Why does god feel it necessary to create Bad Eggs?

WARNING: Contains dark/disturbing material.

There are some fervantly religious people here; who continually post blogs on Christianity/Catholicism, and general morality;- thereby setting themselves up as experts. I would ask them (or indeed, anybody else); this Question:

IF we are all "God's Children" (I don't believe this, but to go on); why would he make a good deal of Really Evil People? (I guess the classic example, would be Adolf Hitler). But I did not really start this blog, to discuss the Fuhrer;- instead, I would like readers to concentrate on the interesting case studies, which I have listed (below):

In the case of the Serial Killers; why does God, not only feel the need, to create Bad Eggs; but to also install (in many cases), phenomenally high IQ's into them?

Consider the list, below:

A specific example (from the above link, in more detail):

An example from Australia:

(Actually, I don't think Old Ivan was all that bright)....

Evil in Children: God's most "Innocent" Creations:

If anyone can adequately answer this question, then I will change my own personal belief/s (Atheism).

AND I don't want to hear any of that bullshit, about Man being "fallen" and have been given "free will", and/or having given themselves over to Satan, etc, etc...


ALSO: I don't want anyone boasting about their own Mental Prowess (such comments will be deleted).

What I do want is a convincing answer to the question that I have posted (above)...


Yet there are other TYPES of Bad Eggs. They don't have to be BAD (in the sense described above); indeed a "Bad Egg" may be defined as follows:

Used in this sense ; it would appear that not only does the Very Funny Lord consider it necessary to Create "Bad Eggs" but (very often) also "selects" these "Bad Eggs" to Represent Him Personally!......

dunno confused dunno
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Why is it necessary to create Bad Eggs?
(by lovecanbereal)
WARNING: Contains dark/disturbing material.

banana <- is it that all you need for me to
understand about your dark and disturbed mind.
I tried but you are kind of monkeying around.

Once more the absurd unreasoned ad hominem attacks...........professor
You need answers but you already have your mind made up...you do not think that is an exercise in futility. Yep...sorry.no bueno scold
No one takes you seriously or this would be solved.
Off Topic? No, not necessarily - we are nothing but mammals!...professor
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to the garage makes you a car.

- Laurence J. Peter
Because he, she, or it..... likes omelets ? dunno laugh

Rotten ones, (It would seem).....

It would seem that you need answers, far more than I;
Before your Whole Absurd Ridiculous Doctrine comes crashing down about your ears!
She's a born-again Christian. The trouble is, she suffered brain damage during rebirth.
If you talk to God you are praying; if God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.

- Thomas Szasz
Well, what else would you call those ridiculous oufits that they wear?

Jim, give me advice? No, not necessarily a good idea. He is an even worse heathen, than myself!
Nope. I'm an atheist.
It is essentially the same isn't it Jimbo?
Religion is the venereal disease of mankind.

- Henri de Montherlant
Cop that!

(the first article, in the link).

This right here is the reason why on that list of serial killers says that they became 'born again' Christians while in prison. They feel this makes them look better by having better self control and better social behaviors. They get treated better and if they go before parole officers, it makes them look like they are improving themselves. Most of the time once they are out with their old friends, they'll pick up old habits again.

That's why they give them a lethal injection, or put them away for life.......

As I said on the Main Blog page:

They are genetically, and biologically BAD from the Very Beginning.....
Conrad, yes, quite true - very true, actually....
This philosophical/theological debate may be of passing interest, but on a practical level the question of whether one person can make a better sounding philosophical position than another does not have much of an effect on what we believe.

What may be out of reach for one, may be well within reach for another.
It involves different perspectives. Mankind has learned much since the bible was written and since religions and naive beliefs were established.
Knowledge has greatly expanded, however, some have not embraced that knowledge, and instead adhered to ancient beliefs founded upon more limited knowledge and understanding.
Despite all that has transpired, they cling to those ancient beliefs as it comforts them, much like children are comforted by nursery rhymes and belief in Santa.
Of course, that is their choice. However, do not assume what is intellectually out of reach for another person because it is out of reach for you. That limitation may be intrinsic for you, but may not accurately be applied to another. At some point in development most children lose belief in the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and other similar beliefs. However, often out of fear, many cling to other beliefs that are just as ridiculous to others. Again, their choice.
Further to this, Bob; do you believe Priests who have severely interfered with Children will go to Hell?

Any other "believers" can also have a go at answering this question....
Ok. Fair Enough.
...to be as straight forward as you request.
What I believe is beyond the scope of a blog page.
This is not just because I read..{ books x 10
But bee cause eYe re- read.
Yes, not just priests...but also Cardinals, Bishops and Popes R destined for hockey Town.
...if you try reading my best work...in Signature & the Deceptive mind & spectrum..( on my blog page
You'll note the following:
I write in series & with Numeric emphasis on Music--pop or otherwise { ie. Metal
And in accordance with physical law..
Law 1 : per a logical change in the system / scroll
..the emerging product remains constant
And 2...the system { of the World
...itself however...is rolling UP & winding down.
..{ entropy- the Arrow of Time.}
...my best work-- truth be told-- is merely the product of other men..{ the good, bad & unknown.
I just choose to re Write them in such a way as to draw out those laws & underscore them.
Newtonian physics.." radii drawn to the Sun describe an area proportional to the Times."
....ball point physics { and radar..)
Set controls for the heart of the Sun / p Floyd
Sunshine / Jackson
Sunrise, sunburn,sunset / Bryan
101...postcard from Italy./ Beirut
..51... Anthem of the Sun / Grateful Dead
..50..Sunday morning coming down / Cash

Mind you...this is coming off my fingers cold...my charts n books are full course meals w/ cookie.

If you choose to print this blog page or sum of my works-- because the memory hole is near...
You may have the pleasant sensation of NOW seeing & knowing the 2 hot laws are EVERYWHERE !
..it's only in High Fidelity with Rock & roll
Up on the Sun / meat puppets
..out of the blue / system F.
Sunday bloody Sunday / U 2.
..A R ]. Sundown / Lightfoot

Destined for "Hockey Town"? According to the online slang dictionary; this means Detroit. I wasn't aware of the meaning of this.

Ok, so Bad Egg Clergy are headed for Detroit not Hell???

Or are they one and the same thing?.....laugh
H-E-L-L <-double hockey sticks rolling on the floor laughing
Hello April Fool! rolling on the floor laughing
A fool and their money are soon parted, Rosehipster.

In case you didn't realize, you can't buy your way into Heaven.....professor

A little quote, there, Ms. Hipster (just for you).....
I may be an "April Fool" BUT YOU ARE A FOOL ALL YEAR ROUND!.....rolling on the floor laughing
That is to say IF you donate money to this Disgusting Rotten Corrupt Mess Of A Religion.........

That is where your money goes.....
Alternatively; if you DON'T donate money to this "Religion"???

Then you can't have much faith in your "Beliefs" now, can you???
Regardless of whether you DO or DON'T donate money to these VILE BAD EGGS;

Why (exactly) would you AFFILIATE yourself with these MONSTERS???

And WHY would you write endless blogs about how "fantastic" they are???

Justify yourself Ms.Hipster......

The floor is all yours; you have the Right of Reply......professor
Justify yourself IF you can; Ms.Hipster.......professor
We must learn to not take ourselves so serious ly
On blogments.
I've known hard corps mother Falcon storm Troopers
..as well as old ladies who crochet
I prefer the old ladies of the old John Birch Society.
...just rambling here...no longer in Dominion mode..
Just returned from an hour chat with my neighbor over whiskey on ice as his cats meandered in the background.
I discussed with him the music video that must be made...a tour de force of whimzee, baseball, & and an Ice cream truck that plays 'In the year 2525'...at a friendly volume as it cruises bye...
... Detroit is not far from Hell, Michigan....eYe should know ...I'm a scientist...wave
I notice NONE of our theologians, and Biblical "Experts" here, can actually answer the question, that I have put here; namely, WHY Does God Create Bad Eggs?

Well I did answer you by telling you God did Not create bad eggs .
He only created two people.
You walked right over my answer, two people God created only two...........
The bad eggs were the result of sin
Yes, well genuinely: thank you for the comment; Rosehipster; however broad Philosophical Investigations must continue...........................................professor
Of a Biblical Nature, that is...........wink
"however broad Philosophical Investigations must continue"

For you m'be.
I'm good.

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Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Male. Sydney. 54, fit, 6 ft tall. Here mostly for the Poetry; however, I will respond to all genuine messages. I am only looking for a penfriend, here. Would love to chat to a lady poet/English language major, although; of course, you don't have to b [read more]

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created Mar 2021
Last Viewed: 32 mins ago
Last Commented: Feb 2023
Last Edited: Oct 2022
Last Liked: Apr 2021
lovecanbereal has 18 other Blogs

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