RE: wanting beyond need

The problem is corporations and governments live buy idiots buying more junk than they need. And our primitive hunter/gather heritage fosters greed. Gather all you can because tomorrow there may be none.
Kids are supposed to learn between want and need and develop control. Think! But, our society doesn't want think..just buy.
I compare to a hog. A pig is one of the only animal that will continue to grow with intact of food. We had pigs that were 1000 pounds. But, when the sow gets that big, she becomes worthless. She doesn't produce piglets and lays on them and kills them if she does. Greed reaches a negative point.
I see many humans that mimic those hogs. It goes back to generation ago too. Eat! What a healthy growing boy. Plenty of food showed success. Difference was those kids spent most of their time racing around outside. Or the people were on farms and factories doing manual labor that burned it back off as fast as they put it on.
Now the mentality still exist minus the activity.
I weigh the same as in high school. Dad was a clean you type. Mom countered and said let her alone. You hate fat people so do you want her to be one? She will eat what she needs when she wants to.
I viewed meals as a waste of time when I could be outside in the barn, woods and river.
I can't believe the neighbor kids who grew up on their grandparents old farm. Barely left the house. How could any kid resist the woods and river?doh

RE: I'm a 53 YEAR'S YUNG MAN that lives back in the 80s

Hated the 80s. Had to listen to the top 40 at work replay every hour!frustrated I live in the 1840s/

RE: Gal / sdarlagg passed away on April 10, 2024

Another one we cant stand to lose.sad flower

RE: Why is this shameful?

Only is the man wears a kilt. Why can a man with a D cup run around topless and a woman with a AAA cup can't? I like styles for women but wonder why. Why do we show our legs. Why is strapless gowns considered elegant. Why is it OK to have a backless dress?
Why do men wear a collar that chokes them and wear ties? Why is it frowned on if a man runs around on the beach with a thong?
Answer is it just is that way. Styles change.

Its a mad mad mad mad..mess!

Look at Democratic cities and the mess they are in. Listen to Biden brag about what he has done. Oh yeah!very mad While he looks through rose colored glasses, the masses look for spare change to pay the rent.

RE: What is the use of a man in the life of a woman?

A lack of men in a childs life is why the last gens are so screwed up. Men offer a different outlook on the world. They counter the woman like she counters him. He fills the niche she lacks and she fills the ones he lacks.
By nature the man can provide thinking and physical strength no woman has. Same in reverse. We need each other to make a whole.

Its a mad mad mad mad..mess!

I am coming to the conclusion that the Government/woke/libs/loonies think we are living in either Ozland or Will Wonkas. California seems to be the instigator for lots of the madness.
We have people minding everyone's business, government ordering people' lives and even their gender.
Maine and another state are now saying small farms, home gardens and pet chickens are destroying the environment so stop planting those tomatos. For one thing, all underground water belongs to the people so you can't use water out of your driven well anymore. It's now public domain.
Brandon orders cars to be EV in 6 years, even those who can afford ANY new car and the infrastructure of the US can't provide an EV's needs to charge. Fossil fuels are bad. Too bad plastics, smelted metal, highways and more rely on them to exist.
Raises go up til no one can afford to buy the objects due to the fact that corporations wont take a profit loss so just increase the Mfg price.
Increase rents and home prices out of reach and then property taxes go up so government can give more handouts.
Cops arrest and Judges let them go. Citizens get arrested and illegals get a free pass..poor things. They deserve to shoplift and have a luxury hotel for free.
Congress hands out cash like water..which is another crazy..$2 for water because it is in a polluting plastic bottle!doh They cant agree on any bill because the pork barrel earmarks have made it 400 pages long. Nah, don't read, just sign here, we only have one day after our vacation.
Must be nice to work two months and take the summer off...workers get a week.
The Affordable Care Act has raised prices til many can't afford it anymore. But, if you are an illegal, don't's free for you.
Kids can't speak English, but get free schooling. Of course they need an interpreter in each class room. Forget any extra help from the teacher if you do speak know..citizen?
Glad I am old and with luck the world holds together til I die. Maybe?roll eyes

RE: Would you feel safe being a cab driver in North America with no barriers whatsoever. ?

With crime rates, mentals, lack of manners, thanks. Nor Uber, etc.thumbs down

RE: I Fully Condone & Encourage Everyone To Follow This Advice

I just squat and watch my chickens. Nice sneaked in word.frustrated

Playing in winter.

I find fog fascinating. But, snow in the sun can cause the fog. I rarely get to see fog...just once in a while laying its blanket in my meadow. Earth bound clouds. Hoarfrost is cool also. Just ended up with another half inch of snow...grrr. But, nearly 60 to 70 next 3 days so it can all go away. And stay away!mumbling

RE: Name a singer or a band you wouldn't go see even if you have a free ticket.

Saw Sha Nah Nah once long ago. Tiny show with few people. It was cool. Kiss once, festival seating.very mad doh Never again. If I couldn't get a seat number, screw them. Now, I will not go to see ANY band or singer. Why bother. They sit or stand so far away they watch on a screen. Guess tube has a nicer screen in my living room. I don't see the pull to live. Being just another brick in the wall to them. And pay through the nose for it. Buy the record.

RE: What Are You Wearing

Still in the winter 3 layers. sigh. 4 if I go outside. I was a tom boy also. Had to be on a farm. I didn't want to become a boy..just do the stuff they got to do.
I did change clothes the other day when my guy visited.grin Bought a t-shirt off Temu. Black and the decal looks like there is a large hole torn in the front. And exposing huge The farther away the more real they look. They also see ones that look like guys have abs. Or worse.rolling on the floor laughing
It will be a shirt I wear around the farm only!head banger

Playing in winter.

Never like winter. Did go to next farm and their kids lent me a pair of skates. Taught me how to walk on their linoleum kitchen floor. Then marched to river bayoos. He cleared a pond and we skated. Around, over branch, around, over branch. lol. I got cold and walked back and left them there. Tried at 25 with a pair given me in the pond in town. Found out weak ankles give out fast. And learned I can skate super good...backwards! frustrated The harder I tried forward, the better backwards. So much for skating.
Wanted skis when little. Dad said no hill. So bought me short ones, taught me how to wax them and I used them to slide the dip on lawn of 3 feet. sigh... Wanted a sled. Dad went and built me a beauty. Dog sled!! Tied the Chesapeake to it. Climb on and sat down. Dog looked...oh. And laid down. sigh. One time dad pulled me down the road to the neighbors on it. Sits in barn. I was thinking more along the lines of a flyer?
I still miss dad. blues

RE: your pets

One ancient stud mule, one ewe, 16 chickens/hens and roosters, 15 cats outside or 16 or 18? Give or take. Please?frustrated Lost my precious black lab gal a few years more dogs.crying

Playing in winter.

Oh the fun of winter with snow. Like sliding down a hill. In your car. With the brakes on. Watching someone gliding on ice. In their car. In park.
Sledding down hill. Without skis. On your Walking like a penguin all winter. Breaking ice on stock tanks and water bowls. Putting wood on the fire. Putting more wood on the fire. Adding wood on the fire.
Icicles sparkling in the sun. Dripping down your neck when you step out the door. Falling on your head like a spear. Ice fishing. In your swimming pool. Watching ice ballet. On the interstate. On the bridge.
Admiring a world of crystal. On the trees. On the power lines. In the dark.
Watching falling snow. For hours. Days. Shoveling snow on Monday. And Tuesday. Finding your car..why did they get rid of antennas? frustrated Clearing your driveway. Seeing the plow come by. Clearing the driveway again. Seeing the plow return. Clearing your driveway...again...
Using a snow rake to get the weight off the roof. Wearing that same snow when it all lets go at once.
Move're missing all the winter sports and fun.rolling on the floor laughing

RE: How's The Weather Where You Are?

Great December. Rain, 50s. What happened!crying 8 inches of snow. Now yesterday a foot! Blowing, drifting. Shovel it and do it all over again. Now 3 days of zero and minus teens. The cranes had come back up before the 8 inch snow.confused dunno Then saw what hit south and figured they came back for the lesser of evils. Not around now. I see the end of the month predicts 32 F. So hunker down and whine.very mad

RE: OMG where the hell is everyone?? .....

Its called hibernation. Bed to sofa to bed. Have to do extra work on farm with tenant dead. And now, shoveling global warming. ARGH!very mad frustrated 8 inches of snow. Now a foot more. So no time for anything else. And now dropping to zero days and minus teens nights. How do I attach a trailer hitch to a farm?sigh Of course, the way it looks, south is getting it worse!wow

RE: Funny-Cars Hot-Rods Dragsters Motorcycles and B.U.G.s

Sigh..I checked in for hot rods and end up with pics of hot mamas and ta tas.frustrated One thing I have noticed is how many of the old timers are gone now. Shelby are now clones. Von Dutch are re-runs cause no one can cartoon like him. Now pinstripes come on a roll and that cool paint job is is a wrap. Think I am going to go outside and contact paper my car. hmm..wood grain?roll eyes

RE: Did you get what you wanted?

For Christmas, got what I needed..E6000 glue and a new water heater blanket.
As for life, now I realize I did. This farm. With all the schemes and plans of parents and others, I know now, spending my life on this farm was my true wish. And I got til I die.

What to do about aliens?


What to do about aliens?

1200 new ones in one day. It is an invasion! Why do the tax payers and citizens have to bend over for them. They don't speak English, demand a free ride. And the big joke is so many are young adult men! I hear there are gangs forming from the ones from Ven(sp?). The US will become a third world nation. Of course, illegals get the right to vote. WTH?!very mad

RE: What attire would you like to see opposite-gender in?

Tight blue jeans, low on the hips and nothing else but cowboy boots. uh...not with beer belly overhang PLEASE!wow

RE: Should there be a section on here for those who identify as a cat

Depends on where I am on my farm. I speak chicken, mule, sheep and cat so what am I? We are one big happy family. Except for the old mother/grandma cat. She hates everyone except me.laugh I agree somewhat...on humans...EW PEOPLE!frustrated

RE: US vetoes ceasefire in Gaza

Bottom line is greed and entitlement. Instead of being grateful to have a country that was ripped out of someone elses, the Jews want more. They will not be happy until they toss the Palestinians into the sea so they can take their lands. Israel has literally confiscated homes in the West Bank. Mine now..leave!wow
Hamas is a gang that has taken over Palestine. The people are stuck between the greed of Israel and the greed of Hamas.
There is no way they will give up fighting. Hamas doesnt care if they kill their own or others as long as they can rule.
The US is run by Jews in powerful places so our government kisses up to Israel. Is a ceasefire going to accomplish anything? Doubt it. I see where aid to the people is stolen at gun point by Hamas. No matter what, the citizens are up the creek without a paddle.doh

RE: Mutual "Like" but no response after emailing several times. What's wrong with you people?

Since on here only for forums, etc, I look at the likes I get, but do not reply. I see it as rude to like back when I have no interest. And I never like anyone myself.
Of course I am old so have manners. If I get a message, I reply. Usually say only here for forums, blogs and pen pals on here. It is rude to totally ignore anyone. I do sometimes depending on how over the top the message my PROFILE!.
What kills me are the ones who come back with they did. Uh..and I dont spell it out enough? Or you can't comprehend English? Or think you are so special it doesnt count? Argh!frustrated

RE: The More Guns The Better?

It is illegal to own a machine gun without special license. Funny, my brother in law owned one with no license. Guess he didn't go through legal channels. I know a buckskinner who owns several cannons from small to blow a hole that takes out a wall. The bulk of criminals carry concealed guns bought on the back alley smuggled in over the border. Gun laws are a joke. England Bobbies didnt carry guns. They carried billy clubs. Funny thing. They now carry guns and have Swat teams to deal with gangs and terrorists.
The reason Japan didn't invade the US was because they had the idea that there was an armed civilian behind every bush.
As the world gets worse, more reason for an armed civilian population.doh
My dad handed me his .22 rifle when I was 12. He assumed since my parents had taught me about guns, that I was wise enough to not shoot where I shouldn't.
If Hamas that has infiltrated the US and other first world countries decide to pull an Israel tomorrow here, you better believe I will wearing my loaded hog leg and carrying a rifle.
The problem with guns is lack of education and the reality of a dead rabbit or deer rather than some gaming enemy that just resets. Along with a Gen Z of spoiled brats who want everything handed to them for free and demand it.very mad

RE: Hot Rods and Motorcycles

Dripping ice and 15 F is why I PAID shop to change the brake line on my 84 Cadillac. Not laying in a snowbank. Let him deal with it. Was worth the 60 bucks.Went past the Tire shop and checked his show crying 59 Cadillac! That was my dream car at nine years old. At 18 bought a 59 Eldorado. Biggest, blanking pain in the **** I ever owned. But...sure are purty cars. sigh...moping

RE: What is the one single thing you envy about the opposite gender?

Strength. A man at times can lift a couple hundred pounds. Move a boulder. Open a jar. I am strong for a woman, but learned at 16 that boys can be useful. Praise them and marvel and they move more hay bales and chop more wood.laugh thumbs up

RE: OMG where the hell is everyone?? .....

Is it eyeballs or did I type com instead of corn. Looks the same..sheesh!roll eyes

RE: OMG where the hell is everyone?? .....

I am here. I think. Empty headed but here. Waiting for people after kittens. Corn delivered this am, hunter shows tonight. Is this national do everything day. And my one cat is knocking to come in. NO! She comes in, looks around and wants out. frustrated doh

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