Women....men take heed.

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Comments (42)

yep..i can't agree more..peace
Didn't he write lord of the flies ,
yes he did
laugh laugh
Ian , perfect said ! rolling on the floor laughing cheers
I met him once. He had a shock of white hair and beard. Very distinguished.

And he understood women too grin
yep..if men admitted this..life would be so much easier...grin ..
most of them are only complaining for the last part laugh
they feel the effect, without understand that they are the cause wink
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing Love him love him, conversing now if there is indeed an after life i bags to meet him as soon as i arrive.
He can give me a (rub) downgrin to make sure i have nothing to hiderolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Ian blushing my knees just my kneesroll eyes tongue
red..well don't sit down when receiving the rub down..or else it will be ankle height...comfort grin
Ian, late to bed, then blogging in the morning?
roll eyes who cares not me, anyway in the afterlife i have been told by roll eyes reliable peoplegrin we take on different form.
I have envisaged mine alreADYshimmy
molly.. I went to sleep at 6 pm then woke at 2 am..im not well little bunny...got man flu..and as any women knows man flu is like no other sickness on earth. so some sympathy please.

True dat!

Agree on all the praises!

If you sent her money over Internet ...she flies to the other Galaxy and never come back!
Sol...because she spends it mostly on you in some or other way. tongue
Yeah sure, give a woman your wallet and see whether she'll multiply your cash.
well thought id boost you ladies up..always one !
Nobody has ever given me their wallets. I give my purse to my adult boys quite often if they need to buy something for themselves or us.
I don't get why men think that women sponge off them. I have exactly the opposite from men not my kids as they always ask first.
snook..we are talking about Sola and tenner here..different beings..
hope you feel better soon, Ian
Ian. R u saying for me to get off ur blog.
I have a right to an opinion but not according to u.

chill. The world's not against you. He said nothing of the sort.
Not the world

then .. what else? dunno
T. Leave it.
I like that! I agree with the sentiment regarding value women add to men's lives and to life itself. I do not agree that women are superior to men. cheers
gypsy I agree with you, we have different attributes that's all.

One day we will all learn to respect each others peace peace peace
T. I've had a very hard day. Some people work u know.
Ian, sorry to hear you have got that dreaded diseasesad flower

It affects women much worse than men though. Men only get it. Women have to deal with the men who get it uh oh

you see what feminism has done to you women aye?! I'd say karma's biting back!
Karma is just another idea. Prove it?

it's a figure of speech maam .. not much to prove. dunno
T. No, it is a Buddhist term:- Karma.

Even in my grandma's day she said:- The water wheel turns. One moment ur at the top (enjoying urself) then the next moment at the bottom (drowning), and round and round u go.

Whatever u do, will be done to u in return.

I used to believe it while investigating Buddhism, and only recently decided that it's a means of controlling ur actions.

Now mine r controlled only by my consciousness, not outside beliefs, nevermind how innocuous it may seem. They never r in the long run.

no...the way I used the word.. it's a figure of speech. I guess everyone on the planet nowadays knows what karma is.

PS: Karma is not a Buddhist concept. It originally was and is a Hindu concept. It was later incorporated in Buddhism as well.
T. I don't know many Hindu people, but was very interested in Buddhism.

Another lost cause !

But I'll find another to pursue for a while, and then also ditch.
Wise man!
laugh rolling on the floor laughing grin grin What an insightful peace of wisdom from a man..... distinguished and accomplished at that.....

Very funny but the things he pointed out were quite very true as well in real life which makes it all the more amusing to read.... Couldn't stop laughing and... at the same time... admiring the humor and wit in him...
And please.... dont attribute solely to women ... the art of wanton spending.... because men also have their spending passions too.... And just like men.... not ALL women are irresponsible with money.... Just like some men..... there are women out there who have learned to be responsible with their finances and have mentally matured according to the number of their age.scold
SO best to heed your own words,then, Ian....angel But you and I know temper... bad or even... is not bound by ethnicity, gender, nor geography....
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