No, a Russian sub did not sink a US sub.

It was 'mistakenly' reported on here with some fictitious story about the Russians sinking one of our US subs
and that we were on the brink of war. Thankfully, the blogger removed that blog, before most of the
conservatives (who rarely do proper research) became alarmed. Although, it isn't clear which country
a lot of them would back.

Regardless, this is why research should be done and one should rely only on REPUTABLE sources of news.
Here is the actual story, yesterday in the NY Times;

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Comments (7)

You have no idea what has happened , habit of yours .
You have no idea, what I do & do not know. Bad habit of YOURS.
Well you are usually 2 thirds wrong then hide behind news item turning out to be fake . Given the odds of 2 thirds wrong on this matter could well be a fleet of subs at the bottom . Either way there is trouble and its connected to the Russian sub . We all wait and see .

That appears to be raw footage of three takes of a staged press event in which Putin provides information on the "incident".
Something akin to a U.S. Prez making a public statement following a disaster like the loss of a Space Shuttle.

FWIW - Unless something was lost in the translation - I did not hear Putin say, "Drop The Big One!"
very happy

14 dead - 7 Captains of 1st Rank, presumably equivalent to a U.S. Navy Captain.
Seems a lotta upper echelon military brass hats were aboard that research(?) vessel

Has Trump or Pence made any public apperances since Pence failed to show ? Usually you can't shut Trump up and there has been reports his twitter account is quiet .
Yeah, Russia is a 'true' friend. laugh
To Trump's 'credit' (discredit) he did try to lift sanctions on Russia and Congress would
have no part of it.
It's not the first time an accident killed their own people, or even their first sub.
Sometimes they are their own worst enemy. Not unusual for an aggressor.
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by JimNastics
created Jul 2019
Last Viewed: 9 hrs ago
Last Commented: Jul 2019
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