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chatilliononline today!

Wait... wait. Are you sure about that?

When Trump left the White House, he took documents that should have been turned over to the National Archives. Months of back-and-forth and a subpoena got some returned. Somewhere along the way, his lawyers said all the documents were returned, but they had wrong information. The FBI conducted a search to get the documents back and If you recall, Trump went on social media and in the news complaining about how the search was conducted.

Maybe you one of the ones who sided with Trump, not only for the way the search was conducted but that he had rights to keep the documents in question. That search was about 9 months ago.

We're not done yet.
I heard some things today that are news (to me) where some of the Mar-a-Lago staff revealed they were instructed to do a dress rehearsal of moving boxes a day before the search and at least one of Trump's attorneys was present for the search.
I didn't pay attention to the second part, which is more significant.
While Trump claimed it was a surprise, it appears Corcoran, one of his his legal advisers confirmed the date with FBI when they could meet to pick up the documents.

Did Trump know or did he not know the date they were to arrive for the search?
We do know he was away and It was stated he was watching via the surveillance cameras.

So far, none of this is looking to be in favor of Trump. At the CNN televised meeting he admitted to having the documents and believes he has the right to retain them.
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So, after years of searching, I finally found someone!

We met in 2019 in the US through a different site. We exchanged messages there for a short while then we exchanged phone numbers. A few days later, we met up in person and we hit it off. Unfortunately, days after we met he was hospitalized and we were unable to meet up again and I had to go back to The Philippines and Indonesia.

We stayed in touch though and we loved playing online Scrabble. I just recently returned to the US for a family event and we met up again. We went on several dates and he kept saying that his feelings for me have been developing. The same was true for me. What was so funny was that he finally proposed three days before I was going back to The Philippines. Although I wanted to say yes, I wanted to have a real relationship first and thankfully he agreed. I wanted to get to know him more.

Hopefully, this long distance relationship will work. Although we have done this before , we were only friends and not in a romantic relationship.

I am still going to be on this site not to look for that special someone but just for the blogs.

Wish us luck!!! kiss

It has finally happened ! The wait is over. The counts are in. In 2021 we have a real president !

Today from the Associated Press;

Embedded image from another site

(continued in the first comment below)
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it is goodbye donald HELLO JOE,,i have never seen so many news readers world wide with big smiles on their faces as they announced the result ,,it says all that needs to be said ,,,
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He who laughs last

Laughs the loudest

The election hasn't been decided, folks. The electoral college decides that. And in the meantime there will be multiple lawsuits to determine which ballots can be counted, and which not, as well as recounts

It's laughable really, the same people who just recently were saying under no circumstances could Trump declare victory until the full process played out, and all legal avenues pursued - are now trying to say that Biden has won, and that the process shouldn't be played out, and legal recourse should be denied

Of course no one should be surprised that this happened. If you're afraid of how the process might play out - and what might be revealed - you rush to declare victory early. That the corrupt institution known as the Associated Press should 'declare' Biden the winner is laughable in its transparency. They know they don't get to determine outcomes. And they've shown their cards over the last 4 years with their clearly slanted bias. Maybe the weak-minded folk at the AP just think they couldn't handle another 4 years of Trump - wouldn't surprise me. Trump has helped show the world how many irredeemably corrupt and sad individuals make up a large portion of large media organisations. They're irrelevant now, early.

Let them enjoy their premature victory lap though. They've shown their hand early. In the end, I believe Trump wins, and a LOT of people are going to jail for provably corrupt actions. In the meantime, prepare for a storm. The strong will be separated from the weak. This is no time for the faint of heart.
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Lock Trump up !

Trump admits to his aides, that he is worried about all the state and federal prosecutions that are impending after he loses the election. Hey, if you can't do the time, don't commit the crimes ! scold

Today from Salon;

(continued in my first comment below)
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Good Morning America!

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

An extract from the beautifully worded declaration of independence.

Go in Peace, Go with God.

Give your consent. Cast your vote.

All the best America.

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chatilliononline today!

The E. Jean Carroll case...

This deserves a blog of it's own. Back in the 1990's Carroll claims Donald Trump raped her in a famous New York City department store. Trump denied her allegation. He said she's not his type.
I read she kept the garment she was wearing that has his sperm on it and a DNA test would be conclusive. I also read the court isn't allowing the test.
There's a second issue of defamation where he's being sued by Carroll based on disparaging comments he made in response to her accusation.

Trump's lawyers tried and failed to get both cases dismissed.

Over the years, he's been accused of rape several times, but none of them stuck. I recall one woman backed out before the trial due to death threats.

Another woman came forward and the situation was different. Either Trump or one of his lawyers made a clarification or comparison, but that only sounded like he was part of both and the women weren't lying.

So the man who's in court over business fraud, indirectly paying a porn star hush money, a boasting womanizer with a history of affairs while married, had partied with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell is teetering over a rape case that may actually lean in Carroll's favor. He would be found guilty of s*xual assault. Convicted Rapists in Florida are on a list and their movements are often restricted.

Blogs don't ask questions.... what are your thoughts?

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The soul-stealing city Part 2

The soul-stealing city Part 2
As soon as the young man bent down to pick up the newspaper from the ground, he should have realized that something was wrong with that place, as a strong feeling of fear began to creep through his entire body. It was a fear he never thought possible before, but one that he ignored as much as he could. With his eyes fixed on the newspaper, as he rose with the newspaper in his hand, for a moment, he remembered what the visitor had told him, and he tried to redirect his attention/ gaze towards the still burning candle. However, a strong curiosity compelled him to look at the newspaper and see what articles were written there. It took only one glance to completely captivate his attention. He didn't even realize that everything had changed around him, as he had entered his "new home" and stood with his eyes fixed on the newspaper in the middle of the kitchen, facing the window through which only a little moonlight penetrated. For a moment, he remembered again the candle that had burned halfway and thought of finding another one to light when it ran out, otherwise he wouldn't be able to see to read the article in the newspaper that seemed fascinating to him. He searched through the kitchen drawers for a while, but curiosity overwhelmed him again, and he began to read the newspaper again, which became more and more interesting with each line he read. He struggled to lift his gaze and only saw the candle much later, which had now almost burned out. He immediately searched for another candle to replace the first one and maintain that dim light that helped him read. ...
the rest of the story in part 3
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The soul-stealing city Part 3

The soul-stealing city Part 3
Finally, he found a candle and just in time before the candle received from the visitor went out, he managed to light the one he found in the drawer. And that immediately brought him to one thought, "I can continue reading," and before his thought could disappear, his gaze was already focused on the article in the newspaper, which seemed more fascinating than before he stopped reading and which continued to become increasingly captivating. With his eyes fixed on the newspaper and his mind set on that article, his body began to tremble with fear that he felt without understanding why. After a long period of time, something made him remember the words of the visitor, and then he realized that his soul was no longer with him, but somehow they were still connected. And before his gaze could return to the newspaper, he realized that the fear he felt was actually coming from his soul, which remained stuck in the middle of the street, screaming for help. But the young man was so fascinated by the article in the newspaper that he became dependent on it and couldn't help but read it. After hours of reading in that newspaper, his imprisoned soul now in the street gathered all its strength and shouted as loud as it could to our young man, "Help me, don't forget about me, I am part of you." This made him again divert his attention from that fascinating newspaper, and he felt that fear again that his soul felt and that he also felt because of the connection they still had. Only then did he realize that although he had read a lot from that newspaper, it was still on the first page. Thus, he realized that while he was reading the written lines in the newspaper, they disappeared, making others magically appear, a thing that repeated endlessly. That was the moment when he realized that the newspaper was meant to distract him, and because of it, he had wasted a candle that could have remained lit forever. He glanced at the headline in the newspaper, thinking it would be the last thing he would read in that newspaper, and saw that it actually referred to his life. However, it didn't take long before his gaze slipped back to the writing, which became even more fascinating to him, once again capturing his attention. Some time later, his soul gathered its last strengths, desperate and lost in agony, and shouted again towards the young man. This made him once again divert his attention from the newspaper. Then he realized that he was trapped in a kind of hell, where his soul was captive far from him, but both of them were suffering immensely. He looked up and cried out to God to help him escape from there. Shortly after that, he woke up in his bed in his room, and he realized that it had all been a dream. He said, "Thank God I got out of there," and wondered if perhaps it all really happened because it seemed so real, and if God had indeed saved him... or if it had just been a simple dream that seemed endless...
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