Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten! ( Archived) (800)

Jun 5, 2008 8:24 AM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
I'll HUFF and I'll HUFF and I'll HUFF,and.............help rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
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Jun 5, 2008 8:27 AM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
Arianna HUFFFFFFFFington,Marriage of Convenience to get US Citizenship!!!!!!barf barf barf
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Jun 5, 2008 8:28 AM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
Conrad73: Arianna HUFFFFFFFFington,Marriage of Convenience to get US Citizenship!!!!!!
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Jun 5, 2008 8:46 AM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
shipoker55shipoker55St. Petersburg, Florida USA211 Threads 2 Polls 9,362 Posts
this proves my point!!yawn
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Jun 5, 2008 9:53 AM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
shipoker55shipoker55St. Petersburg, Florida USA211 Threads 2 Polls 9,362 Posts
the posts above you, are the very thing that I worry about with O'Bama. It dredges up really ugly feelings, and will be a real issue in the coming years.

That doesn't mean that a bi-racial candidate shouldn't run...it just means we have to be prepared for the down side of it
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Jun 5, 2008 10:03 AM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
cheesewhizcheesewhizEastern Tennessee, Tennessee USA2 Threads 101 Posts
shipoker55: the posts above you, are the very thing that I worry about with O'Bama. It dredges up really ugly feelings, and will be a real issue in the coming years.

That doesn't mean that a bi-racial candidate shouldn't run...it just means we have to be prepared for the down side of it

True!!... Only time will tell what direction the new administration will take. On the issue of change, some people don't seem to remember that without the backing and approval of the Senate and Congress, the President can;t change a thing.. I remember when Clinton tried to get some kind of health reform going, he was vetoed. So I will just sit back and watch, it should be interesting. sigh comfort
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Jun 5, 2008 10:04 AM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
opalbeautyopalbeautyWorcester County, USA8 Threads 851 Posts
shipoker55: the posts above you, are the very thing that I worry about with O'Bama. It dredges up really ugly feelings, and will be a real issue in the coming years.

That doesn't mean that a bi-racial candidate shouldn't run...it just means we have to be prepared for the down side of it

I understand your concern ship. but I think Obama will do fine and in a positive way for our country. Just my opalionion. grin handshake
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Jun 5, 2008 10:07 AM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
opalbeautyopalbeautyWorcester County, USA8 Threads 851 Posts
cheesewhiz: True!!... Only time will tell what direction the new administration will take. On the issue of change, some people don't seem to remember that without the backing and approval of the Senate and Congress, the President can;t change a thing.. I remember when Clinton tried to get some kind of health reform going, he was vetoed. So I will just sit back and watch, it should be interesting.

Many Republicans are distancing themselves from Bush. But to run a campaign it takes money. Bush was at a fundraiser and he said, "Some call you the elite, I call you my base." McCain needs Bush's base and platform to run on.
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Jun 5, 2008 10:09 AM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
shipoker55shipoker55St. Petersburg, Florida USA211 Threads 2 Polls 9,362 Posts
opalbeauty: I understand your concern ship. but I think Obama will do fine and in a positive way for our country. Just my opalionion.

I have to tell you, I have become pretty fond of that word. I hate that I can't use it anymore!!cheering
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Jun 5, 2008 2:13 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Indyfella: And if Hillary had beat Obama, you would be kissing her rosey red butt within a week!

I would definately not! _You dont have to beleive me Indyfella, but I would not at all1

I would of course prefer her than McCain but I am certain she would make democrats loose no matter what her self or he campain did, and becuase of that the ext 5 mounths would be a real scarey movie and r one scandale after another reveiled a bout both Cklintons all over the place, and all of a sudden.......McCain as the next president Seeing one Bushney handing it over to another Buhsney

At least, now when the fight will be between McCain and Obama , we will see too totaly differnet candidates and then the choice of people will be after real deep thoughts and concidrations.

And beside, McCain has tons of evidences agaisnt him and his wife as well and Obama and his familiies suspicious acts are actually nothign comparing the McCains! Because of that the McCain campain will be more careful because they know that people know and they dont want another total humiliation as they received in year 2000 from their own Dadda Bush even!

If the Bushney,s begin to talk , then the other side will talk as well and nothing will be hided and kept as Secrets any more!
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Jun 5, 2008 2:28 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Conrad73: I'll HUFF and I'll HUFF and I'll HUFF,and.............
rolling on the floor laughing
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Jun 5, 2008 2:35 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
opalbeauty: And this is your opinion that you know exactly why people in other countries are supporting Obama "(hoping we elect someone stupid enough for them to pump some more hand outs from?)...as long as they can USE these candidates against us." But do you consider that other people just think differently than you? I think very different than you and I am an American. So do many people in California so that's good cos Obama will take California. There are many different issues to examine when looking at who you would choose for a President. I actaully wish there were more people in America who were as dedicated to learning about their own canidates and the reasons they are choosing him rather than just listen to their canidate when he tells them that the other canidate is a sympathizer. The Bush/McCain stategy isn't working too well if you haven't noticed. McCain said he would do things differently. I am just so curious to know what this man is going to do differtenly since he has been voting with Bush on everything. I call that an opportunist. You may want to believe he is different but the facts will speak for themselves. Their policies have failed and many won't even look at that fact, they want more of the same. The "rule" of silence is over now. We want to talk and we want to talk openly. No more silencing people with lies and fear and secracy and taking their rights and buying their votes. Let's just accuse Obama of being a sympathizer because he disagrees....let's define him as being inexperienced because he believes in diplomacy and talking openly rathter than raging war with secret interest because we link this to that and tell you to always be on orange alert, we have gone to war on a country without just cause and we're so powerful, we are just protecting you, who believe every word we say and don't care to check the facts. The facts are out, the truth is out. Are you really happy when you know there were lies and fabrications that led to the war on Iraq? You can actually trust this administrations judgement? When they would punish a man for telling the truth by ousting his wife a CIA agent. When they will make permanent tax cuts to the wealthiest to create jobs and they are not creating jobs, they are outsourceing jobs and bringing in illegal immigrants and pocketing the money. But they are helping their base anyway. When they say they swear off lobbyist and have 69 federal lobbyist working in their campaign. When they do not even treat our military decent and must bribe them before they give them the proper medical care and benefits they deserve and are entitled to in my opinion. When they are dying in Iraq for not a damn thing. This really angers me the most.

I would hope that Americans would do as much research as the OP has and THINK but it is obvious that they don't care to accept facts and evidence that have already been proven. They will accept the corruption and the fall of America first, because they have been lied to and brainwashed so much. Karl Rove would say....You're a good Patriot.
applause wine
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Jun 5, 2008 2:39 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
opalbeauty: Many Republicans are distancing themselves from Bush. But to run a campaign it takes money. Bush was at a fundraiser and he said, "Some call you the elite, I call you my base." McCain needs Bush's base and platform to run on.

you mean like he will need the exactly the same liers and crooks and scumbags and thieves.......aha laugh
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Jun 5, 2008 3:06 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
cheesewhizcheesewhizEastern Tennessee, Tennessee USA2 Threads 101 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: Why writng WHEN a bout assissination of Obama? If would be more propper and beside your secret service will not allow it happen....Count on that

scold scold The secret service could not stop all the other assassinations, what makes you think they could stop another one? Obama or McCain should invest in a suit of steel because with all the crazies running around out there, it could happen.
roll eyes roll eyes
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Jun 5, 2008 4:20 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
IndyfellaIndyfellaindianapolis, Indiana USA152 Threads 8 Polls 18,150 Posts
Conrad73: Damn right it's Fact!!

It's easy to appease when the wolf's at the door. It's harder once it gets inside.

Very humble opinion.
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Jun 5, 2008 5:27 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Indyfella: It's easy to appease when the wolf's at the door. It's harder once it gets inside.

Very humble opinion.

There are wolves amoung all groups of human biengs. I beleive most people are all right and muslims are a ressource as well here in Europe rather than being "wolves" and when even any person making some thing which is bad for the society the will face a propper punishment ,muslim or not.

I respect your oponion Indy but I can share the view. I am too open minded than such I may admit.
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Jun 5, 2008 5:28 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: There are wolves amoung all groups of human biengs. I beleive most people are all right and muslims are a ressource as well here in Europe rather than being "wolves" and when even any person making some thing which is bad for the society the will face a propper punishment ,muslim or not.

I respect your oponion Indy but I can share the view. I am too open minded than such I may admit.

.......Can,t share the view......too open minded than such I may admit.grin
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Jun 5, 2008 5:43 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
IndyfellaIndyfellaindianapolis, Indiana USA152 Threads 8 Polls 18,150 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: There are wolves amoung all groups of human biengs. I beleive most people are all right and muslims are a ressource as well here in Europe rather than being "wolves" and when even any person making some thing which is bad for the society the will face a propper punishment ,muslim or not.

I respect your oponion Indy but I can share the view. I am too open minded than such I may admit.

Actually, I think 90% of all people are good too. However, it's 10% that I worry about. I ready European editorials and stories on a daily basis. Nearly every day there's at least 1 or 2 storys about
"appeasement" That seems odd since most of the EU has an anti-religeon bias...or so it seems, yet you would knuckle under.

At least it's Europe's problem...not the U.S.
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Jun 5, 2008 9:02 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
IndyfellaIndyfellaindianapolis, Indiana USA152 Threads 8 Polls 18,150 Posts
Fox news reports that Hillary and Barak are meeting at this moment. It's unknown if Hillary has a hitman standing behind the curtain. laugh
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Jun 5, 2008 11:47 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
opalbeautyopalbeautyWorcester County, USA8 Threads 851 Posts
Report accuses Bush of misrepresenting Iraq intel By PAMELA HESS, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 23 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - A new Senate report gives a fresh shot of adrenaline to the election-year debate over the Iraq war. President Bush and his top officials deliberately misrepresented secret intelligence to make the case to invade Iraq, according to the Senate Intelligence Committee

Report accuses Bush of misrepresenting Iraq intel By PAMELA HESS, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 23 minutes ago

Misrepresentation is grounds for impeachment. But I don' t think they will take it that far during an election campaign. But maybe....I hope he is brought to justice.
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