RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

People pay good money in salary's to get lines of access basically.It's legal but you have to ask what do they expect for that material investment?

Earned money is always sweeter than inherited though, not that i had an inheritance.

RE: Where do you hang your hat?

Ah i live in a hovel with moss on the walls and sawdust on the floor, mixed in with cat litter and the odd dead bird.

RE: triple crown

I'll add Shergar and northern dancer to the list and i cant remember the grey horse that used to win everything, which is embarrasing as someone will mention him!

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Dude ,it was a joke (British sense of humour) but it might be the only way for public servants to behave themselves.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!


Intelligence is only effective against the other side of course if its obtained within the 1st 24 hours.It's now standard practice to stall for 24 hours before telling them anything, as the command knows they will crack and it is their duty to protect their own life.

Most special forces troops also undergo some basic preparation for what will happen when captured.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

lol....hell i'm not sure if my tablets kicked in but theres a pop up of beautiful arabic women on the left of my screen.....

Let me know if you can see them as well, as if you cant i'm hallucinatingcheers

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

He certainly appears healthy but to be honest i think his age is against him.Mind you there will be people half his age who are completely incompetent all over Washington.

I don't think age should be a barrier but at a starting point of 72 i don't think its a wise move to have a commander in chief at that age.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Well from my experience there isnt any point interrogating every hostage to manage to aquire.Especially if your rescources are limited.

My thinking is he didn't tell them they didn't even ask him, most probably.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Number one tool in therapy is listening.Dude should practice this practice as working in the field.I was also going to be a councellor until i decided on another career, so i happen to know a little about assessing mental health issues.

I havent been near a firearm in a few years and havent yet killed anyone in the supermarket carpark when they drive like an a**holelaugh

RE: As if you really need to know this.

I think its the same the world over! And there's nothing worse than a boring drunk who thinks he a comedian.I haven't been in a pub for a while now....and i don't miss it.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Well, i'm not familiar with McCain's personal story, but i do know that many were left behind to rot and successive American regimes didn't bring them home.

It's one of the most disgusting aspects about politicians that i am intimately acquainted with.

"Plausible Deniability" is the convenient term used by these vultures, and anyone who is caught on foreign soil while working for another government is well aware that they will be probably hung out to dry if their caught.

Anyone who trusts politicians clearly hasn't been exposed to being on the sharp end of their "political expediency".

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Nobody unless they have been in a position where someone is sitting in cell with a man who is holding a knife and threatening to cut off your nose, ears and fingers has the right to question what they know or think they know about a victim of torture.

Everybody cracks though, it's just a matter of time.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

I know my opiates are fully working when i still can understand some of the postslaugh

Maybe its the painkillers or the twilight zone just hit home at my endlaugh

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

If you want to learn about torture or PTSD may i suggest you write the the london hospital who investigate members of the public who have been tortured.

Personally nobody can stand up to torture, its about how much punishment people can take.The business of torture isn't always about getting information and there are more than several ways to do it.

I'll give you a real example.The term brainwashing came from American servicemen who basically gave information to their captives.This was portrayed as they had to go under sever torture so they cracked under pressure and gave in due no evident injuries.

The truth is this was sold to the public to make them believe these servicemen werent good solid citizens.The term came into popular usage and was repeated and repeated and is still used, when in actuality the people that held the American servicemen knew exactly how to torture them without even laying a finger on them.

Here's what they did, the wardens in the cells were ordered not to talk to the Americans, and after just 30 days the American soldiers were so desperate for human contact (a conversation) they cracked open like a water mellon.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

It's a shame others dont join in because if they did we might hear something we didn't know from say somewhere where information hasn't been release onto our news networks.

I spent time in the states and have american friends so i still keep an interest in events over there.Also i have an open offer of employment in Florida which i dont take up, and i wouldnt be able to do it in my state of health ATM anyway.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Our politicians only agree about one thing.To award them selves a pay rise.

You can watch them on the net and clearly you can see that they just shout at each other like its all a big game.

Personally i'd like to randomly select one from each party, and one each from the House of Lords and hang them in parliament square to refocus their attention that what their doing is important.

In Britain its the same as every other week, were overtaxed, overrun with immigrants and the National Health system is under enormous pressure.

Then theirs the fuel protest, where the british transport industry is on its knees.

What else would you like to know?

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

I know what you mean, i rarely see questions answered so it feels like a waste of time.laugh

Mind you i have to stay still doesed up on opiates for the next month so i will persist as a laptop isnt taxing, and its easier than changing dvd's.laugh

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

I know what you mean.I assume that artilley was based In Germany? Near Ramstein AFB?

Frankly it was the only way to stop an armoured Russian Tank Assault.Thankfully it never needed to be done.

I've seen a fuel air bomb go off in person and lets say it singed my eyebrowsrolling on the floor laughing

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

No dear, my position is clear, i wouldn't trust any of them as far as i could throw them.

I haven't met many politicians who i would trust my neck to, lets say that.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!


The Danish not only are one of the leaders in microwave weapons they also exchange some of the research.

The fact remains, they have the technology and weapons platforms.And i can absolutely assure you that they would have conducted field trials.

Have a look at the link i posted on the microwave weapon and you might also benefit from seeing the video.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

That's ok Tom thanks.Take a look at the Microwave test on google, it will save a long drive upto the testing range!!

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Well hopefully the next backside in the chair will talk a good game and play it.I think the time for soundbites and hot air is over.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Indy, exactly and thats where everyone should debate their problems and military intervention organised, so no one country is put in the position of having to provide all the military support.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Dude, all i can say is i truly hope whoever gets in will be responsible, ethical, not pulled by marginal interests and display real leadership characteristics.

In other words be a genuine honest leader who will represent the American public in a manner that befits the holder of the office.

Basically reign in the hawks and start a new policy of supporting the UN and making the organisation respected organ for sorting the worlds problems.

The policy for "my door is always open" is exactly what the next incumbant needs to do, and ignore right wing lunatics who have an agenda that is not conducive with the interests of the people.

I think whoever gets in next if they dont deliver a new start and mend an awful lot of broken fences then the office and respect for President will be totally discredited.

I hope this is pretty clear how i feel, even though i'm doped up to my eyes on pain medication.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

They are field testing a small emp (eltro magnetic pulse energy device) now for riot control. They device heats your skin to a 130 degrees. So we have the 'basics' to transmitted energy devices. Development has been about 12 years. Device sits on a HUMVEE, rotates 360 degree.
It is very effective from the reports I have read on it.

Personally, I think that it will be dirty nuc before fissioned devices that are actually used. Though they found in Afghanistan at a camp, drawings of a fissioned detonation. So these guys were talking about it then.

Either one if you are near enough to the detonation point, can ruin a good day for you. The nuclear reclaimation program that we are running with the Russians, are trying to reclaim the worse isotope materials first.

Just that there is literally 1000s of tonnes of the materials out there.
From a security point, you just have to assume terrorist have access to it and can aquire it.

As for security on fissioned devices. One thing that is of concern. Is Pakistan's nucs. Two of the bomb attacks on Musherraf employed
Pakistani military personnel in them. One was sponsored by the Taliban, the other by AlQeada. Air Force personel one time were the explosive planters and trigger men. Army personel the other time were the explosives providers. All nco and warrant officer level personel. But these are the ranks that normally guard nuclear How secure are the Pakistani nucs when both group are getting into the military enough to pay for hits on the countries President?

If you are concerned with terrorist nuclear devices or home grown terrorist using dirty nucs. Check out a system called IRIS (Intregrated Radiation Information System). It is a airborne platform that detects radioactive materials very accurately. Some 15 countries use it. It gives a color computer map of the terrian over flown with coloring where radiation is. Will show to within 8 feet nuclear cores and dirty nucs.
Can be used on a variety of aviation platforms.


Here's a link for field testing the army's microwave weapons you might well be interested in.It's the US armys own simulated test for riot control purposes.

Ironically the Danes are one of many nations leading the field in the use of Pulsed microwave weapons!!!

Theres a certain frequency range where the human brains thinking process is affected, and from a number of posts and threads on this website i think its pretty clear they have been testing it on unsuspecting members of the public already.

RE: Favorite Things

Mine is easy, peace and quiet.

There's nothing nicer than no arguements and a boiling hot cup of coffee and sat on the couch watching a good movie without even the cat trying to sit on you or the phone ringing.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Several months ago, the US signed weapons deals with both Saudi and Isreal on high tech precision guided munitions, including penetrators munitions. So Isreal already has the munitions for this.

The Enteppe raid was done by military air transport aircraft with air to air refueling over Africa. Totally different kind of targets in Iran and a totally different air operation for them. But Enteppe saved alot of lives and cudos to the Isrealis for doing it.

On the US providing air to air refueling. Honestly, I don't know.....our policy in the past has been this. Not to provide direct
operational support. For a couple of reasons...our forces have other missions and it brings us into a being a direct participant. Whether this has changed, again I don't know. Indirect operational satellite imagery, yes we have provided.

I'm not saying anything secret when i also say the same is included in plastic explosives, most commonly in semtex where you can even identify the batch number.

The Russian porta-nukes are about the same size as a mid sized Samsonite flight case.They have a shelf live of 15 years and have passed their inbuilt shelf life.So i understand they have the yield to basically vaporise one square mile.

There is also a programme that was declassified re the army's plans for space travel where they planned to use nuclear payloads to detonate behind the ship to provide thrust.The nuclear devices that were drawing board for that project were about the size of a football.

The large units your referring to i think are the reputedly known as the "Red Mercury" devices.These were very dirty bombs indeed!

The point is though even with American financial efforts and aid to sweep up and secure all this dirty material it is still out there.And a dirty bomb would make a city uninhabitable, forever as it would be too dangerous to decontaminate.

I can think of 2 locations where to deploy these for maximum effect and cause the collape of the financial market within a few days.Then again my services are not available to anyone.

Some of the work with dual particle beam weapons and microwave weapons is far more effective.If you get the chance to head out near white sands (i'm sure you'll know where i am talking about) you will see far more productive work.

Likewise the Atmospheric heater HAARP up in Alaska is far more reliable ang guaranteed to fry any incoming ISBM warheads electronics.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Whoops, correction sunday 8.20pm at an international airportlaugh

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Act for the best and have a military contingency for the worst.Thats the most sensible approach.After all cutting 30 percent from the military budget and maintaining the security services would easily make it possible for america to defend itself!

After all, there really is no need for the obsolete B2 at a cost of $2.2B a shot, especially as their about as invisible as a bus on modern radar.

I was talking to someone saturday, i wont say where they are from but they tracked a B2 on radar while in stealth mode all the way from the states from the UK.They actually laughed about it.

Indy, there are lost of countries taking whacks and some of them have been on the end of misguided American operations.

RE: What is the one thing you would most like us to know about you?

Oh that's easy, i'm financially brokerolling on the floor laughing

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