symbolistartistsymbolistartist Forum Posts (761)

Artist desperately seeking EU men with intellect and heart!

Thanks! hug Yes you're right. And we should carry on talking, I think I've said what I had on my chest regarding this unfortunate incident and am now feeling better. As you saw I did reply to some of the questions on the other thread. And actually you do say things about yourself. I don't feel that there's any hidden agenda or anything else that's fishy. We're ok! teddybear

Finnish Artist Lady Seeking Intelligent, Warm British Man!

I've met enough people who preach and want to shove their truth down other people's throats to want no more of that. If people are just being silly it's maybe annoying but one can look past it. To be attacked and trashed is quite a different thing. You really have no business telling me what I'm like and what I should be learning from life. Go and become a missionary somewhere if that's how you want to treat people! I recognize your positive intent and as I said to you earlier I felt that you projected a strange mix of positive and negative comments. Yes I have potential and my life is busy enough. Plenty enough people see right through me and don't have a problem with what they see. I'm not saying it to defend myself but to try and make you see that you really have no idea what is going on in my life and I don't owe you any kind of reference of what is REALLY going on. We could have been friends if you didn't have this need to preach. It's a very displaced way of helping, it's telling others what to do rather than helping them to help themselves IN THE CASE OF THEM WANTING TO BE HELPED. I have not asked for your assistance and so will not take any of it either. I'm sorry this is the way it is and I'm not going to pretend othewise just to make you feel good about yourself. I am perfectly aware of all the ways in which people manipulate others so no fooling me there.

Finnish Artist Lady Seeking Intelligent, Warm British Man!

Ok, first of all let me just say that I have reported InternetExplorer as he's way out of line and people should feel safe to talk about themselves on any internet site. It's true that negative people who like to manipulate others by appealing to a lack of heart are truly digging their own grave since they are not practicing what they are preaching. I'm a deeply emotional person but I'm not going to reveal everything about myself in public. I may seem open but there is a lot still to be known about me, but that's for the chosen few that I feel I can trust. Unfortunately not many people can be trusted and I've certainly learned my lesson on the internet. It's very sad that some people like to strike exactly where they figure it will hurt the most. But that's all I'm going to say because I know that whatever they project will come back to them in the end.

I'm not going to answer all these questions, it's really too much. Well someone that I've just mentioned here told me upfront that I'm incomplete because I'm not crazy about theatre. It's funny because they weren't crazy about the visual arts and still feel they can pass on some judgment about it. Gilly, I'm more into dance and music. To me, watching people act is just not so satisfying - I prefer the completeness of a movie. It's just a matter of personal preferences and for instance could be a case of not having come across anything all that fascinating. I think this is not the place to go into details about what I get out of certain things, that's already pretty personal. I find that on the whole, stories that people produce are somewhat superficial and I like to dig deeper. Maybe the non-verbal arts are passing on new information that seems refreshing, dunno. Really, this is a subject that would require plenty more space. But in short I really enjoy that which is very mind/body connected and surreal. For instance enjoyed Victoria Chaplin in the Invisible Circus and the surrealist painters. Also like highly decorative, such as Gustav Klimt. Or mysterious such as de Chirico. sad flower

Finnish Artist Lady Seeking Intelligent, Warm British Man!

Thanks Gilly... I believe that your interest is sincere. Of course I can't spill out my guts here, that would be pretty naive don't you think? But right now I'm as upset as Internetexplorer wants me to be, that's the very truth and I'm sure he's feeling very smug when he sees this.

Artist desperately seeking EU men with intellect and heart!

Take a look at the similar thread on the UK forum and see why I may not be posting more about myself. There's a guy whose sole purpose in life is to tear me apart and trash everything I stand for.

Finnish Artist Lady Seeking Intelligent, Warm British Man!

I should add that I'm grateful also for the men here who have been kind and highly respectful. We all get a dosage of both, but I seem to be a thorn in Internetexplorer's side so he has to come after me.

Finnish Artist Lady Seeking Intelligent, Warm British Man!

Seems best to leave at this point because for some reason I seem to have pissed off Internetexplorer from the very day I came onto this site. If anything, I've attracted some smartasses who have nothing better to do than trash women online. I hope it's obvious to everybody that this guy is being highly abusive and has no business criticizing my way of communicating. If he wants to show all his emotions online, well I would say that's careless, arrogant and disrespectful towards others. I know this post came only because he needed to stick a knife in my back and have the last word. Very sad. Feel sorry for you Internetexplorer.

Artist desperately seeking EU men with intellect and heart!

Thank you Gussi, sweet of you kiss Well it's nice when people are interested but I'm wondering what this interrogation is leading to grin it takes a lot to write all this, that's for sure...

RE: What is the spiritualism

Oh and of course, spirituality can cover many unconventional strands of religions but it's mostly a desire for the deeper values in life as described by the more mystical strands of religion. So some people may follow some rituals or dogmas but in general there aren't many and they are always custom made to suit the individual's personal needs. That's spirituality in the age of individualism. Just a step on the evolutionary ladder.

RE: What is the spiritualism

Smoky puts it well. I came onto this site because it said it was for spiritual people who are not religious. Still I find many people who conform to religions writing me and telling me religion doesn't matter in a relationship. Well, IMO it does matter quite a lot once it becomes a personal undertaking that really pervades your entire existance. Once you've awoken that spark in you, the inner knowing as I would call it (an inner knowing of your true nature) then it's pretty hard to suppress it. It's a connection to your deeper self so to speak that beckons you to grow as a person and not waste your life on trivia. This is very hard for the average person (by this I mean someone who says they belong to whatever church they were born into) to grasp, so I find that explaining it becomes a chore.

When you become interested in the real nature of spirituality and look beyond the dogmas presented by the religioius traditions, you do research and engage more and more in the task of building a belief system that really fits who you are and with which you feel comfortable. There are many things a spiritual person feels intuitively but may not "know" in the sense that you're describing it. I intuit that my soul is an everchanging entity that is detached from my body, so I believe that there is no reason to fear death. The idea of reincarnation was the first thing I took a look at when I started to become aware of these dimensions.

When you are serious about your spiritual growth you start to tolerate mindgames much less and so things such as the dating games here on this site can be harder to deal with. You are more aware and thus more sensitive than the average person.

Artist desperately seeking EU men with intellect and heart!

Hi there! Am quoting you as what you say is so very kind and generous!! I've encountered many nice guys here, after all, though not all are interested. Yeah I'm not much of a multi-dater and do get very tired from trying to be discerning and let go of anyone who doesn't seem right, it's hard work indeed! So am trying to take it easy at the moment and digest it all... it's been quite a ride for a couple of weeks. I guess later on one will look back and think how funny it all was and a learning lesson too. I certainly now know that I'm really not cut out to be doing this! So I am certainly hoping that the one who seems the most appropriate really will turn out to be so. Otherwise I just have to continue... sigh, wiping my forehead.

Thank you for your supportive and encouraging words, it's really nice to get feedback like that. It's so nice to be seen that way, thank you ever so much!!! Good point, about what men like to see in a woman... I think it's something we all like to see in another person. The confidence and discernment. The very best to you! heart wings

Finnish Artist Lady Seeking Intelligent, Warm British Man!

Yes my art in the 1990s was very much about deep spiritual dilemma or insights. It's less so now but I'm sure it's there at the bottom somewhere. angel someone just said my art was like guidance to them and another that she carries a postcard of mine as if it was her ID card lol.

Finnish Artist Lady Seeking Intelligent, Warm British Man!

Well Gilly those are interesting questions, thank you for asking! A koan is a Buddhist paradoxical quizz with no answer, it's meant to shed light on the absurdity of existance. You've heard the one about the tree falling in the forest and whether it makes any sound if no one is there to listen? Or the sound of one hand clapping? There are more... and better ones.

One thing I want to make clear is that I did not study theology but the world religions.

I was at the art's academy in France and started to become very interested in primordial myths that attempt to explain the beginning of creation. The egg is a strong symbol, it signifies unity and oneness, and when it cracked existance became divided into two (the whit and the yolk) so now we have a dualist world (up/down, right/wrong etc). It helped me understand the paradox of life. I didn't know what the science of religion was all about when I left France and decided to go back to University but I figured I could go on reading about primordial myths and stuff. In the end I didn't because I got consumed by all the things that this education offered. I really really loved it. I love learning about people's behaviour and religion certainly is at the bottom of everything - even further down than psychology. I have no regrets whatsoever. I did the psychology of religion. Now I look at the world with this filter. In practice it often means that I spot a religion where others don't see them because one point with this education is to understand belief systems. It means that a lot of phenomena mirror religious beliefsystems if that makes any sense? I'm sure it's supporting me in what I like to write about, which is human behaviour basically. It ties in with my art so there's no problem. I love to get to the bottom of reality but in my own way...

Greek mythology? Don't know much about that to be honest, it's all symbolic stuff and it seems that each story carries a deeper meaning that can be analyzed if one is interested. I'm not really interested in Western belief systems. My minors were in philosophy and art history but I have to say that philosophy didn't make much sense to me, it was the religions that opened doors to understanding and insight. teddybear

Artist desperately seeking EU men with intellect and heart!

Glad to hear that Gilly! It's true that if you must do team work then you had better make sure you like the gang! I wonder if your film will be about people who are assertive and thus able to survive the art jungle out there or if you will find any sensitive souls that have much to give? Good subject anyway, let us know if you can show it online!

My collages is what I do for art these days, they deal with emotional issues but also to some extent criticism of phenomena within society. It all depends what's going on in my head.

Yes, I actually have one guy in mind for real (at least now seems like the most compatible) and he's not from this site but it's someone who shares my outlook on life and that's a good start... It will take a while to meet up though so it's slow.

I don't know if you've noticed but many seem to assume that religion doesn't matter. Why is that? Is it because it doesn't mean much to them or because they want to be broad minded? To me spirituality is in every breath I exhale.

Yes my back is deformed so I have my own way of walking though no one would be able to tell from the outside. I might enjoy tennis but I don't think my muscles are up to that. I don't understand the idea of sports at all, competition to me is impossible to understand... I can understand doing some in order to keep fit and play with someone else but not watching it... To each their own I guess. I mean how many artists would really care about sports?? Do you?

RE: Age

In short and somewhat steretyped: a young men doesn't know enough and an older one knows too much LOL. It can also be a bit like asking a kid in an elementary school to take classes in high school.

RE: Age

Yes, good question. I like Smoky's point: "Too old means they cant keep up with you. And too young means they get all sorts of crazy ideas that won`t work....." hehe. I would say that hanging out with someone much younger than yourself means that you have to do quite a bit of explaining regarding facts of life that you've acquired from experience. They may think it's enough to hear about these things and perhaps it is for some, but I think experience is a great teacher in a deeper sense. To me it's like, younger men just can't see my perspective on life and truly understand who I've become while older men are often very set in their ways and not very likely to want to adapt to you. I also don't want to move up into a senior class before my time, which I feel happens with an older guy (I'm middle aged). With many young you kind of feel ugly and not attractive enough anymore, however it's not always the case if the man is one who looks for inner beauty. That's my experience anyway... I do like the feeling of talking to someone who has grown up about the same time as myself. I love the innocence of youth, some guys can be really sweet and openhearted, rather than hardened and bitter like some older people. However, there is such a thing as a generation gap... not sure exactly how to define it but it seems quite real for the most part. I also enjoy a guy who has a fairly settled life and knows what he wants yet not too hardened and stubborn so that he's not open to new influences in his life. In other words, I'm in a hurry LOL grin

Finnish Artist Lady Seeking Intelligent, Warm British Man!

Because of restrictions I have to post the rest here:
(Men please listen up; my expectations are perfectly real and based on sound judgment, please don't question it all!)

That movie sounds interesting; it's always interesting to delve into stereotypes. They do abound... But there are also some truths behind a few clichés. For instance, artist really are a different breed and most people know this intuitively.

I've worked within tourism and loved it, but that was long ago. I did guided tours and sat in museums. I always had great luck in finding interesting/nice jobs connected to who I am as a person. My first job was as a cleaning lady, guess you could say I've tried it LOL. I don't have to work for a living for reasons I don't want to disclose here. wave

Artist desperately seeking EU men with intellect and heart!

Hello Englishman55! Thank you so much for your kind words! Yes, many nice men have contacted me to wish me good luck! Others have contacted me without quite understanding what I'm looking for. Yet others have been abusive. And finally we have those who have only one thing in mind. Quite the ride in other words, not expected at all. I keep an open mind but I really wasn't born yesterday and find that many talk to me as if I didn't know what I needed and they are able to tell me what it is confused It seems that many people still have problems with dealing with rejection; I'd suggest people work that out before they come online and start blasting at those who turn them down! In the end it's impossible to please everyone who contacts you on a free site like this...

I appreciate your words though and it's really good to get into a more positive mood. It's easy to get carried away by the negative vibes... blues

I've found a couple of guys that I like a lot, but right now I also have other worries of a practical nature so it will take time to sort everything out and make plans about meeting and seeing how I could work out a possible relocation in way that would be realistic and not too stressful, since my health is not perfect.

Well Gilly I just hung 22 of my collages in a café, it was a good "deal" for me. Sports? What do sports have to do with anything...? My backproblem forces me to exercise every day but what I hope for is a partner who would also like to take walks with me. I've been too busy to do my qigong, I must do some now! See you! teddybear

RE: where is the best place to live in europe?:)

Ireland seems like a good contender, this is somewhat helpful to me, thanks. I think that peoples who had a bit of a rough time in the past tend to be warmer and more hospitable. Finland used to be that way, it hasn't changed too much but you can spot a difference. When everything is good financially speaking people don't bother with taking care of each other anylonger. Ireland is of course going upwards financially speaking so maybe now is a good time to live there grin

I visited when I was 11, I thought it was the most magical place I could imagine. That was on the West coast. I'm sure that set the note of the rest of the pursuits of the rest of my life.

Artist desperately seeking EU men with intellect and heart!

Really, Gilly? How do you know? Some weird stuff in the air...?

Thank you Rusty Knigth, that was kind of you! Kindness is always welcome kiss

RE: Would you emigrate elsewhere, if so where?

It's obvious that taste varies a LOT, so it's really just a matter of what good things we like about a place and what bad things we can put up with :-) however I was interested to see that people would move where there might be love, above anything else, which is contrary to the results of a question I asked about the willingness to relocate a while ago. wine

Artist desperately seeking EU men with intellect and heart!

Thanks Marti, I figured you did! I appreciate the concern. Yes I find this place extremely confusing, it takes a lot to be discerning. I've never been bombarded as much as here, though I expect it ends when I'm no longer new. Let's just us women stick together right? hug :-)

Finnish Artist Lady Seeking Intelligent, Warm British Man!

Btw in the Brainiac test the plastic underwear (you know with a mouse's head and all) melted REALLY badly... I would highly recommend that EVERYONE RECONSIDER WHAT THEY WEAR!!! Cotton burns the least! Plus it probably saves you in other ways too.cheering

Finnish Artist Lady Seeking Intelligent, Warm British Man!

GOOD FOR YOU!!! Cheers! beer

Finnish Artist Lady Seeking Intelligent, Warm British Man!

Oh goodness, I'm really in the hot seat here... lol... I did art history both in England and at University as a minor (well it was my major at first but I changed it). It was cool but also cold in that you analyze other people's often emotional expression with such detachment - that's what got me thinking that I should seek for my own creativity.

I know a guy who hated art school, well I think it's a shame because sometimes it's better to conform a little and get a degree and then do what you please - if you're lucky of course but rather a degree than none at all IMHO. I didn't like the last year in France (illustration) so I left... in my case it really mattered very little as i can still say I'd been there and that I have other degrees. It's complicated, I don't think I can explain it here.

Smell, well that's a good point: all senses should be engaged at one time or another IMO. yes.

Finnish Artist Lady Seeking Intelligent, Warm British Man!

LOL 33 years, hm! yay Well unfortunately I haven't been able to visit the UK for over ten years (help has it been that long????) but occasionally I catch a program on modern art on TV. The Swedes do good shows, and I'm interested to see what people do. Most of it I don't exactly love, I just find it interesting that people come up with various ideas that attempt to shed new light on reality. I guess in a way a real artist is a philospher, as they too tend to challenge our perception of reality. I did this funny quizz on FB, "what painting are you" and I was Magritte's Son of Man. According to the interpretation I love to challenge people's perception of reality and call myself a realist. Very true. I'm not too crazy about abstract art BUT I love to do abstract photography. What thrills me is the fact that there's a basis in reality! As for bridges under excellence... uhum, I'm not sure I follow... But maybe I would if I knew the context thumbs up

I sound British??? Yay, that was my intention thirty years ago when I started to practice, haha, though I'm somewhat influenced by American. We're lucky sods in a way because TV is not dubbed and we got loads of shows from the UK and the US, and in fact a few from NZ and AUS as well. Finns do have a bit of a problem with the accent and stuff, I'm lucky in the sense that Swedish is also a Germanic language.

Yes I'd say my parents were quite supportive, they had their own issues when I was young but they also didn't try to force me into anything. Basically it was the free education of the 70s, LOL. "Do what you want to do dear", "hell what??? I don't know anything I'm just a child, help!!!" LOL

Yes I believe colours make some difference but it's not crucial. If you wear black you won't die soon, LOL. However polyester on the other hand... I wouldn't recommend any underwear made of plastic! devil

Yes, freedom would be great... I do long for it as I'm sure many others do too... or do they? I'm never quite sure what is normal, lol... ;-) teddybear

Finnish Artist Lady Seeking Intelligent, Warm British Man!

Oh well my parents are from Helsinki though my mom's story is complex and her roots are from somewhere else. As I mentioned in the other thread, I started in 1991. I was doing arthistory at the university of Helsinki but started to wonder if maybe I had some creativity within. I decided to find out and was accepted to an art school in France. I followed various courses for four years, then went back to my academic studies in Helsinki and got a degree in 1999. I had a lot of exhibitions in the 1990s: my mother asked me to produce stuff for exhibitions and I did... Slowly did it on a regular basis. That was after my time in France, which gave me some ideas though the symbolism came to me when I had a budding interest in mythology. But it's more true to say it just came to me overnight. I have less exhibitions now because of my life circumstances (it's heavy and complicated to arrange them and I don't have a car), still there's one or two a year. Recently had my first solo photographic exhibition in a real photo gallery. On Sunday I'm hanging my collages in a café. And so on...purple heart

Finnish Artist Lady Seeking Intelligent, Warm British Man!

Wow, a lot of questions :-). Well you're really kind, thanks again for your friendly feedback!

Ok well I was born in the capital of Finland, Helsinki in case anyone forgot lol, but I belong to a linguistic minority of Swedish speaking people. We're about 4,5 % of the population. It's actually the second official language which the Finns are not so crazy about. But it's ok, really, no really great schisms here. I just don't really relate to Finnish culture though. My parents were both professional photographers so I do photography too. My mother, who became famous because of an incident related to my birth, does some painting. No siblings so don't know what they would have turned out to be :-D.

No I don't do my collages/mixed media every day, just on occasion when I feel like it. I get bored easily so I need to take breaks. I usually have some strong issue that I feel would be good to express, but it's not really therapy. I work with that feeling/issue/whatever so that it becomes art (in other words it's reasonably controlled rather than just being a random splash of emotion). I do hope for some really great old house where I could have a big studio, I know it would increase my motivation since I would be able to spread everything out and have an overview in a different way than I do now. I would also be able to leave it and walk away from it, which I can't do to the same extent now. Plus the view from the window would be inspiring :-).

How's that? wave

Artist desperately seeking EU men with intellect and heart!

Hi Sommer and Gilly! Thanks for asking Gilly, well my artwork became symbolic overnight in -91, then I started to study and analyze my dreams to really get into the lingo. After that I would imagine up a symbolic painting that depicted my feelings and thoughts at the time. I sold most of my work. During this millennium I've had to resort to doing collages though because my hand and arm cramp when I draw. It's fun and last year I made a lot that I'm showing in exhibitions this year. I had had a bit of a break because of tumoltuous relationship issues and stuff. And you do need a break also to rejuvenate and find new motivation. My artwork was more esoteric in the 1990s, now it's more about my feelings as well as some criticism of social issues. :-)

Finnish Artist Lady Seeking Intelligent, Warm British Man!

laugh ah, I knew the answer was simple! Thanks, I'm not taking this too seriously, but I do take PRIVATE MAILS SERIOUSLY SO BEWARE, I'm really a she-devil!!! devil

This is a list of forum posts created by symbolistartist.

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