Why does god feel it necessary to create Bad Eggs?

WARNING: Contains dark/disturbing material.

There are some fervantly religious people here; who continually post blogs on Christianity/Catholicism, and general morality;- thereby setting themselves up as experts. I would ask them (or indeed, anybody else); this Question:

IF we are all "God's Children" (I don't believe this, but to go on); why would he make a good deal of Really Evil People? (I guess the classic example, would be Adolf Hitler). But I did not really start this blog, to discuss the Fuhrer;- instead, I would like readers to concentrate on the interesting case studies, which I have listed (below):

In the case of the Serial Killers; why does God, not only feel the need, to create Bad Eggs; but to also install (in many cases), phenomenally high IQ's into them?

Consider the list, below:

A specific example (from the above link, in more detail):

An example from Australia:

(Actually, I don't think Old Ivan was all that bright)....

Evil in Children: God's most "Innocent" Creations:

If anyone can adequately answer this question, then I will change my own personal belief/s (Atheism).

AND I don't want to hear any of that bullshit, about Man being "fallen" and have been given "free will", and/or having given themselves over to Satan, etc, etc...


ALSO: I don't want anyone boasting about their own Mental Prowess (such comments will be deleted).

What I do want is a convincing answer to the question that I have posted (above)...


Yet there are other TYPES of Bad Eggs. They don't have to be BAD (in the sense described above); indeed a "Bad Egg" may be defined as follows:

Used in this sense ; it would appear that not only does the Very Funny Lord consider it necessary to Create "Bad Eggs" but (very often) also "selects" these "Bad Eggs" to Represent Him Personally!......

dunno confused dunno
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Comments (228)

Honorable judge, you did not formulated the question or questions properly, perhaps?
It is obvious you are semi-literate, READ the Main Blog Page, and Directly answer the Question posed there (as I said) IF you can, that is......professor
@the mirror, lcbr needs a chair with a seat that goes up and down
Orchid > if he will order me, i would be his loyal servant.
but until then, he has to prove to his audience that is not a deceiver.

You need an operational brain. You are Well out of Your Depth Here.....

Wake up to yourself......
i'm very buoyant
Judge that says that is not a number in a list with number and pretends it is a human being, despite not knowing his own history of Darwin's fairytales,
please, let me rephrase:

since you quoted one from the masonic ranks,

"Religion is the venereal disease of Mankind"

- Henry de Montherlant

would you mind reading this book, before you continue argue further?!

otherwise, whole court would see you are a deceiver,
for one says your heart betrays you.

you are being questioned in your authority to judge.
show hate,
to see what is in your heart,
my brave judge!..
Answer the question, you idiot.......professor
how should be punished those like me, who do not conform to your law, honorable judge?!
to me, you can show me what is in your deceived heart.
Just as I thought. You Cannot answer the question, can you?
Just accept that there is nothing there, mate

No Big Invisible Man in the Sky is going to save you......professor
the mirror,

How are you going over there, you Transylvanian Twit?
C'mon have a go you Sanctimonious Self Righteous Fools. Unlike some here, I Don't delete comments.......boxing
I still haven't received a satisfactory answer to my question, (which is the premise of my blog):

Why does God consider it necessary to make bad eggs?

There are quite a few here, who still insist that "god" "made, or created", every one (despite much evidence to the contrary - The Theory of Evolution, for example)

I am talking about people who were biologically BAD, from the moment of their birth

And in the early stages of life, these "Bad Eggs", Do Not Have Free Will

I mean, it is often said, (amongst Christians); that "god" creates everyone, "perfectly, and in "His Own Image", so yeah, STILL waiting for a satisfactory answer, on that one....
What about the theory, that Evolution, sometimes makes some "mistakes"? Could that be a more satisfactory answer?

And you genuinely believe this? Please continue....
You asked , so there is the answer. Do you have the ability to read a Bible yourself instead of being ignorant of the fact we are not all children of God. Just like you thought Darwin’s theory of evolution was a fact. You need to do some basic homework. scold
Also, while your at it, explain why Bonobos and Chimpanzees have 98% of our DNA. Or was god merely practicing when he made those?

Oh wow that is so wonderful 98% , since you’re not a Christian why don’t you go to Africa buy one and she can be your wife thumbs up
A question for you: Would a 'good' chimp (or bonobo), get 98% of the way to heaven?

Of cute cherubs, and little boys, a lot of the time
Hi, Merc

Exactly thumbs up

Hi wave
Mate, are you sure you don't need to see a psychiatrist?

The Earth is the toilet of the universe

- Voltaire
The Earth is a beautiful place, its humanity that belongs in the toilet of the universe
thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up
I think he was referring to 'Humanity', making it the "toilet of the universe". I think that's the point, actually....

Are you sure your parents weren’t first cousins laugh
Is that the best you've got? You're a very sad case, mate...
@ ray

Have you ever considered the possibility that the 'holy scriptures' (so-called); are purely an invention of Man (himself)? And that this christian god of yours was also Invented by Man (himself)? indeed Man made god, and Not the other way around, or doesn't your IQ extend that far?

@ ray

You're a mental pygmy. You're laughable, in actual fact..

And for what it may be worth...

It has thoughtfully been brought to my attention
That ...the Art of War & Sun Tzu..were brought into Circulation among the English..[ .to name just 1.
Under the lovely oversight & Editing of the brothers
@ the $0ciety of Jesus.
...now pass thru the Arch, all ye English...
..other items brought into the world by Jesuit s...
Mein kamph....MK ultra...Com. Manifesto...
..Fed. Reserve Act...Joe Biden...D J Trump..
Barry $0etoro...Bill Clinton...FEMA...
...and more.// Rome.
Hi, Bob

Is there anyone here, with the brains, to match, these chimps?

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Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Male. Sydney. 54, fit, 6 ft tall. Here mostly for the Poetry; however, I will respond to all genuine messages. I am only looking for a penfriend, here. Would love to chat to a lady poet/English language major, although; of course, you don't have to b [read more]

About this Blog

created Mar 2021
Last Viewed: 4 hrs ago
Last Commented: Feb 2023
Last Edited: Oct 2022
Last Liked: Apr 2021
lovecanbereal has 18 other Blogs

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