Dating for the Aware

Having been a member of CS for approximately 2 months, I’ve made certain observations.

1. From reading the comments of others, I’ve concluded that some people have been members for many years. Although the site may offer a sense of camaraderie and support, amongst other things, it would appear that often it may not lead to finding a long-term partner.

2. It’s apparent that there is a very high number of scammers on the site, which is probably due to it being a free site. Sifting through many unwanted messages is very time consuming.

3. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s very difficult to find members in my local area, Initially I thought this was due to the fact that I live in a fairly remote area, but from others’ comments, I get the sense that it’s more pervasive. In order to establish a real relationship, I believe that people actually need to meet in person, so this is clearly somewhat problematic.

4. Perhaps one of the things that has taken me aback most is the fact that a few profile pictures are actually of people wearing masks. In psychological terms, wearing a mask is akin to a person hiding his or her true self and is the complete antithesis of being authentic. Why anyone would choose to put up a profile picture on a dating site with at least two thirds of their face obscured by a mask defies belief. I cannot make any sense of it. Why put up a picture at all? But, obviously it does say a lot about anyone who would choose to do that. Having received one or two messages from people wearing masks, which I ignored, I chose to reply to one and challenge this. Whether doing this made any real difference, I’ll never know.

All this has left me wondering what people are actually looking for on a dating site like CS. I’m guessing that it’s probably very different things for different people. If people are not actually looking for a partner, I’d really be interested to know what draws them to a site, which is designed for single people who do want to find a partner.

Dating, as in every other area of life, involves making choices. Coming from a place of self awareness means being really conscious of the choices we make. In relation to online dating, I believe that in addition to many other factors, the issue of whether the other person has taken the jab or not is likely to become increasingly important in the future.

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Comments (124)


Your vision sounds like a brilliant idea and a lot of fun. There are plenty of cosy, inviting hotels here in the Highlands, though many are rather expensive. Just chilling out sounds like bliss to me. I think we all need more of that and for those that are more energetic, there are plenty of outdoor activities close to hand.

I know exactly what you mean about it being like a war zone. The name calling and level of negativity that seem to be in abundant supply at times is certainly not something I want to be part of. Life is too short for that.

But, is all this just a pipe dream or will it ever really happen?
Wow...first positive thing I've read on the comments today!

Grand.. is this an idea or a dream?
I suppose you need a dream to make it come true, hey? wink

I'd love to go the Highlands. Maybe I'll find some of my kids' ancestors there?

I want to add that I understand the Inverness accent perfectly well.
And I've also learned a few slang expressions from Gerry Butler (from YouTube).

Good night everybody.
It's 1am here and I'm going to have beautiful dreams about the Lessie.smitten sleep
Grand! scold i'm sure they have sofas in the Highlands, if not, a big chair will do. you can have the loveseat wink i won't be drinking but i can pour good rolling on the floor laughing

love ya Bud
You asked - "where've you been Ginger?"

My response - Honey holed away hiding in my hovel as I wallow in my Heathenish mediation, fasting, and chanting practices. My chakra's have been begging for stimulation. I feel compelled to comply. laugh

I'll bring an anti vax gf, that's a promise.. laugh

i'll bring the cheese
Hi Shelora wave

I'm vaccinated so yes if I was to find myself in a position as far as as dating is concerned he would have to be vaccinated..If I was to date a man not vaccinated it would defeat the purpose of me being vaccinated..I'm still high risk regardless of my gym regime & healthy life style..If a man wasn't interested in me because I'm vaccinated that's cool by me because my health comes first.
Hi Grandhug

I like the idea of a meet up. Used to happen a lot on here some years back when the blogs and threads were fun.

Bit concerned though as I thought you had been double vaxxed.confused
Hello Mercedes

Thanks for sharing very clearly where you stand on this issue. I think it’s important for every one of us to be really clear about our stance, regardless of what position we take. As you said, we each need to weigh up the health considerations that we feel apply to our situation.
Being "Concerned" about dating lives is like trying to intervene in any of the manmade disturbances in the world.(Disclaimer: NOT a feminist statement rather a spiritual one).We are here to love each other, not
run the world our way.

I have really come face to face with the basics of being in existence, and that everyone seems their own level...daily.
Stay Blessed!

Good Morning, got to run.
On that note, I will make sure the wine arrives
with my "raincheck" on that visit.
hug with you all in spirit of comraderie & love
@ avocet

How refreshing to read such a positive and honest post. I sincerely hope there is a lady out there who will lift you to a higher level ,and you her.

I also love your respect for the animal kingdom,a subject close to my heart also.handshake
It’s very easy for those who are totally wedded to mainstream sources to adopt a self-righteous, holier than thou attitude. Please don’t try to twist my words to suit your own purposes. You’re accusing me of doing the very thing I’ve noticed you do repeatedly. Although I’m often quite committed to a particular point of view, it’s usually because I’ve done a fair bit of research and feel there’s compelling evidence for what I’m saying. Despite what you claim, I’m always willing to acknowledge if I’m wrong, based on further information coming to light. I wonder if you can honestly say the same. I’ve certainly not witnessed any sign of this in your behaviour.

Every time I’ve posed a question to you regarding whether there might be another agenda at play and have questioned information put out by mainstream sources, you duck and dive. You have shown no willingness to take the time to consider alternative explanations in relation to what’s going on. Each time you’ve been challenged about this, you have either avoided replying or have tried to subvert the line of enquiry by talking about irrelevant issues or you continue to cite mainstream sources in an attempt to bolster your argument. Yes, I do find your behaviour quite tiresome.
Riz, if your mask wearing isn't a pro mask statement, then it is a cover for a disfigured face. dunno
rolling on the floor laughing

Bo, you'd think he'd choose a more attractive option confused
@ Cryptor

"Riz, if your mask wearing isn't a pro mask statement, "then it is a cover for a disfigured face."

OMG, I can't believe you said that.

Do you attack everyone who is different from you, who lives their life their own way?

If he was sitting in a chair with a blanket on his legs would you imply that he doesn't have any legs?

You came on here raising Cain that CS isn't the dating site you were looking for.

There is an answer for that......LEAVE
Correction to Cryptor:

Please disregard my comment that you came on here saying that CS isn't the dating site you were looking for. I was thinking about the OP that started this blog.

My apology Cryptor bouquet
glad i inspired such passion lol no prob
Yes, from a spiritual perspective, we are each on our own journey. But, I believe it’s important for people to make conscious choices about matters that affect their health and well-being. This applies to dating as well as any other area of life.

Thanks for your encouraging words and for sharing things about your own experience. I must say that I’m certainly not coming from a place of giving up. Rather, I’ve just been questioning certain things related to CS as a way of processing my own thoughts and fairly limited experience on the site. What prompted me to write the blog was that I like to reflect upon my experiences and I decided to open up a discussion about some of the points that came up for me.
That made me smile because it came full circle in a way.thumbs up Conscious choice or not, as adults there would be an established pattern already in regards to personal crises or accountability and without choice then it would be intervention.
My spirituality only requires one person to go to
for interventions.( through prayer)
My knowledge is only limited to trusting in man,
so far it has been easier to discern how we came to this "new normal" and I believe it is a lesson in
loving that requires breaking familial patterns but not
isolating, or abandoning higher love.
To that end in is up to the individual how life and their
normalcy can be retrieved.It starts there..a choice to
make this life worthwhile now, the future doesn't wait.
If you think it’s just a litany of complaints, I’m surprised that you took the time to read through the whole blog. I responded to your earlier post by saying that I was reflecting upon my experiences, not complaining. Whilst I could have kept these reflections completely private, I chose to post a blog because I was interested in hearing other people’s perspective on some of the points I made. Many of the comments that people have made have been interesting and informative in this regard.

I’m very disappointed that you chose to make the statement, ‘You come on here raising Cain that CS isn’t the dating site you were looking for. There is an answer for that …LEAVE.’ You say that this comment was meant for me. If I decide to stay on the site or leave, that will be entirely up to me. I question what makes others think they have the right to say to people, ‘LEAVE’.
Shelora, don't be concerned with what I say. I have been on CS since 2006. I've seen all kinds of people from nice polite people to trolls. You are a nice person in my opinion you're just not pleased with CS and that's okay. I would say the majority of members aren't happy with CS with the way it is now. Although for some it's just what they want because it allows for arguing.

In the beginning it was a great dating site. People flirted, they met, they dated and some got married. When Facebook was born I saw a change and a lot of the people who I enjoyed left CS to go to Facebook. I wouldn't be caught dead on Facebook so I stay here just to banter on subjects and to laugh with the folks when a laugh is possible.

The reason I said "leave" is, if I was as disappointed as you are with CS I wouldn't stay here. In fact, I have left twice on my own accord. Secretagent09 is my third name because I came back twice before.

The thing I don't understand is why you put so much time into this blog. If you have an idea how to make CS a better site there is the opportunity to contact the Mods and make suggestions in the Contact Us button.

People are enjoying you Shel and that's what counts.thumbs up
The thing I don't understand is why you put so much time into this blog.

rolling on the floor laughing
Shelora..I think you should stick around and create many more interesting blogswink
i will willingly donate 20 euros to relieve the site of a couple of nut jobs ,,,But they really do not want to leave ,,they thrive on their concept of divine friends on CS ,,
I notice that you are still calling people nut jobs. As you have included me in this group, I’d be really interested to know why you’re still visiting this blog. People have a choice as to whether or not to visit a particular blog and participate in the discussion. Why would you choose to waste your time if that’s how you really feel? As I recall, in your last post, you said, ‘Bye.’
yes i said bye ,,because you were leaving for a better place ,,,but you like the attention so much that you can not break away ....hind sight is a wonderful thing ,,,,,
Like the attention? Please spare me! You still haven’t answered the question as to why you’re continuing to take the time to visit this blog.
Your comments have given me things to ponder on in relation to CS.

I like your point about the site providing a means to chat with other singles. As you say, it’s possibly a no commitment way to find compatible souls. Things can then develop further or not, as is the case in the real world.

Thanks for describing some aspects of your own journey with CS. You said that you don’t understand why I put so much time into this blog. That’s a good point and it’s got me thinking. Actually, I’m asking myself that same question.
Of course trump is part of it and he still promotes the he obviously has all the other large scale grifters...who promote it...follow the money trailwow
"Having been a member of CS for approximately 2 months, I’ve made certain observations."

Prey tell, what observations have you noticed?

Without saying the 'bleeding obviouse', my Scottish lass, it's the internet.

"It’s apparent"? Wow.....did you figure that out from your obviouse observations? Wow.....I never realized that.

Thanks heaps for giving us the heads up because otherwise we wouldn't have a scooby (clue)

rolling on the floor laughing
Whilst some of the points I made may be fairly obvious and are certainly not words of wisdom, I just wanted to share my thoughts and invite others to comment. Yes, it is the internet, where often anything goes. You ask what the observations are. It’s fairly obvious from the original post, as I listed them as four main points.
Fair enough. Word salad in other words

Numero uno:
#1. Don't mention fight club
#2. Don't mention fight club without an offering of rapport
#3. Blah blah blah

Hence, in your own words ""Although the site may offer a sense of camaraderie and support, amongst other things, it would appear that often it may not lead to finding a long-term partner.""

I'm not a rocket scientist but you've answered your own question. You've nailed it Shelora...well done

Yes, old members still on this site, I am actually quite shocked that Jimnastic still on this website and other old members as well laugh
Welcome Back Bo

Thanks for reminding us that the use of words such as VAXX is not appropriate, as it’s not actually a vaccine. It’s very easy to slip into that kind of language, so it’s really important for us all to be mindful.

I agree that knowing whether someone has been jabbed or not is going to become a very pressing issue as regards dating. As you mentioned, with the danger of transmission, it’s going to become really important to know the other person’s status in relation to the jab, as a matter of self preservation and perhaps even the preservation of the human race. In an earlier post, I brought up the fact that the fertility issue is a huge part in all of this and fits right into the Depopulation Agenda. Why are they so desperate to inject young children with these toxic substances? There is also the question of the blood supply and whether it has now been irrevocably contaminated. I had thought that at one stage those who had taken the shot could no longer give blood, but a government site would appear to be saying otherwise. It would mean that anyone who has a blood transfusion could face some of the same health problems as the injected, even though they haven’t actually taken the shot. What’s going on is so insidious that it almost defies belief.
Snow, some people really believe the ridiculous and false stories, but having fallen for the lies can't find a way out of the hole they dug so it is easier to continue to spread the lies rather than admit they were wrong.

For those still wondering

The covid vaccine has zero effect on becoming pregnant.
The covid vaccine saves lives, it does not kill.

Anti-vaxxers are making COVID worse and destroying livelihoods with their false disinformation.
Meet the Author of this Blog


Inverness, Highland, Scotland, UK

I believe in savouring every moment to the full. Having just turned 70, I want to make the most of this stage of life and would love to find someone to share the adventure with. My interests include travel and experiencing other cultures, spending ti [read more]

About this Blog

created Sep 2021
Last Viewed: 10 hrs ago
Last Commented: Sep 2021
Last Edited: Nov 2021
Last Liked: Nov 2021
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