Mr. Trump.

All you hard core Trump supporters, you think he is good for America, fair enough. But do you like him as a human being. Do you think he's a nice person? A good person? An honest person?
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Comments (91)

I wonder who you are referring to, Loulou. wink laugh

Nice to see you. wave
Read closer harbal. The first thing I said from the beginning was that I don't know trump.

I neither like or dislike him. My concern is a nation of over 300 million people and a very corrupt congress.

I don't care what personal judgements people throw out. DO YOU OR ANY HERE, ACTUALLY KNOW TRUMP BEYOND TELEVISION, POLITICIANS, AND MEDIA?

It's the same for me as with any "celebrity" of any type. I don't know any, not fanatical of any thing, except the well being of my country and fellow citizens.

Trump is helping with that.

You won't get a more straight answer than that.
Load of BS...lock him up...nuff said...grin
They don't have any thing to lock him up on. They would have have to fabricate something on him of which they're trying very hard.

It's not too late to lock her up and she'll squeal like a little pig on the rest for a plea bargain.

I never met a UK politician named Tony Benn, I disliked his political idealism way to far left for me, but as a man, he was dignified, wrote amazing diaries, and had huge integrity. I liked him, I didn't need to meet him to know he was a decent man who had opposing views to my own.

Trump is the epitome of an ignorant egotistical moron, who thinks he is the centre of the world and everyone should bow down to him.
He is incapable of making a coherent sentence, he constantly lies and twists stories to embellish himself. He changes direction halfway through his child like statements and dangerously, he thinks he is superior to everyone, when in fact he understands very little about the political world and how other cultures do business.
His MAGA is just a sound bite which really means he will drag America down to his level, he will go down in history as the most unsuitable leader of the worlds most important country.

No, I don't like him, I don't hate him, I dislike all people who lie.
Draegoneer, thanks for your straight answer to a question I didn't ask.
Rizla, good point about Tony Benn.
He is the President and I respect that with honor. I never liked him before he was the President so as a person I still don't like him. I like to call him a Baffoon entertainer. However as a President I believe he is for America, especially the rich ones.

I'll know more after this tax season and I can see how the range of clients faired. I know all income is UP for all classes. Which range pays the most taxes is harder to tell with all the changes.
So you respect Trump as the holder of the office of President of the USA, but not as the man Donald Trum, is that what you're saying, Fay?

People want to save face sort to speak...despite their dis approval of the current they love their country but silently disapprove of the president...perhaps more people will turn out for the impending election in 2020...if Republicans don't keep making it harder for voters to vote...roll eyes
I don't think the OP is being honest in his reason for starting this blog. I believe he is asking rhetorical questions and hoping this would turn into another opportunity to bash Trump, which it obviously has, to the surprise of no one.

What I really like about Trump is his willingness to tackle tough issues that his predecessors never seemed willing to do. This is due to the fact that he is beholden to no one. He didn't sell himself out to special interests to get elected and he won't need to rely on speaking engagements to get rich after he leaves office. Trump is a street fighter and a counter puncher and what he lacks in style he makes up for in tenacity. Trump forces us to examine inconvenient truths about ourselves which makes many feel very uncomfortable. A lot of the issues like trade and immigration have needed to be dealt with for a long time and Trump is not kicking the can down the road or trying to sugar coat them.

And I especially like the way he has tricked the main stream media into exposing themselves as the partisan hacks that they are. He has also helped, reveal the corruption at the FBI, IRS, and the other federal bureaucracies, albeit most of it was done unwittingly.

So we are being asked if we like a man who has warts and flaws and is very much a sinner.
Well my answer is yes I like him because I think he was very much what was needed at this particular moment in history.
My only motive for starting this blog was curiosity, Miguel. You and others are the ones abusing it by using it as an excuse to sing his praises, while, mostly, avoiding answering my question.
"He didn't sell himself out to special interests... "

Miguel, Trump IS his own special interest and profiting from his Presidency.
It is looking like the Nixon era...just wait and
I cannot say whether i like or hate TRUMP that is for the AMERICANS to decide. All can say is........

Good OR Bad is Subjective terminology and i am Curious as to why one would ask a "good/bad" question. Then, it require Facts...

Good, deplorable, evil, rectitudinous, insouciance are all relative terms predicated on an individual's view point. Consequently, it is impossible at state facts.

-- Facts are objective data.

The Foundation of Fascism A narcissistic megalomaniac is a a facile step away from a free America. Early on Trump's campaign, ties to the alt-right and white nationalist base were evident. Once his administration settled in, those ties were shown to be vigorous. Further that with an endeavored coercion of media, condemning all news sources that don't favor his administration, and the substratum for fascism is laid, even built upon.
It can be argued that a secure border is obligatory, which is always the case. Building a "wall" however was a step beyond, in that it merely turned neighbor into a supposed enemy, pristinely in the interest of ill-placed nationalistic pride.
Taken a step further, the denominating of a group of people predicated on culture, religion and/or ethnicity as perilous, engenders an erroneous enemy, but one that is facile and simple to point out.

America was built upon the labors of all people, from astronomically different cultures. They are a melting pot of different cultures converging and becoming American. Opting to dissever nation through labels of race and ethnicity is precisely what will kill America. Doing so as an orchestration of action is precisely how fascism steadies it's rule. The contiguous to go would be the inculcated, edifiers who avail their children become strong and good citizens, and even to make it unlawful for one to speak out against a regime as needed. Then, fascist rule becomes not only entrenched but uncontested.

The Environment? Negative, the highest CO2 amounts ever recorded just transpired... The Economy? Too early to tell. Many companies are merging so it requires time. Nafta, European trade accedence have not been settled yet... The Unemployment?could be Positive as few says but million do not agree....

Affirmative, at World stage Trump is the most detested president USA ever had that is what i can see.My opinion ..THINK about the future generation to come.They are the FUTURE RULERS OF OUR PLANET..handshake
I agree with you in a way, Drcoctail, there are far too many blogs about Trump.
All you hard core Hillary supporters, you think she is good for America, fair enough. But do you like her as a human being. Do you think she's a nice person? A good person? An honest person?

I assume you are addressing that to the bloggers who create thread after mindless thread in high praise of Hillary Clinton, Drcoctail. I've not seen many of those on this site but, if you can find any, it's a fair question.
thumbs up
Harb, I feel faint at the thought of catching up the 30 or so comments I've missed. What did I miss? Does anyone think he's a nice person? A good person? An honest person? Would you, put it this way, buy a used car from him?

So far as I had originally got, there was one comment that he was charming, and a few who said no politicians can be expected to be nice / good / honest and still be politicians, (fair comment) but at that point, no-one had shouted a resounding YES.

So? Final tally to date?
The situation just got more complicated, Biff. You are now required to give a verdict on Hillary Clinton as well.
Who is Hillary Clinton? confused

And nah, your blog hasn't changed. You're being evasive. How many yes verdicts?
I think I've seen two, Biff, but there could be more hidden in the more lengthy responses, it's not always easy to tell. Some prefer to imply it rather than suffer the embarrassment of admitting it outright.
Is there some prerequisite that if you don't like him that you have to like her ? confused
Yes, molly, some things are self evident; in the same way as if you don't think Trump is doing a good job it means you are a lefty liberal something or other. You are obviously not reading enough Trump blogs or you would already know all this. professor
To my shame, I admit to not reading 99% of them blues

I generally frantically try to find a non-political blog stuck in the middle of the quagmire , and then give up when there is none.
Drain the blogs, drain the blogs, drain the blogs, drain the blogs...........applause
When blogs are drained, shoots of brand new plants coyly stick their nose above ground bouquet
Bo, nuff said laugh
This is not an anti Trump blog, Bogart, it's a research project. I'm going to have to ask you to restrain yourself. scold

I'll play.................................. H.Clinton

A very tough and clever woman, not someone who is easily frightened. Very experienced politician. Not a pathological liar, extremely good at negotiations, If she has done a 10th of all she has been accused of doing, then she must be the worlds greatest criminal mastermindrolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing I don't believe she comes close to thatlaugh .
"Do you think she's a nice person? A good person? An honest person?" Nice? She comes across as okay, certainly not egotistical like some politicians, Good? Not really. Honest? About as honest as any politician. She has lied in the past as have most Politicians.
Would I vote for her? NO
sorry moping must be because I'm stuck in bed coughing my guts up, back to the usual soon hopefully wine < Medicine, tastes like wine, looks like wine, smells like wine, but really it is medicine
Riz, add some spices, heat it up, and call it mulled medicine dancingsanta
Are you sure you've picked up the right bottle, rizla? Medicine doesn't usually come in 75cl bottles, just as a rough guide.
Harbal, handshake sorry to mess up your research with facts. I am just a foreigner,. No comprendo English

Tasty legumes?

you can find them for sale at Batumi, by Silk Road Group. Just like trump did . honestly

hey Baby, wave
I'd like to thank all the liberals who jumped in here and proved the point DrC and I were trying to make. handshake
The point of ignoring the blog question and dragging in some hasbeen everyone else has forgotten? confused
Is that what you think the liberals were doing by posting off topic on this blog?confused
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