Full Moon occurs on Friday the 13th!

Canadian nudists! love Aliens! transport Witches! jackolantern

Wow...this could be the most epic Full Moon/Friday the 13th EVER!

Full Moon occurs on Friday the 13th!

Good for the witches, sez I!applause 'Bout time someone stood up against the ever over reaching nanny state!

When broomsticks are outlawed...Only outlaws will have broomsticks! mumbling

Full Moon occurs on Friday the 13th!

The day varies by location. For a point of reference, the exact time of the full moon is 12:12 am in the Eastern U.S.. I believe that would make it 04:12 at Greenwich, England. (Greenwich Mean Time, Coordinated Universal Time.) From that you can figure the various local times. (I might be wrong on the exact universal time.)

Full Moon occurs on Friday the 13th!

The info I saw on this mentioned Wreck Beach. I don't recall it mentioning that it is a nudist beach. That certainly would put things in a different light (moonlight? confused laugh ) wouldn't it.

I've also heard some folks are concerned that full moons generally get people doing kinda crazy things and the "bad luck" aspect only increases the chances that things will go awry. 'Course, if enough people hear of such influences, the power of suggestion becomes an issue. The reports of potential craziness become self fulfilling prophecies.

Full Moon occurs on Friday the 13th!

Nice to go to Wreck Beach the next morning...Yes! rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Go International

I'll be thinking good thoughts for you. angel2
I hope you arrive on...happy place

RE: Memorial Day 2014

"With malice towards none, with charity for all...let us strive to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan...

Abraham Lincoln - March 4, 1865

RE: Memorial Day 2014

Every fallen service member is a mother's child, widowed spouse's mate or orphan's parent.

For the very fine post reminding us all of the true meaning of the day...Thank you!

For our departed loved ones, and especially those taken from us by war...Love & Tears. sad flower

RE: week end laugh!

Funny. ..and true!

A good weekend to you also, Zeu! bouquet wave

Should "Peace" organizations participate in Memori

Thank you all for your thoughtful - and respectful - comments. A young combat veteran and I will be providing a color guard on Memorial Day. She and I will carry flags in front of the local Veterans For Peace in our local parade. Their message for the day. ..HONOR THE DEAD. CARE FOR THE WOUNDED. WORK FOR PEACE.

Whatever our views on past or present wars, this day we should remember those who are caught up wars. Every fallen soldier, sailor or airman was a mothers' child, widowed spouse's mate or orphan's parent.

To all of you for your comments. ..bouquet

To our loved ones no longer with us, and especially those taken from us by war...sad flower

Should "Peace" organizations participate in Memori

If I may interject...
For those in other lands unfamiliar with our Memorial Day, the commemoration began after the AmerIcan Civil War 19861-1865 in remembrance of the more than 600,000 Union and Confederate dead of that conflict. Perhaps the best description of the original spirit of the day is expressed by Francis Miles Finch in his poem, "The Blue and The Gray", circa 1900. The poem may be read or heard online.

RE: where do you live?

Hells bells, indeed! Great fun -.try it sometime. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. ..I just took up the nose flute! (See YouTube , nose fute, greensleeves. ..Miss Birdy Kuck.) laugh

RE: where do you live?

It's even more fun in a tractor tire down a big hill! professor laugh

RE: A Frail little old lady

May I acknowledge a.VERY cool lady. .."Marge"? She's 93 & the most senior member of our Vets' group. A nurse &.veteran of WWII & Korea. Each year, she gets the seat of honor - riding the convertible in the.Memorial Day parade. Memorial Day is next Monday. We figured she could use.an accessory to go with the convertible & got her a.pink ball cap emblazoned with Army Nurse Corps & the appropriate insignia. I'm dying.to see.her in the cap & car! Among the group, if someone refers to the "Celebrity" or "Glamour Girl", no name is required. ..It's Marge! A big salute from the guys in VFP! Proud to know ya, Marge! handshake hug cheers

RE: Hi

Good day. Looks like Smiley is catching a good caffeine buzz! banana

RE: Has anyone met a significant from the site in real

Happy is good!
Making dreams true. ..Success is getting up just ONE more time than you're knocked down. grin

RE: Has anyone met a significant from the site in real

Congrats & best wishes! beer Lucky guy - Congrats to him, too! beer

RE: Has anyone met a significant from the site in real


Straight-forward Answer to straight-forward Question...Yes, they can! grin

RE: 150,000.00$ Returned!

I'll bet you're being added to many people's "favorite" list & will get many "friends" requests. Be wary of them, Zeu....my dearest, oldest, bestest friend! laugh

RE: 150,000.00$ Returned!

Congratulations. $150,000 is a very good return on $5,000. grin

RE: The Power Of Positive Thinking

We may not be what we think we are. But what we think...we ARE!

RE: what do you think ?

I've always wondered about the meaning of that quote. I understand it ever so much more clearly now.

RE: why people post photos of actors on their profiles


RE: why people post photos of actors on their profiles

A few are just plain very thinly disguised ads for phone "encounter" operations...likely at an hourly rate. Have your credit cards handy as I'm sure they are set up to accept them. CS does a very good job monitoring them...they disappear quickly. Still, for any length of time they remain posted, they are essentially free ads reaching a world wide market. Nothing new, really. The world's oldest profession simply moves with the times & there is nothing new under the sun.

RE: My Secret To Living A Longer Life

Make criminal case files disappear? Really? They can really do that? ......I'm just wondering, of course.......only curious, really. It's not like I'd ever need something like that! Make criminal case files disappear. Nope.scold Not me! Uh...y'all believe that...right? uh oh

RE: My Secret To Living A Longer Life

I know a few witches. Pretty good folks really. One of them has a shop where you can pick up some of their health products....search sagethepaganway. angel

RE: Banana Subject

I'VE GOT IT! The kidney bean says he looks like......a kidney stone! Of course! How obvious! Why didn't I think of that sooner? doh Okay, now that I got that figured out, I've come across a couple REAL puzzlers. Trying to figure out who's buried in Grant' Tomb & when the War of 1812 was fought. These are toughies. Any help, folks? professor Sometimes I don't think so good as what I once used to! dunno ......laugh wink

Fun blogs. Not in your area, so I can't thank you with a flower...hope this will do bouquet

RE: Banana Subject

Kidney bean says he looks like....Haven't figured it out yet, but I suspect I'm getting close. I keep thinking bladder...I know that's not it, but close. I can feel it! Speaking of feeling it, I have a heck of a pain in my lower back. blues Might be a kidney stone is passing to my bladder? blues Hey...something just rang a bell! I have a hunch it has something to do with what the kidney bean says he looks like. Ill figure this out yet, by George!

RE: My Secret To Living A Longer Life

If there's anything to that gene theory, sounds like you're gonna be with us for quite some time, Cat! dancing Heard once - The perfect way for a guy to die? Shot by a jealous husband at the age of 103! head banger Hope ya make it to 130...I'll miss ya.

Genes...Like the feller sez, we all carry within ourselves the seeds of our own destruction. sad flower

RE: My Secret To Living A Longer Life

Granddad had three eggs, about 1/4 lb. bacon & toast dripping with butter every day. That was just for breakfast. Got up one day, had breakfast, got dressed to go to work & dropped dead. He was just short of 89. Not a bad way to go, really. Ain't none of us gonna get outta this mess alive, I reckon. Yep, Cat...it's the genes, you betcha! wink

This is a list of blog comments created by miclee.

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