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Its a New Year!

...I sometimes wonder to myself whats the difference between a New Day and a New Year?

A new day usually signifies a new start, forget yesterday and live for today. The same could be said for the New Year. We make Resolutions for the New Year and I guess the same happens when we all get up to a New Day, do we find ourselves making resolutions for the New Day as well?dunno

The difference between the two is this, for a new day you only wait for a few hours and you get to start fresh again. The latter is you get to wait for hours, days, weeks and months on end then we start all over again.

2014-2015 nothing much has changed except for the numbers, but then again the same happens when we await a new day.

Maybe, just maybe we can always make resolutions every New Day instead of waiting 365 days to make onegrin

Just a thought, any way just want to wish all you CS Bloggers a Safe and prosperous 2015...goodness its almost midnight and the dates about to change from the 20th of Jan to the 21stgrin ...well as for me its just minutes to midnight. And my resolution for the New Day is to do away with procrastination hug

That's it for nowcheers
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Are You Jealous?

Yes, I am jealous, though just a little and outsiders will never know it. A little jealousy is good for a relationship and it should be shown sometimes. Just to let your partner know that you still care. Methinks that the one who claims not to be jealous, is either lying or simply does not care.professor

However, jealousy is often confused with a monster called possessiveness. This emotion drives people to violence. When you see it - unless if you like it when your life is controlled by somebody else - run for the hills! This is the guy or doll that is going to tell you who you may not be friends with, what you may not do, who you may not talk to, where you may not go to, what you may not wear, and even when you may not laugh. In fact, this person will try to take over your entire life and smother your personality.frustrated

Quite unlike a bit of healthy jealousy that is good for a relationship, possessiveness will kill it and trap you in a cocoon of fear or frustration. This person is obsessed with you, and may easily threaten murder or suicide if you should leave. And some will be capable of it. They are sick people.blues

There is another related emotion called ‘envy’. This is when you are ‘jealous’ of the achievements and possessions of other people and it drives people to inferiority, dishonesty and/or nastiness. I’m not going to dwell on that today. We see enough of it every day.sigh

So when do I get jealous? I don’t mind a bit of light flirting, I‘m a shameless flirt myself but I always try to give my girlfriend or date more attention than all the others together. I expect more or less the same from her. I think that is only reasonable.blushing

I don’t get jealous when a guy gives a lot of attention to my girlfriend or date. I rather like the idea if she is popular. It only underlines my good taste in women. However, if he is obviously irritating her, forcing him up to her, or if she ask me to, I will tell him off very politely the first time and if he does not respond accordingly, I’ll do it again but more to the point second time around.very mad

If I feel that my girlfriend is paying too much attention to somebody, I’ll let it sleep for a few days before I tell her so. If she was just a date, I won’t tell her anything and if it continues after a second or third date, I simply won’t date her again.thumbs down

So, in my opinion, it perfectly normal to be jealous and there is nothing wrong with it. It is the other two members of the family that we must guard against.hug
cats meow cats meow

I wish you a wonderful day.wave
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A Pair Of What?

Certain items are normally found in sets of two and are therefore rightly referred to as a pair. Some examples of such items are shoes, slippers, socks, boots, stockings, shoelaces, gloves, cuff links, earrings, eyes, lungs, kidneys, skis, skates, speakers, chopsticks, knitting needles, etc.professor

Then there are items like handcuffs and headphones that are referred to as a pair although they may appear to be one item. However, upon closer examination, one can see it as two items joined together and we can reconcile ourselves quite easily with it as a pair.thumbs up

But there is another category of items can causes more confusion as these items all appear to be single items and yet it is referred to as a pair. Examples of these are pants, trousers, trunks, shorts, jeans, glasses, sunglasses, binoculars, goggles, scissors, pliers, clippers, tweezers, tongs, and shears. The list can be split op in three sub-categories;

a garment to cover you from the waist down,
eyewear and optical instruments,
a tool with two jaws that can open and close.

Although they appear to be unrelated, they all have one thing in common. They started off as a pair of two separate items.idea

The trousers it had its humble beginnings as two legs worn to keep the legs warm. Later it gained flaps that overlapped at the top where it was tied around the waist. In time it became one single garment but the pair

Glasses also started off as a single lens called a monocle. Eventually two lenses were mounted in a single frame and once again the pair could not be dislodged from the item. After all, it is a pair of lenses in a single frame. Ditto for a pair of binoculars that can be seen as two telescopes made into one instrument.hmmm

But the last category, (pliers, tongs, scissors, etc) is the most interesting. Before the invention of the rivet they were in fact two separate pieces that had to be hooked into each other to be used. It was a true pair.thumbs up

My grandfather had two giant pairs of these pliers – about a meter in length - that he used in his furnace. It worked the other way around. You had to open the legs to close the jaws and I believe this kind of technology is still in use today because the expansion of the rivet or stud, when used inside a furnace, makes it hard to open and close the pliers.devil

But the question I cannot answer is why a single item without legs is called a pair of panties while a bra is not a pair when it is clearly two cups joined in the middle.doh
cats meow cats meow

Have a wonderful day.wave
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lindsyjonesonline today!

when it rains it pours

Embedded image from another site

I was reading the Pioneer Press today and it looks gloomy on all directions as far as established institutions are concerned. Here is the front page: Bankruptcy on the Catholic Church (Twin Cities), as many others in the world due to enormous s*xual Abuse lawsuits.

What is so remarkably eerie is the fact that our government is busy pushing the rule of approving all 50 states to legalize same sex marriage, a very hot item that the Catholic Institution vehemently disapprove.

I don't know about you, but I am trying to direct my attention away from the political heat of the world's fight for peace.

May we all enjoy our weekend my dear fellow citizens of the Blog world.

Thank you all for your reads and comments.
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Comments from Turn the other cheek blog...

SistaCallie comments on the blog Turn the other cheek: There were only three comments that were made on this blog, the second and last comments were deleted by blogger. For those who do not know what I said in those comments, you can read for yourself. I had not planned on doing this, because this is but the blogger continues to make claims toward me on her blog AFTER deleting my comments. Praise God I saved my comments on her blog because I knew sooner or later she would delete them which would able her to make claims of things she perceived to be in my statements. I only have two of my posted comments, but the third comment was to in response to another blog, hopefully I will be able to find it.

First comment on Turn the other cheek by SistaCallie...
LJ, My questions to you are, who is suppose to be turning the other cheek for more slapping? The terrorist who are the enemy, or their innocent victims, who are being killed at the hands of the enemy for their creative work whether of mockery or not?... And what does it mean to turn the other cheek for more slapping when up against the enemies who are determined to war against us? Does this turning the other cheek for more slapping apply in such case? You supposedly are quoting what you THINK Scripture is speaking during a time of war, maybe you can also explain its meaning and application in such case as this.

Yes, if we ALL, which include the terrorists, were like Jesus we would not have wars or rumors of wars and especially terrorists. But we're not ALL like Jesus, nor are some even close to being remotely like Jesus, and there is a real enemy out there who desires to kill us. Therefore, does this Scripture passage you recklessly quote apply in such case as this? Where in Scripture does God command us to turn the other cheek to the enemy for more slapping from those who are at war with us? Sounds like another twisted double-meaning message to me, one point you suggest being like Jesus by turning the other cheek for more slapping from an enemy at war, and on the other hand you suggest in your questions:
LJ: TERRORIST- are here to agonize us, torrorize us with or without reason. We already know that. Why wait for some cause or reason to justify declaring war against them? Why don't we commit ourselves on identifying who they are, where they are and expunge them? AFTER ALL IT'S EITHER THEM OR US, RIGHT?

So what's going to be?... do we turn the other cheek for more slapping from the enemy, or does the enemy turn the other cheek for more slapping from the victims they kill for what they assume to be mock.
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Did they Ever Exist?

We are often exposed to profiles of people who do not exist. This is nothing new. Fictitious characters can be created at will and many historical figures that we hold in the highest regard today, may never have existed. With the truth buried in the debris of the past, we may never know.dunno

Historians are yet to give a real-life identity to an outlaw known to us as Robin Hood. Over a period of 140 years, conflicting stories portray him as either a nobleman or a commoner. Legend has it that he robbed the rich to give to the poor but methinks he robbed the rich because the poor had nothing worth stealing.laugh

Records show that a William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon and that he became an actor. Without university training, there are doubts that he wrote the famous plays. It is more likely that he was a fictitious character to represent a group of playwrights. Even some quotes attributed to him, cannot be verified. One of the most famous, “Expectation is the root of all heartache”, is also in doubt. There is no evidence that he ever used those words.writing

Lao Tzu, who is seen as the father of Taoism and a peer of Confucius, is said to have lived during the sixth century BC, but modern historians believe he was a fictitious character used by a group of philosophers.

Lycurgus is credited with introducing a code of laws that turned Sparta into a military power. The Spartans did not record their history in writing and historians are not convinced that he ever walked on this planet.

William Tell became a Swiss folk hero when he shot an apple on his son’s head with his crossbow. There are no such names on record and the story was probably imported from Scandinavia and adapted to local conditions.giggle

The Greek writer we know as Homer is believed to have lived between the 8th – 12th century BC. Uncertainty has led to the believe that he too was a fictitious character created to represent a syndicate of authors responsible for The Iliad & The Odyssey.

King Arthur is said to have led the defense of Britain against the Saxon invaders during the 6th century AD but he is first mentioned some 400 years later. It is also said that he single-handedly killed 960 men. A bit thick for a dollar!frog

Sun Tzu, author of ‘Art of War’, who is said to have turned a bunch of courtesans into an elite fighting force by beheading two of them, is believed to have lived in feudal China between 771 and 476 BC. Modern historians doubt it if he ever existed. I would also have developed into a fierce warrior with a sword hanging over my

John Henry became famous as the slave who beat a steam-powered drill in a race to complete a tunnel. There was a John Henry but there is no evidence that such a race ever took place.blah blah

Pythagoras probably never existed and if he did, he stole the work he took credit for. The Egyptians were aware of the theorem that bears his name one thousand years before his time.

So, what is fact and what is fiction? I don’t know but I do know that fictitious characters are born every day and some of them live long enough to scam a lot of people.doh
cats meow cats meow

A great day to all af you.wave
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Another Letter To Cyrano De Bergerac

It has been so long since I last wrote and you will really think that I only bring bad news to your door. But where else can I go? Here in my own country nobody takes me serious when I speak. It is true what they say about prophets not being honored in their own

A lot of things have changed in Blogland. The trolls and their henchman have left; some by decree and other by own accord. A handful opted to stay on and it appears that they have been civilized now. It is sad that so many honored members of our society have also left for greener pastures. Their contributions to blogtax are certainly missed.sigh

The warring clans of the past have all but buried the axe. By mutual disagreement, they disagreed to agree and as such ignore each other. A disagreement that seems to work rather well in preserving the peace.cheering

We had a long period of peace and tranquility with only a few border infringements during the time. I’m happy to report that the insurgents were rounded up and deported every time before they could do much damage. Such cowards they are! They don’t attack us in the cities where we are strong but rather the remote farm areas where our law enforcement agency cannot police every day.applause

But all is not well. The Blog economy is in recession and not enough Blogtax comes in to make ends meet. The same blogs have to stay in circulation much longer now than a year ago. It is so bad that some have to pay double and even triple Blogtax to relieve the pressure on the blogs. With the decline in production, our Bitcoin currency has weakened to an all-time low and inflation is running havoc on our national budget.frustrated

The people are hungry and they’re getting restless. We have sporadic outbreaks of holy wars, which dampen the economy even further. The saddest part is that these power struggles are not between different religions but between factions within Christianity. Since the unexplained disappearance of Pope Simmo I, there appears to be no clear contender for the position and everybody seems to be competing for the post. The people fear that another holy crusade may be called soon.uh oh

To complicate matters, factions within other groups have joined forces in drawing up a petition to request the Emperor to reinstate the lion-feeding program that was initiated by one of his predecessors. The savings on strategic state resources and the increased revenue generated by entertainment tax may well tempt the Emperor to give in to their demands, which brings me to the real reason behind this letter.blues

With your proximity so close to the capital of the Holy Roman Empire, could you possible ask Emperor Connectus Simplex to summon the bishops and cardinals back to Nicea because the first council he held there in 325 AD (and as those that followed), created more problems than what it solved. There still is no unity or consensus amongst the Christians.sigh

My friend, I must urge you to hurry. The time is short and the workers are few.super
cats meow cats meow

A wonderful day to all of you and may the Force be with you.wave
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Is it just me.......

Is it just me or is there an inordinate amount of creepy dudes on this site? I think this site should publish the names of the scammers out in the open so they won't collect anymore crucial information to add to their secretive lists they're working on daily. I'm aware that they will probably create a new improved version of scum and repopulate once again but someone should be proactive regarding the matter.

How do you feel?
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Insomnia Strikes Back

The neighbor's dog woke me and I cannot complain too much about it because it was probably my cat that disturbed him but now I cannot sleep.dancing dog

I was never much good at counting, and those sheep are too fast over the fence sheep so I tried reading for fifteen minutes but the sleep refused to come.yawn

Is there anybody who can sing me to Lala Land?sleep
cats meow cats meow
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An Unfair Advantage?

If you think that attractive people have it easier then you are absolutely correct. Being attractive is an advantage that should not be taken lightly.scold

Research has proved that attractive people are perceived to be smarter, more successful, more dominant, more sociable, more trustworthy, more pleasant, and mentally more stable than less attractive people are.doh

It is said that a good-looking child gets more attention from his parents than his/her uglier siblings do. Scientists believe that parents unconsciously spend more time with their more attractive children because they are seen as better genetic material.shock

Teachers show preference to more attractive learners as they see them as more promising. Because they get more attention, they work a bit harder, and their work is graded a bit more lenient, they have a better chance of getting bursaries.professor

Attractive job applicants have a 30% higher callback rate for a second interview. Attractive employees are seen as more valuable as they are thought to project a more favorable image of the company. As such, they usually earn up to $5000 more P/A compared to their less attractive colleagues. So yes, it pays to be attractive.laugh

When charged with a crime, an attractive accused is more likely to be perceived as not guilty. However, when found guilty of embezzlement, swindling, or fraud, attractive people are mostly punished more severely. Justice is not blind, merely biased.giggle

But all in all, an outer appearance is but skin-deep and must perish at some stage while the inner beauty will prevail. If you are not attractive, do not despair for you are sure to have other assets to offset the unfair advantages of a pretty face.flirty
cats meow cats meow

A great day to all my friends (and everybody else) out there.
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