Carl96190Carl96190 Forum Posts (857)

RE: Do you believe in God ???

I believe in gods (plural).

RE: Death Destruction and Mayhem.

Because that is what sells. That is what people want to watch and/or read.
A couple of times naive wooly-headed idealists, who had more money than sense, tried to publish newspapers that had only good news. They went broke pretty quickly.

RE: Trends in Primary & Secondary Education

Those things are not obsolete. This stupidity is part of a trend throughout the English-speaking world.
I believe that this madness is a deliberate plan to dumb down the population of the West, in accord with the agenda of the global elite.
I have spent most of the past 37 years as a newspaper and magazine sub-editor, whose job it has been to edit copy written by journalism degree holders who could not write a sentence in correct English.
I have found these graduates (and the public in general) to be unable to spell, unable to write the language correctly, utterly ignorant in terms of what I consider to be general knowledge and apparently incapable of critical thought.
They are, in short, educated idiots.

RE: I don't want to scare you...but..

Whether or not there is immediate harm is determined by the power of the electromagnetic emission and how close you are to it, ie your level of exposure.
It could fry you in an instant, or render you sterile, or do nothing at all . . . depending upon how the strong the pulse is by the time that it reaches you.
People are at greater risk from lower-level, persisten, long-term sources such as major electrical transmission lines. There is plenty of data which shows that people who live close to such sources of electromagnetic radiation have a much greater rate of cancer, especially leukemia.
I can recall that during the course of my work I visited a family in which all three daughters had leukemia (and were dying). The family home was almost underneath a major electrical transmission line. Doh doh
I suggested to the parents that they should look it up on the net, but they were so stupid that they looked at me like a wombat in the headlights. Natural selection at work, I suppose.

RE: Women with tatoos

There is that, too.
To any woman who is a believer, the Bible is clear that tattoos are verboten.

RE: How do you view a person with mental health issues?

The attitude I took would depend entirely upon the mental health issue involved.
If the person was prone to depression that would not be a big deal.
If the person was a raving psychotic, or bipolar, or in some other way a straight-out nutter there is no way I would be interested in such a person.
The younger brother of my former wife married a woman who turned out to be bipolar. She managed to conceal this from him until well after the marriage. Her condition came to light only after she stopped taking the medication and slipped back into mental illness.
Life is difficult enough without taking on board someone who has those sort of problems. Also, most mental illness is a result of the person's DNA. I do not want to breed mental defectives. I am crazy enough without wanting the DNA of another crazy person thrown into the mix.

RE: Married Men

I would like to offer a view of the situation from another perspective.
When I was single there was nothing but tumbleweeds blowing through my love life.
After I was married women began to hit on me, often in very unsubtle ways.
After I was divorced, the tumbleweeds returned.
Other men report similar experiences.
There seem to be a lot of women who actually want to jump into bed with married men. dunno

RE: Aussie Men vs Kiwi Men

Southern China?

RE: Aussie Men vs Kiwi Men

It is true. Kiwis, in the form of the Maori, are hugely over represented in crime in Australia in proportion to the number of them who are here. The same goes for Pacific islanders (Tongan, Samoan, etc) in general. All that you have to do is spend some time sitting in a court, reading the newspapers, or look up official crime figures.

RE: do you truely know yourself...? and what your capable of doing?

Do I know myself?
It is like looking into the heart of darkness.

RE: Aussie Men vs Kiwi Men

I would love to do The Producers. yay
My daughter was part of a production of that show two years ago. She looked wonderful in a uniform with an armband.

RE: is there a fine line between madness and genius?

Oh yes, plenty has been published about that.
I am a left-handed artistic creative who has an IQ in the top 2% and is as mad as March hare, in the estimation of many people. rolling on the floor laughing
With the exception of obvious mental illness such as psychosis, I believe that the difference between sanity and insanity is a matter of perception on the part of the viewer.
There is a median line in terms of perceptions of reality. The further that an individual departs from that median line, the more likely that someone who is sitting comfortably on that median line will perceive that person to be insane.
I believe that true genius requires a degree of insanity, because from that comes the creative spark . . . the idea that leads to a breakthrough, or changes a paradigm.
Who is to say that the Hannibal Lecters of this world are not on to something?
Throughout history, great thinkers have often been thought to be mad because those around them could not understand them.
rolling on the floor laughing

RE: How to control your weight?

Diet and exercise.

RE: Aussie Men vs Kiwi Men

No . . . straight as an arrow. laugh
I have worked in the media and the arts for most of my life, so I have met a lot of gay men.
For a while my poor mother thought that I was queer, because when I was younger I could not get a girl to even speak to me, much less go on a date. Not for want of trying, just that I was not what females of that age were looking for.
I suppose that being involved in amateur and semi-professional theatre did not help. rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Aussie Men vs Kiwi Men

He does do the whole musical theatre thing rather well. wink

RE: Aussie Men vs Kiwi Men

I came to know this fellow through a mutual friend, who is also gay. I cannot remember the circumstances that led to this revelation, but I know the fellow fairly well and I would be surprised if he was not being truthful.

RE: Aussie Men vs Kiwi Men

Australian men generally do not have an accent that sounds like a speech impediment.
rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Would you delete your ex number from your mobile?

No, I would keep the number so I knew who was calling when she came crawling back to beg to get back together. rolling on the floor laughing
I like to know whose call it is when I decline it. rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Can we leave this planet someday?

A habitable planet would likely already have a dominant intelligent species similar to us in residence.
Would you really want to become the villain in an interplanetary war of conquest?
Terraforming a planet that had potential would be a more ethical option, but it would take generations.
First we have to learn how to travel at warp. Unless we can go faster than light space travel is impractical. For those who have not seent it, the movie Event Horizon explains the theoretical physics of faster-than-light travel in a way that the layman can understand.

RE: Have you had much success on CS or other dating sites??

Nothing, except hundreds of contacts from fake profiles created by scammers.

RE: is true love hard to find???

Love is a delusional state caused by an alteration in brain chemistry.

RE: Are you going to be in line when the fair opens, or do you like to avoid the crowds?

Five-finger death punch?
Please explain.

RE: Would You Ever Date an Undertaker / Funeral Director?

My only concern would be for her health, because of the carcindogenic nature of formaldehyde.

RE: Describe your self in 3 words!

I need only one words: a**hole.rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Arghhh ,Americans

You could begin by reading three books:
1. None dare call it conspiracy, by Gary Allen
2. My awakening, by David Duke
3. Jewish supremacism, by David Duke
Then become a regular visitor to:
You have been mentally conditioned and manipulated by lies since the moment you were born.

RE: pakistans laws on blasphemy are backwards and reflect badly on pakistani citizens

Funny you should mention that. Most of the crime in Western Europe is being committed by non-white immigrants, such as Pakis.
In the USA figures published by the US Justice Department show that 85% of serious violent crime is committed by the roughly 3% of the population who fit the description of 'young black male' and most of the remaining 15% of crimes are committed by Mestizo invaders.
Here in Australia the 1.5% of the population who are MIddle Eastern Muslims account for an estimated 50% of organised crime, according to the New South Wales Police Crime Intelligence Unit.
Organised crime and claiming welfare are the only things at which the Middle Eastern Muslims are overachievers.

RE: Arghhh ,Americans

Historians say that only 5% were involved in the first revolutionary war, which sounds about right for any society.
All it needs is for 5% to take the red pill and wake up, then be given some leadership.

RE: Arghhh ,Americans

Most Americans and most of the populations of every country in the West.
If 'most Americans' knew the truth there would be another revolutionary war.

RE: Arghhh ,Americans

Unfortunately, most Americans are so naive and information deprived that they do not realise that the entire political system is a smoke and mirrors show orchestrated by the global financial elite.
It does not matter who wins, because all the candidates are working for the global financial elite and will implement whatever policies and decisions are dictated to them by the elite.
It is a case of Tweedle Dumb, or Tweedle Dumber.
Nobody gets to be the leader of a major political party in any Western country unless they are endorsed by the elite.
This same elite own the news and entertainment media, through which they control the flow of information (often straight out lies) that is fed to the masses. This is their main mechanism of social control.
They tell the masses what to think and how to vote, then offer then choice of elite controlled candidate A, or elite controlled candidate B. Either way, you the people lose.
Democracy is not the solution. It is part of the problem.

RE: TV License

Pay television here can cost a similar figure.
There is a simple solution: do not get pay television.
Free-to-air television can be crap (especially during Friday and Saturday nights), but that is a minor inconvenience. Some nights I turn the television off once the news is over because between the end of the news and 8.30 or 9.30 there are 17 channels of crap.
Most basic pay television plans here cost about $50 according to the promotional material, but once the add ons are included the cost can add up to significantly more.

This is a list of forum posts created by Carl96190.

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