I am worried

My oldest surviving cat, Moe, is missing tonight.

He started acting strange a week or two ago. Changed his sleeping spot of more than a decade in the master bedroom to a treadmill downstairs in the basement. He used to love being held but now not for more than a few moments. He has started running at full speed when going anywhere in the house. As if he is racing something or being chased. For the past decade(s) when outside he would rarely be more than 30 yards from the door, often in plain sight and always when I called him he would come quickly. Usually he would go out for only a few hours, then come back in. Never, ever, did he miss a 6:30 dinner call. Let out after dinner he would usually be back within 40 minutes. Until a few weeks ago he had the most affectionate look on his face when laying on me or at my feet. He has lost over 10 pounds in the past decade, but the vet says that isn't unusual. He is pushing 20 years old and has shared all of the events in this household of that period. It isn't unfair to say he is a part of who I am. Some may remember a video I posted this year of him making sure my blood sugar is acceptable or how he probably saved my life by biting my nose to awaken me the night my blood sugar suddenly dropped to 33 while I slept. Sudden changes.

In the past week or so he has begun acting sometimes when I come in the room like, who are you?; No immediate recognition and it takes him a few seconds to calm down. He has suddenly in the past week begun drinking a lot of water. At the sink he will put his head under the faucet and drink until I wonder where he is putting it. He no longer likes the bedroom and if carried into it, runs away as soon as he can to the basement and hides. He has suddenly stopped coming into the bed to check on me. That was of course the most noticeable thing as until last week he would lay on my chest for hours. Let out, he vanishes into the woods and takes hours to come back. Yesterday he was out from 8AM to 5PM and not a trace of him did I find when I wandered around calling his name. Then at 5 he showed up like nothing was unusual, ate his dinner and went out as normal afterwards and came back 2 hours later. Unusual, but not a calamity.

Today at 3PM he wanted to go out and I let him and the other cat out. At 6:15 PM the other cat was waiting at the door for his dinner but no Moe. I fed the one and went out looking for Moe and calling his name. No trace of him. He has never before missed dinner. After sundown I began wandering my woods with a flashlight calling him and looking along the game trails. Not only is his fur snow white (stands out pretty good, even in the woods, but he has a reflective collar on and I expected the flashlight to at least pick up on that. Nothing.

It is pushing 1AM now and I am very worried for him. There was a light rain at 9PM and I certainly expected him to show up at that as he hates rain. I don't know what to think. Did he have a heart attack? Did a coyote or fox get him? Are the changes in behavior I have noted in the past two weeks the result of a stroke or alzheimers (yes cats get it too, in cats it is called feline cognitive disorder (FCD)? If I am not finding him with the flashlight and he isn't responding I know he went at least several hundred yards away, if not more. I am hoping that he didn't get lost. I am reading tonight on FCD and getting lost in familiar places is one of the symptoms. So is forgetting who a human owner is. Also their hearing goes. I haven't really seen a sign of hearing loss, but I am now worried. Not coming when called is a total departure from two decades of prior behavior.
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Comments (24)

The worse thing is there is not much more I can do. I have the yard lights on in case he lost the house and every 20 minutes I go to the door and call him, but I will have to sleep sometime. I am hoping I hear him at the door. Sometimes if he wants in, he bangs on the screen door, so I am checking every time the wind rattles it. If he is not back before I go to sleep I pray he is at my door in the morning. On my land alone there must be several thousand nooks and crannies he could have crawled into and I would never see him. Of course I will look more extensively in the daylight. However, I think if he had been nearby the flashlight would have picked up the gleam of the collar. If he has left my land, or crawled into a cleft in the rocks and got stuck, or something like that there is nothing I can do. I am having a mild panic attack over him and I hope he is just being mischievous.
Hi Ken wave
Maybe Moe is on strike.. because you might have spent too much time talking to your Nepalese American beauty instead of with Moe. But don't worry too much as every cats have their own "me" time, just like us, human. I am sure Moe will be back acting like used to be.. Remember, you are the only one beloved master friend Moe has ever had. comfort

Tell Moe that the tomato woman will come sneaking in your house. Ten Moe will be back to make sure the tomatoes are well guarded! cowboy
Duh :doh; sorry for the typo and grammar error.
confused Did you check with your nearest neighbor?
I feel you blues I'll be thinking of Moe and you today that's for sure. Hoping and imagine the best, possible outcome!
wow wow I have just about lady who found cat. Her father has been ill cat got wind of this and has been keeping her company. Ken do you think thats your catdunno
whatever hope your kitty comes back soonteddybear
He is old bless him i hope you're cat comes back brother you have been together a long time he is like family to you . I send my respectsbeer
The time comes for everyone, sooner or later. For some it is long and hard to depart and cats are especially hard creatures.
wave What a grand age for a Catthumbs up Obviously had
quite a life. Sounds like us,.....dementiablues They are
good companions, and we are attached to them.sad flower
Hope he is alright.
Hope he comes back soon!
Ken, you better rest. hug He'll come back hopefully.comfort hug
I`m sorry to hear this, Ken...
Oh Ken of course you are fearing the worst. Let us know.

I had a cat that waited every night by the gate for me to come home, while the other one did his own thing. The day the old cat had to be put down was traumatic and I was in tears when I got home. Through the tears I saw a white shape waiting at the gate. It was the younger cat - and he did so every night from then on.

If the news about Moe is bad, I hope one of the other cats takes over his vital role in your life. hug
Molly is missing too..
it started last week..she didn't want to eat..she just quite .she was totally different.
sadly I asked her what she wants and asked whether she is unhappy here anymore. if leaving makes her happy she may leave.
Been 3 days now she's not home.
I feel guilty..

I feel you Ken
I hope you will find him soon.
I stayed up until 2:30a, woke up and checked at 4 and 5:30. It had dropped below freezing here. Nothing. Woke up at 8am and guess who was sitting at the door demanding entry?

Moe. I gave him his overdue dinner and he is refilling his water tank now.

Embedded image from another site

I know millions of cat owners leave their cats out overnight and so so for years, but I also know fairly few of those cats make it to age 10 or so. This is (beyond the days of my taking him in as a feral kitten of course) the first time he has ever been out all night.

I am incredibly relieved. My appreciation to all of you who shared my worry for him. My new task is to convince Moe he no longer wishes to go out and will be happy as an indoor cat.
I never leave Jens out at night, even if he`s young and fit. You knewer know what lurkes arround the house at night...thumbs up
lol, poore spelling...again! grin
Glad to see your story has a happy ending...Moe has returned!cats meow I certainly feel for you since pets do become as family members and we love them! Hope he will be happy to stay home now...his advanced age is a real success story for longevity in cats! Know you are enjoying the reunion with him!thumbs up hug
Ken. My 4 cats just go out to do the essentials and if it's raining use the cat box, else everything they need r in the kitchen. At night they r spread out on our 3 beds. Mine always sleeps with me, except if the kids makes such a racket and I have to close my bedroom door. This normally happens in the early night shortly after going to sleep. So if my cat is on by bed she stays, else she will sleep somewhere else.

I am glad Moe is back!
applause cheering banana glad you found him OR he came back to youpeace teddybear
So happy for you!!

A happy ending, now you can relax.banana
maybe hes just bored. But hopefully its just once in a blue moon thingy.
if he sneak out to see a female cat may it be just a one night stand laugh
Glad ur cat is back.
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