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Mushy Peas or Tapioca Pudding? Part 2

It seems to me that if these slabs are so illusive it could pay one to guard them ferociously and to only lay them sparingly and to the best effect. Furthermore perhaps a GPS system should be used to avoid the merest hint of being led in the direction of hell, wherever that may be.

For many people the road to success can be traced back to childhood. Perhaps it all started for you as a small child standing in front of a mirror or an appreciative family audience, strutting your stuff to the sounds of the latest song, impersonating your hero or heroine, imitating their actions and mannerisms. Or maybe your inspiration came from a different starting place, a movie star or a TV personality, even a real life exemplar. Whatever or whoever your source of inspiration, it is more than likely that the focus of your admiration would have had many supporters, some of whom would be affected in the same way, others who would simply enjoy the moment and pass on to other destinies.

However, something inside of you clicked and you made a decision, whether conscious or not, to take on board the lessons learnt and to expound on them, introducing your own idiosyncrasies in an effort to reach your own zenith.

The foregoing explanations may seem a little starchy. After all, whilst all these things were going on your true feelings would not be as analytical. They would possibly take more of the form of;

“Wow! He’s incredible! They’re out of this world. So original. So cool. So ace. So …..”

Well I’m sure you get the picture. These feelings can materialise as a sudden intuitive leap of understanding, goose bumps on the arms, the hairs on the back of your neck standing up, a light in your brain clicking on abruptly. On the other hand they may take time to develop. They may creep up on you like a thief in the night. However the feelings dawn, the end result is like a hunger for hot curries (if you really, really enjoy them) or a thirst for a cold beer on a hot day. Your tastes may be for fried eggs or cool lemonade, but there’s no getting away from the glorious feeling of satisfaction that comes from indulging your desires.

With some of us, our desires can be sated vicariously. For others these desires create a need to emulate the performances. This is the point at which we start our journey.

Let’s imagine that we are in a supermarket. After parking our car in the enormous car park… normally quite a good place but, however did we cope before their advent? There would have to have been a shop on every corner so that we could simply walk to buy our groceries. Ha ha what a crazy idea ……. Ah so that’s why it’s called a car park, it’s where people can park their cars. It’s not that there are swings and slides and merry go rounds for the use of cars only. One has to be so careful with language sometimes, especially English.

So we enter the store through those giant revolving doors, hoping they won’t stop when we’re in there. If we time it right we exit the doors and enter a world of delights. If we events are mistimed we simply go round again and get a second chance to enter the emporium of delights.
to be contd/
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i must be drunk. lol

woke up at 3:20 am and found a big moth casting a dark shadow on the wall. By the moonlight, I can clearly see the different colors on her big sloppy wings. I've never seen a moth like that before, beautiful but abnormal. Grandma told me after people die, their soul would go to another world. If they miss someone, they magically change into a big multicolored moth flying back to see that special person. Everyone knows I am scared of moth. But this time, I just want her to stay. Hey, brave moth, is it the loneliness that taught you how to fly in the dark?

There are 3 tiny holes on my left ear and 2 on my right one for earings. A superstitious girl friend told me if I have my earlobes pierced, I will be reincarnated as a woman again. Wow, I don't really care what form I will be born in an after life. But I pray if there is reincarnation, I prefer my soul to enter a four-leaf clover because it is pretty. Many years ago, my aunt left her husband and her 2 year old son for a married guy who can never promise her a family. I just want to say she is like a moth darting into a flame to seek it's own doom. Anyway, I am not like her. I think I am more like a ostrich who knows to bury the head in the sandpit when something unplesant happens.

Suddenly I come to understand that there lives a special type of people in this planet. You don't have to see their smile. You don't have to know their mind. Only when hearing their voice, you fall in love with them.
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Today, Wednesday 27 June is, according to the media, a historic day.
Today we see the end of one Prime Ministers term as he steps down and the start of anothers ascension to the role.

Over the last few years we may have seen changes.
We may have seen or heard fine words being spoken.

For some the changes have not been apparent in any tangible way.
Their life continues in a downward spiral.
For some the sentiments of the fine words spoken have failed to supply the bread they need.
They scrabble in the dirt for a grain of wheat.
For some the decisions made have wrought havoc and anguish on their lives and that of their loved ones.
They live in the shadow of former dictators and fear of their liberators.
For some the comfort of noble speeches have failed to provide the essential water of life.
They are deemed "fortunate" if a trickle of money should furnish them with a standpipe in a village of thousands whilst we may not even blanche at running our tap till the water is cool enough.

Today I heard of a friend, a young doctor who had died in a plane crash in Malawi. He was a lovely man. Engaging, humble,intellectual, generous in his giving to life.A sad loss. He will be missed by those whose life he touched.

Every day I hear the cries of the thousands who teeter on the brink, crying to the wind, some incapable of protest. And they die amongst the reverberations of the noble words. They pass to another place oblivious of the changes.

Today is indeed a historic day which should be remembered as the start of a chance to see justice in the world.
To see the start of the opportunity to rewrite the future.
To mourn the loss of our brothers and sisters across the world.
To take the action needed to bring about change which will be felt in every corner of the earth.
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Soap box without bubbles...just say why?

You should do this, you should be thinking, you does anybody know what I or anybody else SHOULD do? This is the thinking that creates rebellion and conflict. The language of control and restriction. Yes, fine, society needs laws, boundaries and guidelines; parents need occasionally to insist that they know better for the safety and well being of the child but for the most part we have no right to "should" another person especially a stranger who has not asked for our judgment, only for information and perhaps, unconsciously, reassurance that what he or she is questioning is normal, that they are human.

And here am I, shooting from the hip in outrage,climbing my little soap box, wringing my hands in despair because as long as we keep trying to suppress we are not free! By all means tell me you don't like what I write...not that I should not write it. Tell me my question unsettles you, you do not want to answer, that it shocks you, lifts rocks you don't want to look under, but do not tell me I should not ask. Not if you want me to take you seriously. The minute we say to another 'you should' we are denying them their right to selfhood, denying them the basic respect of listening to what they say and admitting they have a right to say it, whether we like it or not.

I have always loved the 'just say no' campaign. Tell beings whose whole existence and growth depend on saying yes to new experience and experiment to just say no? We need to question and examine. Jim Jones told a lot of people they should drink Kool Aid. One word could have changed the path of history: Why? Ask it next time someone says "you should...."
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OK, now what?

Well It is done, I am offically a person whos marriage is dissolved. I mean it was a long time ago, but now it is DONE!
Went out to the bar to "Celebrate" But i mean come on, how do you celebrate failing at something. And the crappy part is, it cost more to file the divorce papers then it did to get the marriage certificate. What a crock!

So now what? Do I dry up like a prune? Do I revolt? Do I sleep with every guy who looks my way? NO TO ALL! I still want to be loved, I want the complete opposite of what he was and is. Because of him I know what I want and what I deserve, but now I feel like I have the scarlett letter on my chest, the big fat D!

I know I know, STOP feeling sorry for yourself. That is easier typed then done! This is all new to me, I swore I would be strong through this, and i am, but when am I allowed to break down, and basically mourn this?
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Mushy Peas or Tapioca Pudding

So …….
you have a hunger for fame;
you want to be successful;
you have a passion for stardom;
you believe you should be recognised as ‘special’;

Or maybe you fall into that category of people who think of themselves as “realists”;

I know my limitations;
I’m too old, too young, too fat, too thin, too ugly, too good looking …. ;
It’s too late, too early, not the right time, its not fashionable….;
If only I was …10 years younger, 10 years older, 40 pounds lighter…;

Whatever the phrase that is used the thought behind it is generally,

“If only!”

It is a simple fact that it is an easy get out and can be combined with a multitude of other words or phrases which result in “great excuses”.

If only ……
……… I had a year off
……… I had more money
……… I had more resources
……… I had a decent computer
..……. I had some decent equipment
………. someone else hadn’t stolen my idea

If you really want to make it in any field If onlys have to be discarded and replaced with “In spite of!” Read Rudyard Kiplings’ poem “If “

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
Whatever you goal , your wish, your hope try repeating,
“I will succeed IN SPITE OF …. being 72, having no money, the weather turning cloudy, the timing being wrong, etc,etc.”
Whatever comes your way you must deal with it as it arrives….. and never lose sight of what your goal is. Remember if you plan a journey you normally know in advance where your start point is and what your destination is.

Let’s begin and take an in-depth look at your road to success, to the achievement of your goals!
For some people the road to success may, if only for a short time, become a road to hell and as we all know that road is paved with good intentions. Though why good intentions should lead to hell and exactly what size and shape paving slabs they make I am at a loss to imagine.
I have conducted an intense survey on this topic with many people who have a reliable background in road building or the laying of assorted paths. As a result I can state that of the sample interviewed (over 33 people) some 18.1818% recurring have actually been supplied with good intentions, the shapes and sizes varying dramatically and having no direct correlation to any known facts. On further examination these good intentions were available from many suppliers, wholesalers and manufacturers, but a good sample proved hard to track down.
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Doing my thing...

A new adventure starts next week. I have signed up for a class in portraiture. In my life I have drawn two portraits, quickly, off the cuff, and garnered congratulations and praise; better yet any observer seeing the sketch and seeing the original would know that one of these things looks just like the other.And yet I cannot draw faces...or people. Draw the heck out of boats and plants and landscapes, paint sweeping vistas in water colour with the same ease that I burn sausages to charcoal instead of dinner. Apart from those two flukes where aliens took over my hand(there is no other explanation)I cannot make a simulacrum of a face. And so the class. Piano and guitar lessons left me tuneless without an instrument to play and this maybe the same but I have learned to do so many things throughout the days that make up my years that this too may be possible. I learned to make pots and and grew clay to smooth round cylinders spinning on the wheel, pinched and coiled and slabbed designs that sit jumbled in a box, all fired and shiny, just five feet from me. So perhaps I can learn to capture curves and angles of a gleaming eye, a jaw, a lip, even a whole mouth. The knowledge is within. I shall do my best to let it emerge without resisting, holding back. Why can I play no instrument? Because I let casual words said too close to too young ears close my understanding. "oh her, she always has to do everything" and it sounded to me as though that made me what I tried so hard not to be...bad. For a year I walked a tightly circumscribed path, not reaching out to grasp but touching very gently just those things pressed against my mind by others. Now, older, I am proudly capable of many things and say what you will, if it catches my fancy, I will learn to do it. I will succeed and do it well. All I have to do is listen.
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2day is

is my :- new day to the50 yrs,evrey year same date,iflash back my memorey when i wase 12yrs,what wase my laif that taime ,wase my first love wase from my saide ,she wase plondey girl,
i'm sure maney boyes wase also in love with hiar she is blondey gairl in egypt!but she hade egyption culture thet is whay loves hair ,i also loved hir ,whay not? bothe of us in on clase ,hir house just closer to my house,we wase walking to &from school togeter tolking to ech ather,but haw did i bcome to know it is love?yes i feelt i'm man ,she wase gevein me pwer in studing.
I become very jentle with hir,my atetuotes coming betr,i feelt she is watchig me olwes ,i wase relly afraide from hir&about hir i wase alwes watching my steps,that makes me very good in my studes& makes me carring the responsopelty erly.but this love das't stay longer tahn 1yer,she moved to girls school as egyption rools ,
that wase just single memorey from memoryes .then i strted anoter love with longer girl than me
that wase relly funy.
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Is it ok to HATE him and LOVE Him still?

WOW, Today I file the divorce papers!
I am scared, it means that this nightmarish dream is actually a reality. I really have been missing him! A lot! But is it him I miss, or what he represented?
Either way, he is treating me cold now. In the beginning, I couldn't get it through to him that we were over, and I wanted him gone, now that he has the clue, I want him around.
But we agreed to stay friends. But friends don't treat you the way he has been treating me. Just the pure disdane in his voice sends shivers down my spine. I hate it. I want to hear him say sorry, Sorry I F'd this whole thing up. But I know I will never hear him say that.
I hate him and love him all in the same breath. Is that truly possible? But please do not get me wrong, I am not in love with him, he is just someone who shares a part of my life. I hope the hate festers, and the love disapears! I just wish I hated him before all of this, it would be easier, I have been able to drop bfriends like what, but this is MARRIAGE!
I have found something that is helpful, I keep 2 journals, one for myself, and one directed towards him. It actually is a great release!
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I'll never understand women

What do girls/women really want on this site? If they say they're looking for friends, then why don't they write back? OK, so you may not be physically attracted to me, but since when has that stopped anyone from being JUST friends? First you write to someone with a genuine question, then they write back all in capitals ( shouting ), so you write back figuring maybe they just didn't know and you wait for a reply...and wait...and wait...and wait. It's extremely bad manners to just ignore people who have been polite to you. If you don't want further contact with a person, you should say something...ANYTHING, but don't just ignore people. That's just plain rude.

I changed what I'm looking for today. Maybe that will yield more actual responses, rather than lots of sweet FA. After all, even when you're looking for a LTR you start out as being friends. You don't meet a person looking for a LTR and say hey let's get married, like, right now. You get to know them, make sure there aren't any nasty surprises...make sure you can be friends first and lovers later. That way you know it'll last.cheers
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