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Baddabing66online today!

Funny things we did as children.

I use to say I could speak German because I did the accent of the German Characters on Hogans Heroes. Lollllllllllll
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perchance to dream

my dreams are back, full size, full colour taking the lonely out of the dark making sleep a haven I can snuggle into once more!

Yesterday I went in for my blood test and the lounge was full of bald women, apparently my determined bareheaded stance has made some of the others question why they are itching and sweating under wigs, and three just lost theirs this week and also decided bare was beautiful.

It was amazing, these gorgeous sweeps of gleaming skin and elongated necks as we laughed and chattered like a flock of rare birds comparing symptoms and sharing tips on navigating the depressions, the constipation, the fact that food tastes awful and what flavours, what foods are easiest to eat.

On the way to the hospital I was singing along with Elton John and the chorus, 'I'm thankful, I'm thankful for all that I'm allowed' swelled in my chest like a balloon and I burst into tears because it was a beautiful day and although things are not as I would prefer, I am alive amd moving forwards and the energy of the universe wants me to win. It was an indescribable feeling and I want to remember it forever.

I want to remember this year, it is so full of love and miracles.
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Every day I am bombarded
In each direction that I turn
By those who claim that EXERCISE
Causes flab to crash and burn!

I did jumping jacks and sit ups
Went out and bought that darn machine
The one that guarantees in 30 days
I'd be trim and fit and lean...

I put it in the extra room
That we affectionately call the "gym"
With all the other paraphenalia
That will one day make me slim!

Ab mats for doing crunches
A small tramp to run in place
That awful, go-nowhere pedaling bike
That only leaves me red of face!

I have workout clothes and sweat bands
Even a "get-fit" coffee cup!
But that scale hasn't budged an inch
So, I'm on the verge of giving up!

I've just about convinced myself
That it's true what some folks say...
You have heard it too......Eat Right!
Get Fit? Die anyway!!

So for those who are devoted
To trying to make me over, PLEASE!
If God wanted me to touch my toes
He would have put them on my knees!

I believe He loves us as we are
That includes both big AND small
So when I reach the gates of Heaven
It will be with flab and all!

a friend just emailed me this

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25th CENTURY (14)

Two days later managed to crawl out all on the surface. The President with Konstantine by his sided searched the countryside. Where was five years ago the city, now there was nothing. There was no trace of life around and the sea had covered in some places on land. They had exchange not a word between them, as the President did not want to hear anybody else. In the ears teetered devastated interjections and discussions were cantered in a phrase 'will not ever again live up here'. The President felt like everyone and was waiting to return to Oneiroupolis to talk with the sage Biologist.

The President, the most powerful man there, he was the first to have bend. He was a man who fed by society, by the force of power and selfishness. Now felt empty, not interested in anything and he want to put an end to the emptiness. He called on the security men and told them that from now on assume command of the Oneiroupolis, Konstantine. Presence, gave him the keys from the arsenal and the list with their weapons and ammunition. After, he trapped in the capsule. Konstantine countdown weapons took pistols from men, secured and hid the key.

In the meeting room the scientist had piled up early. They discussed the events and sadness was diffuse. They had withstood the destruction because they were hoping that one day they would come out to the surface and imagined that life, and their lives would continue, perhaps difficult, perhaps differently, but would continue on the land.
The Engineer had been around him most.
- We can build vault of glass, we lay the plants and those with time will create the suitable atmosphere.
- The pyramids were constructed faster, remarked Chemical.
- We can make small manageable masks and learn to live with them.
- The worst of Persephone will cross over half day and the other half below, said again the Chemist.
- E! But now, more objections you are, what you want anyway? Engineer cried.
-The earth and the life that I knew…
Most sighed and removed. Sat and when the time has come not presented the President. They have been struck because he was consistent in minutes. Instead he, went and sat down in his place by Konstantine.
The Biologist looked them and started to speak quietly as ever.
- We could have a lot to live again in the land but do not have that right. We, as humanity, we had our opportunity came up to calamity. For ourselves the only thing we can do is pray and ask for forgiveness from God. But we have an obligation to this planet. We are committed to the life that exists in this underground ark to transfer to the surface. The plants, animals and humans. Not us, our children.
Disrupting served with the sounding of the last words. At the same time someone from the Security whispered for the resignation of President in favour of Konstantine, and this has caused a new wave of reviews. Then all returned and looked at the Biologist with new interest.
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just need a ride

trying to get to allentown pa from newportnews va would be very much appieated thanks
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Loving God as God Is

Those who walk with God come in many different packages, many character types, many different faiths. But they all have two things in common: a sincere/guileness love of God, and a trusting/cooperative spirit. Those things allow them to love God uninhibitedly, as God would have it be. And that Great Love is not beyond any of us-we all have it inside us.

To love God truly, sincerely, and without guile, one must love God as God Is. There are three parts to loving God as God Is:

1. Accepting God's love of you as you are. God is your loving parent-and your number one fan. God really and truly loves you just as you are. And God accepts you as beautiful and perfect just as God made you.

2. Loving God wherever God is. Where is God? God is everywhere. God is indeed the Resident, the Indweller, the "I" of each one of us. But God is not just within, in the sense of an essence hidden inside, at the secret inmost core of things. God is actually on the surface as well as in the depths; God is everywhere-outside and inside. God is every part and particle of existence. Thus, we'd do better to think of God as the All of All. That's essential for loving God as God is, in all.

If you love someone, you don't just love them in one particular outfit, do you? No, you love them no matter what they wear. We are God's outfits, all of us. God is truly the All of all. God is other people-all other people. Thus, to love God wherever God appears is to love God in everyone. If we "other" them, we other God. "Whatsoever ye do unto the least of these, ye do also unto me." That person is God, get it? The relationship to God is involved in the attitude we take towards each and everyone.

3. Loving God whenever God is here. When is God here? Always. God is EVERpresent as well as OMNIpresent. Therefore, to love God when God's around is to love God always-at all times. God's keeping God's end of the bargain: God's always already with us. It's our responsibility to keep our part of the bargain: to be constantly present with God.

After all, true love is constant. It's like this: if you truly love someone, you don't just love them on the weekends, you love them all week long. Just so, our love of God needs to flow not just in prayer, but always.

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I am looking for an old friend of mine called Omar, I think his last name is Abdul Rahman. He's originally from Syria and used to live in Kuwait, were he worked as a taxi driver. He left Kuwait in 2001 and I have not seen him since. He left to live in Cyprus but could have gone on to Greece. He always dreamed of starting his own restaurant and I really need to know if he is happy and OK. I really do miss him and think of him often. So please, please, please if anyone knows Omar then please let me know as I have been trying to find him for ages and just want to know he is OK.

Many Thanks
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This message is for you!

If U delete this message thats because u love me. .. If u save it thats because u desire me .. & if u ignore it thats because u miss me. So what u gonna do with It?

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25th CENTURY (13)

- Opens, shouted the man in his mask and all rejoiced. They had piled up in the control room of throw in cameras uniforms, they saw nearly as are the other three.
The sixth roof- entrance and exit had been distorted. It should be cut throughout the rest will be withdrawn. This is like a lot more work and time, none has patience to wait. They had to look, to cast even a glance outside, but now.
The President instructed to open a small hole that country to pass a man and said to Alexander to get ready, it would be he who would have first-out. The door made of steel that had melted put him into thoughts. He liked Alexander but at this moment were consumables.
They were surprised when he appeared with the gown. With serious face looked around and stopped to Mary. She thought that want to send him as a lamb to the slaughter, and she sought to protest. A slight nod, a small move on his eyes stalled her. Suddenly, it became apparent that he was the most suitable to go up first, the best, the most deserving. Miss Mary blasted!
When captured by the cupping-glass hall opened, he filled with light and soil. The young man popped up from below and looked at the blue sky. No one moved, no one said anything. Finally, the sky! How could and lived for many years without being seen!
Climbing up the ladder carefully and took a deep breath before the big moment. Inch by inch his head was coming from the earth's womb and as Adam was born new through the soil. His eyes looked around the sun, and thanked God they were able to see again. Click on the globe, and look around. Everything seemed like remembered, but something was missing.
As far as he looked saw anywhere green. Not one tree, or a twig, or a small grass! He shudders with horror! His body and his eyes searched for some kind of life. Not a bird nor an insect, nothing, nothing…
Enterprises of pulling the mask listened a resounding 'no' from Environmentalist.
The Scientists of the control room did not seem dangerous radiation were not anything alarming except that the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere had reached 5%.
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