This Empty Soul

A tear rolled, and though she tries hard to hide
It fell, splattering all over like shattered glass

Sitting alone, looking down, reflecting, wondering
This empty soul, this lonely heart; aching, sad

Silence too loud; unbearable, this loneliness
Wishing for someone, anyone willing to listen

When no one sees the pain, when no one cares
It breaks a fragile heart; it decimates the soul!

Each day she puts on her best; sweet smiles, crisp laughs
When she sings, her voice takes over to take her pain away!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Aug 2019
About this poem:
I wrote this for a beautiful mother, a beautiful wife, an awesome singer who is going through a lot at the moment. When another woman pours her heart out to you and you feel their every pain and anguish because you've been there or it makes you realise that's exactly where you are at that moment; a special bond can come out of it.

There is so much pain, due to unmet needs that creates a feeling of loneliness or at times neglect. She longs to be loved in a manner that resonates to her but the other person insists of loving her the way he wants to. I find many make this mistake; maintaining love is like maintaining a can't put diesel in a petrol-fueled car nor the other way around and expect it to last. To me that's so simple...I don't understand why people can't see it.

It is sad how we have made married- life like it's just a joke. We see everyone of us wearing smiles, posting images of fulfilled lives especially...when most are broken. This obsession of wearing a facade...I don't get it.

I cried with her; that very moment I understand why she feels alone. I always feel alone and though I am really good at filling my life up with so many things to do and I don't rely on anyone to do the things with in life I totally get her when she said "to have someone to share life with, to have someone to create memories with, to have someone to converse with especially when you are in a foreign land, to have some who shows care and concern, to have people who really do their hardest to connect and make you feel like a significant part of their lives, can make life so much more meaningful and could save a lot of marriages and kids from being victims of broken homes and broken lives". I totally agree with her.
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WARM THOUGHTS, are very special words
Never given to anyone so willy-nilly
By a person frugal with words; so when
Suddenly one deserves WARM THOUGHTS
While the others who say the same don’t
Reading between the lines shows
As one wordsmith, overt praises shoots
and another returns with WARM THOUGHTS
Alas, neither covert or clandestine
Between the lines, though left blank
They can speak far louder
Much louder than our written words!
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Posted: Feb 2020
About this poem:
Outside the box, inside the box. Life is a big open drama and actors often think their audience only see how little they want to show.
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To be willing
to put a crack
On solid foundations,
would I not be
Too dumb, too stupid,
too shallow
To hurt a loyal heart, proven
To be resolved, faithful, true;
Free spirited
yet long-suffering
Willingly facing
challenges with you?
Loyalty! Honesty!
Much too rare these days
While a few nice words and
Fleeting moments of glee
Floats everywhere
Like a hailstorm
Bombarding us daily
out here in cyberspace!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jan 2020
About this poem:
to engage or not to engage is a personal choice...
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A Quiet Place...

come with me
to a quiet place...
with views serene...
above, an amazing sight
the clouds that clothe
the deep blue skies...
bring depths of hues
so warm and bright
the water comes in
gently with the tide
teasing, lapping
my feet, such delight
with views serene
mesmerize the eyes
it never fails to
touch the heart until
relieved, you'll sigh
aahh, bliss, such bliss!
to a quiet place
come with me
Embedded image from another site
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Nov 2013
About this poem:
when one is surrounded with lovely spots...where most times you can be alone with nature......just day dreaming of the beauty of home...see you soon NZ...
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When Shall my Sun Sets

Too many poems written in the past
Wondering just in case I wouldn’t last
Childhood visions of a short-lived life
Reminding me as it keeps coming back

Was it the turmoil of my yesteryears
Or the challenges I had to grin and bear
Stoically trained this heart, this mind to sway
Outside my box; champion those who cannot play?

I welcomed change and challenges with hands wide-open
No fear in loving and trusting someone I barely knew
Leaving my loved ones, my comfort zone behind
To cross the ditch more than half a score ago!

There was no other dream but see the world around.
Instead, I found me rather in this small rural town.
Stripped off everything my heart has grown to love
But my soul was nourished; He took away my frown!

The unknown messing-up my mind with doubts, with fear
Not knowing how many curve balls awaits me each year
Yet my journey's laid down; I know I must press on
Until my soul goes back to Him, finally my soul to heal!

I’ve seen ugly; I've seen beautiful; not much in between
I tried to lend a hand; the ripple's too small for change
Every tear from every eye I’ve seen, every broken-hearted ones
It comes from something else; from God would be strange!

And as each day pans out; my fears and pain go out of mind
An urge to keep another soul safe; respecting her tears
Encouraging, empowering; day and night until she knows
She’s not alone, her faith restored; she's without fears!

While all the times the weight I carry gets more heavy
Turning my soul weary as the day sucks away my energy
I plod along, as I retire each day another soul I know,
Understands, soothes my soul even on days dreary!

Instead of anger or bitterness, I will be grateful instead
When it’s my turn, though bittersweet; I’ll drink my cup and won’t forget
The beautiful sunrises and sunsets admired and seen across the globe
May mine be as warm, as beautiful when to the West my sun shall set!!!

Embedded image from another site
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2018
About this poem:
Life's journey; fear does cripple us in many ways! Death is scary so is sickness and strife yet sometimes when we've done our very best...sometimes...the fear goes away...gratitude and acceptance take its place! Life can be likened to a beautiful day that starts with a glorious sunrise and an awe-inspiring sunset!

I haven't written for a long time; years I think. I have not been well many a few times this year and I believe that when one writes a poem for someone it really comes from their heart. I just wanted to express my gratitude to my husband who without fail has gone beyond my expectations each day I am not well. I feel blessed that I can come home at the end of a challenging day knowing that I have someone who understands what I am going through!
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Legal Alien

this legal alien
feeling unsettled
like a pen with no ink;
car without an engine;
jockey without a horse;
child without a parent;
house without a roof;
infirm without a bed;
boat without an anchor;
pet without an owner;
plane without a pilot;
bike without wheels;
pot without a plant;
spring without water;
Like a tree without roots;
feeling unsettled
this legal alien
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Aug 2019
About this poem:
Humans develop a deep connections with the places they settle in and the need to feel we belong to a place, to a unit or group of people, a community or society is inherent in us all! The mind might not always grasp what the heart feels.
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The Garden

Once a dream, a vision you sought after
A colourful plant transplanted from her country
Made it the centre of your garden down here
Your dream came true, the one you showered
With time, with care, with love, with passion
So it settles, flourish, bloom, produce shoots
A vision you thought would always carry on
Yet your sight shifted, attracted by the outside world

Your praises given to strangers, to passers by
The lyrics to your songs soon written for others
It was once the subject of your lines, verses
Shame the adoration never lasted
You started living in a world of your own
Adoring others, lifting them up like stars in your eyes
While your garden suffered of neglect, you were unaware
Your vision of the garden remained just that, a vision

You were never true to your role as resident gardener
You let the weeds grow, forgetting they'd suffocate the whole
The water you gave so scant; your garden had no chance
The caring, the love, the attention, the investment of time
You were simply not dedicated to give enough of that
You chose to invest your time , your praises on other things
Lifting them up in the lines of your songs and verses of your poems
Weak without daily care, now in need with much repair

Only in your head your vision remained
Forgetting your garden, your very own
Has the same needs to remain strong
To continue growing, flourishing, flowering
How could you not have known?
Why act only now? When it's too late?
The plant, your plant waited for years
Somehow you would have noticed.

You would have seen its leaves when they first shriveled
Seen the soil dry, hungry for life-giving moisture
All these happened while you busied yourself.
Showering others with words, respect, attention
Until another gardener cared enough to realize
Your dying garden after-all is worth saving.
If only your vision was coupled with deeds,
The kind of deeds that met your garden's needs

It would have remained alive and yours, forever!
If only, you cared enough to water it daily!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Sep 2019
About this poem:
A mother leaving a husband and their children. We wonder why some do that. My heart sunk, like always when we hear something like this, I could not comprehend. They were a perfect couple and never suspected there was any kind of facade. But just this week, she left him and their kids.

Some are unable to comprehend how she couldn't see she left a diamond. But who are we to judge? She is a beautiful diamond too, a very good wife and mother for as long as I have known her. But for some of us if there's a need that is not being met; a longing, a void that's never filled; life is not worth-living.

She knows he loves her, she cannot understand why he would not expresses his love for her in a manner that makes her feel loved. He invested so much to have her move from her country and get settled down-under. But like most men; he overlooked her need for him to remain the centre of her world. Knowing her as a confident young woman; he probably presumed she didn't need him to be around most times.

Marriage should never be the end of the romance. Women's needs do not change just because they become wives. They still long to be made to feel special; to remain the subject of their husbands' poems, lyrics of their songs and recipient of their appreciation, adoration and attention. Women's needs to remain in love remains the same all through out, maybe even more once married.

Lucky is the man who knows passion should be re-lit over and over as time goes; her woman will never think of leaving! Most forget that, Some soon start forgetting special dates, starts appreciating other's instead of the one who chose to be with them. This often makes a woman starts feeling unimportant, and usually gives birth to deep-seated resentment. Even confident women still need to hear and made to feel they are loved, special and important.

When the very reasons a woman falls for a man are withdrawn; the feelings/emotions that developed from them usually go away. Love goes away in the absence of the deeds that won someone's heart in the first place. It is very much like baking; the ingredients are what makes the cake...take them away and you have no cake.

He really is a great guy, he probably just did not realise that there are different love languages and if he fails to speak her wife's love language/s; his actions fail to translate into love in a way or language the wife understands.

Friends are still in shock, their heart goes out for the husband and their beautiful children; but after our conversation, they now see her in a better light!
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Tainted - for NZ

Calculating but totally Ignorant
Unaware to the most basics of facts
Three colour-blind men failed to see
The very colours that made them white
For black is the absence
And white the presence of all
They came, ripping apart our very hearts,
One quiet Friday afternoon
As our brothers and sisters
Young and old their faith rejoiced
Grateful of blessings big or small
Of a working week just gone past
From a race supreme he reckons;
yet unbeknownst to him or them lot
Ignorance and limited vision alone
Ignites each and every narcissistic act;
an outlook to just a very demented few!
My anger streams in this one sad fact
Why carry out this brutal act
In a land so pure in verdant lush
A peaceful home to a people of big hearts
Skin painted by the hands of Father Time
Created He them as brown as their land;
Then turned their hearts as bright, as warm;
As beautiful as the rays of the morning sun!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Mar 2019
About this poem:
White Supremacy?……in a land like NZ? It is so very wrong, so cruel, so deplorable. How sad it is for those who lost their lives, all 49 of them and their grieving families. My heart is broken but though mine aches; it is nothing compared to those who lost love ones. I am still shaken; and I've cried a lot today and people might not understand why because I have no one that I know that was gravely affected by this massacre.
But I m affected and I wish there was someone I could talk to that really understands; someone who shares the love, the passion for that land and it's people. But I am alone in my thoughts, it's sad and lonely at the same time. Some feels more than others and that I can understand.

NZ is still my home; and it is her pure, down to earth, beautiful, friendly and giving nature (applicable to both the land and the people) and this one horrible act of a senseless, self-centred misfit has forever tainted what has always been the purest, cleanest and green profile of NZ.

I keep saying but no one is listening; rebuild the family unit...parents are too busy working and we are breeding spineless, self-absorbed, feeling so privileged children who have no life-skills so much so that when life storms come their way they simply cannot cope. They either cry and give up or they take to the gun and kill the rest of us all because most parents these days are afraid to discipline (not chastise) their children. It is such a pity that some parents do everything for their kids mistaking it as love.

“I wrote this not just to express my own thoughts but those of the many migrants who were attacked in a senseless way. They're migrants but as our NZ Prime Minister said; “they are us” and NZ was their home!

I realize poems can be read, interpreted differently from the writer’s point of view…so before anyone judges me, let me say: I'm a Christian and believe in just one Supreme Authority ergo: I don’t believe in White Supremacy but mentioned it here as a reaction to an article that came out that day.

I spend 70% at least of my time working to come -up with ideas/strategies to connect cultural groups where we are. I have to be colour blind; yes a different type of colour – blindness- the type that is aware white is the presence of all colours and history tells us we all, regardless of colour, contributed to the building of our modern societies. To me, skin colour is just that; a colour, a covering…much like the many colours of clothing we choose to cover us each day!

If there is anything I will condemn; it will be the act of terrorism; not the people, not skin colour ,not even religion. Just the demented minds of a few.

We look at NZ as our quiet little backyard, where there is no place for senseless acts such as this one. I know Terrorism is a devil that lurks around us as old as old can be. But it hasn’t been and never will be nurtured in NZ and we therefore are not as desensitized as the rest of the world.
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Merry Christmas! Not a Poem.

It's been a while since I dropped by. Christmas time often stirs deep seated feelings. It can make you cry for no reasons or reminds you of a few cherished moments. For me it always makes me long to be home with my family. So almost every Christmas I have gone home to NZ where my people are and now and then my beloved husband would join me like he did last Christmas! I love sharing moments with him; I believe going away together is the highlight of any marriage because it enables a couple to create memories they can look back to later in years. Moments on the road with my hubby means a lot, you can learn a lot about each other when you have to rely on each other.

We decided to stay home this Christmas so we can recharge our batteries before going back to work. That's the plan! We'll soon see! I'm not very good at staying home, I'm a wanderer and born with a pair of itchy feet. Life's too short and there's a big beautiful world waiting to be explored.

CS-PC was like my second family. So each Christmas I try to drop by and say hello to old friends and new people in the corner! Now and then when NU remembers to tell me he posted a poem or when I find time or can't sleep... I'd come and have a read and noticed that there are still many of the poets I knew when I use to be part of this family.

To Socrates, Steve1223, Rob (trurorob), elo69, Candy Kid, Joy, Kathy (US), Kathy (NZ), Redex now ExRed, Marikia, Soulgoddess, Yankee, Jimee, Abby, Morgen from Singapore, Happy C, QSF and our good friend Phyllis and of course Nuwahri61 and others I can't recall at the moment....I just want to wish you all the very best this Christmas!

The same goes to a few new poets whose poems I have come across while browsing.. like Yaspark ( haven't read all your poems but I like the ones's I've read) ... and then there's Salamuna or Lilly from Holland. I remember there was another Lilly before NU had amongst his female poet friends ...could it be you?

Read most of your poems, Nu seems to have commented on most...I know he doesn't very often comment, it is quite awesome when he does! I can only say... reading between the lines ... You shared lovely comments... what a nice way to inspire another poet. I can so relate to how nice or awesome it feels when you find that fellow poet who gets you. It's been donkeys years since that happened to me ?? ?? Thank you for sharing your stories and inspiring other poets in this corner. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas! Always wanted to come and see the Floriade but each time I attempt.... something always happens. I missed out again last time. I think the next one is in 2022. If I'm still around...maybe?

It's always an awesome feeling each time I drop by to see familiar faces, read from familiar poets but just as awesome to find new faces who are instantly dear to the rest of the CS-PC family. Variety they say makes things interesting!

Although I have made a conscious decision not to spend a lot of time here (a promise made when we got married); if and when I find a bit more time in the near future I might still come and pour my heart out now and then... I am not an educated poet so I only mostly write free verse poetry organically from the heart.

I will always be grateful to Bill and Macduff. Inspired by their brilliance I managed to pen my one and only sonnet.

Lastly I would like to say thanks to CS...and the Poetry Corner for without it my husband and I would not have met. I prayed for a simple man and a simple life and God granted it hence I will always be grateful!

May the blessings of Christmas be with you all and your families! I wish everyone all the very best for 2019...may you continue writing awesome poetry that non-poets like me can come and find inspiration from all year through! May those of you still seeking for that special one eventually find it. God bless you all! ??????
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Dec 2018
About this poem:
Just keeping in touch with...old friends and new poets!
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Choices we make...

What's it that we really are looking for?
Is it love eternal and pure
Or seeking a perfect creature?
Custom-made, custom-built
To our profile's specifications?

What's it that we crave, hunger for
If we were hungry for food
And were asked kindly to choose
Will we head down to McDonalds
Or home-cook meal we shall favour?

What's it in life that we cherish more?
Is it the trimmings, the novelty we adore
Or the bare basics that are constant, sure
Things that remain the same and matter more
Based from values, character and hearts pure

What's it that we're longing for?
Is it the need to touch or be touched?
A longing to be acknowledged, be admired?
To never feel unwanted, neglected not even a tad
Don't we all ache to feel cherished, honoured, loved!

What's it that is wrong with us..?
We've always known perfect is none but God
Yet a few mistakes partners make, door slammed on face
Done away second chances, our promises, vows we gave
Or are we now like technology, obsolete bi-annually!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Mar 2014
About this poem:
just a thought...very happy with my life but I was talking to someone yesterday about a mutual friend who seems to never settle with a person...and though we both feel sorry for her I couldn't help but wonder if it is the guys or if it is her...looks like we no longer put much value in our relationships...much to easy for some to give the flick even for very trivial reasons...sometimes I feel we value material things more than a person, more than life itself...
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RIP: To Cafétwo2010 with Love

I was green as green can be
Thirsty, tired, lost! Trying to find my way
Running, hiding from the ghosts that lurk
Within the dark forests of my soul and mind!

I plunged myself into a river so cold
Icy waters numbed my heart
With eyes closed, my hands unfold
I prayed for a place where there’s respite!

Distant sounds of laughter opened my eyes
The lush but ghostly forest now far behind
Formidable Castle loomed right in front
Its massive door ajar; so easy to find!

I mustered all strength and courage
In front of the guards, no words came out
My energy waning I gasped and said
Will you sirs let me in or will you let me die?

The guards towered over me! Frightened, I was!
Not so tall, not at all dark but definitely handsome;
“Come my lady, they said; it’s warm inside!
Our castle is your Castle now”’ they chimed!

Inside the courtyard were people of all colours, shapes, sizes!
Wearing a smile; waving, nodding saying Hi! Others quite shy!
Holding notebooks and gizmos and gadgets galore
I felt home in no time; and soon the King of Poets land stopped by!

Voila! Our self-appointed King, the guards gestured
Cafetwo2010 my lady! I am the King of Poets’ Castle
A castle I purposely built for all poets to reside and recover!
“Do you write?” he asked. I can’t your Highness but I can be a storyteller

Well, well; you came to the right place my lady!
You’ll be writing in no time!
My knights will protect you;
You now have a place to come home to

Days turned to years! I learnt the King loves organizing ball dances!
Where his Knights would make sure everyone’s invited
Filling the castle’s courtyard with poets from all walks of life!
Dancing; yodelling, reciting, writing; party goes on and on for days!

I saw a King with a kind heart; his love of his Creator shining bright
He had the knack of saving damsels in distress or not!
Inspiring them to believe in themselves, being kind to one another
Making them the lyrics of his songs and subjects of his poetry!

A tribute here, there, everywhere; a challenge now and then
A heartfelt message or two; making others lighten up!
He said he has magical skills; did he have a magic wand?
I could use that now to see if I could bring him back!

Years rolled, I got to know a few residents, some became mentors, friends!
Like Elo the quiet one who was knighted by the Great King Café
A bright young lad who called himself PM1; A lady named
Happygolucky; erudite Socrates as his name suggests.

There was a lad called Morgen90210; an academic called McDuff
A gentleman named Bill; a lady Odette I can recall and so is Redex
The others hailed from America like lindsyjones, madtat; gnj4u;
McCradloff; my brothers Candykid and jesse to name just a few

There were other decent people from the land of Kangaroos
I crossed the ditch to be with one of them and I’m still here!
Far away places brought poets like Marikia. Some have moved
to other places like myself, I can think of Scatlyn and Paloma!

But none inspired me more than the King of the Castle himself
Creating a non-denominational Castle; always welcoming new ones
When it’s miserable outside; he’ll concoct words that made us laugh!
He will secretly send a message or two just to cheer you up!

He did live up to his royal name; never looking down on anyone
Except me maybe because I’m not even five foot one.
So to Cafetwo2010; for an awesome poem-filled seven years
Thank you for blessing us with your wit; kindness, courage; humility!

You are a special and unique poet to us all;
It’s been a joy to have met you here!
Take your well-deserved, restful sleep until we meet again!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Oct 2017
About this poem:
Though I only come here now and then and have lost touch with many of you for the years I have been away;times like this brings us together!. I just got back from NZ and Hawaii and Nu told me our Cafe Jim has passed away! I knew my husband won't joke about death but somehow it just wouldn't sink in. Jim embodied this corner; I see him as one of the main pillars of this platform. He was a constant presence and source of encouragement to many of us. As much as I avoid coming here now;his passing brings back memories of the days when I spent a lot of time here pouring my hurt and pain and the people who accepted and made me feel at home. This corner gave me a second home and poets like Cafe made me feel safe and welcomed!

I wrote my tribute to Cafe the way I see him; how he was able to reach out to everyone and what he stands for. he maybe physically gone but his presence in many of us will live on! Just like many of you hope; may his family consider publishing his writing.

I apologize to those good poet friends I failed to mention in here; I had to write this in between chores and mentioned names as they popped out in my head at the moment. I think Jim and I probably joined PC about the same time...he may have been just a tad surely he will live a big void in here and to all the poets he has connected and whose lives he has touched! Rest in Peace dear friend and poet!
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Regrets and Gratitude

Today, with tears he left me for the last time
Yesterday if he did, I’d have to live with unsaid goodbyes
The past more than four years went through my mind
Nit-picking all those times, finding answers to my why’s

A life lived for others who cared, maybe even loved
Life's demands and priorities tie people down
His days lived alone in his small and quiet world
Devoid of human connection, most days on his own!

Four years ago, we met and our feelings seemed mutual
A warm welcoming sight, in a short coat of warm brown
Smiled so much he drooled all over me, much to my chagrin!
Warmed up to him, I simply couldn't keep my frown!

On days I’m alone and lonely at home; he always dropped by
Caressing my legs asking why, what’s the matter now?
I’ll share with him what I have; I feel it’s always worthwhile
He’ll take what I give, he’ll ask for more then take a bow!

I wonder next time when I work in the garden or water our plants
Who’s gonna come walking around making funny sounds?
Will I see pebbles all over the driveway, will I be upset, cross?
The tears I shed today; a proof a good friend lost!

But am I sad because he’s gone forever from my life?
Or is it more guilt than sadness that’s brewing inside?
I could have done more, I could have love him more
I wore the love inside; allowed contempt to let it hide.

Still I hope this bit of nature I have built around us
Gave him moments of fun instead of just pure glum
Under the banana palms with its broad long leaves
He’s spent days of endless summer hiding from the sun

He has dug the garden beds more times than I ever had
Chasing butterflies and dragon flies all year round
Sleeping next to fragrant flowers in autumn months
Rolling on a sprays of summer colours covering the grounds

Coming home, an orchid flower trashed I'd find
A crafty mind would have thought and planned
To pick the ones with buds about to open and shine
Yet confronted, the look in his eyes says “see it’s gone?”

Feeling ignored; he never failed to make it known
He had the knack of picking my prized, favourite plants
Or making sure he gets more attention than me from my husband
He knew he deserved so much more from these hard-working hands

The silence in this home will echo in his absence.
The Love, Friendship, Company he gave without measure
Leaves a pain in my heart I don’t really understand
Bu I know, I was blessed with four years of memories to treasure!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jul 2017
About this poem:
Went on a poetry- writing hiatus for over 2 years so feeling like a stranger to both poetry writing and the poets in the corner now. I hope there are still poets here of my would be nice to hear from you all again.

Our furry friend was put down this weekend due to his failing health. I didn't think his passing away will move me as much as it did. Nothing much has stirred me in the past three years that's enough to help me find the courage to try writing again.
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This is a list of orientalkoru's Poems. Click here for orientalkoru's Poem List

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