Inspired by a blog i have just recently read, i offer the following.
It has been my unfortunate experience to be associated with a person for a period of time that was not the person I thought I knew.
Now I am not that easily fooled, but over a reasonable period of time I had taken time to befriend this person and delve into their life. We shared many private things together, things that maybe our family members may not know.
We shared many hours getting to know each other, understanding each other’s traits and getting to the stage (or so I thought) that we knew each other as well as we knew ourselves.
It has come to pass, that the person I had befriended had been living a life full of lies.
This is the problem with the telling of just one lie, unless you own up to it, another lie is needed to cover up the first lie, and then another to cover that one and so on, like a snowball rumbling down a mountain it just gathers speed and becomes out of control.
Before you know it, your life has become a complete and total lie.
Not are you lying to those around you, but more importantly to yourself. How can anyone have such little regard for their own life that they would continue creating another lie to cover the lie before that and on it goes.
It matters not what the lies are, your age, where you work, your friend’s name, where you went to school, creating extra family members, using other people’s pictures and passing them off as your own. Even your name, your qualifications, what sort of phone you have, inventing a child you never really had or stating that a family member has passed or has a terminal illness. It is just being deceitful.
Now I know some people will say a little white lie is ok, but if you don’t own up to that little white lie, you have to invent another lie, and that is a little bigger than the first and not as white either, until you have been caught in a web of deceit. WHY would anyone want to do that to themselves and to those who try and surround them with love?
I am no angel, yes I have lied in the past, and will no doubt find a reason to be untruthful in the future, but I have not, and will not live my life as a lie.
The biggest problem comes when that person believes their own lies are the truth, when that happens, how can anyone differentiate what is real and not real.
Just recently I have had to deal with a person like this, a person I respected and held in high regard, a person who I was proud to say was a friend. I found myself doubting everything this person said to me, and that made me feel terrible, as if I was letting this person down in some way.
I went away to try and clear my head, with the help of other friends I researched some of things I was told, what I found out was mind boggling, it completely floored me, how could I have been so naive, so gullible as to believe without question for so long what was being told to me.
I am not bitter, just confused/bewildered as to why some people go to the level of deceit that they do in order to lie to people. The level of the deceit I uncovered included the help of others, others that may have befriended many other people.
I feel betrayed, but the person has betrayed themselves more I think.
Can I help, should I help?
What would you do? The scariest thing is you may even know a person like this.
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Comments (73)

@ Simmo - A long time ago I met up with a local Girl who had made contact with me on a different site, she had about 10 pics of herself on the site and we spoke for a couple of months, I agreed to meet her out of curiosity and when we met it was obvious that she lied about her age (I would guess she was about 15 years older) the photos were of her when she was 40kg lighter.... Grrrrrr and she seemed such a nice person when we talked on-line... sigh

.... I often wonder if they let patients in mental institutions use computers like they do in goals.... very mad

.... grin cheers
Hans, it's amazing how many people use 10+ year old pictures & post a comment below say "I haven't changed" doh I thought that only happened to Adam Adamant when he was frozen in ice all those years laugh rolling on the floor laughing laugh
Hi Simmo
Nothing worse than the betrayal by a person who gained your trust only to break it again.sad flower
cheers wave
Ain't that the truth.
Still life goes on.cheers handshake
and its a shame that we can not answer those questions with any positiveness.
@ Z - I must admit that some of my pics are a little old but I started adding the dates to them to keep things in perspective.... I've never been any good at taking selfies and I don't feel comfortable asking others to take my pic but if they do of their own accord then I usually ask for a copy.... grin

... grin cheers
It would be so bad if the pics sent were 10-15 years old, as long as they were of the person who sent them.
It is difficult to fathom when we are sent pics of who they are not.
tis a sad life they must have to want to be someone else.
Id like to say my pics are very recent,
My expressive make up artist sees to it.
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
@ Simmo - laugh rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

One does have to wonder that if Sherlock was a fictional detective... what does that say about you, Mate..... do you really exist... dunno confused

.... grin cheers
sigh sigh
do i really exist.
I cried last time i was hurt,
I bleed last time i was cut,
I just pinched myself and it hurt
I look in the mirror and see a reflection, then ask that person, is that really you?
Unfortunately Hans, Yes i do exist.
I bleed, hurt, cry, and feel emotions just like most others from here.doh
@ Simmo - rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

OK I will take your word for it (for now).... laugh rolling on the floor laughing .. I'd hate to think that I was talking with an android.... dunno

.... grin cheers
@ Z - Yes you do have a good point there.... laugh rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

.... grin cheers
i was becoming a little worried there myself, i started doubting i was real.
Thank god for the Zman, without whose friendship i probably would be a bigger basket case than i am now.
doh help
Hello everyone, I am alive, just in case some are wondering where I have been. Not a lie, just been busy with my new life loving someone with whom I am grappling all the parts of truths that I have had no clue was coming out and which I had no hints were totally different from what I expected. Not a lie just a little twist of what I thought was real. But I can live with it.

Hello Simmo,

First of all, I am so sorry about your bad experience. My deep sympathy for such a vile act specially to a man whom I have had high regard of being so truthful and so real. But on the one hand, allow me to congratulate you because it seems you are way past those grudging moments when you can't make up your mind as to whether is it all real? And if not, am I going to rationalize how I have been used? And being so out of this world in living with them while they were laughing at my back thinking how stupid I have become?

Second, it is not your fault. Your emotions were your shield yet they used it as a weapon against you. And this is what hurts you the most because it is out and through love that you have been fooled. It took time for you to realize, but it is over now. You have graduated from an innocent victim to a very rational human being who can laugh and cry at the same time because you know you have grown taller, much taller from when you started this affair.

Of course you are bitter, and why shouldn't you. The time and effort you put into it is valuable as to the building of a great future framed in your mind. It collapsed, and it is not even because it is due to collapse, but it did because the foundation was only good on your part. And this will make you feel better, because, deep inside of you, you were never completely conquered to be a victim. You found out before it is too late. And this will make you the victor.

Now what bothers me most is the next victim, and your story is a great lesson for everyone and thank you so much for sharing. I have never experience such a deceit yet, I know how you feel.

I am offering you my hand, in any way I can to make you feel better. For the most part, you are now an advocate of finding an easy way, to find out the truth for yourself or those that inclines to believe too easily.

Take care and I know in no time, you will smile and say, I have survive.

Phyllisfrustrated frustrated sad flower sad flower
Rides in to town to save me.
applause applause applause
I'm real I'm real i yell running down the street.
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
By the way Zman,
I will admit that Mike And Abagail were two of the nicest people i have meet and hopefully we can get together again when he arrives back here shortly.

I find your story very strange, very sad and very scary. It is disturbing to think that a person could act so cold hearted, calculating and ruthless. Here is a big, big hug coming your way hug hug
Living a lie
should you help ...

and thats what i have done.
Thank you for sharing,
it must have been so hard with your son.
I will mail you and talk more.
My story is just not about the lies or deceit, but the level of deceit,
What i havent stated is that i know for an absolute fact that person who has done this to me, has done it to others here at CS.

When a relationship is built on lies it has no chance, but when those lies are accompanied by Online identity theft, it really does raise the bar of deceit.

As i have said to someone else, it is this persons young children that i feel for, seeing their mother live a life full of lies, what hope have they got of knowing any better.

I needed to bring to the attention of those here that this person could still be a member of CS.
So my advice is to be aware, very aware, the person does have accomplices as well. So that makes it even harder to to understand what they had hoped to achieve.
Simmo, wave I like this picture too. Time will heal!! Don't give up.hug
Again your words are very kind and humbling.
thank you.
It is very late here now, i have been watching the commonwealth games live from Glasgow, I shall reply more fully in the morning when i awake.
Again, Thank you.
My make up artist is very creative dont you think.rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
As for giving up,
NO WAY will i give up.
I just hope that others will now be more alert by what has happened to me.
Goodnight dear ushahug
Sorry about that Simmo,but as they say 'time is the best healer '
You take carehug
Simmo.. I am so sorry to hear your bad experiences in your love relationship... if you are talking the one I know, no wonder if she is disappearing now. pls give sometimes to yourself for recovering.. but do not ever think that all women on the dating sire like her...

hello India30... where have you been girl?
As Minerva is an illness. It is impossible for some people to not lie about everything....even stupid things that are not important. There is no motivation or reason for doing it...they just live in a world we can't understand. Have once listened to a conversation between 2 people. They compulsive liar could change his story within seconds each time he was confronted with the truth. He never stuttered or showed any signs of stress or embarrassment. He appeared completely at ease and full of self confidence while uttering nothing but lies.

Scary what happened to you. Not going to be easy to forget but here is a big teddybear if that is of any help.
I realise that the title of the blog is "Living a Lie"
if thats all that this person did, then i would not have a care or worry about it in the world.
What concerns me is the level of deceit shown by this person and her accomplishers,
What hope have we the good, trusting type of people have when someone just searches the net for an identity to steal, not to use to commit a fraudulent act or steal money or anything, but to use it to keep a man talking to her for as long as it takes this man to realise that the person is not who she says she is.
Thats the part i dont understand.
This person must have known we would never meet and that she had young children and maybe a husband/partner/father of her children was in Jail,
So how long could the deception carry on and what did she have to gain from it all.
As i have said, I am not the only male from CS to have this happen by the very same person and maybe at the very same time.
frustrated dunno
detective simmo
Good to see you have some humour about it...we may never know why people lie to such a zman states...but it makes you wonder if that person has some mental defect and unable to relate to fellow humans emotionally...perhaps we all should be detectives to guard our feelings...
It would be a shame if it came to that.
But this has been a lesson learnt.
To all of us...trusting souls that we are...
I have not read all the posts so if what I have to say below has been said already then so be it.

No doubt many replies posted will talk about an illness in this person, however one point I would like you to consider is that there have been recorded cases that people have become perpetual liars out what is called "self preservation of the mind against the world"

In other words the person in question is so out of touch (frightened) with the world around them they feel unable to fit into society. To this extent they create a scenario through lies that they feel will make them more acceptable to others.

Like a camilion the person adjust the lies to the surroundings and people they encounter. For these people what they recount is not lies it is how they believe themselves to be in a world they create to avoid encountering reality.
it would seem that what i have experienced pales into insignificance when compared to what you must have gone through.
I guess it is only until a person has experienced such behavior first hand, can they then begin to know or understand what it is like to go through.
I have nothing but great admiration for you, not only must it have been extremely difficult, but heart and gut wrenching as well.
You seem to have come out of it the other side a much more understanding and caring person.
You have not only my respect but also my deep admiration.
take care.hug
Simmo. You have me so curious. I am tempted to open my mail filter so I can ask you. Finagle! I will. Stand by.
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by Simmo1
created Jul 2014
Last Viewed: Apr 30
Last Commented: Jul 2014
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