RE: Good Question,"Do you have a limit to what a man can fantasize about in bed?"

I suppose a gang bang with 30 midgets and Mel Brooks and Ted Bundy is also not on the cards.

Especially not in her mothers front room when a dinner party is about to start.

That might not go down too well.

RE: Good Question,"Do you have a limit to what a man can fantasize about in bed?"

Well i think i toned it down just enoughlaugh

RE: Randomly Post The First Thing That Pops Into Your Head Thread

I'm really not well.I came home sick from work, so i thought i would try to drive some bored people insane before i turn if for the night.

RE: Randomly Post The First Thing That Pops Into Your Head Thread

Freemasons, what were they called before they were freed?

Or was it easier to just execute them for getting to wealthy? After all that what a King or two decided?

RE: Randomly Post The First Thing That Pops Into Your Head Thread


Now how is it that a yeast infection has to copy a birds name to get attention and make it sound more glamorous like its some form of fashion statement?

I cant well go out yelling that my cats got thrush now can i?

I will just have to lie and say he's always killing other animals when i run out in the garden like a maniac to get a bird off him in just my pants.

RE: Describe yourself in one word?

Nauseous. That will teach me to look at the forum threads and browse profilesrolling on the floor laughing

RE: Examples of pw3nage and getting pw3nd (owned)

I am i should add not a Charity or Clarity case.

I'm more of a simple case.

As in "special" in special needs....grin

RE: Describe yourself in one word?


RE: Examples of pw3nage and getting pw3nd (owned)

You should see the chavs near here in Harlow. They really are Vicky Pollards!

I cant wear hats on my hands...that really will make me appear clinically insane.

Sod it why notlaugh

RE: Randomly Post The First Thing That Pops Into Your Head Thread

Can you buy lama steaks in Peru?

RE: Examples of pw3nage and getting pw3nd (owned)

Exactly! That was deliberate on behalf of the Scot's side of my heritage.

Besides i am never sure if i am supposed to feel oppressed or conquered in part by my other half of myself.

Possibly this would account for my urge to escape this country as fast as i can and go live somewhere where parts of me don't feel like their going to fall off in the cold.

RE: Randomly Post The First Thing That Pops Into Your Head Thread

I wonder what Madonna and Prince Phillips love child would look like?

I'm not sure but i am sure it would call chinese people slitty eyed and adopt a psych religion and then think their spreading gods will.

What deranged maniacs.

RE: Examples of pw3nage and getting pw3nd (owned)

My threads get locked or deleted on a regular basis.laugh

I have a standing bet at the local bookmaker how long they will last now.

Normally its a couple of hours but i didnt even see what caused to be my poll where i tried to make people spit their food out/drink out.....evacuate their bowls...howl with laughter, or in one case be sick.

I wanted to know the statistics and i was disappointed to see the thread went.

All i wanted to know was the best time to kick off to see how many i could make spit their drink out all over their computer monitor.

I have been told officially i have managed this in reality with two regulars.laugh

RE: Describe yourself in one word? both senses of the word.

RE: Examples of pw3nage and getting pw3nd (owned)

Oh well, Phil will now be off doing something productive, like having a life in the real world!

Let's hope he isn't drunk directing traffic with his trousers around his ankles, with a roadcone on his head.

RE: Is it Sane to Believe?

If there is a way to get someone to want to drink their aftershave for the last drop of alcohol to be able to stand some of the threads i think , just possibly the religious ones are what drive me mad the most.

People should just keep their religious beliefs to themselves, after all this isn't a recruiting ground.

Maybe i will become religious overnight now ive read a page of arguments.

It's the same old same old......and theres a word for that isn't there Conrad!

Pick one.....mine starts with an R*****H!

It's more productive than arguing about religionlaugh

RE: Is it Sane to Believe?

Conrad, ever seen the movie "Groundhog day"? This theme on religious threads goes around and around.

You have to be insane to want to read them again and againlaugh

RE: Choose...right here...right now!

I'll make it easier still, i wont even name a country or region.....she just has to one one thing.........

A cider factory.

RE: what make you happy woman?

Financial Maintenance/Support.laugh

RE: what make you happy woman?


RE: What music are you listening to right now?

Keine Lust .....By Rammstein

RE: A turning point in your life?

I am contemplating playing hopscotch in a minefield.

The game wont last long and then i don't have to worry about anything after that.

Feel free to ask away about the lack of beliefs, you managed to find someone without any more left to hold any faith in whatsoever.

A New Year On The Horizon........

What do you hope for personally?

A new job or career?

A move Abroad?

World Peace?

Everyone would like something, but honestly what would you like if you could have something i or someone else could just send you?

Or maybe its something intangible i cant ship you.......confess.

Either way i hope you get it, and i hope you all have merry and fruitful lives in 2009.

RE: What do you leave out for Santa?

Anyone entering this place on the 24th better be ready to drink their food through a straw at hospital.

Burglars, Santa, have been forewarned.

Hunting in packs??????

Well, from reading the last couple of pages at least it seems a couple of issues have been addressed, and all parties will now understand what irritates the other.


At least now peoples positions are stated and now the people can move on.

If people have something to add that is genuinely irritating them, this is the place to do it, and then hopefully by Xmas it will all be over and forgotten.

I am the peace process.....either join in and contribute and say your peice and make yourself heard with any suggestions...or stay silent and achieve nothing.

It's that simple...this place needs to evolve or it will become stagnant and festering, and i will not for one come here to listen to the same war chants played on repeat.

RE: British Women

Yes, its true i do have massive ...cats.

Ginger, the really big one is huge...16lbs of sheer muscle, and fuzz bless him tries, but will never ever be the size of his older adopted brother.

And, for the record....i am 6ft and no midget! That gives you an idea how big they are!!

Right, bedtime for me now!!

Hunting in packs??????

Evening sauasageness.

I started a thread to get them all to send me hate mail, either that or cheer up.sleep

RE: British Women

Oh i found a suitable picture, ill upload it with me in my living room, buried under ginger cats, literally.

Twill be on the profile for say 48 hours before they are both gone again.

RE: '' I believe that people should put forth an effort to look nice on a profile''

You know who i know who knows what i know and where i know it.

Lot's of knowing! There probably asleep right now oblivious.

Actually my friend in Vienna has seen me neat and tidy as well...Sorry Momo!

RE: '' I believe that people should put forth an effort to look nice on a profile''

I needed a picture in a hurry, if i could have been bothered to go out in the garage and find a clean bucket i would have worn that for a laugh.

After all, i am defective, out of order, requiring maintenance etc etc

This is a list of forum posts created by RobbieM.

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