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7 Reasons Matchmaking Is Better Than Online Dating

That's right. I've had it with online dating. When I get to Ireland I am going to sign up with a local matchmaker to find my significant other. I've researched it and it looks like the best way to go.

Here’s 7 reasons offline matchmaking is better than online dating. With matchmaking we’re talking about a personalized service where a professional matchmaker helps you meet someone special. Online dating refers to online membership dating sites like

1. You only meet singles who are serious about a long-term relationship
With matchmaking it’s certain you’ll only meet people seeking a long-term relationship. People who pay for matchmaking service are serious about finding love. You won’t find anyone who’s looking for a casual fling, who has little or no intention of entering a long-term relationship.

2. Most of work done for you
With matchmaking you’re paying for a premium service. Your professional matchmaker helps you find compatible singles that live near you. This means you don’t have to go trawling through online dating profiles searching for potential matches. You don’t have to prepare your profile. Effectively you provide your details and preferences and the matchmaker finds you compatible dates with relationship-minded people in your area.

3. Guaranteed introductions
When using a professional matchmaker you can expect guaranteed introductions. This means you can be sure you will meet singles who are interested in dating you. In contrast you may not meet anyone that’s compatible or worth pursuing on online dating sites. Even worse, you might get duped by liars, cheaters and phonies.

4. No fake or misleading profiles
With matchmaking there are no fake or misleading dating profiles. People who use the services of a matchmaker are screened to verify the accuracy of their details. In most cases the matchmaker is preparing the profile. They understand that being authentic and real is the foundation for a relationship that lasts.

5. Insider info on dates
Your matchmaker doubles as your personal dating coach. The big bonus here is that you get insider information on your date before the date. Your matchmaker usually has met your date in person and can pass on important information you’d never get from a profile. Your matchmaker can help you to prepare for your date and give solid advice on what to do and what not to do. Using their experience they can offer a range of recommendations to help you get the best result.

6. Honest date feedback
With a matchmaking service you can expect timely objective feedback on your dates. And you get honest feedback after the date. The matchmaker usually knows the person you are dating and plays the role as date facilitator. This gives you a clear answer on whether to continue dating or move on. You can’t get this feedback on online dating sites, you’re always guessing.

7. Much faster, much less time from you
Matchmaking is much more time efficient. You are paying for someone to do the work for you. You don’t have to spend time creating and finessing your profile. You don’t have to send multiple emails and chat with heaps of people, many whom just waste your time. All you have to do is get setup and make yourself available for dates. Matchmaking typically works faster because you’ve hired someone who is paid to get results, they guarantee introductions and must fulfill on this obligation.

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Another Year Older

Well, today I turn 51. Yikes! I know I should be happy that it's my birthday, but I'm not. I know the alternative is I'd be in the ground, so I have that to be grateful for. Ever since I turned 40, I have not wanted to celebrate my birthday. My parents are coming, from Ohio, tomorrow to celebrate my birthday. So, I will put a smile on my face and act happy.

So, how do you face growing older with grace and appreciation?
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What Do You Think?

Is it worth being in a relationship if one person is optimistic about the future of the partnership but the other is cautiously pessimistic about the future?

Doing the Right Thing

I was raised with a very strict moral code. I was taught that lying was a sin as was gossip since it was a spiteful act that hurt people. I was raised to respect people and treat them well. I was told to always do the right thing even when no one was watching, because God is always watching. My father always said that a person was only as good as his word, so always keep it.

My grandmother taught me a great many things, as my mother had no patience with me. She was very religious, generous, loving woman who raised 8 children. She got married at 16 to my grandpa who was 32! She lived a hard life but she was always grateful and full of praise for her creator.

She told me that we are put here on this earth to help our fellow man whenever we can. The ideas of "looking out for #1" and "every man for himself," are wrong. She said when we see someone in need, and if we are able, to help them to the best of our ability. Even if it is only offering friendship and a shoulder to lean on and letting them tell you their troubles to lessen their burden.

I live my life by the strict moral code that I was raised with and I raised my children with. I am constantly baffled, confused and disillusioned when I observe people living in opposition to a moral life.

I will continue doing the right thing, because I know, at the end of the day, I have done my best.
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When Is It Time To Go?

I had a bit of road rage today. Didn't do anything stupid, of course, just dropped the F bomb a lot which my daughter noticed. Apparently, I'm the only one on the road who knows how to freaking drive! My aggression meter is maxed out. I've been losing my temper a lot lately.

Apparently, not dealing with PTSD has some serious repercussions, mentally and physically, of which I'm dealing with right now. I'm still operating in survival mode as if I was still living in the toxic, abusive environment with my ex. I had therapy for PTSD for my first marriage, I've just never dealt with it from this past marriage.

Once I deal with it, my body will stop operating in survival mode, waiting for the next bomb to drop. Then things can play out naturally and return to normal. I'm looking forward to my appointment with my psychiatrist this afternoon.

I am thinking of leaving CS. I have begun looking for another site, but I don't think I want to do this online thing anymore. Maybe it's just time to call it quits. I'm not getting as much enjoyment out of the forums and I'm hesitant to post to my blog now because of some nasty comments I get.

Except for that, I've enjoyed my time here.
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Lost Things

Of things beautiful and profane.
Grace of form in marble revealed.

Of light and shadow, the canvas speaks.
Words and music flow like wine.

Images dance and roll inside the mind.
A glimpse, a portrait, a moment in time.

Abandoned now, the ways of old.
Condemned to burn, the conflagration consumes.

Bereft of hope, the future lament.
Glittering, sparks, the dying embers glow.

Swirling ash on howling winds.
Scattered, lost. To be seen no more.
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The Shaming of Eve

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s*xual Subjugation of Women

Women have been subjugated and oppressed throughout history. We are told to deny our desires and feelings, as they are wrong or shameful. We are made to feel dirty or wrong for thinking the way we do. This "double standard" still exists.

Women were once considered chattel or property. We were the property of our father. Then, ownership was transferred to our husband at marriage. Historically, her value was placed on her virginity. If it was intact, she could get a higher bride price for her father. If she was not a virgin, her value went down and the prospective husband was not required to pay as much to the bride’s father. She was considered soiled, impure, damaged goods.

The USA was founded with a puritanical Judeo-Christian belief system. Yes, there still exists the belief of the patriarchal hierarchy, men have the power, women are second class citizens. Biblically, Eve was blamed for for the downfall of mankind and our expulsion from the Garden of Eden. But Adam ate the apple, as well. Yet, women are seen as a deceiver or temptress of man.

So, when a woman dares step out of line, by owning her sexuality and asserting her power as a human being, the reaction can be very negative. Derogatory or shaming words are meant to put a woman in her place. To shut her down and silence her.

But, when a man expresses his desires, he is seen as being a healthy human being owning his own power and sexuality.

Women are beautiful, powerful and s*xual beings. We must stand up and be proud of who we are. Enough of the double standard and staying quietly in our place.

A strong woman can be frightening or threatening to some men. If a man is strong and powerful, he is praised as a capable leader. If a woman acts the same way, she is seen as a b*tch. She may be called a lesbian, dyke or any number of derogatory words.

All the negative reactions, to a woman asserting her power, are meant to put her back in her place.

As women, we must be proud of who we are. Assert you rights as a human being. We are not inferior, less than or second class citizens. Take your place as an equal.
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The Qualities You look For In A Partner

List 5 qualities, in order of importance, that your partner must have. Why are these qualities important to you? Which ones are less important? Why?

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Good Looks
Great Body
Sense of Humor
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Blindsided By Life

I've dreamed of living in Ireland for years now. It is a dream that has sustained me through my darkest days. I plan to move there, with my son, after he graduates high school next summer. Yes, I had my life all planned.

I don't know if my dreams of Ireland are going to come true now! Something has happened to throw that dream into chaos! I am so angry and confused.

I was careful to only correspond with men from Ireland. Well, last month 2 of them broke contact with me when I told them about my past baggage of the abuse and suicide attempts and mental health issues. Most men can't handle it and I don't blame them. One of the men couldn't handle the fact that I have seen and interacted with spirits and grew up in a haunted house.

They both ended up calling me a freak and leaving skid marks on the pavement in their haste to get away from me. sigh

I cannot help the fact that my 150 year old childhood house is haunted or that I could sense and see the things I do! I grew up believing everyone could and it was no big deal. My mother told me to never mention it out loud again and to never tell anyone. Well, that made me feel like a freak for sure.

I have been corresponding with 3 men from Ireland, since the "freak incident." Everything had been going well for this past month.

Unbeknownst to me, a man had slipped in under my radar. And he is not Irish! How could I have let this happen?! We got to know each other in the forums. Just friendly banter really. He got to see all my secrets because of my inability to lie and keep my mouth shut. doh

He even joked with me about knowing my bad qualities and asked if I had any good qualities as a selling point to recommend me as a potential partner for a man. That remark kind of stung. He emailed me to apologize and we have been corresponding ever since. He got to know me better on the forums and through our private correspondence.

I should have seen it coming, but I didn't! He is so kind, compassionate, caring, understanding, loving and passionate he completely blindsided me! How could I stand against such an onslaught?! I had also stopped corresponding with the 3 men from Ireland a week ago and I didn't even notice!

When he confessed his feelings Wednesday night and I realized mine, I was livid with anger! How could I have let this happen?! I let him have it with other things from my past to discourage him and he took the revelations with style and grace! I then asked about any bad qualities he had and if he had any beliefs that were sexist, racist, homophobic or anything else objectionable. He responded calmly that I knew him well enough that I already knew the answers to those questions.

Dammit, I did! I raged at him for a couple hours until I calmed down. He was loving and kind through my whole tirade. Of course! He's perfect for me! But he's not Irish! I'm so screwed.

I told my 17 year old autistic son about my problem. He looked at me confused and said, "You have a man who knows all your flaws and accepts you and loves you anyway. What is your problem, again?"

Men! You see what I'm dealing with?! roll eyes laugh
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For The Love Of Horses

I have been a horse lover all my life. I feel an affinity and closeness with horses. Whenever I’m around them, I feel a sense of peace and calm, like I’m right where I’m supposed to be. I don’t have a horse myself, sad to say, but I love being around them.

Growing up, from age 10 to 18, I went to horse riding camp every year. The bunk house was built right off the barn! It was glorious! After everybody was asleep, I’d go in the barn and visit with the horses. This was a working farm, and we as campers, were the farm hands. We handled 50lb bags of horse feed, 65lb square bales of hay and we mucked out the stalls every day.

The horses of course, got fed before we did. There were horseback riding lessons as well. We mostly learned western, but were also taught bareback and how to guide with leg pressure. We also did some barrel racing. We did very little English Dressage and fence jumping. I wish we could have spent more time on that. I really enjoyed it. From sun up to sun down, we were working. It was exhausting, but the best time of my life. At the end of the week my clothes would be hanging off me as I would usually lose between 15 to 20lbs.

We were taught to respect a horse and get him to work with us, not use brute force to command him. We were taught to guide the horses with our legs. We were also taught that a horse’s mouth is sensitive and to exercise restraint in using the reins. Anyone seen unnecessarily pulling or jerking on the reins was severely reprimanded. We never used a whip or riding crop as our instructors didn’t believe in negative reinforcement.

Since I was usually the more skilled rider they gave me the “problem” horse. One year I got Goliath. He was huge and thought he could go wherever he pleased. I stopped that nonsense right away. The next year I got Widow Maker. He was a handful! When I was 18, and at my last year at camp, I got my favorite horse, her name was Lady. And she was anything but a lady. She was a beautiful black Quarter Horse. And I loved her at first sight when I saw her rearing up in the stall. She was a beauty. She had a bad habit of rearing up and bucking until the rider was on the ground. After a few demonstrations of her skill, nobody wanted to ride her.

One of the instructors turned to me and said, “She’s your horse for the week.” I was so excited I nearly screamed. I knew she was just misunderstood. She had developed bad habits because of inexperienced riders. I knew I could work with her and turn her around. As I walked her out to the practice ring, she tried to rear up, but I had a hold of the halter, pulled firmly, soothed her with my voice and patted her neck. I figured we had an understanding.

As I tried to mount up, I realized I was wrong. She began bucking and twisting trying to throw me off. I’m halfway on, but still hanging on. I finally get seated and she starts rearing up. My feet were seated heavy in the stirrups and I leaned forward toward her neck. She didn’t unseat me. She then tried to buck me off. I leaned back as far as I could without hitting her hindquarters. I remained seated. This display continues for about five minutes until she calmed. Her sides were heaving and she was a bit winded. I patted her neck and told her everything was alright now.

I thought, great, all that nonsense is behind me. I thought wrong. If I let my guard down or got lazy with my signals, Lady would try something. If I relaxed the reins too much, she’d unseat the bit by pushing it forward with her tongue. Then she had complete control of her head and would take off at a gallop. I’d lean forward to remain seated. I had to take a rein in each had and firmly pull down to properly seat the bit and gain control of her head. Then we would go back to our practice lessons.
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Gentlemen, The Secrets To A Happy Relationship

In honor of JimNastics blog, about the Rules of Understanding Men, I have come up with a list of Don’ts to help men get along better with women.

Do NOT drink directly out of the container of milk or juice!

Do NOT put the cereal box back in the cabinet with just the crumbs in it!

Do NOT put the milk or juice container back in the fridge with just a swallow left.

Do NOT put the containers of: ice-cream, cookies, potato chips, candy, etc. back when it's nearly empty or just the crumbs.

If you make a sandwich, do not leave everything sitting on the counter after you are done – put it away.

When your chore is to take care of the trash, do NOT let it pile up like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, until the cat topples the trash tower and spreads it over the kitchen floor - and then, have the nerve to get angry at the cat.

We have a laundry hamper for dirty clothes. Stop taking your clothes off as you enter the house, dropping them on the floor as you make your way to the bedroom. By the time you make it to the bedroom, and the hamper, you're down to your boxers and there is nothing to put in the hamper!

Stop piling your semi-clean clothes on a chair, making a "clean clothes mountain." The hamper is two feet away!

Stop asking me to smell your “semi-clean clothes” to see if they are clean enough to wear!

Stop letting the grass get a foot high before you mow, then complaining about how hard it is to mow.

Stop leaving dirty dishes all over the house. Have you forgotten where the kitchen is?

Seriously, how hard is it to put the toilet seat down? The natural position of the seat is DOWN. Return it to its resting position.

And, the toilet roll winds OVER the top not under.

When you get to the end of a paper towel or toilet roll, replace it on the roller!

Stop taking a crap with the bathroom door open. This is not a spectator sport and, no, you aren't making the room smell better!

Stop asking me to come in and have a look at it after you are done!

And, no, I don't think you should take a picture of it!

So, Gentlemen, there you have it. Some very easy things to change to bring peace and harmony to the home.
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What Is The True Measure Of A Man?

Physical Strength
Strength of Character

Now, it can be argued that all three of these characteristics work together in defining a good man. But, if you had to chose one characteristic that defined the true measure of a man, what would it be?

There is no right or wrong answer. This poll is not meant to become a divisive debate where people square off and take sides. Your decisions will be based on your personal perceptions, with deciding factors such as gender, culture or age, to name a few.

Again, this is not an argument for or against any of the three choices, you are just stating your personal preference. You do not have to defend your personal preference or debate it.

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

~Martin Luther King, Jr.

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