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THE GRIM PICTURE OF VETERANS CLAIMING ABOUT 300,000 ARE HOMELESS AT ANY GIVEN NIGHT, is just heart wrenching and mind boggling.

Because of this inhumanity afflicted to our veterans sleeping in the pavements and lacking food and comfort, homeless, I will for right now, move away from the study of too much emotions on my blogs. I can't help but being touched by this sign which I read and commented on the Poetry corner.

In my humble opinion after listening to the core of my President during the STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS, I realized that this is one, I did not hear being touched: A gist of what I recall on the speech is this: WE WILL USE DIPLOMACY AS A MEANS IN DETERMINING THREAT TO OUR COUNTRY. WE WILL USE TRUST BUT BASED ON VERIFIABLE ACTIONS; WE HAVE ELDERLY TO TAKE CARE OF; WE HAVE CITIES TO BUILD; WE HAVE FARMERS TO SAVE; WE HAVE CITIZENS TO PROVIDE AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE; etc etc. But nowhere was this issue even ever touched.

I am wondering why? Aren't you? Considering what these noble citizens have gone through and what they were called for, do we really give them what they deserve? Or is it all part of my imagination?

I don't know with other countries but in my country, I see this all the time and I am looking for answers.

Thank you all for your participation

NOTE; On my blog, there are no right and or wrong answers, considering all our international background relative to cultures, religious beliefs, social status and or plain and ordinary opinions and contributions, I do value them and appreciate them from the bottom of my heart. if I ever raise any questions and or disagreement, it is mainly for purposes of clarifications.

Thank you again.


Author: sundayrose1

Your future hangs
on a seamless lines of hopes
to make up for the torrid
love affair of morning and night
of a dream that seems to dwell
on all your sorrows
on a life you wish you had
up until now.

Your child that has yet to be born
on a future of uncertainties
you built your strength
on their hopes that their years
will count for generations
unlike you..
it has to end right here
among the shadows of
torment and hopelessness
in a foreign land
where you haven't even have a clue
on how they spell, write and say
"I love you".

But you knew, as you were
facing the front lines
of whose sides you would stand on
their truth or yours, like
it makes a difference
knowing it will be right...
this war that divides
whose supposed to have
the truth of who's wrong and who
is more deserving to be right,

Did you know?
those whose lives, ransomed
for freedom to make you a hero?
felt the same sentiments and hopes?
the same aspirations and ambitions?
same pains and sorrows
and like all of us,
they, too, have a heart,
have a soul that is pierced
by the bullet of hatred
we sustained believing
that their death is our
prize for freedom.

Is it?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 1:10 PM CST

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Comments (45)

Sadly it`s a problem here too!moping wave
Hi Sundayrose,

Good topic. By the way, President Obama comes to town here later today. Here to Fresno. He's coming to look at and discuss the drought/water problems for central and southern California. Then, news is, later this evening, he will travel to Palm Springs to meet with the King of Jordan.

Anyways, I have work to do, and I couldnt get near him anyways if due to all the security and so on. BUT, if I could ask him a question, among many, this would be one of the first I would ask him.

I've seen veterans from WWII and Korean War and Vietnam War.. and others.. that are being sent bills for their prescriptions.. that many cannot afford, and many get little help. Yet other people who never served in the military nor have done anything, many who have just been in trouble all their lives or wasted their lives doing nothing.. they get more help from the government than those who served or have tried to do good and be successful.

Oh well, just thought I'd state an opinion here. That's all.

Happy Valentine's Day. cool
Eh sorry, Error on the part:

Anyways, I have work to do, and I couldnt get near him anyways if due to all the security and so on.

It should read:
Anyways, I have work to do, and I couldnt get near him anyways, due to all the security and so on.
Having no statistics at hand I think there are much more people in the USA homeless and poor.
So it should not only be about veterans.

It is bad and horrible in any country and even more in a cold climate.

sad flower
Scott, I am appalled and can't help but truly questioning where it has gone wrong? You know if we do really value our freedom fought and protected for by these people? Or truly their usefulness is passe and now left on their own?

Thanks Scott

SRbouquet frustrated frustrated blues roll eyes confused confused help dunno moping
Rbrt first of all welcome to my blog. Second, did you know I used to come there at Ventura street in Fresno? My ex of 25 years was offered a job in the oil field in Bakersfield and we moved there for 7 years. Relatives from Fresno to Stockton used to be my trip on my days off.

Anyways, wow Rbrt, that would be a true service for our people, right? And yes I wish we can get close to him..I am heading to Tahoe for my kids trip but I wish I can change and go there then?

Would be a blurt question on his face, ain't it?

Thanks Robert, by the way when I wanted to work for the Immigration after offered when we moved there I was in the main office there..forgot the name of the street..but it is downtown..I turned down the offer..

Nice day Rbrt

SRbouquet gift
Guadal I have a video published about the whole statistics of homelessness in the world. and if you are interested I can try to upload here as I am not yet savvy on this then you can listen to my presentation published by JK in 2012 and was posted here at CS including at the Poetry corner.

Yes guadal, the reason I isolated this topic is because the picture I saw for them is just too much to bear.

That's great to hear, SR,

Yes, you know that Ventura changes into Kings Canyon street and so on. Bakersfield is about two hours on the freeway south of here, and deals with much of the oil industry. Lots of things going on around here.

Tahoe, Reno, Vegas not too far from here. The Sierra mountains, Yosemite, Sequoia to the east. The Pacific ocean to the west. San Francisco to the north.. Los Angeles, Hollywood, San Diego to the south.. and so on.. oh of course Stockton and San Jose to the north too.

Glad you know the area.. and thanks for the interesting reply. handshake
Guadal wheeww I made the upload of my old video on the homelessness because the statistics are in the last part.

Thank you all

I am not trying to derail our beautiful day of celebrating VD but truly this is a very acute problem.

Who has the heart to care for them? How can we, as individuals connect to create a program to help? I am aware of the big CHARITY involvement yet why does it still prevail then?

thanks again.

SRfrustrated uh oh moping roll eyes confused help
I agree sundayrose i have a son that serves in the military and i worry about him!wave teddybear
Well maybe, we can truly help by getting into knowing what is left of them when they are done? I heard that with the prolonged security needs for the TALIBAN, infested Afghanistan, instead of pulling off the whole of US military posts (about half a million or so? from US alone?)they are extending it for 10 more years and the leader of that country is pushed from non commitment to do so.

But of course, the significance to us is our expense at what benefit and those that are to become VETERANS?

thanks Scott

SRfrustrated help
Thats how life works.
Use, to accomplish mission, then when finished, kick out.
It seems like that wht and while you're at it, will you please listen to the video? tell me what you feel? and like the new picture.

Did you get yourself a date? I heard you're day of the hearts was yesterday?

Take care wht.

SRbouquet gift
WE (the USA send our men & women off to wars but we neglect to provide for them the ways that they deserve and earned to be provided for.
I am sorry, in that case usa is no better than India on this count.frustrated
I told u I cannot see it and u talk BS, too.
Ccncy, first welcome to my blog and what an honor to share your idea. Maybe through your experience and wisdom, you can expound a little bit? Of what you think and why it is so?


SRbouquet frustrated frustrated uh oh uh oh help help roll eyes moping
iota, thanks for you visit and sharing you opinion, so your country just use them, and then leave them like us? At least this is the way I see the picture. I wish there is one from the Veterans to address this discussion? Like from the administration? And then from the heroes? As well as from those who now live in the streets?

Anyone??frustrated frustrated help help roll eyes roll eyes dunno dunno moping moping
Well guadal, thank you for your input if you think I talk about BS why the hell are you even here?

SR I guess, I wouldn't thank you for that right?frustrated frustrated
Goverment looks at the common people as cattle and its milatary as common as well with a few prize bulls. you,me and everyone else are as goverment would say here for the goverments use. If you cant breed then your not good enough to feed,If you are damaged goods like ex milatary then you have out used your usefullness and not worth the effort,if you are a street urchant you are unimportant. The goverment refuses to put forth the money or time to help these people simply because they have no use,they are strays sorta speak. Goverment is too busey trying to look good to the world and in our case too busey helping other countrys to worry about there own. Its all about power and we as the common people just let them rule over us. Personaly I feel if goverment,kings,queens etc. where elimated and the human race was left to there own devices we would all be better off. The human race has survived way before goverment was invented. Another thought goverments where formed by the power hungry people that wanted control over others in order to feed there lazy worthlessness,they have the power to feed off of human weekness and gullability. Do you rember the statement made by a congress woman stateing that laws need to be made in order to protect the common people because they are too stupid to protect them self and there for it is up to goverment to protect them.
we are in a hell of a world to live in these days in my country we have a " welfare state " and the lucky ones are the women ...all she as to do is have children and she will never have to go to work ...but pity the poor man who gets these women pregnant ...his life is doomed for 18 years of the lowest income ever to the point of being homeless ....wave
Personally I feel if government,kings,queens etc. where eliminated and the human race was left to there own devices we would all be better off. The human race has survived way before government was invented. Another thought governments where formed by the power hungry people that wanted control over others in order to feed there lazy worthlessness,they have the power to feed off of human weakness and gullibility. Do you remember the statement made by a congress woman stating that laws need to be made in order to protect the common people because they are too stupid to protect themselves and therefore it is up to government to protect them.

My dear I am not quite in agreement completely without government? And I think the reason is because of the population number right now would be left to anarchy.

But on the last part where the people are too stupid to take care of themselves is pretty much a very authoritarian ruling when in reality it is not true.

But my friend, your dissents are shared by me. I am not really complaining for the most part on how our government is running the system, other than this callous and cold and unforgiving treatment, they don't deserve.

Thanks my dear.

SRbouquet gift
we are in a hell of a world to live in these days in my country we have a " welfare state " and the lucky ones are the women ...all she as to do is have children and she will never have to go to work ...but pity the poor man who gets these women pregnant ...his life is doomed for 18 years of the lowest income ever to the point of being homeless .

Virgo, yes this world is rather having some incompetence in handling everything and your concern on this case is I believe the same way as here with us.

But on these war vets, I just can't understand why it gets to a point where at one time, they are there in the front lines and then they come home only to be stigmatized? Can't get it.

SRfrustrated frustrated
Hello SR,

Great blog and topic. Unfortunately, I do not know much about it. I do know there are a lot of homeless and several of them are military. I think in order to solve this problem, we have to look at the underlying issue as to why are they in that position, and I do not know the why part. Are they alcoholics, drug users, just don't want to work, unable to work, or under educated???? I do not know. Until we discover the underlying issue or issues with these people, it is difficult to solve the problem. Or do you think we should give our ex-military all the money they need to live, even if it means supporting some less than positive life styles.

I am completely on your side here, there should be no reason why our ex-military should be homeless, let alone anyone being homeless. I just think the solution is much more complex than what the surface presents it to be.

My 2-centsdunno

Happy V-Day. :)
that's right ...why does the state force many of these people into a life of crime to survive ? ...many are better off to commit crimes because they get looked after better in the prison system than if they try to live on the straight and narrow ....crying
I just want to add is one of those old sayings. "You can't help those who don't want to help themselves."

Does that old saying fit with the homeless? I really do not know.

All your presuppositions are very legitimate ones and therefore should be addressed in many variables although we can perhaps simplify it by taking it one thing at a time? But i am with you. Just doesn't make sense that these souls had been to war?? PLATOON? Subject to all kinds of brutalities, and then live with all those nightmares they had to suffer and put up with and then come home only to live their lives more endangered than where they were?

I don't get it?????frustrated frustrated confused confused blues blues moping moping help help frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated dunno dunno

Thanks Johnny
Virgo, in line with your thinking, there is a study already done in my country about the percentage of people release as to those going back? voluntarily commit a crime that way they go back to prison and have a warm bed, heated and comfortable quarters, be fed on time? etc. etc. In return, the prison budget is given and allocated based on the numbers of these instituted (criminals) people? Not necessarily a hard core criminals?

Beats me. Virgo???

SRfrustrated frustrated help help roll eyes roll eyes moping moping dunno dunno frustrated frustrated moping
the armed forces created these problems why don't they have housing on their bases to look after them and care for them with armed forces people , I'm sure the effected would be able to teach the new trainees so they wouldn't end up like them .... banana banana
Yes, I like that thinking Virgo? why not redirect them and since their experience is first hand, then surely they would be in a better position to teach them all the technique for survival, I would think.

Good solutions, Virgo.

Thank you very much.

SRbouquet gift
And by the way, is serving in the military mandatory for your country?

nope not at all .....wave
it is sort of here in my country. there are just few legitimate excuse if you don't want to serve. I did hear that in some more states where the attraction of the initial pay and benefits is carried out as a means of making money more than getting a local job, specially where unemployment rate is way higher thTjan the average, which today per January poll is at 7.2 percent.

I only read this from Time Magazine..haven't verified..

Thanks Virgo

Wow,Hammond, WOW, WOW...My heart goes out to you and the many who had been traumatized for such a cause and effect for you guys.

Now this make sense, so it is not at all the money but how the traumatic experience as the leading cause of this indescribable result.

And if this is the case, why can't the government then, create a program where these concern as legitimate and as part of the rehabilitation be channeled properly?

I just Googled the result and it is staggering by the hundreds of thousand Robert.

I can't help but start getting into the depth as to how this can be addressed.

coincidentally, the president is here in California, but I am heading to Tahoe right now and besides it would be a little if not absolutely nil at all to even get close to him. And this is why I can't wait to address this here after reading your gruesome poem as my heart can't stop beating and bleeding for this cause.

Well Robert don't worry about the reaction you had. Can you imagine all those movies that we see about war are but real reenactment of these experiences?

Thanks Hammond my friend.

I am so happy for you that your outlet seem to be helping? How is tia?

SRbouquet gift sad flower sad flower sad flower
What a gut wrenching, heart breaking, mind boggling revelation you just laid out Robert. so here is my question, and I know you are writing a book, I don't know if it is related about this trauma. Now based on what you just mentioned, why can't you, since you seem to pretty much have all the elements of making us understand your deep troubles be seeking a way to reach out for the government and let them see how bad this situation is? do they think that because they are giving them money, which is useless, would alleviate and or make them get back to normalcy? and if they do, why would this sickening number be on the board and yet THE PRESIDENT NEVER ADDRESSED THIS ON HIS UNION ADDRESS?

The money, that we spent, (I read this on a very tiny itchy spot on the paper) which is about A BILLION A DAY? A DAY ROBERT, NOW I CAN BE WRONG BECAUSE I READ THIS DURING THE DESERT STORM, IF THIS IS THE EXPENSE WHAT IS THE PROFIT AND OR BENEFIT FOR US?


Are we asking the right questions here?

Hmmnn Robert Hammond Friend of mine. I haven't come across any one of this new Veterans.


Now. I can't stop being concerned on this and by all accounts, the world, need to be aware of this.

Don't you think?

Thanks again my dear friend.

SRsad flower sad flower frustrated frustrated dunno roll eyes roll eyes confused confused frustrated frustrated confused confused
I just believe homelessness of vets and the others aren't just the fault of the govt. Sometimes vets and the other homeless just got scarred for life and lose support of family and friends. Aren't they receive a certain sum before discharge aside from being advised on different opportunities outside the camp. My son though still in his 20's is in the JMilitary right now but I was told that if they opt to leave the camp after 5 yrs, they'd be receiving a modest sum aside from the fact that staff there are inculcating the value of financial security to the young recruits so much so that they're obliged to save a certain sum each month. And yes very saddening thing to know that people who fought for the country in their prime lay like waste in the streets considering the heavy snow fallout yesterday.bouquet
Loulou my dearest friend. Your heart and your sentiments are very much understood and it is only now that I am really informed as to the real root of the problem. A veteran in our midst Robert who explained the whole thing is really enlightening. He didn't discredit the programs that the government is giving them after their service but the drugs that were administered to them to cope and function within the terrors and brutalities of war and it's effect is irreversible. In simple terms, they are now ZOMBIES AND OBLIVIOUS TO THE WORLD THEY are put back into.

Very sad and very helpless. And so more than anything else, we are the ones that need to be informed and educated as to how we deal with them and be accepted as they are because more than anything else, we are truly the sick ones, for not being able to deal with them in their own world. My humble opinion.

Thanks loulou.

We can only pray.

SRsad flower sad flower sad flower sad flower
Loulou my dearest friend. Your heart and your sentiments are very much understood and it is only now that I am really informed as to the real root of the problem. A veteran in our midst Robert who explained the whole thing is really enlightening. He didn't discredit the programs that the government is giving them after their service but the drugs that were administered to them to cope and function within the terrors and brutalities of war and it's effect is irreversible. In simple terms, they are now ZOMBIES AND OBLIVIOUS TO THE WORLD THEY are put back into.

Very sad and very helpless. And so more than anything else, we are the ones that need to be informed and educated as to how we deal with them and be accepted as they are because more than anything else, we are truly the sick ones, for not being able to deal with them in their own world. My humble opinion.

Thanks loulou.

We can only pray.

SRsad flower sad flower sad flower sad flower
Hello dear sundayrose1; I only scratch the surface of the problem with USA Vietnam Veterans from what I know from documentaries and movies and I get impression that USA Government treats they're Vietnam Veterans as part of "history" they rather forget about, deny it ? It's very sad to send people to war and after experiencing war trauma- leave them on they're own without recognitions for all they're been true sad flower People choose they're Government to look after they're interest so it's commen people who should make difference in addressing heart of the problems that needs to be taken care of wave hug
Thank you my friend, and like you, I always had the same impression but after reading and sharing the story of our own War Vet here in our Corner, Robert, I am shock and yet coming to terms of how it has gone wild and just outright wrong.

Maybe we can come up with solution that is acceptable to both the society which appears unkind and cruel just because of the lack of substantial knowledge as to what they have been through.

Thank you my dear friend.

SRsad flower sad flower sad flower
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