Carl96190Carl96190 Forum Posts (857)

RE: Russian china veto help for syrian killings

You want to appoint yourself the policeman of the world.
Whose law will you enforce?
By what divine right do you believe that the version of the 'law' to which you subscribe is correct?
Let the Arabs and other slaughter each other. I do not give a fig, nor is it any of my business.

RE: single mum

If I have to explain, you could not understand. moping

RE: single mum

If I have to explain, you could not understand. moping

RE: Would you date yourself?

Would I date myself?
Probably not. I am not gay, nor do I have anything in common with Narcissus. rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Are two coffee dates enough time to know it's not working for one of you ?

You should know after the first few minutes whether or not it is worth pursuing.

RE: Do you like energy drinks?

The medical evidence is that drinks such as Red Bull and V are not just in the unhealthy category, they are dangerous.


To myself

I'm an a**hole, by Dennis Leary

RE: Favorite love song?

RE: Russian china veto help for syrian killings

Really and truly, are the events in Syria the business of anyone other than the Syrians?
What is the compulsion that some people have to want to meddle in the affairs of other countries and tell them how to treat people?
This is something for the Syrians to sort out amongst themselves.

RE: Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee.

Remarkable job?
She presided over the destruction of the empire and then sat on her hands as one government of traitors after another flooded Britain with blacks, Pakis and everything else form the Third World.
The demographers say that within a century the real British will be a disenfranchised minority within their own land, headed toward racial extinction.
Yeah . . . remarkable job.

RE: do u like to smoke?

Of course, you would know.

RE: do u like to smoke?

You must have an interesting impression of Bushido and karate.
We are not Buddhist monks. rolling on the floor laughing
Nor do we let stupidity go unchallenged.
I have never in my life been the first to hit someone, but once they make the first move everything that follows is self defence. innocent

RE: do u like to smoke?

Nah, I am just an arsehole.

RE: do u like to smoke?


RE: do u like to smoke?

I do not recall saying that you were drunk, but some of your posts give the impression that you are 'out there' as the saying goes.
The leaps of disjointed logic remind me of people I have known who have been bipolar.

RE: do u like to smoke?

They could try. rolling on the floor laughing

RE: do u like to smoke?

I do not take any 'pills from a Christian pal'. No pills, no drugs.

RE: do u like to smoke?

I would not set fire to them, they would set fire to themselves. I would just hand them the box of matches. rolling on the floor laughing
I can recall reading two news stories about smokers that I thought were priceless. Both were from the USA, which should hardly surprise anyone.
One was of a dying smoker who really did light up in an oxygen tent and was killed in the subsequent explosion and fire.
The other was about a dying smoker who had tubes feeding 100% O2 up his nose. He lit up and blew his face off, literally.
They had to have just one more cigarette. rolling on the floor laughing

RE: do u like to smoke?

This thread was not about drinkers or junkies. Your reference to them is nonsensical, but typical.
I am not 100% healthy. I am carrying a shopping list of problems that have caught up with me as my body ages, as a result of doing wild things with the army and in martial arts when I was younger.
I have also been diagnosed to have 'major depression', thought I do not consider this to be a disorder. What it gives me is the ability to view the world with a critical clarity, unhindered by the conditioned mindset that has been programmed into the sheeple.
What is, in my view, a disorder is the vacuous lemmings who wander through life with a Pollyanna outlook and no good reason to be happy.
I define optimism as an irrational expectation that random events will fall in their favour. It is irrational.
That my comments make you puke . . . care factor . . . dancing

RE: Do you believe in having an open marriage (sleeping with other partners)?

It is not personally to my taste, but I know people for whom it seems to work pretty well.

RE: do u like to smoke?

That you gave up smoking was a significant achievement which showed that you became a better person. I commend you for that.
The psychological hook that tobacco companies use to market their products is that they create different images associated with each brand.
The smoker then selects a brand based on the sort of personality that they wish to project to others. What they are saying goes something like: "I do not think that I am a good enough person to cause you to have the impression of me what I would like you to have, so I will use this theatrical prop (the packet of cigarettes) and hope that you associate the advertising image with me."
There are only two tobacco companies in the West, which own all the various brands. The brands are differentiated in advertising to appeal to a variety of self-perceived inadequacies of the smokers.
The history of the Native Americans that I read stated that they migrated from Mongolia, via the Alaskan land bridge when it existed. Do not forget that once upon a time your ancestors and mine were also 'stone-age savages', but in Europe they moved on from that.
One has to wonder why the Native Americans, surrounded by a wealth of resources and a generally favourable climate, failed to get past the stone age.
Compare what they achieved with what the white man achieved on the same land. There is an answer in that comparison.

RE: do u like to smoke?

Oh dear, the infantile 'you drive a car' argument that smokers throw up in an attempt to justify their weakness of character and self-destructive behaviour.
You have just provided a splendid piece of evidence to support the argument that smokers are stupid.
That does not necessarily mean always unintelligent, but always stupid. There are plenty of educated idiots about.
Look up the number of deaths attributed to smoking in a typical year, then look up the number of deaths attributed to lung conditions caused by car exhaust in your country, then compare the numbers. Notice a difference?
As for Native Americans smoking tobacco, I am not particularly interested in the rituals of transplanted Mongolian stone-age savages.

RE: Kindness

So often kindness can be seen as weakness, depending upon the culture/race of the person on the receiving end.
I take in abandoned/abused pets and rehome them, so I suppose that could be called kindness.
More than once in the checkout line at the supermarket I have discreetly slipped money to the checkout chick to cover the shortfall in the bill of an elderly person in front of me who was digging in their purse or wallet to find some extra money.

RE: Obama Tells Allies : U.S. Will Attack .......

Once again, Americans and others will die fighting as the proxy for Jews . . . and the 100% Jewish owned American media and 100% Jewish controlled US Government will tell the sheeple that it is 'patriotic' . . . and most of sheeple will believe it . . . just like they did in 1917, 1941 and other times.
I am so pleased that I am now too old to be recalled by the army.
Americans who think that Itzalie is their 'friend' rolling on the floor laughing should look up the USS Liberty. Bet you did not read about that in the Jewish-owned US media.

RE: Men ...if given the choice,who would be your next life wish .....

Er, no. Look up how John Holmes became infected with AIDS. sigh

RE: do u like to smoke?

The health system. Thanks for mentioning that.
I would love to take smokers on tours of hospital lung wards.
I will use my own father to illustrate the point.
My father died in 1992 of pulmonary fibrosis that was caused by asbestos exposure, which occurred during this service in the Royal Australian Navy.
He spent his final few weeks in Ward 3C of the Mount Olivete Hospital in Brisbane. It is a lung ward. One of those wards into which patients are wheeled as they wait to die.
Out of 30 patients in this terminal ward, my father was the only non-smoker, so the staff told me when I asked.
The beds were filled with pathetic wasted bodies that looked as though they had been in Belsen. They had blue lips and tragic desperate eyes that bulged as they gasped and made a death rattle as they fought for each breath . . . to live just a moment longer. A civilised society would give them the option of a swift and painless death.
They all died, of course . . . eventually.
Smokers generally are unaware of this, but most of them will die of heart disease before they live long enough to develop a lung condition or cancer.
I spent some time in the cardiac ward of a major Brisbane hospital recently, as a result of an adverse reaction to a prescription drug that did a good job of copying the symptoms of a heart attack. I was the only non-smoker in the ward.
If it were up to me, illnesses that were the result of smoking would be classed as a self-inflicted injury and not one penny of taxpayers' money would be spent treating them. Money spent on treating smokers is money wasted. Better to spend it on people who are not engaged in an act of suicide in slow motion.

RE: do u like to smoke?

Then who put the first cigarette in their mouth, lit it and forced them to smoke it?

RE: Whats Your Favorte Quote?

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." - Sir Winston Spencer Churchill

RE: do u like to smoke?

You have to be well aware of the health results of smoking (heart disease, emphysema, lung cancer and a shopping list of other diseases.
Yet, you continue to suck on the cancer sticks and inflict your carcinogenic waste on those around you. People who have never smoked die because of the waste product of smoking that was inflicted upon them by smokers.
Can you understand why it would be reasonable to say that smokers are not the sharpest tools in the shed?
Can you understand why it would be reasonable to say that smokers do not give a damn about the welfare of anyone else, because if they did they would not smoke around other people?

RE: Is it cool not wanting to date persons from your own country

I seem to be more popular with American and European women than the locals here in Australia.

This is a list of forum posts created by Carl96190.

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