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My Easter Blog

What relevance or significance does the crucifixion of Christ have to mankind? I’ve always been puzzled by this and even asked the question several times on this site. I’ve never heard an answer that makes sense.

I got a leaflet through my door today; it had a website for the “Life Changers Church” printed on it. On the website I found this nicely concise answer to the question”

Christianity is a RELATIONSHIP... That’s why He sent Jesus Christ to the earth, to die on a cross as a substitute for you and me; for our sins; and the sins of this world. Jesus paid the price to create a bridge between God and man. A perfect man, Jesus, took the place of imperfect man—you and me; and He exchanged His innocent life, for our guilty life.

As neat as this answer is I’m afraid that, as far as I am concerned, it answers nothing. It seems a totally arbitrary exercise on the part of God. If mankind was guilty of something, and Jesus was innocent, how on Earth does contriving his gruesome death exonerate mankind? There’s no logic to it; absolutely no rationality.

I am not responsible for anyone's “sins” but my own.

There seems to be a school of thought within Christianity which maintains that what you believe is more important than what you do in this life. As long as you believe in God, and love God above all else, any wrong you may have done, no matter how bad, can be forgiven. Well forgiveness is within the gift of the wronged, and is a matter for them. If you want to depart the World without sin, don’t commit any. But, if you are merely human and can’t manage that, just learn to live with what you’ve done wrong and try not to do it again.

Believe in and love God as much as you like, but don’t go thinking that lets you off the hook when it comes to how you behave towards your fellow man. scold .. Just consider: if God loves mankind as much as it is said he does, and he is not really the praise demanding narcissist that he is treated as, he may well think that way too.

Happy Easter.
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A Perfect Storm

Two unrelated circumstances came together recently to form what is currently the practice to call a perfect storm. It is hard to predict what a storm might leave in its wake; it depends on too many variable factors to be done with much accuracy. The nature of the storm; its strength and direction, and what lays in its path are a few that come readily to mind. My storm, when it came, could easily have been mistaken for a light breeze, and I certainly could not have predicted what it would leave behind.

Sardines are what it left behind. That -I think- illustrates very well my point about the unpredictability of the consequences of storms; as does this blog: Who could have predicted that something entitled “A Perfect Storm” would turn out to be about sardines?

The first circumstance to manifest was my diminishing interest in putting any effort into preparing meals. The second was the uncertainty of being able to rely on the availability of any particular item in the supermarket, because of the panic buying the virus crisis has prompted in many of us. It occurred to me that a possible solution to both these problems may well come in the form of cans. Had I been more discriminating in my choice of cans when I set about stocking up on them it is more than likely that sardines would not have been included, but my guard was down and they were.

I opened the sardines one lunch time when I found I had nothing else that didn’t need heating up. There were three of them lying there in the can, and they were not as tightly packed as their reputation had led me to expect. Nor did I expect how tasty they would be, and a world of possibilities opened up.

I was suddenly thinking of sardines in white wine sauce and sardines au vin: imagining sardines a la creme and sardines on a bed of couscous with roasted Mediterranean vegetables, and even sardines and mash, or sardines in the hole.

After a while, immediately after my disappointment at the infeasibility of sardine Kiev, I remembered why I had bought the sardines in the first place, so I just eat them straight from the can.
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CelticWitch64online today!

Depression & mental illness

I see we have yet another blog about the above....
and truthfully we've heard it all before on previous blogs.

Not that I disagree with any such topics as some are therapeutic for many....
I sympathise with anyone who must live with such conditions sad flower
if and when genuine.

But when is anyone ever going to have the balls to blog about the other side of the matter that no-one ever really wants to discuss.

If and when someone ever does, by all means give me a shout.

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chatilliononline today!

How to raise $454 Million...

Like him or not, Micheal Cohen brought up some interesting discussion about how Trump could raise money to post bond for the New York civil fraud trial. Trump had claimed to have the cash. He doesn't or he would have posted bond and stop the accruing interest.
If he liquidates properties, it won't be soon and he will have to pay taxes on the long-term capital gains, as high as 40% and pay off mortgages too.
Chubb already fronted money for the defamation case against E. Jean Carroll. What corporation or billionaire will front him money knowing there's a chance it won't be repaid?

There's always a suspicion he will back channel money from a foreign government... Saudi or Russian. That would put him in a compromising position of favoritism should he make it to the White House. Other suspicions are he's holding on to some of the classified documents that could be a negotiating tool. Cohen states our national security is at risk.
As he says... it's No Joke.

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chatilliononline today!

Biden in 2024...

My blog on Gag Order was filling with different topics. That said, new day, new blog. This one focuses on Joe Biden. What's happening now and what to expect in 2024.

gonelikethewimd stated attending a recent convention, people are saying they would vote for Trump (that is if he's not convicted) and if he's convicted, they would NOT vote for Biden.

I'm re-posting one of her comments on that blog for relevance to this blog:

(gone, if it's not okay to quote you, let me know and I'll delete and rewrite the opening lines)
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All my family Blogger peace
I want to know about Respected Ashlander. angel
Anyone know about her. dunno
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salamunaonline today!

life principles

Do you have any strong life principles and beliefs that you do not violate under any circumstances? a kind of personal code of ethics. Do you want to share it here?
I believe that this set of principles and values shows who you are and who you are not.
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Johnny_Spartononline today!

Would you date somebody that is less than half your age...

that you are not exactly attracted to, but they just threw themselves at you?

Let's set some parameters. You are hitting an older age where you know you are not getting exactly younger.

The person, seems to be very mature and well grounded.

You are very good friends.

You have been single for over 10 years and the idea of adding someone to your life is a bit scary.

Their mom and dad is younger than you.

There are so many more. I think the best response, especially after having a couple of drinks was to say, I am flattered...and give her a hug.


Another know there are some other people interested in you...but they are in a relationship, married...and have never come out and said anything...but you know their behavior around you speaks volumes. They are people you are attracted to.... do you do the dance here


It’s probably my own fault that I don’t know the reason why. If I could be bothered to actually read the entirety of the blogs it might possibly give me some insight into the motivation behind them. The blogs I refer to are those posted by that group of bloggers who have become collectively known as the lying bastards. Unfortunately, and I wish it were otherwise, they seem to have only become known as that by me.

Anyway, back to the why. So why do the lying bastards want as many people as possible to believe the lies that they, the bastards, are going to great lengths to propagate? While my current obsession is with the lying itself -I hate lying- I also have some curiosity about the reason for it. It isn’t burning curiosity, but, nevertheless, even mild curiosity can cause an annoying itch. So here are a few whys:

Why are the sycophantic Trumpsters so intent on discrediting Obama and Clinton? They are gone, aren’t they? They may still have a voice, but are they still influential enough to pose a threat to the Orange buffoon? I don’t know, but I wouldn’t have thought their influence significant enough to warrant all the effort being put into blackening their names.

5G. Now who’s interests are really being threatened by 5G? The interests of all of us, apparently. The motivation behind the campaign to derail 5G is concern for public health. Bollocks; anyone who believes that will believe anything.

Bill Gates. The man is instrumental in channelling millions of dollars into philanthropic projects in deprived areas of the World, yet there are dark forces determined to have us believe that he is the personification of evil. Why, for God’s sake!

The covid restrictions: Governments all around the World are imposing rules and restrictions in response to the virus crisis. The explanations for doing so seem perfectly sensible and logical, yet people are screaming out about their freedom being taken away. This is all temporary, things will go back to normal. Who is fuelling this fire? The capitalists perhaps, who are horrified at seeing their cash flows not flowing?

I’m not even going to bother with all the things the satanists are being blamed for, although it does upset me a little, this particular group of scapegoats being rather close to my heart.

I could go on, and I normally would, but my attention span is flagging for some reason. Perhaps I will add more things later as a means of bumping a blog suffering from disinterest back to the top of the page.
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