Let's Get Controversial

Shall we?

My contention is this: We all have the right to defend ourselves. The average man can kill the average woman with his bare hands. Taking away a woman's means of defending herself is depriving her of the right to defend herself. (Pretty clear and logical, I think.)

People in other countries get the idea that firearms cause a lot of unnecessary death and suffering. Actually, crazy people cause a lot of unnecessary suffering and death. Governments do too. Why just now my own government is trying to talk its self into starting yet another transparently self serving war over resources in Syria under the guise of a call to stand up for liberty and justice in moral indignation. It makes me want to barf.

Let me be candid, as that is just the way I like to handle things. I have deterred at least half a dozen assaults and car jackings in my life by prodcing my 9mm. Bad guys run away in general when you produce a firearm. No one reports that they almost got raped, assaulted, their car jacked, or kidnapped when they produced a firearm and deterred the crime. Accordingly, the impression those in other countries get is that firearms are a blight and yet I, as a woman, have, because of my firearm, the ability to go where I choose, when I choose to do so. I am no hostage to fear.

I am interested in all CIVIL and RESPECTFUL and well thought out feedback and questions and I thank you ahead of time for the same. Rude, offensive remarks will not be answered and will be deleted.

Have a beautiful day.teddybear
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Comments (52)

This is America, my Country...I served in the army...and I will defend my country and myself whenever necessary...like you, I love my freedom...and I support the 2nd ammendment...today the law enforcement got better fire arms, why?...becuase the bad guys are armed with powerful guns...lead by lead.professor
Tampaman (I loathe your handle and will not use it.)

I have a word for you: Ballistics. One needs to know the ballistics of the weapon and the ammo. Ballistics are everything. Thanks for your comment. D'accord! Live free of die! cool <=Got my eye protection. grin
Dedovix! My position exactly. Why would I dream of hurting even my attacker after the fact. THAT is just vengeance. I aint into it and most women are not as well. I might have to shoot to stop an attack but, so far, I have always tried to elude, particulary when armed as I do not want blood on my hands (Thank you very much just the same). God help the man who catches me when I run.

Thanks for your thoughts! Carry on! (I always do.) teddybear cool
martial arts are far better than firearms for both men and women to protect themselves from street crimes.
True, that, Dedovix! grin
LUKE, with stats like that, S. Africa is out of the question and I'll never visit unescourted by security team or spouse or really big dogs. grin

Again, you are talking about someone doing vengeance AFTER they have been stressed by an attack. NOT LIKELY. No sane person is going to react that way and that sort of instability would show up in psychological assessments, IMO. teddybear
Have u been a siiick cop? Would u like to be the one bound between the stakes?
A determined man at close range would give u no chance to produce or fire ur gun. tongue
Luke, those are some impressive numbers ,impressive in a negative context and ,You know Im trying to see the bigger picture here as I see Africa as a place that could feed a planet twice as big as earth and be ,as it meant to be "paradise" but for some reason its been kept in poverty ,conflicts ,wars ,high crime rats
Oo! Guadal, you're trying to turn me on! (Sorry, more "studied" psychopathy there.) I just can't help but yank your chain. cool

NO, I wouldn't like to be the one bound between the stakes (but I do appreciate the offer). grin Alright, enough of this shillyshallying. Admit it! You are smitten with me and you know it! I just seem to have that effect on some men. They want to possess and control me. flirty It's alright, I am Lamed-Vau and I am here to translate that sort of bad juju. I forgive you. Now, go and sin no more. dancing

I was a good cop for 4 years. I loved the work. I worked with kids 4 nights a week, keeping them out of trouble and teaching them to respect the rules that help us all get along and one night a week of burglary patrol which was like playing high-stakes hide and seek. sir bobby I can smell trouble and you'd never get close enough to close the distance between us. Trust me. I haven't survived this long by being situationally unaware. (Please don't take that to mean we can't still be friends!)
I am with you, Francie! And the Dali Llama. (I LOVE that man!)

Thank you for joining in the discussion! wine teddybear
@ Dedovx, yes the Globes rich and powerful countries have taken Africa to the cleaners. Now all that remains is empty mines etc.
But this is still one of the most beautiful countries on the messed up planet.handshake
You and ME, Dedovix! I HATE those crime rats!! flex Dastardly crime rats... grin batting
LUKE, don't MAKE me come down there and clean that situation up. batting teddybear
You are most welcome Ms. Cailinhandshake
by the way, it's such as a tough discussion for megrin
Cailin, let me assure you that my daughters have the best advice and knowledge that a trained PMC advisor could give to them. They know the score believe me.comfort
And I respect your decision, Ms. Francie. I myself have chosen a few times not to do more damage than necessary and have resorted to "leaving my mark" on a few men by way of my teeth. (Don't be a problem, men and you won't get bitten.) It is amazing how quickly a man realizes "Who's got whom?" and "tears himself away" leaving me with the DNA. grin

Scary woman and frisky too. Daddy always said I'd "leave my mark on the world". Never dreamt he it would be with my teeth. (Muhuhahahahaaaaaa... watch out, Guadal...)cowboy
DNAgrin scold laugh
See you on your next blog, good nite Cailin and allsleep wave

First of all a little History lesson. I am definitely not a Celt even though I live in the British Isles.

So let me get this straight. Am I to believe that you would like us all to take up arms to protect ourselves ?Just what kind of Society would we have if that were the case.

I prefer to live in peace with my fellow man,not assume that there are those that walk among us who would do me harm.

The gun issue will be debated from now till Kingdom come, and if a Country opts to allow it's people to carry arms so be it,but I for one am glad that I live in a civilised Society with strict gun laws.

Yes we have had our share of tragedy in this country from the deranged person who has little respect for human life ,but any weapon in the wrong hands can effectively become a murder weapon not just a gun.j.m.o.

Glitch, just a joke about the Celtic Isles. There are many Celts there as well.

I understand and appreciate your remarks and I wish my own land were more crime free like your own. As to your (rhetorical) question: I dunno... maybe FREE?

Uh, NO kingdom coming here. No union jack either. cool Thanks for your even tempered participation. No effrontery was intended. Just being playful with you. wink
LUKE, thanks for keeping your girls prepared and mindful (and for the other ways you participate in making the world -- and your country -- a better place).

Thanks for stroking my head too. I just love it when a man plays with my hair. smitten
@ Cailin.

Oh we are far from crime free I can assure you. However I am a "free" woman and do not feel the need to carry arms.

As I said before this debate will run and run, but actually solve nothing, as we all have differing opinions on the subject.

Controversy is good if respect is shared in debate.

namaste cailin! wave

i'd love to read about your cop-life.
Glitch! I salute you! You are MY kinda woman! wine bouquet
Ajka! I can oblige you that sometime soon. wine teddybear
I am unfamiliar with the area in which you live however I would suggest that the need for any person to take precautions for their own safety is due to the unwillingness or inability of the local government to police the area sufficiently therefore the elected members are reneging on their responsibilities to residents (themselves included).

No doubt there will be a monetary value somewhere in this scenario, but then can a monetary value be levied upon a persons life?
Criminals prefer Unarmed Victims...
Dictators Prefer Unarmed Citizens
Guns don't kill people, people do! Growing up with the sound of bullets, was kind of the norm, I agree with luke the statistics in south africa is very high! And it is very easy to obtain a gun, be it legal or illegal there!I have no solution to the problem,what I do suggest is education!
You are absolutely right about that, Conrad! Well said! Directly spoken, like a FREE man! thumbs up
@ Aj Yes but Im sure if we go 'there' the OP will accuse us of disrespecting her blog on the 9mm she carries...rolling on the floor laughing J/k
You rock, NON! Incisive! Logical! My main points precisely! thumbs up Thank you for your paricipation! Carry on! (I always do.)

Where ya been anyway... Christ, I thought I was gonna have to come and rattle your cage... batting
LUKE, say what you will (just be the gentleman I know you are). I respect opinions and respectful candor. And I don't carry the SigSauer everywhere. Sometimes I carry the Browning. grin The Sig is a high velosity ballistics weapon after all. NOT so good in a crowd. A .45 stays inside the body of whomever one is forced (by circumstances) to dispatch and so bystanders are safer with it. For close quarters control of multiple assailants you need a 12 gauge riot shotgun. The mere sound of this weapon chambering is enough to cause most badguys to high-tail it, making the weapon itself mute. (I love it when plan works out.) cool I have never had to shoot anyone yet.
Cailin, my point was - I live in a country where I don't feel the need for a gun and I wouldn't want to live in a country where I wouldn't feel save.

I'm against civilians owning guns.
wow I surrender uh oh your words paint a colorful description of the tools used to control the sanity of some. I have experienced the numbing effect of what it can produce. thumbsdown:
If it makes you feel safe carrying a weapon then by all means carry it with the respect and caution of a sane person. Accidents will always be prone to happen in the least expected situations. Take carehandshake
I should post a picture of my gun

bet that would lift a few eyebrows grin
KNenagh, I get that. I'd rather live in such a place too. Thanks again! teddybear
We are kinda lucky here in Ireland with such little Gun crime,
But Sadly it is rising and The issue is only going to become more and more prevalent in the media and political arenas.

Dedovix, is that your "gun" or your "weapon". I'll show you mine, if you'll show me yours. grin batting

What would you like to see? The .357 magnums? The 12 gauge? The SigSauer? The Colt? The Browning? The 20 gauge? The rifle?

Yes, I am armed and loaded for bear. Proper tools and all, hey what! cool
To be honest Im not that passionate about guns
yet I do like the right to have and carry a gun if I feel the need for it
Dedovix, I don't like firearms. They are just tools. I have no more affection for them than I do a wrench. They are a necessary evil in my thinking -- sad testimony to te cRaZy times in which we live. help
I must confess I don't know the answer to that confused not the sort of thing that comes up round here, I'll have to look into it.

On the drawing of a weapon what happened to the saying " Don't draw a weapon unless you're going to use it" dunno uh oh
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Jennings, Florida, USA

I've an abundance of derring-do, but you would call it "rash". I am quintessentially fluid, indulgent, unmatched in ardor. I am unflinchingly faithful, secretive & illusive, & I cherish your confidence as you cherish mine. Two approaches work with me [read more]

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created Sep 2013
Last Viewed: 8 hrs ago
Last Commented: Sep 2013
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