Women and Equal Rights:

In your observation, based on facts or experience, are there women in the world today that are still deprived of these political and social rights?

If so, on what ground and should they be emancipated, changed and be accorded all to the extent of the law that is prevalent in the western world including but not limited to: USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, EUROPE?

If not? why?

Your answer is always respected regardless as to which side you choose, but if it so, please cite a legitimate reason why?

Note: I know there are a lot of women today that might want to exercise this equality in terms of all aspects that is accorded to the male counterparts. And not to exclude the fact that there are possibly some that would rather be in their position and don't ever want to change.

Thanks for all your participation, comment and contribution. I truly appreciate.

All genders are welcome.

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Comments (43)

Hello SR
popcorn You should have run a promo for this cheers
Like how? I am sorry in view of what?bouquet gift

Thanks Non
Women gets more emancipated and as an result most of us find ourselves more busy working outside and inside home Loll
It's still long way to go in women emancipations in economical and political rights. We can look the basic like;we still have to carry Man surname and women jobs like Child care is less valued/payed than 'Man job' so we still have long way to go in emancipation. Women does not need a man permission to seek for women Rights; we need to take our rights in our hands. On what ground women should be emancipated ? - On what ground any kind of discrimination in society is tolerable and to what extend? On what ground we know how to diferantiate right from wrong ? The way we are broth up makes effect on our beliefs -specially if women is treated as less equal to Man and "can't do" what man does ...so starting from birth learning about equality is important.
Well just the fact that its an issue that has such polar opposites that there my be fire works at the end.

I would need a day or two to prepare the notes to accompany the topic laugh wine
On what ground we know how to diferantiate right from wrong ? The way we are broth up makes effect on our beliefs -specially if women is treated as less equal to Man and "can't do" what man does ...so starting from birth learning about equality is important.

Enigma, thank you so much. Your observation is quite true. While I don't disagree with you at all on the fact that it is a long way to the point where we feel completely and evenly leveled with our male counterparts, I am more directing this topic to those women, (MALALA'S, i.e.) who wouldn't have a clue as to what the women of the Western world's role is in our society. It is more of a level of awareness then perhaps measure the need if they so aspire?

Noted: Love the last part. yes, even before the baby is born, there is no preconceive idea of her being a woman and therefore inferior to what she can and can't do that men can't. agree 100 percent. Thanks.
I'm deprived of everything....by women.

Besides being blocked.

blocked bloke... or something like that....crying
And yes, Bogart, well noted on your presentation of the women in a culturally deprived country? exactly, how did it become so out of control is of course perhaps economic reasons but not outright denial of their rights, is it?
Noted Bogart. Published last month on the Wall Street, the richest woman in the World today is from Australia. Yet, economically in numbers per population, is with such a disparaging number, but like I said, this is more of the fact that there are women, who from facts and or personal observation, haven't been given and or accorded these rights?? Not the level as to how far should it go and or how prevalent it is. In the real world, there will always be percentage who wouldn't exercise these rights inherent to their own choice and or preferences,.But that doesn't mean to say that they can't use, practice and or capitalize on it if they so desire. My core of argument is more on those who haven't yet seen let alone know that these rigths do exist..???

Thanks again.
Education is the only "tool" i know who can affect future generations. promoting by force will not work at all.
Exactly Bogart, Now you are going to the means upon which we can educate and or influence such countries where women are not yet ALLOWED to practice these rights. Agreed on your point two. No force is never a means of a very progressive, civilized and effective measure of achieving any changes we do aspire to achieve and or materialize. The main point to my argument is where would such a place whose women are still blatantly denied these rights? And if so, why hasn't gotten there yet? Is it because of lack of awareness or plain religious and perhaps cultural practices? Now the second question is, is there a motive quite transparent to those women that they may so aspire to be accorded? Plain question is: woman do you want to be like those women in the Western World? let us hear her answer, but that is before she is to a full extent of knowledge be allowed to learn and know the difference, advantage and or disadvantage if any. It will be very intricately complex at first but can be simplified by educating them through movies, books, tapes and present what is and how is the life of women in the other parts of the world.

that is my ponit..
Jarred Love that. IN FACT I WROTE MY THESIS IN MY COLLEGE, EDUCATION IS THE LIGHT THAT ILLUMINATED THE DARKNESS OF IGNORANCE, without which we live still in the dark ages. Now this is enough to celebrate a freedom of the mind, isn't it? The development and progress of anything in this world is through learning by education. Now I am not implying that learning is limited to be schooled in a four walled classrooms of colleges and universities, no. But our freedom to digest and learn all that is new to us, is power. Thanks jarred. Most of the music you uploaded for me is not working in my country. It said, not allowed to view in your country. I guess it is for profiteering Jarred. Sorry. I tried.
Should be Illuminates the darkness of ignorance. Antidote to stupidity. Now tell me, Jarred, are there women of the world, that you know of, who are not given these rights? And if so, why?
everyone have there rights blsck whit i don t care poor rich same handshake wave
the world sit full whit rules i just hate follow the rules laugh
i am not a good player in games
well noted jarred thanks
This equal rights thing does not pan out well with me. I cannot see why any woman would relinquish her upper hand for equality.
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
well said Cat. I am evidently omitting the fact and observation that indeed, women has already reached that level of truly having reached the apex in their climb for rights. Hmmn lucky is she in your turf, Cat.

Thanks and regards to your beaut to her that so holds the reign will you?
Jarred, thank you so much for such a wealth of info there. Very well appreciated..
I am so proud of you being women with strong voice of eloquent elaboration thumbs up handshake
of the male gender,
even to what God says about THE EQUALITY.
Millions Are Starving to Death! Hello? Conhttp://youtu.be/ek5RdWVW1REscientious Humans?
not in the united states women have fought a good fight to be
thought of as equals and we are pretty much there, in other countries it is considered custom that women aren't equal decision are made for them from the time they are born if these women have any indepedant thought they are killed or harmed in some kind of way this is why these women accept this treatment as custom but the world is changing and if history has taught us anything you cant keep a good one down these women will get fed up with someone else controlling there lives when they do decide to make a stand they will have the suport and help of women all over the world aside them.
the downside to this is when women make this stand you will be considered an unruley untrained zebels much like american women are considered but aleaset you would have taken back your god given right to live .
I can now see women making great breakthrough in American politics. It's about time because of the male knuckleheads all fighting for nothing except power over nothing. I certainly welcome it!


I'll say your a "zebel" because your rooting for the bad guys! You zebel you!
of the male gender,
even to what God says about THE EQUALITY.

Isisjn, Thanks so much for your participation. I can't agree with you on this. If I take it literally by having to depend on the male genders to have given us these rights, then there would have been no bitter and almost thousand of years per man's existence spent for the recognition of these rights, let alone practice them. just on the representation and the women's right to vote is not even a as old as our very own constitution.

Now on the enhancement of these rights, I very doubt even stronger. Why? Generally by nature MEN, in capital letter is very domineering, which is alright to some extent. And it should be for the most part, but because of lack of compassion I will never expect men even today to give me that right. With due respect to most of them who has been instrumental on this progress and change.

So my conclusion on your belief is wayward of me, and I am sorry. if and when this will be the direction of such a future manifestation, boy we will have a perfect world. Don't you think?
not in the united states women have fought a good fight to be
thought of as equals and we are pretty much there, in other countries it is considered custom that women aren't equal decision are made for them from the time they are born if these women have any indepedant thought they are killed or harmed in some kind of way this is why these women accept this treatment as custom but the world is changing and if history has taught us anything you cant keep a good one down these women will get fed up with someone else controlling there lives when they do decide to make a stand they will have the suport and help of women all over the world aside them.
the downside to this is when women make this stand you will be considered an unruley untrained zebels much like american women are considered but aleaset you would have taken back your god
given right to live .
Ed, my kind of respect is given to you. Thanks so much, and it is not even so much as these knuckleheads you say? but for the most part, we do execute justice with compassion which doesn't mean to say that we thwart the truth. but it will take a long time ED. It is because the road is not as smooth as it should be. Part of creating resilience and character. The proof theory.

Thank you so much Bogart and it is well acknowledged.

Have a nice day and you and I are lucky because the recognizance of this inherent right means a lot towards a progressive development of mankind and for the whole world. Sad to say though, because there a lot of women out there who are not even aware of such a right.

Note: I am not in anyway advocating any of those extremes that you have clarified and I am so comfortable with the fact that we do, as women and men, in all aspect is given an equal treatment. My exact point.

Have a good day.
I have been mulling this over all day. Not only the problem you posted But I was also Looking for the reason I would shy away from this subject.
And this is what I came up with.
In my opinion we should be looking at human rights.
We are all human and as such our problems should be addressed as in this manner. Instead of fighting for Woman's equality why not equality for all ?

In my opinion there are People in the world lacking POLITICAL, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS. Not just women.

Putting emphasis on one group will inadvertently subtract importance from the other.

So my rebuttal to you is,

Do you think Women's issues should gain priority over all other questions on Human conditions ? bouquet
Non I wish my computer didn't hit tge ceiling but you're absolutely right. The question to you is. Should when a river flow get the murky water be separated from the clean one. Before it gets to its destination?

Or should we allow tge full integration because the direction it goes to is never the ending?

Now yes, globally speaking it has to be an even play for both genders. I absolutely agree with you. But its like okey there are countries in tge world who hasn't any issue on the practice of such. My main direction is let it be global then and sell tge benefit t those who refuse to access the service to women

Then let's proceed to your direction.

I will get back with you as my phone is, like you said, doesn't do justice for an argument with astronomical advantage for all
My honor for your time valued on my behalf as priceless Non. You do hide the gold deep down the crevices of unfathomable depth. My gratefulness.
In a way you are right in your OP.
If you look at the ocean you only see its wavy surface but you know
its connected to every other drop on the surface of the planet somehow. It does not really matter where you start the clean up so long as you get the job done.

You have my respect too wine
As a matter of fact the very wave upon which my soul rides. Is the very ocean that touches your heart. As everyone else.(my own original words) We're all connected Non. What makes you think that the same wind hadn't been once in your lung as mine?
I agree S R.
Thanks Nonteddybear
Now we're getting to the real meat og the problem loulou. So the burden isto spread the awareness and educate people. Which brings me to Jarred and Bogart's notio. This tgen headways to Non's most sustained applications to all.

First let's hear others' valued participation to generate an impact that can shake our ignorance but that t also plant the much needed materialistic implementation of this rights. Not only to gender of preference but to humankind
Lets do it Lou. Then its a responsibility for all that doesn't discriminate anybody's cultures. Global. Are you listening Non? And some possible pillars and stalwarts to this cause?

Thanks Lou. Now where is everyone when humanity needs them. Ah. The comfort of what tbey have. Complacency and ignorance.

Thanks again all of you guys

Very respectfully
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