
Well, the nuisance is back again. Sorry to bother you all, but, once again, a thought has been nagging at me. I recently posted a response to someone and addressed a comment that they made about memories. You know me, I just can't seem to walk away from something once it bites me in the buns, so to speak. This person didn't seem to benefit from memories.

I view my memories as if I was looking down an infinitely long hallway, with doors on either side. Each door opens into a room occupied by one of my memories. Now, these memories can't be insignificant, because if they were, they would have been relegated to short term memory and would have been lost forever, never assigned their own room.

Whenever I am down, or lacking in the mobility I am so used to in the past, I take a stroll down that hallway, opening and shutting doors, revisiting more pleasant times in my life.

Take a stroll with me, down your own hallways.

I can remember taking my first few steps as a baby, wobbling side to side, till I made it into the safety and security of my father's arms.

I remember in Junior High School, attending my first dance. You know the ones I mean, with the girls on the left side of the gym and the boys on the right side. Everyone just standing there, waiting for someone to make the first move. And then that first slow dance. I was holding a girl right next to me for the first time, wanting to make a good impression but afraid I would step on her toes.

I remember watching the birth of my children. Such an awe filled moment that just can't be described. Watching them take their first breath and listening to them scream at the indignity of being removed from the security and warmth of their mother's womb.

I remember the pride I felt when I graduated from college. Standing under a tree in my cap and gown getting my picture taken.

I remember the first time I fell in love with the woman who became the mother of my daughter. Ah, your first love is the one you always remember, the one in later years that you always look back on. It is the true love, the pure love, the innocent, youthful love.

And so many more excellent, pleasant memories.

Yes, I have bad memories that I have stored away. And I also visit them occasionally. To remind myself of my mortality and my humanity. They are just as valuable, because they tend to keep me humble, keep reminding me of my defects.

I need them all. So do all of you.

So you may not be able to get out much. You may be in a wheelchair. Or use a walker. Or in a hospice awaiting the next stage of your life. But you all have your hallways you can visit. So many doors to open, so many rooms to go into.

RE: Another Volcano

Yeah, December 21, 2012. Everyone pull out their ancient Mayan calendars and mark the day!

RE: Who Has to Pay?

Of course he should pay -- but he won't. You have just been taught an invaluable lesson in life and for that, you should thank him. Never trust someone you don't know thoroughly -- and even then, think twice about it. I once trusted my son, when he was 33 years old, with access to my internet account. Though he had access to a telephone line with unlimited calling, he used a connection I had set up for him, that was supposed to restrict access to local calls only. He used it to connect to the internet and when he couldn't get into the local internet number, he used a toll number. Two months later, I got a bill from the phone company for thousands of dollars. Needless to say, I couldn't pay and couldn't get the telephone company to back down, even though they were at fault, despite my son's stupidity. I also learned a valuable lesson.

You got burned. Pay the bill and move on.



RE: So...What do you believe in then?

Great question!! But no simple reply. Complex issues involved here.

Myself, I first question whether you mean beliefs, or values and/or principles?

To me, values and/or principles are more important to me than beliefs.

My beliefs are subject to change, depending on current circumstances. Whereas, my values and principles are not subject to change, under any circumstance. They are core to my very being. They act as the foundation for the rest of my life's actions.

RE: Luxury Pope

The Pope is not only the head of the church, he is also the head of state, as the Vatican is a sovereign country. I know of no head of state who does not live in luxury. Does that make it right? No, it does not. But it is a fact of life that we have to accept.

RE: Unilateral Bin Laden Operation

Freddy! How good to see you still awake out there!

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Unilateral Bin Laden Operation

Profits, profits, profits. The industrial war machine at it's best. American arms manufacturers want endless wars so they can stay in business!

RE: Unilateral Bin Laden Operation

Profits, profits, profits. The industrial war machine at it's best. American arms manufacturers want endless wars so they can stay in business!

RE: Osama bin Laden was EXECUTE by US forces illegally

It is difficult to comment on this, as we do "not" know all of the circumstances surrounding this raid.

That said, the terrorists got off easy. A very few lives lost, in return for over 3,000 lives lost on 9/11.

RE: One Trillion Dollars

How very true you are with your post. Get rid of the waste in government and do away with the tax cuts -- and most of our deficit and debt problem would be dealt with!!

RE: What Do You Think, Did Pakistan Know Of OBL's Whereabouts?

Whoops! Sentence error. Should have read "with" the duplicity. Sorry about that. I type too fast and often type faster than I am thinking.

RE: What Do You Think, Did Pakistan Know Of OBL's Whereabouts?

Whoops! Sentence error. Should have read "with" the duplicity. Sorry about that. I type too fast and often type faster than I am thinking.

RE: What Do You Think, Did Pakistan Know Of OBL's Whereabouts?

I am positive that there are those within the Pakistani government who knew exactly where he was -- and actively warned him and/or kept him up to date on the whereabouts of the Americans.

I am equally sure that the American government has known about it for many years, and has done nothing the duplicity of taking our money while aiding and abetting the enemy.

The problem is Pakistan's nukes coupled with a government that is far from being stable. We can only go so far without risking a great deal more than money. That doesn't make it right. It just makes it a geopolitical reality.

RE: How far would you be willing to travel for the person of your dreams??

Not presently, but, many years ago, myself and a friend of mine, along with a big white cat of mine, hitchhiked across the country on $14, so I could marry a young woman I barely knew. Not out of love, as we think we know it, but, rather, to help her out. She had called me to tell me that she was pregnant by some other guy -- and her mother had thrown her out on the streets. I married her so that the child would have a father and so that she would have a home to raise the child in.

RE: Why Are You Single

Because, at my age, I am looking for someone that is not only compatible with what ai said in my profile, but someone who can be a good friend to me. My passions are different than what they were when I was young, as yours will be as you get older.

Right now, being single and living alone is a comforting feeling.

RE: What Build your Self Esteem...

The only options you offer are rather limiting. They leave no room for honest answers and only end up looking foolish.


RE: Condemnation and Judgement...

I make every effort to refrain from posting comments, unless it is an issue that I either have strong feelings on, or those where I can truly empathize with the poster's position or feelings.

I also try very hard to refrain from attacking someone on a personal basis. I might indeed attack their position on an issue, but not them personally. To attack someone personally serves no useful purpose.


RE: Someone close to you is on Life Support,will you cut the switch?

Definitely, yes. As has been mentioned, it is a terrible decision to make and an even worse decision for the person who turns the switch. Ethical questions are often difficult, which is why questions such as this one evoke such emotional replies. These types of questions were not meant to be easy.

To me, it is not the quantity of life that is important -- it is the quality of that life. Think about that. Quality of life.

Think about looking down at the dates on a headstone. A birth date, and a died date. But, what is important, are not the dates, but what has happened between the two dates, between the dashes, so to speak.

If I could live to be 200 and know that I would continue to enjoy good health and all of the other attributes we assign to "quality of life", then yes, I would live that long. But, if after 65 of those years, I was confined to a bed, unable to take care of my own most basic personal needs, then I would hope that either myself, or someone who loved me, would help me to end my life.

RE: Does The Classless Society Really Exist? Can It Ever?

Only in the mind of a progressive, left leaning individual. Republicans, IMHO, tend to be Darwinian (e.g. survival of the fittest and the heck with everyone else).

RE: Welfare baby solution: Family Cap.

This has been a long standing problem with welfare. Women were having children while on welfare -- and in a large number of the cases, solely for the purpose of getting more money from the government. This is the problem the cap is trying to address.

But, I believe it needs to go further. While putting on a family cap to prevent the birth of further children, the government should, at the same time, rigorously go after the father's of these children and make them contribute to the support of the children they fathered. No excuses. If they don't pay up, put them in jail until they do.

There is also the problem of single women on welfare, with children, who have men living in the home with them, but not reporting the change in status to the proper authorities. In these cases, the state should vigorously investigate and if found to be true, remove the children from the home and drop the woman off the welfare rolls.

There should also be a work requirement for all those adults on welfare. If gainful employment cannot be had, then they should be required to provide suitable services to the town they live in -- be it raking leaves, or working on a computer. This could help defray some of the monies that the welfare program is providing.


There is nothing wrong with being alone. And there's a big difference between being alone and being lonely. I have lived alone for over fifteen years now, not even dating. My life is still fulfilling, still full of new and adventurous things to see and do, each and every day.

Life is what you make of it, alone or partnered up.

Just be thankful each morning when you wake up and take that first breath -- thankful that you're still alive and able to enjoy all that life has to offer.

RE: Charlie Sheen

I would have to agree with both swissblueeyes and venusenvy. Charlie, though an excellent actor, has more than his share of problems right now, problems that appear to be brought on by himself. Thus, he will have to accept the consequences for his actions. If not now, then later. But, eventually he will have to pay the piper.

RE: There are 7 deadly sins ...which one do you see in yourself ?

All of them, to one degree or another. I am, unfortunately, human.

doh doh doh

RE: So... How Can You Tell If A Man Is Being "For Real" ??

I think that men in general are insecure. His inconsistency might be based on a fear that if he pushes too hard, you would interpret it as being too aggressive -- and you would be afraid of him or lose interest in him. Or he could be busy with other things. Most people have to work hard to get by in this world, and CS business can only be conducted in off time.

Why don't you just try telling him how you feel -- and come right out and ask if he is serious about pursuing you? Might work wonders. Sometimes men just need a nudge, or a word or two of encouragement.

RE: compatibility

Checked compatibility with myself -- looks like a definite non-match? So what do we do now?

RE: I have been rescued from this lonely life!!! Chaper 2

My last friend on CS was a true friend, indeed, but still, only a friend.

I still hold out hope that I can find a woman who still believes in old-fashioned values and who would welcome a man holding those kinds of values.

I fervently believe that there is someone on CS who can do that. I must just be patient, until we find each other.

teddybear sad flower

RE: ~~()~~People and their pets~~()~~

My dog, Abby, is my child, the only one still living at home. We have been together 24 hrs. a day, 7 days a week (unless I was in the hospital!) I was fortunate enough, when I was still working, to be the boss, so I could even bring her to work with me.

And, though I definitely indulge and spoil her rotten, I have not yet stooped to the point of even putting a bow on her. She is family, but she is still a dog.


RE: Do You Think Background Checks And Drug Test Are Fair For Employment?

I think that it all depends on the type of job you are applying for. Jobs that involve national security interests, or working with children. But I do not support them for "all" jobs. If an prospective employer did it for everyone, our unemployment rate would be a lot higher than it is already!

conversing conversing

RE: concealed weapons

Here in WV, you have to take a concealed weapons course, which, IMHO, is just another way for the state to make some money. And trust me, in WV, almost everyone has multiple weapons. My best friend's father has about 40 weapons, with about 100 rounds of ammunition for each one. I myself have a 40 caliber semi-auto pistol, for protection.

But I do think that gun control laws need to be strictly enforced. And they should start by not allowing gun sales at gun shows unless done by a licensed dealer -- and only after passing a background check.

And I know the argument that criminals will have guns anyway and won't follow the laws. But at least strict enforcement might cut down the numbers a little bit.

And there should also be strict restrictions on the number of guns that any one person can purchase in a single day. That might help control the number of guns that end up going south of the border and fueling the drug cartels.

frustrated frustrated frustrated

RE: The "C" word

In the last year, I visited a dermatologist and was told I had numerous pre-cancerous spots on both my arms and hands. They sprayed them with liquid nitrogen. But, there was one spot on the top of my right hand that they were concerned about, so they shave it off and sent it off to be tested. Turned out that it was squamous cell carcinoma. The big "C". I was scheduled and went to one of their other offices and it was retested. Then they drew a circle and started cutting, cutting a little more, until it tested and came back clear. Since then, I went back for a recheck and had a few more spots sprayed. And I will go back in another six months to be checked again.

What points am I trying to make? That at first I heard the word cancer and was concerned, to say the least. But then I realized, that at age 61, things like that happen. And the doctor told me that these spots probably started decades before. That's the way that skin cancer works.

So, then I realized that, since there was nothing I could do about it now, that it wouldn't do me any good to worry about it. What's going to happen is going to happen. So it's just better to go with the flow, do what the doctor tells you to and try not to worry about it. I know it's easier to say than it is to do, but that's what you have to do anyway.

Hope that is of some help to you. Good luck -- and enjoy your life!

hug hug hug

This is a list of forum posts created by omgamike.

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