The Hearts of Men

I am beginning to lose faith ..... I suppose I should not be totally surprised at the indignities and injustices that happen throughout the world, but it just never seems to end. The heart of man can indeed be cruel and evil ....... so I'm feeling like Virginia in believing that there is a Santa Claus and extending a small measure of hope. I know that there are good people in the world - I just need to focus on them.

Its a more melancholy time of year for me as well, so I realize that this doesn't help my mood. Sometimes too much thinking does this to me. Ugh - but its hard to change.

I was just informed that a lady I work with completely had her bank account emptied by a thief. How they got her debit information I do not know, and hopefully everything is recovered. I know that we all will chip in if she needs help - that in itself helps restore some faith in that when we care for one another, goodness can come out of even a sad situation.

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Comments (7)

LG, hearts are just a tiny part of all that they havewink why to be so focused on only that lil thingy?
lang, sometimes too much negativity can overwhelming!
serenity prayer:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference. sad flower
Do you mean " The Hearts of Men " or " The Hearts of People "??
Life's not fair and life can be very tough.
It's the only one we have and I believe we should enjoy it and make the most out of it. hug The bad can be overwhelming but don't forget the positive things. bouquet
Love doesn't triumph anything, especially the love of god that looks upon man without even a peep as being totally non existent in the Eb and flow of our daily lives. Faith stops nothing from sneaking in and killing you, the world breeds negativity, no matter how positive we choose to believe we are, the time of man is at its end, and with him goes not even a memory of his existence in the cold dark abyss of the universe drinking
And the other angel asked the other angel, "Then is there no hope?" and the first angel replied,"There is always hope..."
(The lost book of the Essenes....)
The Essene Book of Revelation that is, he is the exact verse....And I spoke: "Then is there no hope, bright angel?"
And a blazing light streamed like a river from his hands
As he answered, "There is always hope,

About this Blog

by langleygirl
created Dec 2012
Last Viewed: May 2
Last Commented: Dec 2012
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langleygirl has 17 other Blogs

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