Oil Shortage Myth

Read the chapter in the previous post, Rick. It's not the war.

Oil Shortage Myth

Tom, I know there are many companies working on alternative energies. They have been for years. They continue to get shot down. All of the Politicians and people in high corporate places, have invested in oil. They are GREEDY and they want MORE. They could care less about us depending less on fossil fuels.

I am glad your company is working on improving solar energy systems. I would like to have a solar energy system here. It is in the future plans, if diesel would go down so I could make a little extra, lol.

I have been reading articles of how you can power cars on WATER! It cost only around $150 to convert.

The oil firms have the Power! I am reading a book now which explains it all. You should check it out. It's an online book. This article came from it.

Chapter 8.4 : The Seven Sisters
OPEC, the Seven Sisters, and control of the petroleum industry

Very Interesting to say the least! There are also chapters about the CFR, lol... devil my pet peeve this week.


Well, I am reading a book,

Final Warning: A History of the New World Order
Illuminism and the master plan for world domination
-- by David Rivera, 1994

It explains it all very clearly. It's an online book.
It can be read here:

Just click on the blue Chapters and sub-chapters to read them.


Is There Any Hope? There is hope but it will require a revolution of the intellect followed by a revolution at the ballot box. First, and immediately, we have to abrogate the FTA and NAFTA in order to get rid of the “national treatment” clause that is killing Canada. This does not mean turning the clock back ten years on trade! Canada can compete in trade. But we cannot compete in investment – we just don’t have money on the same scale. So, we must try to replace the FTA and NAFTA with new fair trade agreements and, if that is not possible, rely on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade which served us so well for so long. Once we are rid of the “national treatment” clause, we must start screening foreign investment again and stop the sale of our best industries and with it stop much of the brain drain. Then, we must refuse to sign any more treaties, such as the FTAA (Free Trade Agreement of the Americas) that will extend the “national treatment” clause to the tip of South America. And, at the same time, we must take health care, education, agriculture and intellectual property off the table for the WTO negotiations. To give up our sovereignty in these important areas would reduce all Canadian governments to a state of impotence. This must not be allowed to happen! Canada should say "No!" to any extension of WTO jurisdiction and influence until we can gauge the damage already done.

The Monopoly to Print Money
In 1974, the Bank of Canada owned more than 20% of federal government debt – the equivalent of an interest-free loan. But that is the year our central bank adopted the ideas of Milton Friedman and began to give back to the private banks their virtual monopoly to “print” money. The result is that today the B of C only owns about 4% of federal government debt and the shortfall has to be borrowed from the market, including the private banks, at high interest rates. In effect, taxpayers are subsidizing the private banks by $4-$5 billion a year. There is insufficient space to discuss monetary theory here but anyone who is interested can read books on the subject including one or two of mine such as Surviving the Global Financial Crisis, or Stop: Think, the latest one. A system where private banks print nearly all of the money is not a stable system (44 recessions and depressions in 200 years) and is not one that will provide full employment for Canada or the world. There is simply not enough money in the hands of rank and file consumers. So, we have to learn the lessons of history and revert to the system we had in effect from 1939 to 1974. Access to significant amounts of publicly-created, zero cost (debt free) money is the only way governments can meet the conflicting demands of increased expenditures for health care, education, environmental concerns, research and development, the arts and other legitimate areas of public concern while permitting lower taxes at the same time. There is no other way to reconcile the claims of left and right.

The War for Independence The next federal election will decide Canada’s fate. If any party – or combination of parties – that supports the FTA and NAFTA forms the next government, Canada is dead. Our only hope is a genuine alliance of patriotic Liberals, Conservatives, Reformers, NDPers, Bloc Québeçois, and even people too cheesed-off to vote, getting together in one powerful movement to turn the ship of state around before it is too late. An independent Canada is best for the United States, the world and us. If we really believe that, we all have to enlist in Canada’s war for independence and make it happen.

* * *

Editor's Note:
Globalization directly affects our personal freedom to choose the food and medicine we need for our health. Consumer Health Organization is presenting this article so that you may be aware of the CAP and their platform in the upcoming election.


National Fire Sale At the same time, many of our best companies are being bought out. Thirteen thousand Canadian companies have been sold to foreigners in the last decade or so – more than 10,000 to Americans. In a stunning admission to the National Post in early March, Industry Minister John Manley predicted the end of federal restrictions that prevent foreigners from buying Canadian airlines, communications companies and even banks. There will be nothing left of Canada but an empty shell. And the kind of corporate-controlled government that allows this to happen is a cruel joke. Canada and the world are being re-engineered without the consent of the citizens who are having their birthright sold out from under their feet.

Corporations Rule the World The substitution of corporate rule for democracy is being imposed around the world. Countries have to sign treaties that give transnational corporations the right to cherry-pick their industries and assets. If a country has a business that begins to cut into market share, the transnationals can buy it, make it part of their empire, shut it down or move it to Malaysia, for example. Under the rules of globalization, no country – other than the big five (or six) – can hope to achieve anything like self-sufficiency.

Neo-Classical Economics – Bad economic theory and bad economic management All of this change is justified in the name of laissez-faire economics, which insists that governments are bad and markets are good. Government-owned services must be privatized. Even basic services like health and education are on the block. This is all in accord with the ideas of Nobel laureate Milton Friedman and his colleagues at the University of Chicago. At first, the Friedman system (ideology) was called monetarism, but when that wasn’t technically accurate, it was renamed neo-classical monetarism – and, more recently – just neo-classical economics. It should have been called retro-classical rather than neo-classical because it is not new. It is the same old pre-depression boom-bust system. Mainline economists won’t admit it, but their 25-year experiment with neo-classical economics has been a monumental flop and resulted in a monumental 2,289% increase in federal debt. The increase in debt was not primarily due to overspending as the right insists. It was primarily due to the slow growth of the economy and debt compounding at high interest rates due to monetarist policies. Compound interest was the real culprit.

People are the Victims
The cold statistics can be translated into the heart-wrenching experiences of many Canadians. If you are a doctor or a nurse, you are likely to find yourself so overworked and stressed out that you are unable to provide the quality of care you want to give. The same can be said for many teachers whose workload has been increased to the point where they have felt obliged to reduce or eliminate participation in extra-curricular activities like drama or sports. If you are a student, you may graduate with as much or more debt as the mortgage on your parents’ first house. And, no matter who you are, if you lack skills, you may be unemployed from time-to-time because a globalized market system is not designed for full employment (four percent). Demand management, as practiced in the early post-war years is a neo-classical “no no”. Your company may be bought and downsized leaving you with few options after long years of faithful service. This is just part of the price of globalization.


Aggressive Agribusiness One of the coziest arrangements has been between the U.S. government and Monsanto Corporation – now in the process of changing its name due to a bad image. Monsanto is the company that gave us Agent Orange, the allegedly safe defoliant used in the Vietnam War which has now claimed thousands of casualties. Monsanto is also one of the companies developing terminator seeds, seeds that cannot be replanted because they are genetically altered to be sterile. This is one of the most frightening developments in modern history. Attempts to corner world seed markets and sell only genetically altered seed would impoverish millions of people. When I learned that the U.S. Department of Agriculture had assisted Monsanto in the development of such a patently evil product I wondered how this could be possible in a democracy. Then I learned that one of Monsanto’s key directors was one of President Clinton’s key fundraisers. It is a matter of national shame that the Canadian government has been aiding and abetting the U.S. in promoting the interests of this destructive company including its increased control of Canadian agriculture. Ottawa is helping to drive Canadian farmers out of business. Globalization in agriculture means three or four giant agribusinesses are determined to monopolize the world food supply with their genetically-altered species and make us all dependent on them for our food. As we capitulate, and let our farmers go under, these aggressive corporations are buying up some of our best agricultural land.


I agree with you Kid.

Someone said the other day, that it is not against the law to commit Treason. Is that true? I always thought it was against the law.


by: Hellyer, Hon. Paul

Paul Hellyer has held senior cabinet posts in the governments of Lester B. Pearson and Pierre E. Trudeau, achieving the rank of Senior Minister (later designated Deputy Prime Minister). He is the author of ten books including The Evil Empire: Globalization's Darker Side and Stop, Think. Paul Hellyer has already enjoyed a rewarding career in both politics and business but he has reentered the political scene as leader of the Canadian Action Party.

Is Canada worth saving? Is democracy worth saving? These are the two fundamental questions we must address now – before it is too late. Canadian values are disappearing rapidly as we lose our independence and our sovereignty. The country is being dismantled after more than a century of nation building. We are losing control of our most important industries. As we give up domestic ownership of our assets, we lose the most exciting and challenging jobs, which too often move to the new corporate headquarters outside Canada – and young people who want those jobs must follow. It’s part of the brain drain. In effect, Canada has become a victim of globalization. We are told this process is both inevitable and good. It is only inevitable if we let it happen. It is only good for two to five percent of the world’s richest and most powerful people. It is bad for the vast majority.

I should make a distinction between those areas where global cooperation is both good and essential, and those areas where it is harmful. We must cooperate globally to protect our oceans, the ozone layer and prevent global warming. International cooperation is also required to protect endangered species, fight international crime and in other areas of mutual concern. What we have to stop is the relentless drive on the part of multinational corporations and international banks – centred largely in the five big powers – to take over governance of the world for their own benefit.

The Canada – U.S. Free Trade Agreement The globalization process got a rocket-assisted boost with the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (FTA). Canadians were led to believe that this was a trade agreement. When I read it, I found, to my dismay, that it was primarily an investment agreement. Sure it called for reductions in tariffs, but this was already happening under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). The most important parts of the FTA were about investment. The Americans wanted our industries and resources – especially energy and water. They also wanted our land. Instead of Canada being open for business again, as Prime Minister Brian Mulroney proudly boasted, it was up for sale.

Mr. Mulroney allowed the Americans to insert a “national treatment” clause which was a new concept in international law that gave U.S. investors the same rights in Canada as Canadian citizens. I think this is wrong in principle! Where is the value of citizenship if foreign investors have the same rights? In fact, the “national treatment” clause gave American investors the right to invest in Canada without conditions and without limits. We can no longer say “You can’t buy more than 50% of our forest industry or oil and gas reserves” – because the treaty says they can own all our reserves. The same rule applies to our best farmland. With the FTA, Brian Mulroney accomplished two things: He virtually guaranteed the demise of Canada as a nation state, and he allowed the conquest of Canada by America. The conquest is still tentative, perhaps, for about two more years. Then we will reach the point of no return after which annexation by the United States will become inevitable. I am concerned that several hundred years of experiment in popular democracy is coming to an end because globalization is really a code word for corporate rule and colonization.

Oil Shortage Myth

I have been doing some research on oil and oil shortages. I found this. Thought it was of interest. HL

Antony C. Sutton wrote in Energy: The Created Crisis:
"Our mythical energy shortage can be dismissed with a few statistics. The U.S. consumes about 71 quads (a 'quad' is one quadrillion BTU's, or 10 to the 15th power British Thermal Units) of energy per year. There is available now in the U.S., excluding solar sources and without oil and gas imports, about 151,000 quads. Consequently, we have sufficient energy resources to keep us functioning at our present rate of consumption for about 2,000 to 3,000 years -- without discovering new reserves. Even at higher consumption rates there will be no problem in the next millennium."

In 1977, independent petroleum companies discovered 88% of the new oil fields, drilling on 81% of those. They have been hampered by the large corporations, referred to earlier as the Seven Sisters, who wanted to avoid adding to our national supply so they can profit from the higher prices. Carter's Department of Energy was established to perpetuate the propaganda of the existence of an energy crisis.

In 1975, an anonymous ARCO official told Hugh M. Chance, a former State Senator from Colorado, that the Government had allowed only one pool of oil in a 100 square mile area on Alaska's North Slope to be developed, even though the entire area north of Brooks Range has so much oil, that if it were drilled, "in five years the United States could be totally energy free, and totally independent from the rest of the world as far as energy is concerned." The Prudhoe Bay oil field is one of the richest oil fields on earth, able to produce an oil flow for at least 20 years, without the need of a pump; and a natural gas supply which could supply the entire country for 200 years. However, the Government wouldn't allow it to be pumped out, and it is funneled back into the ground. The Gull Island field had a different chemical structure, as did the Kuparuk oil field, west of there, which meant that the three different chemical compositions indicated the existence of separate pools of oil on the North Slope in an area of 50,000 square miles. Needless to say, this seems to be an almost unlimited supply of domestic oil.

Another ARCO official told Lindsey Williams, a chaplain for the work camps on the Trans-Alaska Oil pipeline, that "there will never be an energy crisis (because) we have as much oil here as in all Saudi Arabia." Williams had witnessed a huge oil discovery at Gull Island (5 miles north of Prudhoe Bay in the Beaufort Sea) that could have produced so much oil, that the official said that another pipeline could be built "and in another year's time we can flood America with oil- Alaskan oil ... and we won't have to worry about the Arabs." However, a few days after the find, the Federal Government ordered the documents and technical reports locked up, the well capped, and the rig withdrawn. Their excuse was that an oil spill in that part of the Arctic Ocean would kill various micro-organisms. Williams felt that the U.S. Government was deliberately creating an oil crisis, and delaying the flow of oil, in order to bankrupt the oil companies, which would lead to the nationalization of oil and gas.

I have heard recently, that even more shells of oil have been discovered in the U.S. which would provide an endless supply.
What's up with this???


How in the world did I miss this thread??? I live on CS and never saw it. Hey mrgone wave

I have been working intensly for the past 2 years at putting info out there, for folks to see what is going on. The sheeple are sleeping, complacent, don't care. It doesn't stop me though. Someone just may wake up and "get it", so the effort is worth it.

I am a Ron Paul delegate. I know the plan. Sure hope it works, he is our only hope! People need to pay attention to what we put out in these forums, before election time. Some serious doo doo is at hand!

Good post!

RE: God exists???

This post is very very good and has met for an interesting read.

It is so good to see that there are others with understanding of Faith in Action!

Knowing God personally, giving Him graditude on a daily basis, or actually, a moment to moment basis and knowing that He is responsible for everything in our lives, the good things as well as the trials; strengthens us, and teaches us how to have productive relationships with others.

I do not believe it is really possible to Love another in an intimate relationship, without knowing God. God is Love. A union between 2 people and God, is like a 3 cord rope which can not be broken.

It is important when searching for a mate, and I say this because this is a dating site; We need to be equally yoked to another with the same belief in Faith.


applause My point exactly! So, if it's in the backgrounds of these... I would suppose that it is possible to be in the backgrounds of the Clintons, Obama, McCain, and many many more.

It's the Nature of LOVE

Everybody wants to know for certain
That love will never leave them alone
And there are those who spend a lifetime searchin’
For a Juliet or Romeo
Well, I’ve discovered that one way or another
Love will find a way to your heart
It’s never too far away or never too far apart

There’s no mountain too high
There’s no ocean too wide
It’ll reach beyond the limits
That’s the nature of Love
Through the measure of time
It’ll go through the fire
It is endless that’s the nature
That’s the nature of Love

Some will say that it’s too old fashioned
That love is just a thing of the past
But I believe that only true compassion remains
When nothing else will last
We can’t deny when the Lord was crucified
He displayed the very meaning of love
You’re never out of His reach
You’re never too out of touch

There’s no mountain too high
There’s no ocean too wide
It’ll reach beyond the limits
That’s the nature of Love
Through the measure of time
It’ll go through the fire
It is endless that’s the nature
That’s the nature of Love

By: 4 HIM


It's ORGANIZED CRIME at it's Highest Level!thumbs up

So Cristina... How was Friday nite at the Movies?

Did you watch all 12?

Would you recomend them to others?

Is this information Important to the entire World?

How about anyone else who watched them? Any comments?


Christ in me is new life in expression as wholeness of mind, body, and spirit.
Centering my thoughts, words, and actions on the Christ Spirit within me, I express only that which is good, loving, pure, and healthful.
Helping heal the emotional wounds of myself and others, I offer encouraging words, thoughtful gestures, and acts of forgiveness. I envision and claim the health and wholeness that are mine through the the Christ Presence within me.
I accept that I may not be able to change people and circumstances, but I can change the way I respond to them. Christ-centered acceptance brings an entirely new level of healing to me.
Grateful for the healing energy that is innately and unquestionably a part of who I am, I affirm: Christ in me is new life in expression as wholeness of mind, body, and spirit.
“Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed.” —Jeremiah 17:14


The good I do for others circulates back to bless me.
When I am caring for another person, I am aware that I am caring for a sacred creation of God. Whether as a parent or spouse, grandparent or guardian, health caregiver or teacher, I am nurturing others and helping to shape their lives.
I honor God’s creativity as I honor people—children or adults—by caring about and for them. I do whatever I can to bring greater comfort, healing, and understanding to those who need tender, loving attention.
According to the law of giving and receiving, the good I do for others goes full circle and comes back to bless me. It may manifest in unexpected ways and from different people, yet it does appear naturally as I care about and for God’s creations.
“He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him.”—Luke 10:34


Chill out tongue

Never said I had anything to do with it.

I am just happy that we agree on something and that you did not think I was rediculous for posting it. Maybe I value your opinion?

They probably still don't want to hear it and they will have to find out for themselves...
... when she gets elected.

We will all be up the creek then! I heard her say, at the begining of the race, "I have absolutely NO DOUBT that I will WIN the Presidency".

Now, how in the world could she KNOW that?????? She hasn't even won the Democratic slot and many are asking her to drop from the race.

RE: The Bar is Open............It Is Always Ladies night..........

yawn Me either... nite nite. I am going to bed too! Sweet dreams and don't forget to say your prayers, if you can stay awake long enough, lol.
Otherwise, say em in the mornin'!

RE: The Bar is Open............It Is Always Ladies night..........

How long since you've seen Tx Heartbreaker?

She used to run with the guys from Florida.

Tangerine Dream too, haven't seen them in years.


Hey, I just woke from a drunken stupor... give me a break, ok?


Sorry, but I can't stand her!!!

Reminds me of an Iguana.

She is as evil as the day is long. More so than Hillary if that be possible!!

RE: The Bar is Open............It Is Always Ladies night..........

Well, I do not know any of those handles. I have heard a "WildFire" on the radio but I thought it was at "Bruces" in Barstow or it may have been around the circleK or Pilot in Phx.

I was hoping that maybe you were Texas Heartbreaker

RE: The Bar is Open............It Is Always Ladies night..........

Its possible...

do you have a CB handle?


So good that you also watched the Peter Paul case too!

I just found out I could post videos!!!! So cool!

I know of lots more I can post.

Okay girl, I do not know what you mean here. Rize???

RE: Waiting for your criticism


Very Beautiful...

as are the Both of you... Night Owls laugh

RE: The Bar is Open............It Is Always Ladies night..........

Just wondering....

Do I know you, Sunshine??


There is a box with titles to the videos on your right. click the bottom arrow to that box. It will scroll the other videos. They are out of sequence. Look for #3.

So happy that you are watching these!!



Honey, it is Very dirty...
the trail of murders is almost unrealistic, ya think???

I dont know what to say....

I do not believe Mc Cain is good, but Possibly, the trail of Organised Crime is LESS than the Clintons, although they really work for the same people.


So good to see that you DO understand. Seems like I have been trying to drive it home, yet no one seemed to get the point....

Especially YOU! rolling on the floor laughing

I feel so much better now, knowing that you GOT IT!

Really... Something ALL Americans should Watch before Voting!!!!

I will check it out Rick.

RE: The Bar is Open............It Is Always Ladies night..........

rolling on the floor laughing Homestead...

When I was a kid, we would go to homestead to camp out for 2 weeks, kill hogs and crawl under fences to steal tomatoes out of the farmers fields.

.... uuummmm the Homestead Tomatoes are the BEST!

I left Miami, January 1970...

Never to return......

RE: The Bar is Open............It Is Always Ladies night..........

When were you in Miami? That's where I was born and raised.

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