How does this reflect on me?

I’ve been looking for a wall mirror for my bathroom ever since I moved into this flat two years ago but haven’t been able to find a reasonably priced one. I was in Ikea earlier this week and, lo and behold, spotted exactly what I’ve been looking for. When I took one out of the wire cage where they were stacked, I was struck by how heavy it was, and it was thicker than I was expecting. It turned out that the pack actually contained four mirrors. This is where I come to the point of my blog, which is not really about mirrors at all, but about human nature, or at least my nature.

When I saw the price of what I took to be one mirror, I was happy with it. When I realised the price was for four mirrors, I suddenly begrudged having to pay for the three I didn’t need. Even though I can see the absurdity of my attitude, there seems to be nothing I can do to change it. I did actually buy the mirrors, but, even though it could be seen as getting four for the price of one, I’m not happy about it.

I look forward to all comments, provided there are no suggestions on what to do with the surplus mirrors, unless anyone wants to make me an offer for them, of course.
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Comments (49)

I'm too sober for this blog.

My five pennorth.

Remove the required mirror.

Take remaining three back to IKEA and complain that you've been ripped off.

Demand a refund.

Storm, or dance out indignantly.
I was once offered a job as a mirror cleaner, but couldn't see myself doing it, also remember that in retail technical terms any mirror you buy is "used"
Thank you, wobbly, I'll think about it.
Map. cheers
I would have put it back and just looked for another mirror because 4 wasn't what I needed......grin
But I've been looking for 2 years already, M4. I was beginning to forget what I look like.
in some countries "Buy one, get one free" speech would be enough to make you president. and no mirrors needed.

Harbal, wave
Hello, Bogart. wave
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