What is a Soul?

It cannot be seen or measured and there are no scientific instruments that can observe it. So how do we know we have a soul? Well we’ve been told so, that’s how. But is there anything about the soul that we can work out for ourselves?

Well a soul can’t be the same thing as consciousness because our consciousness can undergo changes that a soul cannot; or at least I presume it cannot. Is a soul susceptible to dementia, or the same kind of changes that the consciousness might face after a brain injury? If so, it seems a depressing thought that the soul could spend eternity in that state. Although I can’t say it with certainty, I’m going to conclude that the soul is not the same thing as consciousness.

Is it safe to assume that consciousness ceases to be after death? Consciousness certainly seems to be very dependent on brain function so it probably is safe to assume that it vanishes when the brain stops functioning. Consciousness, then, must be purely a mortal phenomenon, while the soul, it is said, is immortal. We can now then say that only the soul is subject to anything that might happen after physical death, and that consciousness will not be involved.

But what is the connection between consciousness and soul? Well we know that the soul will be held responsible for the choices we consciously make so our soul must be constantly influencing us, even though we don’t seem to have any insight into its process of doing so. It would seem as though we are merely vehicles being driven by our souls.

When I think about what the entity me actually is, obviously my physical body plays a part in my concept of self identity, but primarily I am thinking of my attitudes and opinions, my likes and dislikes, my emotions and what gives rise them, my memories; my personality and character. Are all these things mirrored in my soul? If so, I can’t imagine what the reason for this duplication might be. In the light of the conclusions I have already come to, I can’t seem to avoid the further conclusion that my soul and I are two separate entities that have an intimate coexistence but will, at some point, go our separate ways. This controlling thing I call the soul may well be accountable for its actions once we have parted company, but, during our coexistence, it seems to consider itself completely unanswerable to me.

While I might not have fully answered the original question, ‘what is a soul’, I have come up with perhaps a more pertinent question; why should I give a toss what happens to it after it has left its mortal coil?
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Comments (105)

Like most English people of my generation, molly, I was exposed to Christian culture growing up (albeit the relatively harmless C of E variety) but I certainly wasn't indoctrinated. And I don't believe there is more to us than our physical being. Apart from our mind, of course, but that is very much dependent on out physical body.
Molly, you know the answer to that. I am sure you are so smart enough as I thought you were that if one has not heard any of this and or read it anywhere and or influenced by any such reading, never mind about being indoctrinated, then this discussion would be null, don't you think? I just wonder what exactly is your point. All our beliefs and or non belief is not just because of our own innate knowledge or lack thereof.

Read John Locke's philosophy, which presents that our brain is like a blank sheet of paper, it is empty until we acquire all these substance from outside of our own existence. So you leave a person, growing all to herself or himself, guess what, he is limited as to what is around him but that doesn't mean to say he can't acquire all there is to be learned if he is able to. Read Jan Eric Aflorsh "Fortuna Fix" Maybe your question will be more substantiated by intelligence that is gifted.
Harbal, the discovery of the greatness of this Universe, through our telescope and all that can confirm its existence, what would you make up of that? Our physical existence was so limited until knowledge had come to us through the power of so many intelligent people that developed all these tools that proved the existence of a very complex universe. Look back in the early existence of man, do you think they have bothered proving the existence of soul and or God and anything? Anyways, it is very easy and comfortable for most of us to simply don't want to explore possibilities. But look at where we are now, we can't deny the very insignificance of our existence compared to all that marvel of the universe, isn't it?
Indoctrinated may have been too strong a word, exposed to better.
Even if we weren't directly involved in learning about souls, the afterlife, etc., we couldn't help but be aware of the belief.
Whether we afterwards choose to believe it or not doesn't take away from our awareness.
i grew up a catholic,and probably when little believed in a soul,also believed in tooth fairy and santa,just matured with age(like a fine wine) and wised up!
Absolutely Molly. I tend to have an idea that somehow, awareness is such a very powerful tendency if we allow ourselves to be. Then again, so many people simply prefer to be comfortable with what is and don't bother to cultivate awareness.
Soul is

James Brown and the Motown sounds. head banger
But there are so many possibilities in this universe for us to explore, Lindsy, it makes more sense to me to explore the things we can verify rather than the things inaccessibly residing in our imaginations.
Lindsy...becoming aware is part of our spiritual growth..for many. It maybe a bit scary at times but...we are all searching for answers..somehow.

As you say...some prefer to burry their heads and stay in their comfort zone.
You are right Harbal. Believing on either or both is not a contradiction, or believing only what we can prove is not a requirement to limit our belief in immaterial like the soul. There are people like you who only want physical existence of what is. Now do you ever dream? In that dream if you had, were the physical properties of your dreams ;tangible enough for you to believe? And yet when you wake up, wasn't it just the subconscious part of your mind only involved? Now the brain Harbal can do so many things, whether you allow yourself to believe or not is your choice.

I do have more tendency of wanting to know more than just our physical existence Harbal.

A quote comes to mind...
"Logic will get you from A to B
And Imagination will get you ANYWHERE.
Now ain't that so powerful Daniela? But I do tend to make my reality a world I can question what is out there without losing ground of where I am. In other words, I am not all that out of space that makes my reality or left into oblivion.
I'm not saying the metaphysical is of no interest to me, Lindsy, I'm just saying that God and souls are just two of the aspects of it that I am happy to leave others pondering about.
Right on Harbal. I am happy you are willing to listen and read our blabber regarding those two issues.
People sharing their thoughts is a good thing, Lindsy, all babble is welcome. thumbs up
Sorry, I should have said "all blabber is welcome". blushing
Absolutely Harbal. That is why I have been here for so long. Reading all the posts open up so many points of learning and joining in the discussion is my ultimate goal of connecting and that is why I am having fun and enjoying all my times on here Harbal.
It seems there is more to you than I have given you credit for, Linsdsy, I much prefer you when you're not talking politics. hug
Thank you Harbal. I suppose my side of politics isn't very calming but I am involved in the dynamics of creating a better world and unfortunately part of that goal is very much dependent on the political performance of our world. Yes neither sides are good but then we have to chose as to who can lead us to a more productive life in the future. There is no way around it and that is why I am very passionate about what our leaders are doing or not doing.
Oh they certainly exist professor when in the UK I could buy one virtually anywhere, but as I understand it the best ones come from Dover, I never did actually buy one as I prefer cod & chips grin
The Dover sole used to be my favourite fish Zen.wink
daniela, you're obviously a woman of wealth to be able to buy one these day thumbs up laugh
The ancients had too much time on their hands and started telling stories. Idle hands....and all that.
TR, they should have taken bites of more apples instead .
Z you made me laugh. I do buy sole here too, they are way too cheap compared to Chilean Sea bass which is my favorite. Seconded by Baramundi of course.
Molly, yes, and added some oranges.
I don't discriminate against different types of fruit.
Zen...hence the word "used to"
I don't eat it anymore as I've become vegetarian for some time now.
You should. Ever tasted a durian?
Discrimination is treating a durian in a discriminatory way simply because it is a durian.
Tasting a durian and not liking it is a different matter.
Even so...

I wonder if Adam and Eve were created in Indonesia and told not to eat the durian things might have been different.
All it took was one bite.
We don't know we don't like something until we take that bite.
One does not simply bite into a durian. By the time they'd opened it up they would have been dry retching, and we'd all be saved from the torment.
TR, we wouldn't exist without that bite of the fruit.
All these people in the bible get a bad name, but they are only doing what they were supposed to do.
We wouldn't exist, indeed. Sin gets a bad rap, it has to be said.
I believe we have a soul, but i cannot believe it belongs to God, in fact it is one of the only things we truly have.
You have to be very gifted to find that out...

Everyone has his/her own idea of interpretation.

To me, I’m at peace with what I know...or don’t know! laugh It really doesn’t matter in a grand scheme of things, well at least to me. wink

Some are still searching....soul searching. Hope they find what they’re looking for. And to those who are not, well, just carry on in what you’re doing. Be merry and happy applause
I believe the soul is your energy and disperses into universal energy when you pop your clogsgrin

I also believe consciousness may be around awhile after your gone until it realizes it's vessel is gone peace
My soul is owned by me and me alone.
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by Unknown
created Jan 2019
Last Viewed: 8 hrs ago
Last Commented: Jan 2019
Last Liked: Jan 2019

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