We are all one, and live in the same planet earth (at least for right now). While we live in our own individual countries, we do share the same one and only world, breathing the same air, sharing the same oceans, and more. Considering how inter related we all are and as we progress, we notice that the popular saying of "this world is getting smaller and smaller" is coming to be truer than ever every day. Not because the physical essence of our earth is so but rather because of the convenience and closeness we have become due to transportation and communication.

Anyways, the core of this topic is, what are we doing as a citizen of the earth that can contribute to the enhancement of humanity?

Is there anything that we know and can possibly do relative to the improvement of our lives? For the glory and good of humanity?

If the possibility is in your hand and can do it, what would that be? and why?

NOTE: It can be as simple and or as big and detailed as you can think of.

Thanks all for your participation.

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Comments (49)

I don't know if I'm concerned with the well being of the community. I never thought of it in that perspective.

But by minding one's own business are you not in fact enhancing humanity. I know my neighbors appreciate me for being polite to them instead of starting feuds with them. Just think. If it caught on world wide wouldn't this be a better earth to live in?
Ed, couldn't dispute you on that Ed, although I see a little bit of contradiction with you on here raising up your concerns and even explaining your principles as to what you believe in? Most of which was in CMIYER blog which I just happened to read?
Where you went at such a great length explaining your personal life, how you lost your marriage to a blah blah blah... (don't need to elaborate) you can go back and read all your presentations and justification why you are so bitter with your marriage life and how you got all twisted out from the divorce. well anyways, for you to mind your own business as your preliminary argument just doesn't work in a community where you voice out (STRONGLY) your opinion for or against? isn't it? but i am not here to point out your contradictions Ed, I am just trying to understand that there are times when our communal opinion to understand each other doesn't leave much room of your " MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS " line of thinking.

Nonsmoker, did explain on his INDIVIDUALITY VERSUS CONFORMITY and yes sometimes we are who we are but for the benefit of all we do, partake in one's business, while not always at least once in a while. this is my humble opinion, then I can be wrong.

But thanks anyways, again. ED.

Addition to Ed: Where your line of work was? As you explained with ardor in the blog of CMIYER'S? In the movie or film industry, Now that is a section where MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS can't absolutely be applicable at all. Or staggering billions of profit will not prevail, both on the rumor mongering world and mediocre minds, and also to the magazines and or those in this morbid industry,

Don't you think Ed?

thanks for your indulgence.

wow SR we have some lovely people on CS I think. We all seem to be aware of the world around us and try to do a little bit. Small bits in the pot of life end up big bits.
conservation is my bug I will plant a tree when I can. My own father even said to me do not buy flowers girl plant a tree in my memory. which I have done. He was more into the Buddhist way of life but he kept his kids opened minded to all things. He always said we are all interconnected and our deeds have knock on effect no matter how small. So me I SMILE, it makes other people smile too even if they do not know why I found. I of course love the life in trees and hug them when I cangrin Any broken thing I will try very hard to make it whole again.
Love your new picture by the way you look more at peace SRpeace
Have lovely Sunday.teddybear
Thanks Red, on my picture, I think it is the peace of having come to terms with the counsel of times? I am so emancipated with the burden of production now Red and I am free, albeit financially not too promising, but hey, it is not what money cal always do to us that counts. right? Acceptance of this has put me in a smiling perspectives Red. thank you for noticing.

Yes I am smiling,,,and on your contribution Red, yes, little things that we do our selves that is shouting with positive act and thoughts is the most needed formula for the contribution of this planet earth. We are, truly all one, Red. I believe in this after reading so much of Tao of Physics, buy Capra, Buddhism and Zen, added to all our human related wisdom of life's experiences.

Yes to all your ideas but on the flowers Red? I am guilty of picking them before they wilt anyways. Love them to death. What a delight those flowers bring to my life and just our sight. And for free..

Thanks again,

SRbouquet teddybear gift
SR I am sooo glad I was correct in feeling a little peace within you. Life is a wonder go and explore I say. By the way your peace passed to me this morning hug
Have lovely Sundaypeace
Thanks again my dear good old friend..(old, meaning we have known each other her for at least more than two years now Red.) so that qualify us to be old good friends, right? I am so happy RED.

Thanks so much. i won't write all these happiness yet as I have hundreds more I have written on the account of my wilted love. Red, but I am surely happy.

SRteddybear bouquet
Hello sundayrose; hope you're doing well dear friend. In regard to subject of humanity if is in my hand and can do to improve situation in the world I would give special (disability people) more access in community staring from special school early prevention and development (maybe because that's part of my job), than open more jobs in communities where people are jobless. Also, the third world countries are in great need for basic clean water and better education is essential but there is not much use of giving donations without permanent solution in root's of the problem and that's again looking into economical solutions and changing politic in corruptive countries.
I think Western countries are responsible to help in improving this situation and while there is many individuals from western countries who helps pore children in Africa or where ever, such great kindness on individual level as much is great, it's not a solution to the problem but approach to find solution in long term goals is the only permanent way ... wave Good subject and Blog ! teddybear hug
Thank you my dear friend..

WEll said and noted.

Thank you as always.

SRbouquet gift teddybear
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