RE: Daily Motivation

I seem to always recommend the same few books lol.

Have you tried the 1970 classic "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" yet?
By an author called Dee Brown. It's probaly in the library, as it's that known.
You have to plow through that one at some point in life,
but don't fall for the temptation to watch the move instead.

That you can da a 3hour workout means you are way younger than most here, hehe.


RE: Summing Things Up.

About the Eurofighter there is less than 600 built in total.
And now Germany seems to be going over to a new plane called NGF
"Germany is to replace the Eurofighter with
the New Generation Fighter (NGF), co-developed with France and Spain."

Now, F16 is what will be given to the Ukrainians but-
I predict they will not have much more impact
against the Russians than the tanks did.
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    Last Liked: Jan 9

RE: Summing Things Up.

Yea, just look at the Hamas 'leaders'... damn

RE: Summing Things Up.

Well, I suppose many a top dog surrounding the hub of rule over there
is pretty happy one of the main goals is achieved: Europe to buy LNG and LPG
from the US mainly now, not from the arch enemy over on the east side.
So that is a win.
What else, much old military equipment been sold
and even if half of it end up in Yemen
loads of taxpayers money pour into deep private pockets too.
So that is a second win for the elite.
The 'politicians' can expect some bonus later this year I presume.
Can we find a thrid one as well as 3 is always a cooler number than 2 when listing up...
hmmm.. yea... the world been shown what kind of crazy wild mf this leader of russie
really is so more wind in those propaganda sails should make it easier to one day convince the world that it's time to bring democracy also to that half a continent too. Do a "Kiev" on Moscow one day, warming them up for that.

Yeap, many a goal has been reached here for the US team "Swampy Rich Guys"
and who will mind a few hundered thousand dead soldiers on ground then ha'
for such marvellous accomplishments.

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    Last Liked: Jan 9

RE: Jeffrey Epstein list

N.Y.thing is possible.
Started out by the steel dossier in 16, russia collusion, several bull lawsuts and impeachments, then the theft and J6 (both panned together as stage 1 and 2 of the same event) and now this.
I hope he survive this first of all. Only reason he is still alive is cos they afraid of real civil uprising, nothing like the J6 nothingburger.
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    Last Liked: Jan 7

RE: Jeffrey Epstein list


Well, mantra repeater delux- would you ever expect a question- open ended one from Riz ever?
I don't think he is actually curious about what we think feel or even know. He has nothing to learn you see...
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    Last Liked: Jan 7

RE: Jeffrey Epstein list

I suppose you have in mind Putin and the leader of China?
I disagree on any conspiracy theory that would claim Putin has a hold on Trump.
They have equal respect for each other as far as I can see,
and further more- that friendship makes the world safer- not less so.

If it was not for the war mongers in D.C Trump would easily stop the war in Ukraine,
provided he win.
But since that is not the case it will be a battle, internally.
You are the blind one. You seem to swallow whatever msm feed you.

They want you to fear Putin. And Xi Jinping too.
Why is that? To hide the fact that the roles are now reversed mister!
They are the good guys compared to us! We are the bad guys.
Except Trump that is. And a few other good men.
Put that on your pipe.
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    Last Liked: Jan 7

RE: Jeffrey Epstein list

Chancer. Just wanna add, the reason Trump is the best is cos he can not be bought.
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    Last Liked: Jan 7

RE: Jeffrey Epstein list

After hearing you girls speak I'm starting to realize we had it better when only men could vote.
You guys think with your "emotions". So, we can easily conclude that none of you understand
how Trump could stop the war in ukraine, or hinder Kim in threatening the near him world with nukes or basically any other world arena situation. Trump starting ww3 is as comical an adea as Trump peeing on hookers in Moscow. He shot 55 tommahawks on an airfield against Assad back when, in my view only to upease his own war hawks. Today he would probably know better. Luckily only a few lost their lives in that attack.
Fantaziya, you who thought me what it was like to be hunted down by Azov in east ukraine, should know better. But it is what it is.
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    Last Liked: Jan 7

RE: Jeffrey Epstein list

Yea he is old. I know. But all "we" got right now. Against the corruptees who is a baaaad gang.
That is why your cuppa here seems so nasty to you, cos you don't know why he is biting back. I do.
Rambo said it like this "you did first blood".
Anyhows, your reason to dislike him is very common: people hate such figures from their own life:
the narco dominant bully-ish type - but truth is- this is his enemies presentation.

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    Last Liked: Jan 6

RE: Jeffrey Epstein list

F, I just realized it's january 6th.... damn
3 years since the second worst crime of the century.

RE: Jeffrey Epstein list

Ok, g.spitz.
There is a chance that if you had seen what I have seen
(yes online, most is from youtube)
That you would also start to wonder.

My first interest for Trump was in 2015 when I suddenly understood that he might actually beat Hillary! Then on the morning of the day after I asked a collegue of mine at work "did she win" and he, Trump did! And I was like astonished! I was right!

Then with no expectations I started following the developemenet to see what this would mean. Would he bring about real change? Call me a revolutionary but I like real change! Let's make the world better, must be a reason they wanted him. And Hillary don't seem to good to me so let's go! But... nooo... nonono...
So the first strange thing I noticed was the hate on him.. in media. So after that I been paying attention very closely, cos I knew he could mean a new way, right...
And here we are now, 7 years later.
Now I know a lot more than before he appered on the stage.
In 2014 I had hardly had any clue who he was, a hotel owner from the big apple(?!) dunno
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    Last Liked: Jan 6

RE: Jeffrey Epstein list

Yea, I know the cure for that. A third win.


Problem is- I predict they will steal it again.
And the rhinos will let them, again.
Ooooppss happened to turn a blind eye- but mind you,
only in 5 out of 50 states professor
The other 45 states: results in at 9pm, at least way before midnight.
Anyone with a brain will find that fishy.
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    Last Liked: Jan 6

RE: Jeffrey Epstein list

Nah... wrong.
Not true. He is innocent. 100% innocent.
Regardless of what Miss Gripper claim.
Now, he is popular. He may even win again just like he did
in the last two elections but he is a threat to them.
Don't ask how, you should know by now.
So they do the s*xual-assult crap they also pulled on
Assange/Kavanaugh/RusselBrand and more.
That's it. He is innocent.
Now listen to this wise woman called Tulsi Gabbard.
She should know what she is talking about.
It's not about Epstein or his island but about
her experience Being A Democrat.
Fundamentaly it's connected to the blog after all-
if topic is who is the good guys vs the less so.

Two and a half minutes (short vid)
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    Last Liked: Jan 6

RE: Runaway blogs...

Chat is right though that today things are as he describe.

Changed a lot from 10-15 years ago, we can conclude.

RE: Runaway blogs...

True, true and true. Those days of blogging was something else.
Trump was not invented yet, and the division was not that sharp
even if Jim was around lol.
On second page of most commented is this my most popular blog of 155 comments though I think it was at 190 before cs did some cleaning up of profiles and comments conneted to them.
I'm at page two, and that is plenty good.
Also is there still my other 43 blogs from then intact preserved.

Not one of those blogs was political. Only fun. We even had a game going where each had to know their turn. I think that was intiated by one of the Asian ladies who was regulars here back then. If you didn't comment withing 3min everybody else was like...morgan, common morgan where r tu?? and you promtly put in a comment in the game. That one reached thousands of comments but eventually someone was jealous and reported it into cosmos.

Her my most commented blog:

RE: Runaway blogs...

Ehmm.. you have not been one sided on the matter,
ok then.
Love your enemy is what a cartain wise 'man' said previously.
I'll go with that.

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    Last Liked: Jan 7


So they decided to take the risk this time. Noted.

RE: Jeffrey Epstein list

But but... I was always told the kind Democrats was the good guys?... confused This can not beee.... crying crying
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    Last Liked: Jan 6

RE: Advice for Trump

Only neo nazis are the ones u support in Ukraine, Ken.
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    Last Liked: Jan 4

RE: Advice for Trump


RE: Runaway blogs...

Here is why your anti Trump blogs stirs feelings:
When then country is devided 50/50 should we not thread a bit lightfooted and rather meet half way instead of fanning the flames of one sided msm-propaganda trying to portray this man as a villain?
Especially when every indicator under the sun points to the Biden family as mucho grande worse than anything Trump ever got accused of doing, just like Hillary before him.

So this man who stood for real change came about, instead of an adult discussion of what policies are best for the people of America and the world too, the debate is more about his personallity- like is he racist, rude, mysogyneist, unlikeable, bully, narcissist, bad, ugly, fat etc.
Should not matter, let's compare his policies to Bidens and then have a talk. But no- orange man bad. Is all you're promoting.

Anyways- good luck with more pot stirring.
At least some of us do care about potential real change, to the better for the people
though perhaps not so much for the top 1% whom you inderectly support with your stupidity.
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    Last Liked: Jan 7

RE: Advice for Trump

Luke, my mate.
Remember I said something simlar a few months ago and you said something to the effect of "stay strong, don't let the nay-sayers get to you. Trump might very well win".
And thank you for that. If we both lived over there naturally we'd fight on, shoulder to shoulder to get this great man in! No doubt!

But the way things stand:
a nation gets the leaders they deserve. Many mentioned this before that the landslide this time needs to be so huge that they can not 'fix' it. Problem is half the land is braindead and vote the ultra corrupt Biden.
So when it again gets about 52% Trump and 48% Biden in the 5/6 swingstates I'm certain that some late counting will happen again and also plenty mail-in ballots to tamper with, and you know... the graf will make a mysterious jump at 3am again, and the next morning the senile one will still be president. That is what I expect.
So we might as well already now foresee the worst.

Here is my theory why a solid voting system is still not up an running now
3years after the last scandalous theft: the Republicans don't actually want the system fixed that badly (many of them) as they're rhinos who just as well take Biden. That gives more power to Washington and less so to the voters around the country, hence..
it's good for continued benefits in the D.C to have the corrupt Biden you see.

Trump and his descendants should now rule America for the next 50 Years!
That would be good.
Barron 2028 and beyond.

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    Last Liked: Jan 4

RE: Must watch timeline/documentary on the events of January 6th

I just wonder about something.
As of the timeline at some point the insurrectionists broke through, ok... yes
but how long after did they take control of the government?
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    Last Liked: Jan 2

RE: Splendid Memories!

Here we have dry Martinis and wet dreams. laugh

RE: Splendid Memories!

Hi, Dani- nice to see a new face!

How is Manila this evening?
here in Oslo it's loads of snow hehe snowglobe

RE: Must watch timeline/documentary on the events of January 6th

Nice new picture Chancer cheers
Happy new year mate.

RE: Due Process Of Law

Not really. But we could meet at "ok then- your guys bad, my guys bad" and nobody sue nobody and let's go to election. And make sure there is plenty observers who don't need to keep covid distance this time.

The actual truth that you don't even wanna look in the direction of is so dirty
that you will most likely never accept any of it cos "it can not be that bad".
Instead you place me firmly in fantasy land, and you know, it's ok.

So based on this a continuation of this chat is rather pointless.
So let's just say you win.


RE: Due Process Of Law

Gotta keep it short, cos you know...

Keep in mind its not only me who is insane, 80 mill voting amcars too.
We all feel the same.

And - its a joke to many a trump fan that some talk about not fit
when mr.Biden is less so cos he is corrupt and so is his son.
Only it's hard to prove it, as with the election fraud.
Still, we all believe it including a loads ofhigh ranking folk,
in and out of the US.

So- Like I said to Chat- I suppose we see it differently.
And that is ok.

The nitty gritski you don't wanna touch is the possibility the other side is just as bad.
Or actually much worse.


RE: Ekaterina Duntsova – the next president of RF?

Ok, cool.

Can you only,
tell me how this war can end then.
How can the war end, give me two possible scenarios.

Cos that is what this blog is about is it not?

This is a list of blog comments created by Grandsiozzie.

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