Why does god feel it necessary to create Bad Eggs?

WARNING: Contains dark/disturbing material.

There are some fervantly religious people here; who continually post blogs on Christianity/Catholicism, and general morality;- thereby setting themselves up as experts. I would ask them (or indeed, anybody else); this Question:

IF we are all "God's Children" (I don't believe this, but to go on); why would he make a good deal of Really Evil People? (I guess the classic example, would be Adolf Hitler). But I did not really start this blog, to discuss the Fuhrer;- instead, I would like readers to concentrate on the interesting case studies, which I have listed (below):

In the case of the Serial Killers; why does God, not only feel the need, to create Bad Eggs; but to also install (in many cases), phenomenally high IQ's into them?

Consider the list, below:

A specific example (from the above link, in more detail):

An example from Australia:

(Actually, I don't think Old Ivan was all that bright)....

Evil in Children: God's most "Innocent" Creations:

If anyone can adequately answer this question, then I will change my own personal belief/s (Atheism).

AND I don't want to hear any of that bullshit, about Man being "fallen" and have been given "free will", and/or having given themselves over to Satan, etc, etc...


ALSO: I don't want anyone boasting about their own Mental Prowess (such comments will be deleted).

What I do want is a convincing answer to the question that I have posted (above)...


Yet there are other TYPES of Bad Eggs. They don't have to be BAD (in the sense described above); indeed a "Bad Egg" may be defined as follows:

Used in this sense ; it would appear that not only does the Very Funny Lord consider it necessary to Create "Bad Eggs" but (very often) also "selects" these "Bad Eggs" to Represent Him Personally!......

dunno confused dunno
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Comments (228)

What the?
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.

- Aldous Huxley
Once again; are you now tacitly admitting that your religious I Q is below 64 ?
...to answer another question you posted on another blog...) About why you were being deleted.
... speaking only for myself; you were given several business days to come back & apologize on my page.
..you had attacked, without provocation, another member on MY blog scroll -- and completely OFF topic. After 3 daze, eYe cleaned up the post.
.. attacking other members UN warranted is why the Mod. Took action in the first place.
Ka peach ?
Hey Love, God allowed the creation of bad people because even the Gods have bad in them...
And the Gods don't want to see the bad of them selves in humans that they have supposed to have created, some people would argue that its free will but its more likely to be the Gods weren't totally sure of how it would all pan out if they actually created humans..
OP .. you said you weren't baiting, I see that yes you were, actually calling people by name. Everyone is entitled to believe whatever they want. But when I see someone put a blog like this up, I ask myself..are they on the level? I thought you were, but you are not, you just want attention and maybe an argument. Maybe being an atheist isn't making you happy, maybe you should visit a Barnes and Noble or whatever kind of book store you have in Australia and buy a Bible and ask for guidance and understanding, then read it. Don't worry you don't even have to say 'God' out loud. He knows you and he's waiting on you.
If you don't believe firstly that we are not all God's children,then why is your question stating that
God made some bad eggs.
If you don't believe in God, are you presuming that bad eggs were created in conjunction with ??
Or are you going halfsies: good are God's eggs
and the bad are not.
Eggs,good or bad- didn't the chicken come first then the Easter Bunny.
On a tangent when coloring bad eggs:( Breaking Bad)
Skyler’s wardrobe gets darker as the show progresses, indicating her descent into Walt’s dark alter ego.
Purple is also a central color. Marie is often seen sporting the color.
Yellows seem to signify caution. Marie is seen wearing the color right before Hank discovers Walt is the notorious drug dealer Heisenberg

rolling on the floor laughing Ooops my bad,delete my comment I must have broke some rules by now.

Embedded image from another site

Yes, I consider the Christian God (of the Bible) to be full of Venom, Spite, and Cruelty. I cannot believe any such Entity would allow (if he were indeed Omnipotent) the world to decay into the current state it is in today....
Btw Breaking Bad, has absolutely f,uck all to do with this Blog.

Yes, we are all admixtures of Good and Bad. In the case of Serial Killers virtually ALL bad.

Apparently, they are this way, directly because a woman ate an Apple (that she was told not to) a very a long time ago.........confused What the?...Go Figure....
I disagree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. -Voltaire
Because what you wrote,who and how you wrote is eggsactly why I answered it that way.
You have no credible interest in a mutual understanding.
Like HappyLady pointed out directly after her excellent post that you ignored, she suggested researching it yourself.But then you would not be able to belittle blame your ignorance on anyone else.
You can quit tagging your blogs with references to me now. It changes very little of what I do in regards to you.

In regards to me? Am I supposed to now feel blessed?

Well, I'm glad that you can do something

Because you sure can't win an Argument...
Because you are blind for some reason, in that regard, I will leave you to your own conclusion.
I never was arguing,any of your points.
Please continue on with your endless tirade.
I am happy in my Athiesm...
Well it's a curious thing,
don't you think,
when I hear you argue thus,
I am inclined to argue otherwise
now why would that be?

there is something indeed about being just argumentative that raises the hackles?
FF you are now conversing in ...haikus?doh
Well yes and no
too many words for haiku
but there it is it not?
but there it is, is it not? still wrong syllable count ...
God created only two people
They may have lived in paradise for many years before the woman was tempted to sin
It is from the sinful nature of man that sickness etc. entered the world
Just read about a group of people that married each other for years.
The end result of this inbreeding was many sick in their minds etc. their choice to live that way not God's................
the sins of the father are passed on...............
God created this world and gave man dominion over it. We made a mess of that one too, didn't we?
Hey, and @rose just because we don't agree about THAT doesn't mean I don't like you!!!
laugh that's one way of looking at it.
hug yes I know this.
My first response was to Jenny
And the other to you Fargo.thumbs up

An apple a day,
Keeps the doctor away;
And God too (it would seem).

And here's me thinking they were good for you.....wink
I mean honestly?????

Because a woman ate an Apple????
for example,see above

Embedded image from another site

Umm yeh,let me know how that works out for 'ya.

This is what Religion does to Children.........

Stoned out of your mind on Religious Opiates!

There are detox facilities available, you know

Although in your case you may be too far gone....

After you have answered my other conundrums....

Please answer this one.....

It's your topic of choice and now you're tired of it.wow
applause answered prayers!!!

Consider (in particular) the FIRST PARAGRAPH of the link (above)....
Got No Answers, there, lady?

As per usual, you do NOT address the question/s, which I pose to you.....

Can you answer any of them; without resorting to Ad hominem attacks?
Don't call me over to your blog, you can let me be.


I thought so, absolutely NO answers!.......

Do not participate in this blog, if you do not wish to......

Nobody is forcing you to.....
The Cosmos is a gigantic flywheel, making 10,000 revolutions a minute. Man is a sick fly taking a dizzy ride on it. Religion is the theory that the wheel was designed and set spinning just to give him the ride.

H.L Mencken
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Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Male. Sydney. 54, fit, 6 ft tall. Here mostly for the Poetry; however, I will respond to all genuine messages. I am only looking for a penfriend, here. Would love to chat to a lady poet/English language major, although; of course, you don't have to b [read more]

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created Mar 2021
Last Viewed: 9 hrs ago
Last Commented: Feb 2023
Last Edited: Oct 2022
Last Liked: Apr 2021
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