Something heavy on my heart today......

There's a small town about 10 minutes from my home. This town is smaller than the on I live in. You know the kind...everybody knows everybody...went to school together...maybe moved away for a time, but always came back. You never have to lock your doors at night and if you ever need anything your neighbor's there with a helping hand. Yes, these places DO still exist.

ANYWAY.....yesterday afternoon, an 8 year old little boy got hit by a car and it was fatal. The entire town is in mourning. The man that hit him was inconsolable. The little boy had darted out from between cars and by the time the man saw him it was too late.

The loss of a child....I dont know how one is ever able to move forward. It's a loss, thank God, I have never felt personally but I think, when a child dies.....we all grieve.

I hope the last words spoken by his parents were words of love. I don't understand why some children are taken so young...before they've lived their lives....I suppose I never will.

Yes, it's a sad day........

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Comments (21)

truly sad indeed ... he's a little angel now...apparently need more in heaven than here on earth.

that story kinda hits home because I grew up in such a place and know the community bonds of which you speak...

take care and find solice in the one's you love
Yes, it is sad...

My daughter died on the operating table when she was only 8 months...
broken heart
Lgs rose terrible ...

how are you?
funxsinia..... I never say goodbye to any of my family without a hug (when we're together)and an "I love you". Never. You never know when they'll be taken or when you'll be taken and I want the last words between us to be words of love.....
fotinia.... hug I'm SOOOO sorry sad flower I don't know how people move on. My heart goes out to you....
Fotinia .rose she is am angel
lgs...a wise way to live

fotinia sad flower
Just so puzzling why there are people who should not, but taken away and some who should but still given several chances to live. sad flower
Bogart.... I'm well, thanks. This hit my oldest son pretty hard. The little boy was my children's cousin's son. My oldest son is very close to them. He doesn't know what to to help.....what to say....I feel so helpless...
tatami... handshake I know....I'll never understand either.
Definitely sad! I don't know what I would do if one of my kids, now grown adults, left before me. I would definitely be sad!
Ed...It makes no sense to me...NONE at all...
He was with his older brother and was trying to keep up with him when it happened....can you imagine how HE must feel? Oh how that family must ache... blues
this is wrong
but this I say - mother
and yes, she's an angel and she is in heaven and she kept us all and she gives me strength and there is no day when I have not thought about her
but I have two beautiful sons
and GOD bless us all

Happy Easter to all of us.

heart beating teddybear
fotinia... hug Happy Easter to you too..... bunny
Such a sad thing to hear. I offer my prayers for you and your older son, for I know this is difficult for you both.

God's comfort and peace be with you! Serendipitysad flower


My heart goes out to you. sad flower
serendipity.... hug Really makes you rethink your life and priorities.
serendipity...Yes. And is more important than THINGS. Time together, lessons learned together, love......ALL more important than THINGS.
Thanks to all of you my friends
I live with this for many years and I am not afraid of old age, and I LOVE LIFE
and I'll never stop loving GOD

heart beating
Well said! We ought to value people over things. Shared time and experiences with loved ones, can never be replaced by mere things.handshake
serendipity..... hug
"I'll lend you for a while a child of mine," He said. "For you to love the while he lives and mourn for when he's dead. It may be six or seven years, or twenty-two or three, But will you, till I call him back, take care of him for me? He'll bring his charms to gladden you, and should his stay be brief, You'll have his lovely memories as solace for your grief."

"I cannot promise he will stay; since all from earth return, But there are lessons taught down there I want this child to learn. I've looked the wide world over in My search for teachers true And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes I have chosen you. Now will you give him all your love, not think the labor vain, Nor hate Me when I come to call to take him back again?"

"I fancied that I heard them say, "Dear Lord, Thy will be done! For all the joy Thy child shall bring, the risk of grief we run. We'll shelter him with tenderness, we'll love him while we may, And for the happiness we've known, forever grateful stay; But should the angels call for him much sooner than we've planned, We'll brave the bitter grief that comes and try to understand!"

Author ~~~ Edgar Guest