Un héroe ha muerto hoy

Rahmond ya ha añadido un blog sobre este tema, pero creo que es una buena idea añadir otro en español! No sé si la gente en este sitio habla español. Vamos a ver!

Hoy, Hugo Chávez ha muerto. Es una noticia muy triste. Él era un hombre que no tenía miedo a cuestionar el dogma político de nuestra época. Les envío mi amor y respeto para el pueblo de Venezuela en este día oscuro.

Espero que su legado de empoderamiento continuará mucho después de su muerte.

Peace and love.... always!
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Comments (14)

Peace handshake
Holla Patrick,

He isn't my hero but I have no animosity toward him to wish him dead.
You have quite a few people who understand Spanish on this site, but I don't know if Rahmond is one of them?
I also respect the people of Venezuela, as I wish them the best.

Take care. handshake cheers
Thanks for your comments, guys. No matter which political mast we nail our flags to, I'm sure we all agree that his was a life worth remembering.
Thanks Patrick,

I never been crazy about his style, but he had some guts.

...or as the Spanish speaking world might say.... he had some cojones! handshake
Yes, I was going to say that. But I rather let you say it!laugh
Hugo Chavez : Quotes

"Yesterday the devil came here. Right here. And it smells of sulfur still today." [at UN in 2006, on George W. Bush]

“Marisabel, I'm giving you one tonight, get ready!" [to his wife, on Valentine’s Day 2000]

"I chew coca leaves every morning, and look at me!" [on natural health benefits, 2008]

"Capitalism is the way of the devil and exploitation. If you really want to look at things through the eyes of Jesus Christ -- who I think was the first socialist -- only socialism can really create a genuine society." [on Christ's economic views, 2006]

"We go from summit to summit, while our people go from abyss to abyss." [2005, on the value of presidential summits]
Gracias por tu comentario, FrancisLau. Vosotros sabeis la realidad mientras miramos de lejos, así que por supuesto me interesa conocer su opinión.

También espero que su nuevo camino es aún mejor que antes. Estoy seguro de que el cambio va a ser difícil, pero la gente es más fuerte y Hugo estará orgulloso.

Saludos :)
Hahaha. Brilliant, Bogart. I think numbers 2 and 5 have to be my favourites, although I'm loathe to leave out number 1 - just because of my Bush-hatred (not the shrubs, they're okay).

If we're talking political leader quotes, Number 2's not quite up there in the 'Churchillian wit' stakes - but that's exactly why I love it! Great quote!
To : Patrick 1984
cc: Rahmond

It is real funny how some persons (like you) can admire to sad political as Chavez, Castro, Ortega, Hussein, Correa, etc... and their "Revolutions".. but you living far.. I mean, from USA,France, England,Spain..
Please before wishing for the Venezuelan that Chavez´s power follows after his death, please think why Cuban rather to be eaten in the sea by the shark than living in the "Happiness Island" of Castros family . About giving away the oil is easy to be generous with the money of the others, while in Venezuela if you have the disgrace to go to an Hospital you have to buy everything because the hospital has nothing.
You are free to believe in Tropical Robin Hood or any other myth.
Hi Mecho,

Firstly, I don't think my political opinions have to be limited to the country I'm from or where I live. I have lots of opinions about lots of politicians in lots of countries.

Secondly, you said this:

Please before wishing for the Venezuelan that Chavez´s power follows after his death

But what I said was this:

Espero que su legado de empoderamiento continuará mucho después de su muerte

Now, my Spanish isn't great, so if it's an error in translation, I will happily stand corrected, but I believe that means:

I hope that his legacy of empowerment continues for a long time after his death

I hope you can see that those two things are very different. It's dishonest to misrepresent my opinion like that. You're arguing against a point I never made. It's called a 'straw man'. Here's a link:

You are doing the same thing when you mention these people, who I made no reference to in my post:

Castro, Ortega, Hussein, Correa, etc... and their "Revolutions"

And also when you say:

You are free to believe in Tropical Robin Hood or any other myth.

You have made a lot of lazy assumptions about my beliefs, which were not mentioned at all in my post and then argued argued against them.

Hugo Chavez, in my opinion, empowered people. I want people to continue to be empowered.

Finally, Hugo Chavez was democratically elected four times by the Venezuelan people. So yes, I am commenting from far away, but it seems I'm not alone in my belief. Living in Venezuela doesn't mean that your views represent those of the Venezuelan people.

I'm guessing from the slightly rude and condescending tone of your post that this is a subject that you feel strongly about. I'm sure we can agree that this is a difficult time for Venezuela so I'll finish by restating, in English, something from my original post.

I send my love and respect to the Venezuelan people, of whom you are one.
Here's a good article from the Guardian for those interested in socialism in South America generally. It mentions the leaders that Mecho spoke about in her post.

Mereció la pena mencionar la muerte del Chavez.
Aunque no conozco mucho su carrera política, indudablemente marcó
la vida política de Venezuela y creo que luchó por su independenica
y bienestar.

Estoy completamente de acuerdo. Una vida vale la pena mencionar, sin duda. :)
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Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

The year was 1984 and the severity of the winter almost seemed to mirror the way in which I was belatedly and unceremoniously brought into being. My (de?)formative years were mostly spent in the dales of Derbyshire, land of the sixth toe, where the m [read more]

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created Mar 2013
Last Viewed: just now
Last Commented: Apr 2013
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