relationship, but wonderful to call them my friends. I try to leave a relationship by growing as a person and harboring no animosity towards's too short to be angry and carrying it with you isn't healthy.

RE: Liars

It is a shame that you have been taken in by scammers and liars..but there are plenty of warnings on here, maybe you should read the information in order to better prepare yourself in the future.

You cannot become a victim of a scam unless you put yourself in that position and CS mods and other members have posted a lot of advice which is well worth listening to and taking to heart.

Wish you much better luck in the future.comfort

RE: Getting off probation in 60 days??

A.) Not only cops watching...but your PO will also require you to take random drug tests as a condition of your probation, fail and you get cuffed and stuffed right back to where you came from.

B.) Haven't you figured out smoking pot is bad for you and realize the trouble it's gotten you into???

Oh well, what's the definition of insanity people??

Have fun...rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: what's it mean? what do you do?

block/report/delete email..instant scammer red flag! Good luck! teddybear

RE: Same person?

trolls and scammers are of their own special breed and mostly I think it's former members coming back w/ an ax to grind and a desperate need for attention..doesn't bother me, see it all the time. Rather immature, mundane and stupid if you ask me. roll eyes rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: If there's a lack of trust in a relationship is the relationship truly over?

Nothing is ever cut and dry in life, wish it were, would certainly make things easier wouldn't it?

Just a few quick questions:

How did you find out she was texting other men?

If she received inappropriate messages how did she handle it?

Did she send any inappropriate messages?

Reason I ask is simple:

If she came to you and said honestly she was in contact w/ her ex on a friendship level, that's a fairly good indication she feels confident enough in your relationship to be that open and there's not likely anything untoward going on.

Secondly, if you snooped around through her phone and found these messages, well then you get what you deserved because your mistrust of her drove you to question her..everyone has a right to privacy, if she was being a liar and you were being is truly doomed and neither one of you is better than the other.

If she didn't send any messages, but told you about the ones she got...what reason would you have to doubt something she said?

Was there more to it?

Bottom line, if you can't trust someone and be open and have nothing, period. Probably one of those better off without her scenarios.handshake

RE: When choosing a mate do you look to Astrology

I do not put any stock in astrology and have probably dated every astrological sign there's no merit to it in my book.roll eyes

RE: Relationships

This poem has been around for many years, though the author is has touched my life and means a lot to me and I think it applies to anybody regarding relationships with other people:

People come into your life for
a Reason
a Season
or a Lifetime.


When you know which one it is,
you will know what to do for that person.
When someone is in your life for a REASON,
it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.

They have come to assist you through a difficulty,
to provide you with guidance and support,
to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a godsend and they are.

They are there for the reason you need them to be.
without any wrongdoing on your part
or at an inconvenient time,
this person will say or do something
to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met,
our desire fulfilled, their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered
and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON,
because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it, it is real.
But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons,
things you must build upon in order
to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson,
love the person
and put what you have learned to use
in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

Thank you for being a part of my life,
whether you were a Reason, a Season or a Lifetime.

RE: If I washed it, would you touch it?

no but I'd whack it with a broom to get it away from me...rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Pregnant : your sensations

Oh you're a laugh a minute dude...roll eyes

RE: Is Turn Around Fair Play?

Depends on what someone does to me, but generally in a majority of cases no, I don't plot revenge because a.) it takes to much time and effort and b.) karma will eventually get the person and c.) the person will generally have a miserable life until he/she does right by the person they've wronged.

I don't waste my time on this petty better things to do.

RE: Pregnant : your sensations

Well, if you prefer to judge people that choose to have children for PERSONAL reasons and do not want any of your own...there is always a your Dr. and get the snip-snip done and all your problems are solved!thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up

RE: Pregnant : your sensations

First trimester 1-3 months...lots of changes physically, tired, heightened sense of smells, felt exhaustion like never have in my entire life. felt butterfly like movements, tickling sort of sensation, slept a LOT! : )

Second trimester later in 3rd-6 months....grew bigger, but more comfortable, lots of energy, was too big for my normal clothes but still to small for my maternity duds...loved this part, felt baby moving, read lots of books, prepared myself and house for arrival, cleaned, cleaned and cleaned some more. Loved strawberries, root beer, pizza and hot, spicy foods.

Third trimester 7-9 months, uncomfortable, had to constantly run to the br because of baby dancing on my bladder, gained weight in odd places, belly huge, couldn't sit or stand for long periods of time, baby pressing on my back, uncomfortable to sleep, heartburn, acid reflux...wanted the baby

loved being pregnant, best time of my life, felt womanly, alive, healthy, happy and my maternal drive kicked in and I went through profound life and psychological changes..have never been the same and was the best thing I've ever done in my whole life....hands down.teddybear

RE: Ladies - What We Love About Men!

I love so much about men, I can't even think of where to begin..ummmm...I appreciate most a male's perspective, way of thinking about life, opinion, input, feedback,personality, sense of humor...chivalry, kindness, etc. Physical attributes I would have to say...dreamy eyes, broad chest, strong arms, and how it feels to be held by a man whose heart I know, belongs to me...smitten teddybear

RE: Marriage or Live Togather? and Why

I've been married before once and engaged two other times, which all ended time down the plank and two dry runs, which didn't work out..I'm trying a different route.

I know it's not for me and I accept that, all signs have told me this and now I believe it. I'm not at all soured on marriage, just don't see it as being something important by which I have to set my goals by and it won't make me love a man any more or less.

To those that do..I wish the best, to those that do not, I understand and we all have our own reasons, so I respect everyone's choice.teddybear

RE: Any regrets?

As I'm getting older now, my kids are growing up and more independent...I've made a vow to see more of the world, I'm going to travel this year and am very much looking forward to it! banana banana

RE: He's had enough!

There is a BIG difference between BULLYING and DISCIPLINE, my children are being raised in a respectful home and know what is acceptable behavior and what is not.

I don't need you giving me lessons in right/wrong, I'm 39 years old and have been a parent for many years...I know exactly what I'm doing, but thanks for your concerns, but they're not necessary.

RE: what would you do? Who is to be blamed?

1.) The man, John, is not to blame for what's happened, a.) because the woman cheated on her lover to be with him and b.) if he's guilty of anything it's of being too blinded to realize if a woman can't invite him back to her place, it's probably because she's got a man there.

2.) John moves on with a new woman, meets the son and decides to say nothing, then he's being dishonest with her and this is where the line between what's right/wrong has become blurred

he should sit the lady down and be open and honest about what happened from start to finish and let her decide what she wants to do in the situation, but he shouldn't lie to her or keep her in the dark if it could come back to haunt him later..that's what lies do.

That's a whole tangled web of drama and I were him, I'd just run away from it and start over. Too much drama!

RE: Who are your favorite top 3 bands?

I have more than three, but here are mine:

70's bands:

Rolling Stones
Led Zepplin

80's bands:

G & R

90's bands:

???? lots of dance club music during this time period, not a lot of memorable bands that come to mind

same with current decade..not any really good ones but I do like Breaking Benjamin, Kings of Leon, can't think of a third. thumbs up

RE: Wishes for a struggling member....

Christmas, I don't know you well, but you've always been fun on the forums and I've so enjoyed your wit and humor. I pray you make a swift and speedy recovery and you are missed! Get well soon!bouquet teddybear teddybear

RE: Do u really ...

beverage delivery pizza popcorn violin troll troll blah

RE: Do u really ...

There is a real difference between giving an opinion and being nice and being patronizing, which is your opinion or how you interpreted in my response to the be it. No worries, you are entitled to your opinion.roll eyes

However, isn't it IRONIC that people are being honest, she doesn't like the answers she's getting and she's the one hurling hostility and names at other posters..she's the one not being nice and she's sadly confused and disillusioned with the responses she's receiving, which is my opinion.

I'm out of this inane thread, she can figure it out for herself and when someone clearly just wants to troll and be insulting and nasty to others...well then that person needs a time out and has some real issues which need sorting through and it goes way beyond being deceived on a dating site.scold

I'm outta here..have fun with this one!super

This is a list of forum posts created by lilmamma71.

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