Nature in Your Life and Better Health

Is more nature in your life the secret to better overall health?

Do you have nature deficiency disorder? Increasingly, we have become an indoor society as well as one that is glued to a screen of some sort (ie: hand held devices, tablets, laptops, etc.). Nature is the outdoor environment that includes close association with trees, plants, open air and sunshine. It doesn’t have to be in the wilderness and can include time spent in a park, a local trail or conservation area. Gardening outdoors is another simple way to be in nature, even if you live in a big city. There is a growing body of evidence indicating that there are significant health benefits from simply being in nature.

Health Benefits:

1. Being outdoors means more opportunity for the sun to stimulate vitamin D production in your skin. Simply put, more nature means more vitamin D in your body. On it’s own, vitamin D can benefit cognition, mood, immune functions and bone health.

2. Nature speeds healing. A study that looked at recovery after gallbladder removal surgery compared two groups: those with a room with a window view of a natural scene compared to those with the view of a brick wall. Those with a nature view had a shorter hospital stay, gave less negative comments and took fewer potent painkilling medications.

3. Nature has restorative effects on the mind and on your energy overall. Compare the typical urban environment where there are many things that demand your attention: the cars driving by, constant and varying noises, many lights and other stimuli. However, in nature, it’s a different kind of busy: sounds of the wind in the trees or of a nearby stream or brook or birds chirping. Nature provides more interesting ways to observe and engage as opposed to the sudden and dramatic stimuli in the city environment. Studies on mental benefits of nature walks have shown that they can restore and improve cognitive functions and performance.

4. More calories burned. Exercise done outdoors burns more calories when compared to the same amount of time and exercise performed indoors.

5. There are social health benefits with access to nature. A Chicago study found that there is a significant decrease in crime rates, violence and aggression when urban areas are surrounded by green space compared to other urban areas with limited greenery. Think about how you can green your space, even if it is just indoor plants and indoor gardening…and watch your mind bloom!

6. The Journal of Health Psychology published a study that looked at how the body recuperated after a stressful experience. The researchers found that 30 minutes of gardening after a stressful experience reduced the level of stress hormone (cortisol) much more effectively than reading a book indoors. It also found that gardening led to a significantly more positive mood.

7. Nature can also invoke deeper feelings of connectedness and inspiration. Imagine the power and awe of witnessing a waterfall, or an expansive mountain scene or of a flowering meadow. Studies have found improved aspects of spiritual well-being such as an improved sense of purpose, connectedness and faith in a larger reality.

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Comments (14)

I can agree to this! And also when I have a cold. after being indoors for 2 to 3 days. I will go outside for awhile, Then the next day, I starts to feel much more

applause Heyyy GG.
Hello Socrates, handshake Enjoyed your blog on. I happen to have MS , and have numerous symptoms of the illness, most noticeably is I have to use a cane to get around. I have been changing my diet , doing what I can to cope with MS, but have noticed being outdoors, exercising , getting my thoughts off my condition is probably one of the best therapies for the disease. A lot of people with MS ,go into the mind set of worrying about their futures, and somewhat give up on life, and enjoying what health they have.
I m probably more active than a lot of people who don t have MS.I don t have a cell phone, would rather walk over to the neighbors , enjoy the walk, and have a visit.
Good Blog, enjoyed that, Thanks, handshake
Since I was little I was always out side...still am today....Its nothing if its 0 outside for me...Ill just get a fire going in the woods.......It dies set the Spirit Free with a sense of Living.........
It does set the Spirit Free............
Hiya Angel lets take to the woods or forests.... I can fly over.
1to1 Of course you worry, and of course you know worry makes every auto immune illness worse !! I am glad you have started going out into nature, even if you are in pain [I have R.A. ] in my hands and all the bones of my feet so its painful... and I get tired easily. I am glad you find it helpful to get out, it seems to put the worries into perspective. As long as you can get out and breathe in the air, look around at nature, its very very healthy. Mentally it does you good and as you know. What does you good mentally is also good for your M.S. Be kind to yourself and stay well. hug
GG. Okay!
But! Bring a coat! It is cold season here....laugh
Thanks for pointing out some of the different ways we are affected by Nature deprivation and the apparent consequences.
It appears that as a consequence of our constant preoccupation with devices of modern technology and a reduction in our interaction with Nature, especially for children,
"the rates of Brain Tumours and Eye and Ear tumours in Chidren has risen hugely as it has in Adults too".
Indeed, this is most shocking news.

We are part of Nature and Nature is part of us.
As Albert Einstein says:

"A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
Thanks for confirming the healing benefits of Nature from your personal experience.
I wish you good health always.

I truly admire your spirit and your determination to cope with your illness. Keep it up!

Spending time outdoors in Nature and exercising is great therapy as you have noted.
Continue walking outdoors and enjoying it, my friend.

There are also spiritual benefits as mentioned in the blog and as GG pointed out:
"nature does invoke a deep feeling of connectedness with our true beings, it is healing, peaceful and refreshing.
Nice to hear from you.
As you have mentioned, being outdoors (in the woods) sets the Spirit Free with a sense of Living.
Very well said!
Nature is perhaps our best friend from a health standpoint... all the natural colors..
blues,greens,browns,yellows, we see outside are meant to relax and give us a peaceful mind. The sounds of birds,rushing water,even crickets chirping are part of the song that nature sings to us.We need to find the time to absorb and appreciate all that she offers us,let our mind open to what surrounds us and feel the beauty of this natural world.

The mind/body has amazing restorative powers when combined with the wonder of natural surroundings.

thumbs up conversing
Thank you for your comment.

"The mind/body has amazing restorative powers when combined with the wonder of natural surroundings."

I could not have stated it more clearly myself.
this is good advice UNLESS you live in an extreme cold environment. Here in MT, the past few days we have been -18F which is deadly cold to be outside in.
but what you say is indeed valid and a VERY good point as long as being outside is not too cold.
I do live with a muscles condition that makes the muscles in my neck and shoulders tighten up to the point it is extremely painful. The doctors give me muscle relaxants for it but I don't like taking them as it makes me too drowsy
so this summer, even with my limited movement, I went out and worked in my yard every day. Not only did the exercise help my muscles to move easier, it allowed me to NOT have to take the prescription medicines for it. plus I lost about 20 pounds. Over all I feel so much better from getting outdoors and getting more active.
thanks for taking the time to post this and I hope my post will validate your posting as to the benefits of getting outside and getting some exercise
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San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago

I identify with the following words of Socrates:
“Know thyself”.
“The unexamined life is not worth living”.

I am a person who seek depth in life and living. This has been an overwhelming desire in me even since childhood. It is identified with a [read more]