From alot of the comments I've seen here in the bl

...over the last few months, most men say they prefer "feminine" women.

So guys, what is your definition of feminine?
Does it mean needy? Helpless?
Can a woman be too feminine?
Can a woman be feminine and still self-sufficient?

What makes a woman UN feminine?
Is it when she dresses in jeans and a sweat shirt?
Is it when she digs in the garden and gets dirty and sweaty?

Is being feminine more than an outward appearance?
Is it an attitude?

Tell me......what is feminine and un-feminine to you and why (if it is) do you prefer this?

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Comments (28)

Robrt..laugh laugh laugh

Do you think feminine and romantic are the same??
Do I think feminine and romantic are the same thing??? No, they're spelled differently... but who knows, maybe I do think that way. Wait, let me take an anxiety pill and I can answer you better later.. lol grin
Really hate to blog and run....but it's off to bed for me...yawn have a bazillion things to get done tomorrow...I'll be back in the morning with my cup of coffee to start my day with good conversation.....sleep sleep Night......
Good night pretty LGS blushing

I gotta run too.. DARN IT frustrated ..too much coffee and apple pie! grin hug
Nice blog please keep telling us boys...saskia
Feminine schmeminine!

Just don't be rude or argumentative. Wear blue jeans and sneakers or wear makeup to the hilt. Dress up like your next moment will be a dinner party. Just make yourselves comfortable in the way you want to be. You may not like me but that's ok. I love you as a person and I will treat you with respect!

God created the most beautiful creature when HE created woman! Let's not ruin it by being picky, guys!
For me most respectfull creature on the earth is woman, in what so form as it is cause of sustenance of humankind and defining "feminine" do not keep any relevence and it could be gramatical term to identify gender only.
it doesn't really matter to me a girl is a girl.dress up or dress down its all cool,doing yard work or being their own person its all good.sugar and spice and everything nice.handshake
wow another nice topic from you lgs,....we men can tell you every things yet we still need to hear women opinions wink
Simpledeed: wave Hello, glad you stopped by! That's what I was geting at. Do men like "prissy" that what feminine means to men? Always dressed to the nines...can't reach the top shelf without help, scared to death of spiders, can't roll the window down in a car because it will "muss" her hair, nieve about most world events and unable to make her own decisions? Or is it enough to just be a woman? dunno
Richard: Good morning grin

Ok, attractive is a subjective, so, setting that aside, being female is enough for you. Very uncomplicated.

You likened un-feminine with un-attractive, so does that mean that an UN-attractive female can't be feminine? grin

Just trying to understand your uncomplicated definition.. confused
Good morning Saskia....cup of coffee?? coffee
Ed: wave I don't mean to be argumentative, but are you saying that it's unfeminine to have an opinion other than your partners that could, perhaps, lead to a bit of an agrument? grin
tiger: Welcome handshake gramatical term to identify gender only So, ALL women are feminine?doh
therover: I like how you think thumbs up I think a woman that is comfortable in her own skin, free to be who and how she wants to be and having a man to appreciate that is awesome. But is it "feminine" to be that way?
Firas: Good morning!! Glad you stopped by. Give me your opinion of what feminine is, and I'll give you my thoughts. You first grin
If you know how a man behave like a gentleman,you will understand exactly,how to be a feminine.You second grin popcorn
Firas: I think that being feminine is very complicated, actually.

I think it's more than how you dress because......what's that old saying.....OH, "You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear." You can be dressed up, all nice and frilly, and act like a drunken sailor..laugh

I think it's more than a "gender" thing, since not all females are "feminine"....professor

I think it's more in how you carry yourself, your manners and mannerisms, the respect you have for yourself, the confidence you feel in being a woman.....JMO
Femininity = Manliness
Can you understand this ?It's the same and no difference,except they are opposite to each other.So no one above others because of some(titles,words).wink rose in teeth

But if you want to talk about a perfect humans and how they should be,then this we can talk about in separate way.dancing wine
Firas: AHHHH, but a man (masculine)doesn't always act as a gentleman nor does a woman always act as a lady (feminine)...right?

I have met "men" that act like children (infantile) and women that act like men (masculine).

I understand what you're saying though (if I may paraphrase) If a gentleman treats a woman as a lady, she will respond as a lady (feminine).....right?
(I understand what you're saying though (if I may paraphrase) If a gentleman treats a woman as a lady, she will respond as a lady (feminine).....right?) .......You may say that .

Well if you are talking about act,we all behave in some ways and this what i wanted to tell you from the very beginning,..we all presents our culture and cultures is full with things so to be a feminine or not ,you can not have a right descriptions for it,and every culture say things may not match other culture . Its only my way of thinking and nothing perfect. Anyway i am not expert in femininity,they are mysterious creatures .And i don't have that capacity to know them well .grin heart1
Hi lgs!

No, that's ok you can argue with me anytime.

Naw, what I'm saying is just be yourself. If you look like a glamour queen or like a tomboy that should be good enough because it's what you like to be. Men preferring women to be feminine should ask themselves if they're masculine enough!

Like you ask, "What is feminine"? Who knows???
Looks like a Shiella!! Talks like a Shiella!!! It's a Shiella!!!!rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
bouquet hug
Can an unattractive woman still be feminine?

By my definition, no. (of course, you also have to apply my definition of 'attractive'... if you apply your own, my answer may no longer be valid)


There's a sort of cultural definition ... a woman who is pretty and happy and smiles at everyone and never disagrees. She likes to wear dresses and present herself as a model of perfect hair, make-up, fashion, etc.

Many feel this is the definition they are supposed to believe in and adhere to.

This definition doesn't work for me at all ... it's a sort of falsehood based on group-think and simple logic. In my opinion, it's wrong.

A mother with her hair tied back, holding her baby and the look in her eyes... isn't that about as feminine as it gets? Well... that's the sort of image I have... one of many... for what it is to be feminine.

Being pretty but without thought or strength of character, body, opinion ... that outlook just seems very wrong in my view.
Firas, Ed, Richard: hug hug hug All of you have different opinions and you're all correct (JMO) I think aside from simply being female, being feminine is simply a matter of taste and a very subjective thing based on custom, and personal preference.

SO....GENTLEMEN....MAYBE (just a suggestion) as you are looking for your other half, instead of just stating that you prefer "feminine women", you could elaborate just a tad, since feminine means different things to different people (men and women alike) dunno teddybear
Parti teddybear I like your definition the best!!laugh

I like you in the mirror on those jeans Lgs,
want you to know that.

innocent heart1
oh yea it is feminine unless you're the queen of england.i'm not that shallow of a person to think that a woman has to be feminine all the time.very nice blog.wave
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