Drinking enough water

We are suprisingly damp creatures, we humans. We bleed if cut. We cry when laughing or grieving. We spit. We pearl with sweat on exertion or when exposed to heat, internal or external. We ooze mucous. We are just stuffed to bursting with 'bodily fluids'.

And where does it all come from? I know I do not drink enough water. And I consume enough caffeine to have a diuretic effect so why am I still wet? As a blood donor I have learned to hydrate thoroughly for at least a couple of days before offering up my arm.

That way I can bleed out my donation much more quickly as my miser system does not fear terminal dehydration of the brain and cling to every corpuscle on its way to freedom. Then I drink lavishly afterward to give the greedy system what it needs to replace its loss.

Other times I can go for days with no more water passing my lips than what it takes to brush my teeth three times a day. I dislike the taste of water. And it has a taste.

New York water is actually the most palatable I have had, here in Bim the water is filtered through the limestone of our bedrock but now it lacks the cold bite I remember from my childhood. Indeed, at times the brownish yellow junk that stains the laundry defeats Pur and Brita and then if I drink it at all it is water boiled and tasteless without a teabag.

So once more I drink tea, very few cups of coffee in Barbados, even at the finest of establishments are worth drinking. In April in the States I will dive into a vat of coffee until my kidneys scream for mercy and the palms of my hands flame red because my liver cannot clear the toxins fast enough. It will be worth having to drink water to flush the system out.

They say we need water to live, I am sure we do, but I miss coffee more.
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Comments (1)

The big myth is that we have to drink lots and lots of water, avoid salt etc. This can be very misleading. Your body is quite capable of getting water and vitamins from food and other drinks. Drinking too much water is dangerous. It can kill you. Blood has to transport all this through the organs, and blood cells osmosise to accomodate this. In the brain it can trigger a fatal reaction.
An athlete needs to replace lost fluids during strenuous exercise. In an hour he will typically lose 1 - 2 pounds. This is fluid loss and typically if he loses this he should drink 2 litres. For someone sat at home and in the office, this is not necessary. Also the athlete needs to replace salt lost. If he doesnt then he can do damage.
The best thing if you are doing sport is to drink beer, because this has carbohydrates, electrolites, sugars etc. two pints of beer is more beneficial than water, or them so called sports drinks. A pint is good for the heart.
You ever seen how ill these health people look when you go into a health shop. They almost anaemic.
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by Unknown
created Jan 2008
Last Viewed: Apr 24
Last Commented: Jan 2008

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