Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten! ( Archived) (800)

Jun 8, 2008 9:46 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
ANurse4UANurse4UMemphis, Tennessee USA14 Threads 525 Posts
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February 28, 2008
"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction," says Obama. UPDATED AND CORRECTED.

UPDATE AND CORRECTION: From reader Dan, with thanks:

The actual quote from the book is from page 261 and is as follows: "Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

Ted Belman of Israpundant predicts: “Obama will win the nomination but lose the election.” You can go read the entire article, but here is the finale:

... we can’t forget this quote from Obama’s book Audacity of Hope

“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

Whatever did he mean by that?

Obama is not legally African-American as he claims but Arab-American and Islam still considers him to be a Muslim. Surely Americans are entitled to take this into account when they are voting for the next President of America.

And lets forget Debbie Schlussel’s exclusive Obama’s Nation of Islam Staffers, Edward Said & “Inflexible Jews” Causing Mid-East Conflict: An Obama Insider Reveals the Real Barack

No, Obama is going down and rightly so.

Was that sentence taken out of context? What was the context? Does it need a context, or does it speak for itself? I report, you decide.

UPDATE: I challenge you to read "The Chicago Delusion" at The Strategic Failure. Here's a taste:

For these reasons, Barack Obama is a perfect symbol of Chicago. Arrogant and motivated, he is a natural self-promoter. A practicing Christian, he bears a Muslim name. Identifying himself as an African-American, Obama is the offspring of a man from Kenya and a woman from Kansas. A self-proclaimed son of Chicago, he attended school overseas and spent most of his childhood in Hawaii, the last state, the state that doesn't appear on most maps. Obama, like Chicago, is from everywhere, and he is from nowhere. And he promises great, ambiguous things: change, hope, unity. His critics call him messianic, and there is no doubt that he is peddling his own religion. Five days before the Texas and Ohio primaries, the questions about Obama do not concern his intelligence, his judgment, his oratory, or his political acumen. No, the questions are more basic: Who is he? Where did he come from? What does he believe in? What does he want?

Debbie on February 28, 2008 at 12:45 PM in Current Affairs, Politics, Religion, US News | Permalink

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Tracked on February 29, 2008 at 01:37 AM
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Jun 8, 2008 9:50 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ANurse4U: (Can you ever understand this simple fact lady?)
You crack me up!!! Thanks for the laugh!!!

Yeah......sure I do!

Can you understand that fact I was refering to or where are you about that understanding?Are real Americans not Muslims or are Muslims not americans? Is this what you refered to or what?

I dont care much a bout relegions and I find them all Silly and not necessary at all but.....As I understood you are very ittitated why Obama told as he told and you did noy use much tome thinking a bout why? Am I right or wrong?

Can you not see how the mistakes of History must never happen again?
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Jun 8, 2008 10:15 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
Indyfella: I'll always have one up on Teddy...hell, even you will too.

I am certain it was an accident! I am sure they would injail himif he really killed that woman back then. Ted Kennedy is a great american and he has made a lot positive changes in America. My humble oponion and this will never change! I respect this great american...i really do but ok your oponion about the man is yours and I can never change that I know.
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Jun 8, 2008 10:19 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
IndyfellaIndyfellaindianapolis, Indiana USA152 Threads 8 Polls 18,150 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: I am certain it was an accident! I am sure they would injail himif he really killed that woman back then. Ted Kennedy is a great american and he has made a lot positive changes in America. My humble oponion and this will never change! I respect this great american...i really do but ok your oponion about the man is yours and I can never change that I know.

Do some legwork on how it played out it's more interesting than McCain's mental health. No autopsy, cover ups, etc.
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Jun 9, 2008 2:33 AM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Did you knew he secretly met with Chiness back then in order to get a clearency out of Vietnam war....even most americans thought a bout China....the Big Read threat ..... exactly the same as they did back in 2002 about Iraq or Iran or any country in the middle east ? China came under control some how because of those secret meetings.

Does it effect you at all TT, when hearing this from a man like Henry Kissinger? Is he a secret Communist antiamerican enemy of the state terrorist lover american basher or?

As said earlier...it took the world 3 years to find Afghanistan on a map.
That is post 9/11 support for the US. Everyone around the world was saying that was really bad that happened in NYC. That is talk. Support is sending a military unit to the source of the probem. See the difference. Talk is cheap. Had the world really been with us post 9/11, they would have made thier forces avialable to us with out condition.

If you don't think that car bombs, IEDs, and suciede vest are not being made in Iran and Syria....then be delivered into Iraq.....to AlQeada....then that is about as nieve as there is. In both countries this is a cottage industry at present. And niether gov't is saying no, indeed both are faciliating it. All I am saying is that there is little difference between land mines and these. And land mines are a weapon that have drawn so much public opinion on....much by the left....that Geneva Conventions banned them. If they are the work of mad men...surely then a ban would be easy to get. So why is the left so quiet on then? Why has not Senator Obama spoken out for a ban on them? Exactly, because they are they only effective weapons that the other side has.

Henry Kissinger.....I was trying to keep our conversations in the year 2000+.....we return to the golden age of Vet Nam? Like all Americans, I eventually learned of Kissinger talks with the Chinese. They were classic diplomancy with a 3rd party to resolve a conflict situation.

Many have tried to duplicate them. Including C. Rice of today. But Kissinger did not have the 'players' like C. Rice does today. He did not
have a J.Carter /N. Polosisi getting into the negotiations of this then.
C. Rice has them and many others that are meddling around in the foreign affairs of state.

Henry Kissinger opinions of Iran and Syrian talks are his to have. But I bet he would not advise head of talks with either until many preconditions were settled in back door talks. And I bet he does not take the position to neogitiate from a position of weakness with either.
Everyday Iraq get better, our position of strength grows in these negotiations with Iran and Syria. Sure someday they will come. But only once the wiggle room in taken away. Obama wanting them now or early in next years Administration, is too soon. Iran needs to come to the same position/understanding that North Korea did.

But to think that one can use this is the same model case as was with with Vet Nam and China then, today? Today you have a nuclear terrorism, you have AlQeada, you have a homeland America that was hit on 9/11. These are all different elements to todays geopolitical situation than then.

PS...wish to know why China spoke to him then? Russia was getting the majority of arms sales to Vet Nam....China was both jealous and concerned that Russian influence in the region was growing to great.
Hence the talks.... that is the take here.

Also bad use of a term, Dude. Kissinger did not go to get 'clearance' from
China for to end the Vet Nam war. US is a soveriegn country. We don't seek clearances from other countries. He went ask thier aid to bring about the peace talks.
Safe travels Dude......
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Jun 9, 2008 2:42 AM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Indyfella: I'll see if I can get you on at the Daily Planet. I think there's an opening?

Clark Kent (aka super) and Dude working side by side, now that is a
scarry thought. Louis Lane and Jimmy might get jealous as Dude keeps telling Clark all the newsest far left conspriracy theories.

Another one liner for the all time greatest hits, Indy.
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Jun 9, 2008 7:54 AM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Some very good words coming from Hugo Chavez.

Several quotes from a recent new article here:

"The Guerrilla War is history." and "At this moment in
Latin America an armed guerilla movement is out of place."
He is asking the FARC of Coumbia to lay down their weapons
and to release all of their hostages.

This is totally unexpected by the experts in region.
Just a few months ago, Pres. C. was asking that the
FARCs be taken off the list of terrorist group.

Because I enjoy to read between the lines, some analysis
on my part.

One of two things happened here. The first and more likely.
That computer the Columbians got in the raid into Ecuador
was so damming to Chavez support of the FARCs, that
he realized it was time to change position here. The Columbians
had taken away his wiggle room, and had solid evidence
to his involvement with the FARCs.

My other thought is this. That the Columbian raid took out the
leadership group that Chavez had been doing business with.
That the new leadership group of the FARCs is not one he
likes. Hence wants to reduce thier strength and influence
at this time.

Either way, it shows it can be done...that we can get leaders
that are promoting violence in a foreign country to change thier
tune. Let us hope it happens. A little sunlight in South America.
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Jun 9, 2008 7:50 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Indyfella: Times must be tough for him.... I'm sure he'll be in demand in Hollywood now.

Should be harder...but unfortunately saying this likely gets him role offers out the ying yang. Maybe someone can mark his bridge deck and beat him in cards. I wonder if he knows and plays Texas holdem.
Those boys will own his horse that he rode in Lawerence of Arabia.
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Jun 9, 2008 7:51 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
IndyfellaIndyfellaindianapolis, Indiana USA152 Threads 8 Polls 18,150 Posts
ttom500: Should be harder...but unfortunately saying this likely gets him role offers out the ying yang. Maybe someone can mark his bridge deck and beat him in cards. I wonder if he knows and plays Texas holdem.
Those boys will own his horse that he rode in Lawerence of Arabia.

Is he promising never to come to america if McCain gets elected? laugh
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Jun 9, 2008 8:23 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
IndyfellaIndyfellaindianapolis, Indiana USA152 Threads 8 Polls 18,150 Posts

OH boy, I can't wait for that free national health care. Looks soooooooooo promising!
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Jun 9, 2008 8:33 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Indyfella: Is he promising never to come to america if McCain gets elected?

There is a remake movie waiting to be done...John McCain as Lawerence of Arabia....Omar Sherif can play the Caliph of the Ottaman Empire that he takes down.......laugh
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Jun 10, 2008 7:01 AM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Some figures from the Gov't donar list of the UN's World Food Program
and then some anaylsis on Obama s.2433 Global Poverty Act of 2007
First the figures for 2008 as of 1 June:

Country ranking donation Amount
USA 1 $569.3 m
Iraq 14 $40.0 m
Russia 22 $ 12.5 m
Bangladesh 23 $ 5.7 m
China 24 $ 4.5 m
Total $2.18 b
There were 60 gov't that gave to WFP in 2008.

Iraq...is out giving both Russia and China. Both Russia and China are substantially larger than Iraq and substantially more wealthy. Even Bangladesh gives more than China.

Turning to Barak Obama's s2433 Global Poverty Act of 2007

It's his because he was the principle author of this bill. It is a bill that is part of the Millennium Developement Project. And yes, if people are saying that it would cost $875b per year, I would say that is a fair estimate. I have read the bill several times, and I am looking for a couple of things. First to determine it costs and secondly something called 'slippage'. This I explain.

Now this is a bill still in work. It was drafted, read once on the floor and now is back in committee (Foreign Service Committee that Obama
chairs). They will rewrite and reread on the Floor prior to a Senate vote.

Now to 'slippage'. Slippage is a term for bills that are drafted in a manner that give the Administration a great deal of latitude. I am going to use the Iraq war bill as a example. Congress did not write that bill to authorize war, in a manner that forces could be sent into Iran, Syria and other countries. It was specific to Iraq.

I am going to quote the key part of s.2344 to you, and you tell me if
slippage is there or not?

Sec. 4 Requirement To Develop Comprehensive Strategy

(a) Strategy~ The President, acting through the Sectretary of State, and in consultant of other approriate departments and agencies of the
United States Government, international organization, international financial institutions, the governments of developing countries, civil society organizations, and other approriate entities, shall develop and impliment a comprehensive poverty, the elimination of global extreme
proverty, and the acheivement of the Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of the people between 1990 and 2015, world who live on less that $1 per day.

Estimate numbers of people living on less $1 per day is 1b and living on less $2 per day is 1.6b

Hamas which has social organzations could recieve funds under this program. Al-Sydars group in Iraq could. Hezbollah in Lebanon could.
Many other foriegn organizations with hostile intents against the US could. There is slippage in the wording of the bill in my opinion.

To be fair, the bill is still being written. This was a early draft. But it needs to be more specific (in my opinion) to the receiptants of the funds and to the requirements of how they get the funds to the poor.

The bill is at:

If you compare the cost of this to our present giving level. That $875b is about 150 times what the US to the WFP gives today. Meaning the intent here is not just to give to the UN WFP, but also to many of these foreign entities. You give the UN this kind of money, the General Assembly will have a new world gov't on you quicker that you can
buy a milk shake at Diary Queen. jmo
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Jun 13, 2008 4:58 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
IndyfellaIndyfellaindianapolis, Indiana USA152 Threads 8 Polls 18,150 Posts
So what happened to Dude?

A) now a terrorist in Iraq

B) dispensing free health care to the world

C) Danish police confiscated his computer

D) A Bushney kidnapped him

E) dunno
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Jun 13, 2008 5:00 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
LillymLillymSliema, Majjistral Malta33 Threads 3,391 Posts
Indyfella: So what happened to Dude? A) now a terrorist in Iraq

B) dispensing free health care to the world

C) Danish police confiscated his computer

D) A Bushney kidnapped him


I would go with C....rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing Seriously I miss the guy..wink
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Jun 13, 2008 5:01 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
IndyfellaIndyfellaindianapolis, Indiana USA152 Threads 8 Polls 18,150 Posts
Lillym: I would go with C.... Seriously I miss the guy..

I hope Bin Ladin didn't recruit him.....crying
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Jun 13, 2008 5:06 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
LillymLillymSliema, Majjistral Malta33 Threads 3,391 Posts
Indyfella: I hope Bin Ladin didn't recruit him.....

Danes in the Ladin empire...OMGrolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
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Jun 13, 2008 5:07 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
IndyfellaIndyfellaindianapolis, Indiana USA152 Threads 8 Polls 18,150 Posts
Maybe his commodore 64 crashed?
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Jun 13, 2008 5:10 PM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
lusciousmilelusciousmileThere, Aland Islands Finland25 Threads 2 Polls 11,989 Posts
Lillym: Danes in the Ladin empire...OMG

Danish men are wow

thumbs up

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Jun 14, 2008 5:53 AM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
IndyfellaIndyfellaindianapolis, Indiana USA152 Threads 8 Polls 18,150 Posts
bumpity bump
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Jun 14, 2008 8:14 AM CST Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
I watched the John McCain town hall event. He had invited Barak Obama to attend, but Barak could not.

McCain does well in these small forums and with the TV of it....it gets out to millions. Out numbers, Barak's large campaign rallies even. Barak needs to attend them for that reason alone.

MCCain was even open to adding in some of the minor party canidates
into them....so is giving everyone a chance to speak in them.

Toward the end town hall, McCain talks of how a mother who had lost a son in Iraq had given him a copper wrist braclet with his name on it. Then said to Sen. McCain "don't let my son die in vain." McCain assured her that he would not. But this got me to thinking.

The present security agreement negotiations between the US and Iraq are at a standstill and deadlock. If they are not signed by the 1st of the year, I suspect you will see a massive withdawl of US forces
coming home. Coming after the new President takes office on Jan.20th of the new year.

If Obama is President, does any see mission accomplished and parades in New City and Washington with flags and cheering for them? Pretty hard to give them that kind of home coming, when he has been so vocal and critical of the war, his no vote, and wrong war, wrong time comments. I think he would bring them home quietly and in disgrace.jmo

Don't they deserve more than that?

They replaced a brutal dicator in Sadam, brought him to justice for his crimes against the Iraqi people, gave the Iraqi people a new democratic government, helped to secure it elections, and have
tried to keep the violence and deathes to a minimum there....by often risking thier own lives.

Did they do it perfectly? No...there was abu Grail and there were some
civilian deathes and crimes to their operations and presence. But they accomplished so much more than these negatives while there. I suggest on the balance scale of honor and dishonor, there is more
on the honor side than on the dishonor side of the scale.

Yet if Barak Obama is President when if this possible hasty withdrawl
occurs in January or a longer ordered withdrawl is issues.....my feeling is they will come home without the Military Honors fitting to what they accomplished. He cannot do both as President....to criticize their Iraq presence and to give them Military Honors, that only he as President can extend. It is totally hypocritical of him if does. And will set a bad presidence for his new adminsitration.

Just the way it is, if Obama is President in January.
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