breadcrumb Orzzz Blog

Seeking a better life.

Long ago, the US had vast lands with few people. So immigrants were welcomed. Some of low education were desired to do the work that few wanted to do. Others were welcomed for the skills they brought to our land...Doctors, machinists, teachers, tradesmen and women of all types.
My dad was an immigrant. He was trained as a metal spinner. Came here with cash, a job and apartment pre-arranged. Worked hard and started his own factory eventually.
Now around the globe developed countries have large populations that have grown over decades and more. But, there are countries that the people who wish to better themselves, get knocked back by criminals, warlords, crooks, dictators, thieves, murderers, radical religious gangs and even just an earth that defies them thriving.
These people often are limited in education and skills. Like locusts, they travel in search of food. Some do have a work ethic and think as in the days of old, wealthy nations have lots to spare and room for them. But, many are looking for a free ride. They are lied to by trafficers to save up money that they could better themselves with to get smuggled to those well off nations. Then figure they will be cared for. Even tho there are natives in those countries who aren't.
We have had influxes of refuges from countries the wealthy fought wars in. Often they were helped because they fought along side with us. They came to these countries, took advantage of the possibilities and worked hard, contributed to those lands and thrived. They made their children realize they now were a citizen of that country and to learn the language and customs and improve themselves more than the parents even did.
I see a situation now where third world countries think all they need to do is head north and find a free ride. People with minimal skills that are suited to their country but of little or no use to the northern lands. They will be the new low wage workers doing the jobs no one wants. Or welfare dependents or homeless.
I see nothing of what the flood of people from the south of the globe are accomplishing. Yet our leaders want to provide for them. I do see what the Afghans are doing in our military camps. They are setting up schools to teach English, organizing, putting together activities for the children and attempting to provide structure to prepare for inclusion to our country.
Now which group should we welcome and which should be turned back?dunno
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Weather, hornets and falling trees.

Life on a farm can be a pain. In the case of storms and hornets, literally. So where to start? Wisconsin is getting in on the bad storms. Tornadoes, floods, hail..the only thing we haven't had much issue with is fire.
My farm is in a very unique situation. Next to a river, across from the granite bluffs. Just a bit below is the Narrows. A cut through that channels storms below me. The storms come from the west, hit the bluffs, rise up and over and land a few miles past. One scary tornado did come upriver a quarter mile. It was born out of the black peat fields and went backwards.
Yesterday was heavy rain and some wind. I went to lock up the barn before it hit. Of course, chickens are la di da. COOP! Herding chickens can equal cats!very mad Head to the barn, teens, off windmill and barn. COOP! Finally got them in the barn and coop inside except one rooster. You know..I dont care. Go drown.
Do a count. frustrated A rooster and few black hens short. So start to call and hunt. There they are across the drive. BARN IDIOTS! No, we want to go down into the woods. COOP!mumbling Finally have them by barnyard fence. Guess starts to rain. OH!wow Now they have the idea. The phalanx V's at a dead run for the barn door, me behind. Would have been a funny video. Black hens and golden rooster running as fast as two legs can go. Got them in the coop and said now you know why I say coop when I do! very mad doh
Now it is raining pretty hard. Do chores. Mule and sheep were in stalls ready to eat. Gee this is fun...stand at barn door and watch rain fall.sigh Ha! Get out a plastic feed sack. Take knife and slit. Put over head. Shut of lights, doors and make a run for it. Why is it any rain gear always drips onto your legs? So back to house and clothes go over tub.
The hornets now....Went to shed, hornets nesting on tractor bucket arm. Sprayed and killed. Then 2 days ago, go out on loggia to feed cats. Turn to go onto deck and OW! WT?wow Hornet stung me at base of neck, top of spine. Look around. There are more. They have built a nest in a dried plant arrangement on cabinet. Got spray. Out. Go to shed and get other can. Spray fog. Cats get away! Next day walk out..OW. Hairline on left. YOU miserable %^*&*%^U#^&very mad Spray again.
Next morning...eye is swelled, lid and bag under. Just what my old skin needs..stretching. I hit sting with apple cider vinegar. Baking soda. Ice.
Now I open door, peek out. See a couple hornets each day and fog in front. Farms..chiggers, ticks, skeeters, horse flies, stinging plants..why does everything view me as lunch!crying
And the topper. Tenant called me around 5. That maple that broke off half finished the job. But, best way..missed old house trailer and wires. Took out the old wolf pen and big gate. So boarder and I went down, tenant got his chainsaw and we cut through enough to clear gate and stand bent gate back up to keep animals in. Now I have to figure out how to straighten angle iron and save the gate. More firewood and work.
Today storms went north and did a tornado. Hopefully I am in the clear for rest of day and night.uh oh
Can I just crawl under the basement stairs and hide til next month?...nah..some bug would find me and bite.sigh blues
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U tube dangers

What a site. See cat videos of funny cats, weird cats, cute cats clumsy cats and cats that act so human on 2 legs it is scary. Travel the world with folks. Get to know channels with someone you like. And get hooked on side bars so you waste the whole blasted day going from thing to thing you didn't even know of interest.
You can find info on how to fix that toaster, change oil in your car, or if that product is junk.
And thenhelp the real danger. DIY videos! You can learn how to take dollar store junk and combine into..junk. Take apart a cardboard box and make..a fancy cardboard box.confused dunno doh
There are DIYs that one needs a lab, or workship with forge or foundry. And then the ones that do crafts that have been around for a century that one ignores.
UNTIL..there it is in a video.Do I NEED more projects. NOoooooo!crying But!smitten I have cast in concrete for decades. Any plastic pastry container or other can cast concrete stepping stones. Molds exist to make statues. But, I ran across cement draping. Make a fancy flower planter. Soak cloth in portland that is runny, drape over form built of whatever. Then more videos. Yep, add sand for do the ones without hold up?dunno frustrated Then onto using quickset mortar to sculpt. Videos in Asia of guys who create life size sculptures and scrolls on hand! wow thumbs up So now I am making concrete stuff.
Ran into tissue paper flowers. And paper and coffee filters. I already have a vase filled. Addictive!!! ARGH! Must....make...roses.....roses...uh oh
Do not watch u tube. It is addictive. And instead of house work, yard work and those projects already on that to do will find new ones. help frustrated
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OK, had to watch this infomerchial.

Rarely watch them and if so, for a couple minutes. This one hit on something I have heard about. Went through 3/4th before shutting it off. Now...almost hooked..but.. Good old internet..type in whatever and look for scams and reviews. Bingo!thumbs up There is was.
The info was about people selling your property and you find out when a foreclosure notice comes or someone knocks on your door and asks why are you in their house. I never worry cause there is the property tax bill every Christmas.
I have bought land by a quit claim deed. I did it all myself..printed out form, sent to owner, filled out tax site and filed. So I know how simple and easy it is. On land.
The facts...if a house, there has to be a title search, assessment, title insurance, notary, SS number even on land, and more. The way the scam works, a guy does a fake ID, gets title by fake notary stamp, goes to bank and takes out loan. That is the main scam.
Truth is it is rare. The most are done against second homes and vacation cabins cause they dont want to alert someone when the buyer knocks on their door.
If you read up on it, the law is on the owners side. Call the cops, call your lawyer and the "new" owner, if one shows up is out of luck to evict you. The lender of any funds will be liable..a bank does credit check on person after a loan and more. And they are out of luck if a scam, not you.
The title lock does nada. They only keep track of activity against your deed. One thing I saw was your Register of Deeds office has a similar deal you can sign up least some do. If there is activity, the title lock company just lets you know. $15 a month for a phone call. The rest is baloney.
Houses are so regulated now it is crazy. So to sell or buy a house requires a ton of realtor input or government rules. And any lender does also.
So another bull company like the time share buyers and reverse mortgage ones. What is sad is Newt Genrich is the lead spokesman for Title Lock. Didn't he make enough money in politics?
When it sound good, goggle it. Like that cool bacon cooker that one guy made 3 batches and the fins melted.roll eyes sigh
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Sometime it must be spring.

Dad used to look out the window and say that the last winter he lived. He made it and died in that April. Now I see another spring too. And I always say if I don't hit the ground running in March I am sunk. Like usual, it is half past April already. I busted back and got most of the flower beds raked. I hate oak trees!very mad
Haven't gotten barnyard on them yet, nor mulch from my wood chip pile. I set the hens to raking the one terrace and then the next when first was raked. They do good work and do it for birdseed. Problem is attention span. They work a short bit and then off to somewhere else. So it takes them days to do an area. But, easy for them to get under stuff and then all I need do is gather the piles they make.
I drove down the road. See the woods has that pink blush. It is caused by the shells of buds. The next is the green blush and then it seems over night it is BAM! Green woods. I noticed the lilacs have leaves a quarter inch already. Daffodils are in bloom. Grass in the meadow is greening. Nature is in its usual rush to start and get on with it before winter.
I brought seed containers up. Should start some soon. Lettuce sounds right. So much work ahead. Set buckets ready to plant. Buy plants. But, this is the time of hold...raining and 50 today and half the week ahead. I remember digging out and not making it home til the next day in the blizzard that hit mid April in 73. Suckers!rolling on the floor laughing doh
I have kittens everywhere the moms have hid them. Hens are laying almost a dozen eggs a day. ENOUGH already! Here, have a dozen eggs. YOU need them!!!frustrated
Time to clean the wood shed and start to fill it again. Fields need to get tilled. Weeds killed. The farm dictates life. And nature.
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IT is NOT over!

Why are people acting like the pandemic is over and done with. So many mixed messages aren't helping either. Herd immunity. No one has said the shot bestows immunity. Nor having the virus. All it they do is hopefully stop one from ending up in hospital or dead. One can still get it and still spread it. Especially to anyone without the shots. Look around the US and see crowds of people, no masks, no distancing, no precautions. Now numbers are going up around the world. New variants are causing a more capable virus to spread. It is what viruses are good at.
And the double speak from the medical confuses even more. Kids are safe. Oops, they are catching it, spreading it and DYING. You don't have to wear a mask if you got the shot. EXCEPT. And no one catches that except part. The shots are safe, except for those few it isn't. Not much consolation to the unlucky person that happens to be one of those FEW!doh
Your freedom stops at my nose. So my life will continue on being compromised by YOUR freedom. And my safety is in my hands. I don't care about rights, conspiracies, politics, self centered fun and all the rest. I know people personally who got sick. Don't care if numbers lie. Don't care if it is man made, nature made or how it happened.
The bottom line is there is a virus out there after humans. Use your brain. It is not a joke to the people who are long haulers.. nor the ones who dies or lost someone. When, where, how, why..doesn't matter.
Now go play Russian roulette with 5 bullets in the chamber. Good luck. I wont. Hope all you morons catch it and suffer greatly. And stay away from me!very mad
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I hate varments.

I try to keep the kibble cat food in the woodshed to the point of nothing left to lay around for the night. Altho day can still be an issue. Like the other afternoon when I look and there is a coon sitting in the satellite dish I use sideways for bird feeder. And it is happily chowing down seeds. Of course by the time I get around the back way with rifle..long gone.
Then one night, go out to put wood on and there is an opossum eating kibble next to the cats. The week prior I shot one in the barn. Was able to shoot this one too. Deep snow out back so just toss out behind shed til thaw. Go out another night, there is another blasted possum. Shot that one, tossed into snow too.
Look out a couple days later and the last one if half eaten. Went out and tried to determine tracks. 4 toes, no 5, 4? Claws so not cat. Coyote, nah, would have hauled away. Fox?
That possum is all gone and something dug the older one out of the snow. My guy has idea...set up trail camera. Oh..yeah! Duh. And there when I looked thenext day were two coons.
I have learned that basically nothing eats possum except Southerners. And the way to prepare is to cage and feed clean food for a week since a possum eats anything, rotted, dead of any disease and more.
barf I also have grown up thinking of coons as a clean animal. Eats mice, chickens, eggs, fruit, veggies. Washes it food when available. Bread not tho.
But, dead possums? So researched it. They are scavengers, opportunists, omnivores. Eat anything. And to think I ate coon as a child. Tasty. Til mom refused to spend 2 hours making sure every bit of fat was off or it tainted the meat.
Set live trap. Apple and rotten egg. Both gone, trap not tripped. Blast those paws. So re-set with apple wired in a suet cage. Week and no coon. Nor sign of. Maybe smart and returned to river.dunno But, soon snow will be gone and hens get to come out in daytime.
I know last coon was so big and smart, had to borrow trap from neighbor to catch. Bad part is cats around so can't bait with any food cats like. Did end up catching one lately before this episode. Boarder said he left her out when he did 5am wood fill. And it had sat in the shed for days with an apple. Dumb cat. They do learn tho to stay out after in once or twice.roll eyes
I hate varmints!very mad
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Walmart sells white slime.

Someone gave me a chub of Festive taco seasoned ground turkey. Hmmm...I don't trust ground turkey to start with. Decided to do some research on it. First found out who sells it. Checked reviews..rates a minus C. Read more. It is partly mechanically processed turkey. OK, check that out.
We have heard about pink slime. That is the blood and bits liquefied and added to foods. Government had a few things to say about that habit.
White slime is made about the same way. When the breast meat and dark meat is removed, a bony carcass is left. Think about when you devour that rotisserie chicken and what is left. But, theirs is raw. Now that carcass is ground up, pushed through a sieve that removes MOST bone bits. What is left is something that resembles paste. Bone bits must be smaller than 2mm. What is in that paste is ground up skin, cartilage, tendons, blood vesicles, bone marrow, blood and of course, bone bits. Watch your teeth people.
Reading about this ground frozen turkey is rich. Reviews say looks like dog food. Have to keep breaking it up cooking because it wants to make a hard mat. 2 cups of it ends up with a cup of water out of it. Part of the mix is real ground turkey to try to give it some taste and texture.
It is one thing to find mechanically separated meat in hot dogs cause we know what they are. But, to peddle this off as ground meat is an insult.
It is high in salt, saturated fat plus ammonia is used on the slime to kill bacteria. Guess it is more a danger to the processing workers than us. Still..
There is a problem among the poor to eat badly. They have diseases and at the least, obesity. Now the kicker.. This person got this ground turkey from a food pantry that gets stuff donated by companies and the government. He said he got a case of this, plus hot dogs and chicken meat balls in a huge bag. Afraid he cant use it all up fast enough.
To be polite, I took a chub of it. He thought he was being generous. Now what do I do with it?frustrated
So this is what our government feeds to the poor. And school kids too. White slime, salt, fat and additives. Nice to know how they care for our poor.mumbling scold
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That dr. licence renewal time.

In Wisconsin now, drivers licenses are good for 8 years. Of course this month is when my 8 years has to run out.crying Now I have left my farm exactly 3 times in the last year. I checked on can renew their..IF under 65.sigh Of course have to put SS number on line to do it , too.
So checked..lots of satellite service centers are closed. Of the ones remaining, appointments only. And some no testing, no plates and title stuff.
I was lucky to find the one in my area is walk in, no appt. My fella lives in city and had to do appt.
Decided which mask is best cause have to drop for photo. Drove into it is staff? Parked and walked to door...half a dozen people inside waiting and doing. Two windows only. Do I go I go and come back later. frustrated Well, only open two days a week so everyone has to do stuff here.
I entered, saw 2 guys right there and decided to wait outside the door! Gal come up, dunno I said it is safer to wait outside. She is antsy. Almost told her go ahead of me if you are in such a hurry. A guy came out so I went into the foyer. She is on my tail.very mad More people are now out and coming in. Why don't we just have a group HUG while we are AT IT!
I stepped spacing markers, old guy writing over there with no mask..oh he finished and put it on. Guess cant think and write with it on.
I finally got to counter..handed him the paperwork I had printed and done at home. Take eye test..germy machine!!! argh...He says tell me first line, can you see lights to side, good go for photo. Sheesh, why bother...they used to check depth, color and more.
I had a knit hat on, dropped mask. He tries..take off glasses. Snap. Here is receipt and bye.
I stuffed papers in purse and scrammed.
Finally looked at photo today printout. For 8 years I will look like an old witch. Know one ever sees that photo on license anyway. So who care. It is what I call my year of the pandemic license. 5 days and seems clear of virus. Now can stay on farm til April when dentist again. Or may cancel. Readers Digest says yearly is enough unless issues.dunno
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Electric cars are a joke.

All we are doing is switching pollution. Bottom line is solar power and wind power are barely making a dent in where electricity is generated from. Same idea with getting rid of coal fired power plants.
No matter how a power plant generates electricity using fossil fuels, it still is polluting.
Nuclear plants are few and hated. And there we have the issue of where to go with spent rods.
Cali wants to ban the sale of all new cars that aren't electric. We already have a power grid that is hanging on by it's eye teeth. Black outs and brown outs in the making.
Now everyone is supposed to plug in their electric car batteries to re-charge. Kick up that old power plant folks and burn some more coal or gas. Get that fracking going, sorry about those earthquakes and water
All the solutions seem to be is swapping bad for bad.
People don't seem to think about where that electricity comes from they use. Nor what will happen to those batteries when they die. Or what pollution is being done manufacturing them.
Gasoline has improved, mileage has improved. Public transportation has not. The best solution is less flying, less driving. That is the point covid has made.
Cut out driving to a gym to run on a tread mill. Make a shopping list and get it all instead of making a breakfast drive to the store and then an evening drive to the same store.
I make few trips to shop. And when I do, I take my list, hit 8 stores in one afternoon and get everything I need or think I will for weeks. Get home tired, but so what.
How soon before the landfills are polluting with dead batteries. Do you recycle them? I know I don't. No place takes them around here.
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Connection hopes.

There are tons of single people on this earth. Some highly desirable, some not so much. My dad always said every pot has it lid.
Yet, I see on dating sites, people desperately seek a connection with anyone and everyone. People lay out profiles. Yet it doesn't matter because the desperate contact them anyway. It is like refusing to bury your dead pet, hoping it will spring back to life. Then those people get bent because the object of their desire doesnt respond.
The extremes go to stalkers and murderers or kidnappers. Or groupies who follow stars and personages across the country. If they JUST see me, I will be swept away in their limo.
Nature puts the drive into creatures to chase the best chance for viable offspring. Animals fight for the female, females cajole and practice subterfuge to get the males.
Humans have brains tho to realize realities. The health nut is NOT ever going to want to marry the obese couch potato. The intellect will not settle to spend life with someone who thinks reading is a joke. The rich marry rich, the lawyer marries the lawyer.
So to those frustrated people on dating sites, read profiles. Acknowledge conflicts. And save yourself grief pining for what will never be. Wishing wont make it so.
As the saying goes, water seeks its own level. Be realistic in your quests. Love is the goal, not perfection. sad flower

Avoid Aetna/CVS/Accendo

I would forward my issues with Accendo direct to corporate, but it seems they hide their email so no one can contact them.
According to on line, CVS has bought Aetna insurance and their Accendo subsidiary. I have had so much of a fight to pay my premiums, I would hate to file claims.
Boomer got me into Accendo. I authorized a plan G medigap policy. After a bit of juggling, I got it set up to do mail billing and quarterly.
I got a bill for October and paid it by check for $123.03 on Oct.31. This was to cover Nov.
I got a bill for 3 months which I didn't notice was from Nov to Jan1. I sent a check for $246 to pay for 3 months. It actually was for two months.
Boomer got notice my insurance was NOT paid and I was canceled. I was emailed a re-instatement form and told to stop those checks. Which I did. It cost me $60 for the two.
I got re-instated and Accendo said they got the 246 check the previous day...two months later. The 123 check has never turned up. The message menu says mail is delayed. For THREE months?
I told Boomer it is not paid because I canceled that check. They came back with Accendo says paid. Bank said they sent it back. UNPAID.
I called Accendo. Hold time. Tried later, got through after 20 minutes and her computer wouldn't work, call back. I succeeded at 5pm, no hold time.
This was Dec. 30,2020. I told him not paid and I want to do a 6 month payment. That would cover the past 3 months , pus next 3. He took all my bank numbers and said he was doing a draft form for $782.82. And that I should call my bank to make sure it went through. I did and bank said of course.
I checked with bank after New Years. No draft submitted. On Jan 6 I got a bill for...NOV. Dated the 30th. And on the 7th a notice dated the 31st, canceled due to no payment.
So they bill one day and cancel the next?!
I called Jan. 7th, held and got person. Told info, hold for other rep. Hold, and second rep said hold for third rep! Finally after a total of a half hour, spoke to a guy. He said he found nothing but that I talked to someone on the 30th. He had no other info because not his department, went to communications dept. He couldn't find out info for draft.
I called bank, no draft has been submitted. If I want to cancel, costs me another $30.
So far I have paid by check, $123.03, $246, and by draft $782.82.
All I have gotten is another re-instatement form will be sent. What good is it when accounting never accepts nor credits payment.
According to complaint sites, CVS is living up to its rep of ONE star.
What do I have to do? Go to the building, find accounting, put the cash in their hand and take them to the bank and help them to deposit it?
I got a call from my agent. She said because policy was canceled, draft never went through! The guy that took it was an idiot. I said get me a new company, I have had it! She said oh, do a re-instatement for now cause it will take a month to get other company. NO. How would I pay, take 3 months to get a month policy. Checks are canceled, draft is non existent..not giving Accendo a dime again. They cost me $60 as is for basically one month coverage back in Oct.
So will go back to old company Manhatten that now is cheaper than I paid before.

confused dunno
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