All I did was answer your you hate

I am new to this site. As such, I am anxious to make friends and be well thought.

I realize it takes time to get to know newbies to the site, but I have only shown one aspect of who I am. This is due to the fact that so many keep posting blogs about God...often in an insulting manner.

Also, a lot of the blogs ask questions and expect believers to explain themselves and God. As a matter-of-fact, it seems like that's ALL people are blogging about. Since God is experienced through FAITH, it is often impossible to satisfy the cynics with an answer.

Now I have noticed that people refuse to post after me, and want to ridicule me for trying to contribute to their blog.

I want to clear this up. I WAS JUST ANSWERING YOUR QUESTIONS to the best of my ability. Just because you don't agree with my beliefs, is no reason to hate me, or ostracize me in the blogs and threads!

I guess I need to find my way around this site so I'm posting with people from my own country, because posting this way just isn't working. frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated
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Comments (35)

Dont worry youll get used to it i dont agree with some of the things you said but i argue with my mother toolaugh rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing tongue it can be a lot of fun here too handshake thumbs up wave
Oh come on it could be a tremendous fun. You may cry yourself to sleep for a few nights, but I believe within a week you would be acting almost like a man.
you got to have a tough hide to be here or you vanish in no time as some of the bloggers are very cruel and rude
Dana, I have noticed this too. I am the very sensitive one and I have often gone to bed with tears in my eyes after reading some of the comments left on my blogs. I now know why people are so mean. They are just trying to help me.hug
Snoopy...behave yourself...if that's possible.

Some kinds of help, we don't need!

Want me to getcha started crying so you get a better night's sleep?


You're in time-out now.

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Not sarcasm, pun are the lowest form of humor! EAT SOME CORN!rolling on the floor laughing
I usually do not post blogs about God. i use my discernment. god does have me talk to people but usually He tells me first. to blog about god on a site where there is an ernormous amount of anti-christ spirits is only beckoning arguments with the 'demonic" or those who do not wish to find god. I leave that to the people i know or meet in my own life. you are certainly free to blog about what you wish, but sometimes that is asking for much trouble here!hug comfort angel
PS I don't hate you!!~conversing
I always wanted to have a huge house full of children and a wife who was like a queen ant, just pumping them out for me. All my children, who were bathed and in clean sleepy time cloths, would gather around me in the evening and I would play games with them and tell them stories. Their mother would tell them they need to go to bed and they would come to me with sad faces asking me if they could stay up just a little longer. Of course I would say yes. There would be enough happiness everyday to last a lifetime.
did somebody actually send you mail and say they hate you?
thumbs up may i ask what country this person is from? you dont have to give a name, cause theres a person here with many profiles
I believe that anything outside of Love...does not exist.heart wings
Lively - You have acknowledged your feelings of distaste toward me because of my perceived attitude toward you and others which i will respect as this this your right to do so. I do however harbor no ill feelings toward you at all, or any others. Admittedly I can be thoughtless, harsh and a little judge mental when it comes to particular topics, but I do not hate or even dislike you or anyone else for that matter.

Please don't let the likes of me and others who are a little insensitive sometimes, effect you too much. It is often a bit rough and tumble when it comes to issues people feel passionate about, don't take it personally.

I don't normally get on the topic of religion, but of recent times the blogs have been inundated by people preaching, so I simply began to voice my (at times rude) opinion to wave the atheist flag. To be honest I'm bored of the debate right now.

You have conducted your self with respect and consideration on the blogs, as I see it, and I believe you to be a good person.

Grab a chair, kick ya shoes off, hang around., get to know us all a little more and I feel sure your feelings will change.
Lively, I wouldn't sweat it too much. Just like the "real world" this place has it's share of idiots but honestly I have found that if I treat people with respect 9 times out of 10 I recieve the same in return even if we may differ in our opinions and beliefs.

Meanwhile stay true to yourself, stick to your guns and welcome to the jungle handshake
Don't worry hon,lots of people like you on here.thumbs up I mean afterall,are we not on each others friendship list?head banger
I believe that you are a decent woman whose heart is in the right place. But the net like real life has mean people in it.
Don't allow them to ruin your day.
Keep posting and soon you will be able to separate the good from the bad here.
I am doing exactly that and the difference is obvious between the two.
We have quality people here who are mature adults. And we have tempermental ingrates who lack humor and intellect. And yes those who are just plain miserable and mean.
I truly appreciate all your comments and support.

Funxsinia and Sandalman it was a very nice surprise to read your posts.

Yuwake<niye mitawa kola!!! (lakota)
Thanks Lively :)

what does that (Lakota phrase) mean?
I think you are making a great contribution here lively , you are articulate and intelligent and welcome .
Don't think please that I ridicule you because I do not, I think you make a sterling effort to clarify some points for those of us who either do not believe or are in doubt of the bible as the word of God.
I think we know already that no one can answer all our questions ... that was precisely the whole point of my blog .
Some doubters like to mock believers , lets face it when you put yourself out there and someone thinks what you say is unbelievable to them , you will get some ridicule from some people.
We are also creating lots of god blogs lately because we have had numerous religious people posting bible quotes and doing some preaching here.. it naturally is getting some people annoyed.

Please realise lively that here in blogland there will always be those who disagree with you , some politely and some more aggressively. There will always be the friends and the enemies. There are people here who just love to feel picked on , those with limited mental capacity as well who often make no sense . Then we also have the outright s..t stirrers , when they come along youl know who they are . One has the face of a desert animal with red lips. Just wait till he discovers you. He has not been around this week so maybe he is banned for good now.

Don't lose heart , I think you are great , we need nice sensible people like you.

Welcome .

saskia , goddess of love..
good that i reminded you hey wink
lively i dont kissy face, but i must say you look great for 61! my wowwave
One hater does not make us hate you. We love you. Just keep blogging and commenting!
I have no idea if it is true or not whether you are the brunt of peoples jokes,but even if you are then who cares? How pitiful are these people that the only way they can have fun and feel good is to make fun of others behind their backs.

See these people for who and what they are. PITIFUL! We should feel sorry for such hard hearted people. peace
CB mom...oops i mean cuz says to tell you hi back wave
but wanted me to remind you that if i warsh behind my ears then i aint a gonna be able to harvest them ear taters i got growin back there rolling on the floor laughing
Philámayaye mitawa kolas, Aké iyúskinyan wancínyankelo.

(thank you my friends. I am glad you came to my blog)

Take...your kind words really meant a lot to me. People like you just seem to naturally edify those around them. That makes you a joy to be around. teddybear

I am happy to know there are people who do like me or are giving me a chance before you form strong opinions of me.

You will find, in time, that I'm also a NUT and can keep you laughing!

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Oh Saddest...your streak has ended...laugh
dont let one email put you off blogging.sure if everybody agreed on everything the world and the blogs would be very boringlaugh if i have a disagreement with somebody it doesnt mean i hate them it just means i think my opinion is right and im sticking with it.and to be honest ive never seen or heard anybody trying to ridicule you.i dont really comment on religious blogs coz i havent a clue about the bible. never read it and if im honest i cant understand most of it laugh but that doesnt mean i dont believe in god just blog away and have fun hug
Saddest...laugh grin rolling on the floor laughing love
Now there's a certain gentleman here who oftens distorts other people's pics
Please put him on your "To Maul"list! thumbs up grin laugh rolling on the floor laughing handshake wine yay peace

LW...btw, I didn't find anything wrong with your blogs or handshake
My lovely watershug
I love u alot, and am sure all love u on CS.
U with ur pretty face and heart, huuum who cant love u??
Ur face is sweet like children face
U r very very welcome on CS
Joy your right on CS and never everagain think about hate again, okay darling?
My time is veru different than yours so i dont have u when i am on line in my evening time, oh so sorry but love u again and for love time has no mean at all
joy please and be happy
yay heart wings
Lifeisbest,I just wanted to state that you are one of my favorite bloggers.thumbs up You often demonstrate compassion for others on here,and you try hard to get along with everybody.
Last week I sent you an e-mail along with a friendship request,but you have Canada blocked.
Anyway I feel like you are a friend irregardless.bouquet
Oh darling Gordonhug
Thank u so much
I did not know that, i will open the door on Canada now, am so sorry, please forgive me, i love u millionsyay
Welcome Canada, LOVE LOVE LOVE forever and everdancing
HiLively.whom r u talking about.just curiouswine wine
OH...BTW all, I have posted a thread of a virtual bar and grill which will bed loads of fun.

You can find it in the picture threads. It has the same type of atmosphere as "Cheers" and you can post pictures, music, or any other fun things you want.

Go check it out!!!!
I too find it easier to communicate with fellow Americans and in the end it will be simpler to be with comfort

Hunt the good hunt wine
I understand what you're saying, Lifely. I, too, have been bashed for my beliefs, so I know how it feels. I can certainly empathize with you on that score. You are a lovely woman that anyone could like, and your views deserve respect.
AwHugger...I can always count on you to post something kind and uplifting.

You are a good friend. Hey...did you see your chair in the Tap? I got it in!11
Lively Waters, ignore them and do your own thing.
I have found that the most obnoxious and intolerant people are those who preach tolerance.
I should also mention that so far the only people who have banned me from threads have been religious fanatics and social liberals.
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About this Blog

by Unknown
created Oct 2012
Last Viewed: Apr 28
Last Commented: Oct 2012

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